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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 4, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm IRST

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the headlines, the us israri genocidal war continues for the 121st day, the death doll now tops 27,350, mostly women and children. during a funeral ceremony for the victims of the latest us air strikes in iraq, the chief of the country's popular mobilization forces demands the full withdraw of all foreign trips and yemen bows to continue baring israely linked vessels from accessing the red sea despite the us and uk air strikes on the country.
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of 2:30 pm in evans capital tahont, this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. nearly 130 more palestinians have been killed in another day of israely strikes in gaza as the regime's genocide grinds on into a fifth month. two children were killed and several. injured after the regime targeted kindergarden where displaced people were sheltering raffa. the city is located in the southern gaza near the border with egypt. it hosts more than 1 million displaced palestinians and has become the focus of israeli unslaught. elsewhere in central gaza, two people were killed and several injured, including children in a strike on the residential building. israely attacks in gaza have claimed the lives of over 27,300 people since october 7. while nearly 67 thousand
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have been injured. the palestinan resistance moved hamas is insisting on the withdraw of israeli troops from the war ravaged and blockaded territory as part of any cease fire deal. hamas says the plan should also provide for a complete stop to israel's onslot, an end to the blockade of gaza and post war reconstruction of the strep. it also wants the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners. the new proposal has been offed. to hamas for cease fire and the release of captives it's holding in gaza. it followed talks in paris involving israeli, us, egyptian and qatari representatives. pressures building on israel from the international community and even his western allies to stop his military offense of on gaza, which has resulted in large scale death and destruction. meanwile, displaced palestinians in the gaza strip are now having to take shelter and destroyed buildings and
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it relentless israely strikes, i was six story house in the north was bombed and 42 people lied dead under the rubble, we've not been able to reach them, we were displaced to the city of hanunas first, then we fled to the city of rafa after the israeli tanks stormed in, we found no shelter for ourselves except under the rubble, it's a very unsafe place, but we have no... the choice. the schools are now severely overcrowded and tents are not safe enough to live in the current weather conditions. the un says his really strikes have damaged more than 60% of the buildings in gaza. nearly 1.7 million people have been displaced since the beginning of israel's onslot on october 7. un officials have repeatedly stated that nowhere in gaza, including schools, hospitals, residential buildings and mosk is spared from
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really bombings, it's time now for the news review of this bulletin. palestinian officials have blasted the international community's failure to stop the israeli onslot and the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in gaza. palestine's foreign ministry warned against the possible israeli military operation. in the city of ra in south of gaza. the ministry said an aggression of the city would either lead to the annihilation of about 1.5 million palestinians or would result in their displacement. the warning came in reaction to comments made by israel military affairs minister. he had earlier said that the israel army would turn its focus on raffa along the border with egypt. sad is a professor of political science at bersitt university. from
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occupied ramala, we also have saysan abbas, a journalist and political commentator joining us from london, gentlemen, welcome to you both, i'll start with you first number, taking a look at the focus of what appears to of be the israel regime and that is the area of rafa um, it uh appears that they want again uh the misleading notion of wanting palestinians to go to that area, which many are now there and there's a concentration of palestinians there, but there could be as it has been the aggression against them uh of which it involves bombing and what have you, what is the game plan that you see the regime forces have when it comes to uh wanting the palestine. needs to go to that area. good evening to you and all your viewers. well, since the beginning of the land invasion by the israeli troops, they moved the people from north of of gaza to the central of gaza khan unis and and now the the fighting is
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over there and people are asked to move again to rafah and the end result is rafah is a small city, but now we are... talk about more than one 1.5 million people who are living there, some of them had moved or displaced at least twice or three times from north of gaza to the central and then to further to the south. now all these people are crowded in in rafah with very bad conditions, and yet the israeli now plans is to bomb rafah and especially the area with borders with egypt. what they called usually is the philadelphia axel or area which is alongside the borders between gaza and egypt. the idea for the israeli army saying that there are many tunnels uh duck by the palestinan resistance
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to egypt and through those tunnels usually they smuggle the weapon and also some rockets and all other kinds of military equipments needed by the palestinian resistance in gaza, it was smuggled through these tunnels in from egypt and the idea for the israeli army is to conquer this area and to occupy this area and to install some kind of wall or something like that as they said to prevent all these tunnels from moving to egypt, the problem is that egypt is contradicting to this kind of... of thing because it's first of all violating the peace treaty between egypt and israel on the one hand and on the other hand it means that the israeli now are controlling this kind of border directly with with egypt
