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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 4, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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israel press it ahead to what it's a strikes on gaza killing some 130 more palestinians including children in a kindergarten in the southern sira. yemen vous response. the us and uk air strikes on the country saying it will continue to target israeli-link ships in solidarity with palestinians and iraqkis condemn washington's aggression and call for the expulsion of american forces in a funeral ceremony held for victims of the recent us strikes on iraq.
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live from our tehran studios, you're watching press tv news. i'm your host bahruz najafi. it's good to have you with this. now top store this hour, some 130 more palestinians have been killed in another day of israeli attacks in gaza, as the regime genocide grinds on into a fifth month. two kids were killed and several more injured. after regime targeted kindergarten were displaced people or sheltering in rafa. the city is located in southern gaza near the border with egypt, it hosts more than million displaced palestinians and has become the focus of the israely onslot. elsewhere in central gaza two people were killed and several injured including children in a strike a residential building. israel attacks in gaza have claimed the lives of more than 27,300 people since october 7th. nearly 67 people have also been
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injured. now displaced palestinians in the gaza strip are having to take shelter and destroyed buildings and it relentless israely strikes. our six story house in the north was bombed and 42 people lied dead under the rubble. we've not been able to reach them. we were displaced to the city of hanunas first, then we fled. to the city of rafa after the israeli tanks stormed in. we found no shelter for ourselves except under the rubble. it's a very unsafe place, but we have other choice. the schools are severely overcrowded and tents are not safe enough to live in the current weather conditions. the us says that the strikes have damaged more than 60% of the buildings in gaza. nearly 1.7 million people have been displaced. the beginning of the
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onslot on october 7th. un officials have repeatedly stated that nowhere in gaza, including schools, hospitals, residential buildings and mosques is despared from his ready bombings. hamas resistant movement insists on the withdrawal of israeli troops from the war ravaged and blackheaded territory as part of any cease fire deal. mos says that a plan should also provide for a complete stop to the onslot and end to blockade of gaza and post war reconstruction. it also wants the release of thousands of palestinian prisoners. a new proposal has been offered to as for seasfire and release of captives is holding in gaza. that's following talks in paris involving israeli, us, egyptian, and qatari representatives. pressures building on israel from the international community and even its western allies to stop the military aggression on gaza, which has result. to large scale deaths in
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and destruction. palestinian canadian who in reported on these sorry atrocities and the suffering of the people in gaza has gone missing in the territory. mansur shuman had gained a following on social media. he initiated several humanitarian aid projects to help the locals in gaza. ansur was last seen leaving the nasa hospital area in hanyunus to reach rafa on the 21st of january there. i witness accounts of him being abducted by israeli forces a checkpoint. mansur's mother who has launched a campaign to locate him now joins us for details. my hussein author and consultant mother of palestinian prisoner mansurman is not with us. good to have you with us. please let us of know uh what you know about mansur and his weabouts. i don't know what is. i'm trying to know i'm approaching. the canadian government
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since 14 days to locate him for me and say where he is, is he with israel, is he obdacted, is he alive or not, they said they have been reaching. reaching the government of israel, but they didn't tell me what is the reply from the other side, are can it be 14 days of sending messages and emails from a government to a government, and they don't have any reply, and until now i know nothing, this is 14 days, i just had one phone from the minister of foreign affairs, kindly she spoke to me and she assured me they will do their best, that was like five days ago and that's it, they say they are working on it, okay, what type of work, what type of work has been done, what informations they have from the other side about him, is he with them, can you assure his safety, can you assure they don't torturing him, he is a civilian, he did nothing except being a
