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tv   Documentary Revolution of 79 1  PRESSTV  February 6, 2024 4:02am-4:31am IRST

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تمام بیاسبابی به اقدامات تخریبی ۱۵۰ ساله اجنی و شبی خونی که حریف کهنه کار بر خزائن مادی و معنوی کشور ما زده است قوای اهرمنی استعمار را در هم شکسته و تومار غارت گری های نیمقرنی او را برای ابد برهم پیشیده است. او august 19th, 1953, iranian history took a critical turn as of muhammad musaddiq, iran's democratically elected prime minister was overthrown in a coup orchestrated by anglo-american agents. the coup paved the way for muhammad razza shah to rule the country with iron fist for a quarter of a century. years later, the anglo-american chickens came home to roost when the anti-american sentiment brought down
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the curtain on the reign of the us-backed shah under the leadership of ayatullah khumeini. at the end of the year 1976 and just few days before us presidential elections, mohammed raza shah pointed out in a press interview that iran controls a significant part of the free world's energy resources and the free world cannot stand the loss of iran. before the oil crisis. you all know that we had the monetary crisis, we were not responsible for the monetary crisis of the world, that was before the increase in the price of oil, if some economies are sick is not our fault, but nevertheless we would be glad to help some economies which are not doing so well, and we are doing that. "he
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supplied oil to israel, he was anti-soviet, he provided security in the gulf, he was when we wanted to make trouble with iraq, he gladly uh participated, so we got a lot for our our tolerance of his regime during that period. our biggest disagreement was about oil, the united states wanted the price of oil to be low, and he wanted it to be high, and i think kissinger was..." not very, he was thinking about the strategic aspects and not so much about the economic aspects of of the situation, later, it's actually the reverse of that, because if you get to uh the mid 70s, when in fact just before the revolution started, the united states was actually very interested in lowering the price of oil, because it was hurting the
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political chances of president ford, for of example, he realized that with the price of oil going up the way it was, it was going to make it very difficult for him to get elected. when i went to iran, my job was to deal with the military program for the state department, there were price of oil, soon quadrupled at least with 19 late 19 73 and richard nixon had told the shaw that he could buy whatever he wanted in military hardware excluding nuclear weapons and so the shah had plenty of money to do that so i had very busy plate a lot of things going on thank you president ford and thank you governor carter for being with. tonight, this debate during
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the run up to us presidential elections, the shah of iran pulled for ford and supported him financially, people were out of work, people were unhappy with the... with the economic situation, they had been expecting the curve of the the prosperity to go up and up, and instead it turned and it started going down, and when that happens, people tend to react very strongly, and so that was one of the additional aspects of of the revolution. clearly, this was all done under ford and kissinger, actually, when kissinger was secretary of state, and ford was the president, and that during that period, in fact was when the united states actually conspired. to bring the prices down and it actually may have harmed the shaw very severely, we weren't happy with the price h, but there was nothing we could do about it, he wanted, he wanted that income, and it fit with nixon and kissing plan that we were able
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to get some of that money in return by our arm sales and our participation and development projects, we did much. together with higher oil oil prices than the europeans did or asian countries. there were no bons of contentium between the us and the shar of iran before the argument over the price of oil. the united states was going to keep iran within the global alliance system. and the shah of iran could rest easy as long as he had the us by his side. the single group that really wants iran and the us to come to some sort of understanding has been the... oil companies and so it was oil companies that were helping to fund citizen citizen contacts, all sorts of uh third party or second channel backdoor negotiations, cultural engagement and displays of iranian
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art that would go to american museums, because they wanted better relations, they wanted to break into the iranian market, they wanted to have fewer limitations on their... uh their their dealings with the iranian oil industry. remember, it's important to realize that carter ran a foreign policy platform, which had two elements: one is no armed sales to dictators and two human rights internationally. well, it turns out that the shavaran was a largest purchaser of american arms. so when carter is talking about no arms sales to dictators, who the hell could he be talking about? and number two, international human rights, that was the time when huge numbers of organizations were protesting human rights violations in iran, so the shah of iran heard this and said, that's me, this guy is talking about me, he's not talking about the king of saudi arabia, he's not