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now to to apply this kind of plan they needed to first of all to do huge bombardments to all the area north of rafah south of rafah sorry in order to prepare for the israeli troops to come in, which means more and more catastrophe and more war crimes and really annaliation of the palestinian people in this area. we are talking about 1.5 million who had nowhere to go at all now, and most of them now are living in in tents which was made by plastic or or whatever they lay their hands on, and if they started this bombardments, it will be... sorry, it will be catastrophic, okay, for the people in in in. all right, uh, this philadelphia corner, sambas that uh, our guest talked about, when the notion was brought about weeks ago uh by
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israel, they wanted to take control of that area, which in essence would then uh completely shot off the gaza strip from the outside world, because they control obviously the other parts and obviously they're confined to a... a complete siege, um, this kind of goes against that, this not kind of, but it goes against what is reported uh, with israel regarding this latest truths, which it doesn't seem like hamas has agreed to it, they may be, they may be an agreement with some parts of it, but obviously not all of it based on the most recent statements, especially coming from osama hamdan, uh, the hamas rep in beirot and lebanon yesterday, what do you make of the contradiction, i say, well, it's not, no, this is for mosan abbas, i'm sorry, sad number, go ahead, mosan abbas, say mosan abbas, well, i would say that, partly it could well reflect a split within the american israeli camp, of course, both israel and america are longstanding
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committers of ethnic cleansing, the american entire state was built on ethnically cleansing native americans of course, and israel too, so they have a great. brotherhood in this regard for genocide and ethnic cleansing and you mentioned uh is uh launching this new uh this new genocidal campaign on raffa, he has the... openly said that he essentially wants to ethnic lens and and wipe out palestinians, he said it several times, that's a dehumanizing language which has been going on uh since before october the 7th, but it's been especially prevalent since october the 7th where it's become obvious that the likes of uh smodrich and gallant and and the various other um crypto fascists really um israeli zionist uh fascists they are genocidal. and they've actually committed to the idea of of destroying uh the palestinian people, not just hamas, hamas was
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just excuse, so making a peace treaty with hamas on the one side and on the other side having this uh this kind of commitment to ethnic cleans and and genocide palestinians is kind of is indicative of the the pathological nature of israel and america to be honest, um they have psychotic elites, you've got to understand these people are sick. they openly dehumanize the palestinians because they wanted to then carry on with this absolutely genocidal sweep across uh across gaza, so it was premeditated, it is absolutely part of what they want to do, the only reason the the beginning negotiations is that they know ultimately they cannot destroy either hamas nor the the palestinian resistance and nor can they wipe out the palestinian cause in that region, they know that this is a long-term game uh they... can destroy khan unis, they can put powder keg the whole area if they like uh, but reality
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is they will not take away the heart and the spirit of the movement that wants them out and that movement has thoroughly begun, so i'd say that there it shows partly the confusion of of the uh of the israelis and the americans, they failed really to achieve the kinds of targets they wanted so far, they they understand that those targets won't be reached, israel is trying to extend the war, get america involved. so deep that it needs to come in and do the dirty work of israel, and in the meantime israel is now trying to ensure with these kind of pathetic efforts to seal off borders, which have starved 1.9 bill million people there in gaza, which have caused the most inhumane, most kind of tragic uh, you know uh uh dehumanized victimization and murder and killing of of palestinian children, women, just about anybody, so we've all seen this genocide and the crime against... humanity and all these war crimes and these aggressions, they're actually in the dna of america and they're in the dna of
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israel, i'm afraid, especially this leadership, and the only way they come to the negotiating table is exactly the way that the resistance is doing, that when you put up a fight, then these then these uh these these, these kind of psycho psychos actually understand that they need to come to the negotiating table uh, from what it appears, and i'm not too sure if the history of these past four months uh is uh to be any indication said number um israeli regime is not uh obviously good to its word, we have seen how they wanted the people of the palestinians to move from the north to the south, and when they did they still bombed that area. um, at this point we just have news in the past 24 hours, the us has approved for more military sales uh to israel in order for them to stock up, and it appears that israel may be uh, and the question to you is that they are just trying to buy time with this so-called truce and... in order to pursue the bombing of the area of rafa which would then forcibly displace these