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human, and being a human is against israel's goals, israel doesn't want anybody to feed the civilians, he used to... and bring food from the donations and distribute meat, rice, flour, fuel, build tents, and they don't want, if somebody built a tent for them, he is a terrorist, that's it, you can't be human, you can't build tents, you can't give medicine, you can't give fuel, you can't, they will catch you for that, that's why he is disappear because of his humanitarian initiatives, i, could you tell us more about what exactly mansur was doing? he was uh reporting for tv channels or just he was posting whatever he saw on social media or maybe both? yeah, yeah, he's not affiliated with anybody, he is not an employee for any
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channel, he did it a part of volunteer, because my son, my son, he is not from gazah and and he just went to year ago to because he's... is from ghazza, he is from jerusalem, and that's it, he went to ghazza for his wife to see, to see her family, they stayed there one year, he didn't find the job, so he was looking for a job outside, and he managed to find a job as a consultant, as a consultant in rice water, very big company in qatar, they gave him a very good offer, and he was, he signed it, and he was in his way to leave gazza, he has nothing there to support his family, and what the war happened, they had to move from to the south to rafah in order to be evacuated as a canadian, because his name and the children name was there in the border, but the rafah border was closed, so they stayed in khan unis, which is near rafah with member of the family of his wife,
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because he doesn't have anybody there, like i said, so his wife's cousins, they stayed with their men together in one flat and the other women about five families with the children another flat, so he ende up with men from his wife's side and one of them was a journalist and he took them to the journalist tent to meet to be with them and when they found he speaks english, he is an engineer, he is mba, bnb, is educated, he knows english, he is very honest, he is, so they asked him if he can report in english, the news for them because at that time the propaganda of israel was too much against the palestinian, raping, they cut head the heads of the children, and people start to believe all the stories they have, so mansor was one of the people who you flipped the stories over their head and said the real stories about the real people in khan unis, how they are suffering, how they are steadfasting and how they are managing
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their life and how they are in need of the humanitarian eids and how they can be really how to support them internationally and he was then broadcasting with different. channels voluntary everybody and then he did well about you 30 times perhaps he did it and addition when he start people knowing there is somebody there telling them the truth about what's happening at the need for help they started donating for him and i had lots of flow followers because my son is very honest and very sincere and we we we love to help people and that's the way we raise them and raise them that we help people wherever they are whatever they ethnic were their nationality and so he started helping people and when his children left he didn't leave, he said mama, i can't leave, he left his children, his wife left and came and they are with me and abu thabi, but i urged him to leave, please leave, it's very dangerous and need you, need you, i'm a mother, your
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children needs you, your wife, he said, how can leave 2.3 million who needs me, they depend on my voice, they depend on my voice, men come to help, not... go, how can leave them, and he stayed there to help for three months, everybody was listening to him daily, daily is not alone, we love you, we see you, we hear you, everybody and and he had very big followers and they love him and they really miss him, everybody miss him, miss his positivity, miss his encouragement, miss his stead fast, and that's it, when nast hospital when they started to come near khan unis and mr wail left even, so told him, look, mr. left, it means they are coming near khanis, so that's a sign for me, so please leave, he said, i can't leave them, 'i'm helping, i'm helping everybody here, we can't leave mama, but then when the the israel troops came
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very, very near, i think all the press has left, not only him, so everybody left and he left, and the last message i had from him 21st, sunday, and then after that i didn't hear anything from him, and we thought it's the black out, the black out, black out, two days after that we realized he was upducted'. okay, we truly hope that you will find him safe and sound very soon. thank you so much, my hussein author and consultant, also mother of palestinian prisoner mansor shuma. thank you very much. now moving out the united states and uk say that they have launched a third round of air rates on yemen. they say 36 targets and 13 locations have been hit. the targets were buried weapons depotes in their words, missile system. and launchers, the us and britain claim that they are seeking to protect shipping in the wit sea.