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talking about ferdinand marcos, he's talking about me, and so i thought i was in good with these americans and all of sudden this guy becomes president of the united states and that's his deal with foreign. policy, so now i'm really nervous. as soon as jimmy carter took office, he expressed his willingness to meet with the shah. in a meeting with president karter, ardasir zahedi, iranian ambassador to washington, said the ties between iran and the us have never been so close and strong. iran was central to us foreign policy globally, that iran and the shah in particular were trusted as being staunch allies and uh force multipliers for the united states in a region that uh was considered to be both a uh bowwork in the fight against communism in the in the cold war and sight of uh obviously uh huge tensions and conflict in its own right in the
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middle east. according to the national census conducted in 1976, iran had a population of about 33 and a half million that year, young country which us counted on for the stability the persian gulf region. iran was also major oil supplier of israel. as the question of oil, oil goes everywhere. when a tanker is filled up, you really don't know the destination of it. it could go as i said to everywhere and as well to israel. the iranian point for israel was very important, because it was major pillar of its strategic concept. and then there was the issue of oil, iraq, iran was major oil supplier of course, to israel, there are other things they are doing together, so once the shuffel, it required the major assessment of israel's strategic
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position, and the same applied to the united states, i mean the shaw was america's major eila in the middle east for very long time and definitely since the late 60s when all revenues started. accumulating and iran became an important player under nixon, iran became basically the predominant power there in the nixon doctrine, he thought iran could promote. interest in the gulf, and afterwards iran was major purchaser of american weapons, you had tens of thousands of americans working in iran, so iran was basically the major pillar. the first sign of disagreement between the shah and the carter administration popped up as the us refused to sell aircraft to iran by cancelling the awax contract. in an interview with business week, the shah said iran has capacity to become a... billion dollar market per annum for the us artillery products, and if the us refuses
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to sell arms to iran, it will lose that opportunity, and if there is any sharing of resources, well then we can share many things with the united states. as the news over the tension between iran and the us broke, the media in both countries began to adopt new attitudes towards each other. meanwhile, the island of stability was undergoing massive changes in its underneath layers. "i don't want to go into details about these things, because i have already express expressed myself. it is impossible to get anywhere on dictation terms. we are still ready to discuss, as always, all these problems, but the solution of these problems cannot be one-sided. "and that once again in the favor the rich countries of the world. on january
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21st, 1977, mahmoud jafaran, the head of rastokhis or resurrection party, said imperialism is intertwined with iranian blood, race and culture. two years later, when iran was plunged in revolution, haris adle, the foreign ministry spokesman, called iranians shah worshippers. پرست و میهن دوستی هستند. unrest during the
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shah's regime focused a number of broad factors. i mean, first and foremost, the shah was a dictator. uh, there was not really any sharing of power after the mosadek era with anybody else. the sha uh kept all power for himself. any trappings of democracy that existed, like elections or political parties or anything, independent newspapers, were just a sham. it was iran was a dictatorship under the shah. it was not highly repressive until the 1970s. i would say it was more like moderately repressive in the in the 50s and 60s. in the 1970s it became highly repressive. و خود همین نبودن دولت در مقابل مردم و حائل نبودن. بین مقام سلطنت و مردم نتیجهش این شده که الان تمام این نارضایی ها
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متوجه شده به شخص اول مملکت و حالا که به عقیده من مسئولیت نباید به این شکل جدوه می کرد و این آقایون بالاخره مسئول هستن علیای حال در مقابل مردم مطابق قانون اساسی سلب مسئولیت نمیشه ولا اینکه اعلیحضرت اینها مسئولن در مقابل مردم من مملکت مطابق قانون. on february 3rd, 1977, 66 political prisoners were released from qasf prison, all of them denied being tortured when in detention. this was part of their freedom deal. این نارضایت و ناراحتی هایی که امروز در جامعه ما مشاهده می کنیم، این مولود و یک سیاست های غلط اقتصادی. اجتماعی و سیاسی که دولت هایی در این مدت ۱۵ سال کار بودن به وجود
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آوردن و در راس اونها به عقیده من سلب آزادی بود از افراد که اجازه ندادن که اشخاص که هم جمع بشن همینطور که دستا در این مملکت مرصوم بود حالا به صورت جمعیت بود یا حزب بود یا محافل مختلف اینا خودش برای مردم یک فرصتی بود که بتوانند عقده هاشون رو خالی بکنن مسارشو مطرح کنن علی tamat, the head of iran's nuclear energy organization, announced plans for constructing 20 nuclear power plants in the country with the help of foreign companies and on june 4th 19.