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palestinians because they have nowhere else to go from there, correct? uh, do you think that that is a scenario that maybe israel is uh is in the in the thoughts of executing or is actually executing? well, if you want to talk about you know the israeli dreams and the israeli if you like what they wish to have in this war is exactly to evacue. all of gaza strip and to kick all the people out and an ethnic cleansing which will be going on, this is what they dreamed of. to the contrary to the to the extent that yesterday there was a meeting with some of the ministers who had prepared already the plans for settlements to be installed in gaza, that's after supposedly to kick out all the palestinian, so they are going on with their plan and they don't care about. about anything else, including the icj and and all other you know international
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community, they don't care at all, but at the same time we have to understand that also israel is under huge pressure, not only by some mustern countries and including the united states now, not to stop the war but to accept this truth, and also internally in israel, israel is done down by by these many. actions and lots of protests against the the israeli government, in fact you just the head the opposition just this morning, labid is talking about uh you know that we should go ahead with this deal of exchange prisoners and we know that we are going to pay very high price for it, but at the same time the israel meanwhile is continuing their war and they are still supported by the united states, i think that the united states they
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could with one phone call in the war if they wanted, but apparently they are you know giving them more and more. time, thank you for that, said number, unfortunately we're out of time, professor of political science at brazil university, simon, thank you, journalist and political commentator from london, and that brings us an end for this edition of the news review, thanks for tuning in. the funeral procession has been held in the iraqi capital baghdad for those killed in recent us strikes on the country. moreners took to the streets to commemorate the loss their fellow countrymen and condemn washington's military aggression against their country. at least 16 people were killed and over two dozen wounded in the us air rates which targeted both civilian and security areas. that of iraq's popular
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mobilization forces condemn the strikes. this incident will not go unnotised because it represents a brazen attack on the popular mobilization forces and its administrative and logistic bases and anything that is connected to or represents it. the popular mobilization forces chief urged the iraki government to do whatever it can safeguard the country's sovereignty and dignity. he said he was territorial. sovereignty cannot be secured unless foreign forces leave the country. the west and british attacks on iraq have drawn strong condemnation, the palestinian resistance moment hamas has also condemned the attacks, saying that the strikes would escalate tensions in the region. the united states and britain say
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that they have lost a third round of air strikes on yemen. they said 36 targets and 13 different locations were hit. the targets they added were buried, weapons depots, missile systems and launchers. the us and britain claimed that they seek to protect shipping in the red sea. the amene army has been targeting israely run and israeli bound ships to push the regime to end this genocide in the gaza strip. yemeny forces have also attacked american and british vessels after the two countries launched strikes on yemen. on sunday, the yemen army warned that the western strikes will not pass without response and punishment. army spokesman yahya also said such a... will not deter sana from supporting the palestinians in the gaza strip. ministry has strongly condemned the latest terror strikes by the us and britain against yemen. ministry spokesman nasar kanani said the strikes are a serious violation of international law and yemen's sovereignty and territorial integrity. kanani
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said the continuation of such arbitrary moves are wiring and frent international peace and stability. these. spokesman noted that they are feeling insecurity in the region to give some breathing space emit is war crimes against palestinians. kanani added that the international community has a responsibility to hold the us and britain to account. in britain, hundreds of thousands have once again marched through the center of london against the u.s. israeli genocidal war in gaza. protesters slammed at the uk's complicity in that genocide and voiced support for the... the uk's first national demo since the international court of justice ruling on the israeli regime's genocidal war on gaza was another enormous gathering people came from all over the uk the sentiment here
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very clearly see fire now and i for one will not sit at home and watch this genocide played out on television, they said never again in 1948, but it is happening again, and it's a holocaust against the gazans. as with all the previous ones, this too was a brath spectrum of anti-war, pro-palestinian sentiment, all here to push the government to act. there is a sense here the international public opinion has had an impact, that it's putting irresistible political pressure. and the leaders here and around the world, and while the carnige continues, the calls for it to stop are growing louder, in the run up to them. attempt by police to prevent it from finishing in whitehall, the seat of government, yet once again, people power prevailed, the design to intimidate the
