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tv   News In Brief  PRESSTV  February 4, 2024 5:30am-5:32am IRST

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the report was broadcast, furugi had no doubts that iran could not find a way out of the dead end. there was only one way to put the crisis behind the country. news on brief on press tv, the israely genocidal war on the gaza strip continues to... take a heavy toll on palestinian civilians for the 121st day in a row. the regime continued this rates and bombardments on various parts of the gaza strip. israeli forces killed over 100 palestinians during the past 24 hours. palestine's f ministry warned against a possible israely military operation on the city of rafah in south gaza. the ministry said an aggression on the city would either lead to the annihilation of about 1.5 million palestinians or will result in their... displacement. the us launches
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airs rice on 85 targets in saudi arabia in what washington claims is a response to deadly drone attack on american troops in the region. the us central command claims the targets included rocket, missile and drones depos. the us president says the strikes will continue. iraq has condemned the us strikes which killed 16 people as a violation of his sovereignty. syria also said the attack took place in areas where his force. are battling the remnance of daesh (takfiri group) and this proves the us collusion with terrorists, and people rally across the uk capital to show solidarity with palestinians as the us israely genocide in gaza enters this fourth month. the demonstrators waved palestinian flags and charter slogans calling for an end to the deadly unslots in gaza. they called on western powers to withdraw their support.
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the fierce media attack by britain made reza shah desperate. in that situation, he did not have any reliable advisor besides furugi. the man who had written the speech for the shaw's coronation compared him with cyrus the great and had chosen the family name pahlavi for him, was now advising him to step down in his final days.