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the yemini army has targeted israel and israely boundships to push the regime to stop its genocide in the gaza strip. yemany forces also attacked american and british vessels after the two countries launched strikes on yemen. on sunday the yemen army warned that the western strikes won't go unpunished. army spokesman said that such attacks will not deter sana from supporting the palestinians in the gaza strip. the latest out of american and british air strikes in yemen has drawn strong condemnations in the region. the iranian for ministry spokesman says that the strikes are serious violation of international law and yemen's sovereignty and territorial integrity. nasir kanani says that the continuation of such arbitrary actions are warring and threaten international peace and stability. the spokesman noted the attack same. to give israel some breathing space at its war crimes against palestinians. canani
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added the international community has a responsibility to hold the us and the uk to account. meanwhile hamas is moving warned that the attacks will plunge the region into further termoil. the islamic jihad movement also holds the us responsible for the repercussions of the attacks on yemen. a funeral has been held in the iraqi capital. for those killed in recent us strikes on the country, morers to the streets to commemorate the loss of their fellow countryman and condemn washington's military aggression against their country. at least 16 people were killed and more than two dozen wounded in the us rates that targeted both civilian and security areas. the head of iraq's popular mobilization forces has condemned the strikes. this incident will not go unnoticed because it represents a brazen attack on the popular mobilization forces and its
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administrative and logistic basis and anything that is connected to or represents it. the popular mobilization forces chief urged the iraki government to do whatever it can safeguard the country's sovereignty and dignity. he said iraq sovereignty cannot be secured unless foreign forces leave. the us and the uk attacks on iraq have drawn. from condemnation, hamas also slamed the attacks saying that they would escalate tensions in the region. mean time head of iraq's batter organization, attended the funeral procession in baghdad, as called for the expulsion of us forces from iraq. the time has come to expel, not the exit, but the expulsion of the americans and the... have to leave, the presence is absolute evil for the iraqi people and will mean more iraqi bloodshed and
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more sacrifices of the iraki youths. now is the time for them to leave and the parliament has to say its word: if it doesn't defend the iraqi people, then they're not representative the iraqi people. the parliament is needed. the political powers are required to have an honorable stance to end and to expel these forces with no scheduling. scheduling and talks are waste of time. which will mean more iraqi bloodshed. now israel has a stepped up air strikes on rafa the southern most city in the gaza strip killing a large number of palestinians there, including children sheltered in the kindergarten, the regime says that the military offensive will continue, despite the humanitarian crisis and international condemnations. in our news review program we've discussed situation in the city. it's a goodbye for me, i'll be back with the news in brief few minutes after this.
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it's time now for the news review of this bulletin. palestinian officials have blasted the international community's failure to stop the israelite onslaught and the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in gaza. palestine's foreign ministry warned against the possible israeli military operation in the city of ruffa in south of gaza. the ministry said an aggression of the city would either lead to the annihilation of about 1.5 million palest. or would result in their displacement. the warning came in reaction to comments made by israely military affairs minister. he had earlier said that the israel army would turn its focus on raffaa along the border with egypt. is a professor of political science at university. we also have says a journalist
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and political commentator joining us from london. gentlemen, welcome to you both. i'll start with you first, taking a look at the focus of what appears to be the israeli regime and that is the area of rafa. um, it uh appears that they want again uh the misleading notion of wanting palestinians to go to that area, which many are now there and there's a concentration of palestinians there, but there could be as it has been the aggression against them uh of which it involves bombing and what have you. uh, what is the game plan that you the regime forces have when it comes to wanting the palestinians to go to that area. good evening to you and all your viewers, well since the beginning of the land invasion by the israeli troops, they moved the people from north of of gaza to the central of gaza khan unis and
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and now the the fighting is over there and people are asked to move again to rafa. and the end result is rafah is a small city, but now we are talking about more than one 1.5 million people who are living there, some of them had moved or displaced at least twice or three times from north of gaza to the central and then to further to the south. now all these people are crowded in in rafah with very bad conditions, and yet the israeli now plans is to bomb rafah. and especially the area with borders with egypt, what they called usually is the philadelphia axel or area which is alongside the borders between gaza and egypt. the idea for the israeli army saying that there are many tunnels duck by the palestinian resistance to egypt and