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police are under their own former political pressure, but they're also operating in a climate in which they are content to use ever increasing repressive measures, illegitimate orders under the public order act, um, we're not going to be intimidated, the people marching aren't going to be intimidated, they'll keep marching and you'll see hundreds of thousands of them joining. yesterday, the uk government has been amongst the most hawkish pro israel states in the western world, and the opposition labor party has not acted very differently with its purge of israel critics from its ranks, yet the palestine solidarity movement in britain has been the largest in europe. this is how we are showing those in power how we really feel, and how do we feel? we believe that a genocide is taking place. in palestine and that it is our government and our arms companies that are weanizing that genocide and our profeteering from it. a permanent
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cease fire is yet to be achieved, but even if there were one tomorrow, organizers say, this movement isn't going away. the shift in public attitudes towards palestine and its liberation is permanent. said porrisa press tv, london. iran is kicked off nationwide ceremonies marking the 45th anniversary of the 1979 islamic revolution. the 10-day celebrations dubbed the 10-day dawn is traditionally a time to look back and reflect on the achievements that iran has made thanks to the victory of the revolution. one of the fields in which iran has made significant progress is nanotechnology. today the country ranks among the top five in the world. ahmedi has more scientists working with. electron microscopes in order to undertake cutting edge research and product development, this is nanotechnology, the integration of science and engineering on a tiny scale, namely with
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atoms and molecules, a relatively new field of science and technology with perceived long-term benefits, one that iran has taken very seriously and today is reaping its rewards. this is all in line with long-term goals and but that is not enough, the main strategy of the islamic republic of ferran is to benefit
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from this cutting-ish technology, therefore, according to officials at the nanotechnology development headquarters, commercializing nano products is an important step and top priority. in 2001, which is pretty much the same time that other countries began to engage in. nanotechnology development, we established a nanotech headquarters and in many universities and research centers across the country, scientists started doing research in this field. we started with fewer than 10 scientists, but today there are more than 40,000 researchers and university professors working in this field in more than 150 nanotechnology research centers across the country, let me give you some statistics in order to explain what we mean by prioritizing: right now, as we speak, we have commercialized 1800 nano products. more than 350 manufacturers have received nano technology production permits and many
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laboratories are now equipped with or use nanotech devices and products, but the beat news is in 2022 we sold over $1 billion dollars worth of nano products and we earned $70 million dollars from exports. currently 47 countries, including regional countries. such as iraq and turkey import nano products made in iran. advancements in a relatively new field of science such as nanotechnology is only one of the many achievements iran has made after the islamic revolution and definitely one that every single iranian is proud of. over the past two decades, the islamic republic of iran has been able to gain a firm foothold in nanotechnology, today ranking among the world's top five in the field. so far, black smoke has engulfed many
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parts of the valpa region, home to nearly 1 million inhabitants in central chile, meanwhile firefighters using helicopters and trucks struggle to quell the flames. areas around the coastal tourist city of vina del mar have been some of the hardest aid, and rescue teams have been struggling to reach all the affected regions. the state of emergency has been declared in central and the southern parts of the country. this is the deadliest outbreak of forest fires in chile in the past decade. and that is for thisable news, thanks so much for being with us, i'll be back with a recap of the top stories in just few minutes time. let's bye bye for
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people were desperate, dejected and deep in poverty. however, after the oil sales skyrocketed, the monarc and the cram del cram of society were rolling in it. so people rose up to protest the yarning castle. you must have heard the phrase complete
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spinal. for centuries, there was no treatment for spinal injuries, and anyone who sustained injury anywhere on the spinal cord would lose all functions below the injured area forever. physicians have been trying to find a solution to this problem since ancient times. the stem cell solution is new one, first the russians and then the chinese conducted tests to that end, but neither was very successful. in 1996, iran became the first country to suggest that chun cells could be used. used to heal spinal cord injuries. the chun is a cell of the peripheral nervous system that wraps around nerf fiber, jelly role fashion, forming the miolene sheath. iran started performing such treatments in the 2000s. the first tests were run on lab animals in 2002, and eventually in 2006, iran became the first country to successfully apply this method in repairing spinal cord injuries.
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nearly 130 more palestinies have been killed in another day of israely strikes. in gaza, as a regime's genocide grinds on into a fifth month, two children were killed and several injured after the regime targeted kindergarden where displaced people were sheltering the southern city of ruffa. palestine's for ministry warned against a possible israeli military operation on the city of ruffa in south gaza. the ministry said aggression on the city would either lead to the annihilation of about 1.5 million palestinians or would result in their displacement.