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iranian prime minister amir abbas hoveda declared the government cherishes freedom of expression and believes firmly in a diversity of opinions. the statement heralded seismic changes in the regime's behavior to come in line with carter's human rights policy. on august 6, 1977, hoveda stepped down from his
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post as prime minister to be succeeded by jamshid am was god. at the same time, asadullah alam handed in his resignation as minister of royal court. cancer had nearly struck him down. these fundamental changes and the structure of the regime left the shah high and dry, especially in making decisions. the revolution was moving towards a climax. on august 13th, daryush homayun, former minister of information and tourism, said, no one should fear to voice criticism. after all, he had been arrested and imprisoned on the shah's orders during the period of adjustment in 1977. criticism was out of question, the show became megaliack in every field, including foreign policy. would you
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feel this personally when you would interact with him? well, you could see, you could see it in in his. body language in his speeches, interviews with americans, some of his interview, late interviews and with americans are really damaging to, were really damaging to by mid- 1977, mohammed razam pahlavi had branded all his opponents as a bunch of terrorists, talking to kehan newspaper on september 11, 1977, the shah said, we ask those who cry for freedom just... one question, what kind of freedom do you want? in september 1977, ayatullah talgani's lawyers objected to his tenure imprisonment. three years before, the shah had announced in an interview that in his country only communists were prosecuted. it was there that he coined the term islamic marxism.
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meanwhile, the shah was diagnosed with cancer. and had to undergo intensive treatment. his ill health had cast the gloom over his future. ruling the country had been a bumpy ride for the shar. poor health and weakness of character had made the situation even worse. he also had a recurring nightmare of losing the us support. on the other hand, the gap between social classes was widening as never before. the country was on the brink of a great revolution, suddenly the price of oil began to saw, it was one minute to midnight for the crestfallen shar to keep the thrown for a
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longer time. by the end of 1977, iran's oil. exports exceeded 5.2 million barrels per day, and thanks to the windfall oil revenues, the country could import goods from 129 countries around the world. you see the oil is very uh complicated business, we sell it to the oil companies. now there are so many different prices, posted price, a realized price, a halfway price, back by price, god knows what else, then they are making the... these profits in addition to this, well i'm not criticizing, this is the sovereign right of each country, but i know some countries who
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levy taxes which are higher than we all producing countries get by selling one barrel of oil.
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we must not become part of south africa's problem, we must remain part of their solution, we must... not aim to impose ourselves, our solutions, our favorites in south africa, damn it, we have favorites in south africa, the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by
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that ugly white regime. "we have favorites. i also want to say a word about the situation in israel. the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes. more than 1,000, 1,000 innocent lives lost including at least 27 americans. these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil. i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake about it, stands with israel. united states standard.
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israel was shaped by the flames of war, bengaran, cognisant of vulnerabilities, devised a strategic doctrine, yet on october 7th, seismic tremors shook the... the foundation of this doctrine, facing unparalleled challenges, israel confronted economic appheeval. how did this mortal wound reverberate through the intricacies of its economy?
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your headlines here on pressv is really strikes play more civilian life in gaza including indire albala death tool since october 7th is now at almost 20. 7,500 senyor hamas resistance movement official says that israel is obstructing any agreement that could lead to a comprehensive cease fire in gaza and islamic resistance in iraq says is carried out a fresh drone strike on port of occupied territories in support of gaza.