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through those tunnels usually they smuggle the weapon and or... so some rockets and all other kinds of military equipments needed by the palestinian resistance in gaza, it was smuggled through these tunnels in from egypt and the idea for the israeli army is to conquer this area and to occupy this area and to install some kind of wall or something like that as they said to prevent all these tunnels from moving to egypt "the problem is that egypt is contradicting to this kind of of thing, because it's first of all violating the peace treaty between egypt and israel on the one hand, and on the other hand it means that the israel now are controlling this kind of border directly with with egypt, now to to
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apply this kind of plan, they needed to first of all to do huge bombardments to..." all the area north of rafah, south of rafah, sorry, in order to prepare for the israeli troops to come in, which means more and more catastrophe and more war crimes and really annation of the palestinian people in this area, we are talking about 1.5 million who had nowhere to go at all now, and most of them now are living in in tents which was made by plastic or or whatever they lay their hands on, and if they started these bombardments, it will be, sorry, it will be catastrophic, okay, for the people in in in in. all right, uh, this uh philadelphia corner, saying abbas that uh, our guest talked about uh, when the notion was brought about a weeks ago uh by israel, they wanted
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to take control of that area, which in essence would then uh completely shut off the gaza strip from the outside world, because they control obviously the other parts and obviously they're confined to a complete siege, um, this kind of goes against that this not kind of, but it goes against what is reported uh, with israel regarding this latest uh truth, which it doesn't seem like hamas has agreed to it, they may me, they may be in agreement with some parts of it, but obviously not all of it based on the most recent statements especially coming from osama hamdan uh, the hamas rep in beirot and lebanon yesterday, what do you make of the contradiction, i should say, well it's not, this is for msan abbas, i'm sorry sad number, go ahead mosan abbas, say mosan abbas, well i i say that um partly it could well reflect a split within the american israeli camp, of course, both israel and america are longstanding uh commit committers of ethnic
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cleansing, the american entire state was built on ethnically cleansing native americans of course and israel too, so they have a great brotherhood in this regard for genocide and ethnic and gallon, you mentioned is launching this new this new... new genocidal campaign on raffa, he has openly said that he essentially wants to ethnic lens and and wipe out palestinians, he said it several times, that that's a dehumanizing language which has been going on uh since before october the 7th, but it's been especially prevalent since october the 7th where it's become obvious that the likes of uh smodrich and gallant and and the various other um crypto fascists really um is... the zionist uh fascists, they are genocidal fascis and they've actually committed to the idea of of destroying uh the palestinian people, not just hamas. hamas is just excuse.
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so making a peace treaty with hamas on the one side and on the other side having this uh this kind of commitment to ethnic cleans and and genocide palestinians is kind of it's indicative of the the pathological nature of israel and america to be honest uh they have psychotic elites, you've got to understand these people are sick, they openly dehumanize the palestinians because they wanted to then carry on with this absolutely genocidal sweep across across gaza. professor of political science university. thank you, journalist and political commentator from london for this edition of the news review, thanks for tuning in. crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, us
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air strikes on yemen, iraq, syria. imagine something could happen in in in iran, nobody begin of 78 i decided to to try to go to iran, but then after my first trip i came back from iran, everybody laugh at me because i was full to imagine something would happen a country. like iran, you know, sometimes you never know, you have something in your mind, and um, well, when really everything started,
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it was end at the end of august, my pictures were published everywhere, the rest of of the world started to think, something is going to happen, who is michelle, it's me.
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i believe that uh working together we can make history.
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nearly 130 more palestinians have been killed in another day of israel strikes in gaza as the genocide grinds on into a fifth month. the children two children were killed and several more injured after regime targeted kindergarten. for displaced people were sheltering in the southern state of rafa. the palestinian foreign ministry is warned against the possible israeli military operation on arafa. the ministry says an aggression of the city would either lead to the anniholation of around 1.5 million palestinians there or result in their displacement. the people rally.