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tv   MIDEASTREAM  PRESSTV  February 7, 2024 3:02am-3:31am IRST

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the islamic revolution initiated by imam of ruhullah khumaini may his soul be sanctified was not merely a situational change or a transitional moment in the course of nation and dowed with wealth, vast geography and a geopolitically pivotal position regionally and internationally. instead, it marked of pivotal point. in the history of contemporary politics on one hand, and dedication to the triumph of the living will of people who had seen their wealth squandered by a ruling elite acting as agents for the western colonial powers adorned with the royal crown. poverty and destitution spread, mouths were silenced and the landmarks of the established civilization were tarnished in the folds of history that extends back to prehistoric times. the manifestations of the political dynamic dynamics accompanying the victory of
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the islamic revolution deepened a new understanding of revolutions towards liberation and change. after the departure of the revolutionary imam ruhullah khumeini may his soul be sanctified, the focus shifted to the continuation of the revolutionary path. multiple attempts were made to undermine the revolution from within, either through the hands of proxies or counter revolutions. however, these efforts collided with the walls of constitutional institutions and the depth of the governing system of the state. "the era of enlightenment for the islamic republic began under the leadership of imam of said ali khamenei may his shadow endure. the outlines of the foreign policy with axis oriented nature remained steadfast, unaffected by the collapse of the soviet union. on the contrary, it capitalized on it to establish its own access. thus, the access of the three and the revolutionaries formed around the world. iran became the heart of the resistance access. the resistance initially introduced as a slogan. and
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subsequently developed into a project has become a central access today. its components have multiplied, remaining capable of accommodating more, evolving from cooperation to intertwining on various fronts, and consolidating in both existence and destiny. today, the access of resistance possesses the capability to impose new equations in the nature of the conflict with the israeli entity and the american dominance in west asia. without the access of resistance, its presence and influence, the united states would... have likely succeeded in resolving the palestinian cause through the deal of the century. this could have occurred amits the complacency of some arab regimes that offered billions to undermine the resistance access to secure their own survival and maintain their relations with the sionist israel, yet ended up utter failure. welcome to the middle east stream, i'm mar osman.
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the success of the islamic revolution in iran of was source of significant changes in the region and the world. this event had a profound impact on awakening muslims worldwide and revitalizing religious beliefs. with the triumph of the islamic revolution, it became evident that islam was the most potent factor in shaping identity and creating a strong ideology for islamic groups. hence the choice of resistance. with tehran, damascus, hezbullah in lebanon, hashi shabi in iraq, ansarulah in yemen, and palestinian resistance defending the palestinian cause, and confronting hejamoning regimes became their top priority. to discuss this issue with us from beirot is dr. hosan mattar, professor of international relations and european studies and geopolitical expert. it's a pleasure having you with with us, dr. matar now. um, the islamic republic of iran has served as a political and logistical support for the resist. factions or the
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access of resistance since the early 80s. that would not have been possible had it not of been for the victory of the islamic revolution in iran at the hands of leader imam ruhullah khameini. however, on many levels, this support has cost iran lot, very heavy price. what stopped iran from pursuing some sort of a diplomatic approach to its animosity with the west instead of having to fall at risk for supp for supporting? all these indigenous resistance all across west asia. initially, the reason is that the islamic republic wants to be an independent state and adopt an independent project, acknowledging that in this international and regional system, the united states will not allow the islamic republic to be independent and will try to thort it. therefore, the only option for the islamic republic is to be part of liberation and independent project.
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power, it needs to integrate into a regional project that challenges american dominance and confronts israeli occupation, aiming to make western asia an independent region where its peoples can cooperate and intertwine their interests to achieve independence over their decisions and resources. therefore, supporting resistance movements by the islamic republic ensures its national security and achieves its revolutionary and islamic vision for the islamic and arab world. this is a civilizational idea and cannot be achieved without a project to confront american dominance and israeli occupation in the region. that's very important, but the west was retaliating in a very interesting way. the western american orientation aimed to target the axis of resistance from within the countries of the
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access. for example, it achieved that by targeting its geographical nodes inciding social discourse within the environment that supports the... the resistance factions and the community that supports the resistance factions and funding the takfiri groups as well and depleting the resistance, material resources as well. that goes to show that the military power alone against western germany is really not enough though, does that not create some sort of a fracture between the environment that supports the resistance axis and the resistance itself, because the community is stuck in what it seems in a spiral of f in fact, despite american pressures, like any other state, the resistance project does not always need unanimous support throughout societies. it requires a critical mass of the population
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and citizens who believe in it and embrace it. this is what the forces of resistance in the region and in iran have succeeded in achieving. they have established a deeply rooted popular base that expands over time. and maintains its resilience despite all challenges and risks. the achievements of the resistance forces have proven to substantial portion of the region's people. that it is successful, viable project with the horizon and a future, necessary project. consequently, the supportive environments paid the price for this project through sanctions, killings and wars, but at the same time they saw returns in terms of their security, independence and progress. they viewed it and still do it. is a direction towards the future and the creation of that future. like other nations and civilizations, they understand that they must sacrifice and pay a high price to ascend this cultural ascent on a regional and global level. at the same time, they see that they are succeeding in doing so. they perceive their project
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advancing and recognize level of credibility, belonging and shared sentiment among these populations. despite everything, this project roots itself socially because it succeeds. providing a realistic and genuine alternative that touches the needs, demands and desires the people, well uh, we have seen that what really binds the access of resistance is the palestinian cause, because they consider it the highest cause there is, namely to liberate palestine and obviously al quds, this is what all the factions of the resistance say, especially iran who refutes allegations that the resistance factions are tied to some sort of sectarian affiliation to the islamic republic, but aren't those factions directly involved in this resistance, majorly all of shia by affiliation, maybe except hamas? in the region, due to its sectarian and religious
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formations, each period sees a predominant color for the project that opposes dominance. for example, during the nasarite era, the project confronting the united states and the israeli enemy. had a predominantly sunni character with supporting shia factions. with the emergence of the islamic republic, they became a shiah influence and weight in this project, considering that most of the official arab regimes had abandoned the palestinian cause and resistance. however, within this formation, there is originally a shiit force not part of the access of resistance, and there are sunni forces in the access of resistance beyond hamas, with popular acceptance in sunni societies for the forces of resistance. is evident in the high popularity of hizbullah and ansarullah in the islamic world. the crucial aspect is how this formation and project apart from its sectarian and religious identity, expresses this identity. does it position itself against other islamic sects? does it haber animosity? does its project contribute to
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incitement toward divisions, or does it reproduce islamic identities with a broad perspective, seeking islamic unity and considering the interest of the islamic world broadly. does it express readiness to build common interests and establish an islamic civilization where everyone is a part of it? therefore, it is not just about the descriptive or formal aspect of. others or does it aim to create a broader islamic identity? the evidence, as mentioned lies in the numerous friends of this project in the islamic world who are in harmony with it or even part of it. so basically it by refuting that this is sekitarian affiliated access of resistance. do you think that the alaxa flood operation was the biggest evidence for that or it still needs a bit of time to be 100%
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may be accepted by the rest of the arab world? flood operation affirmed that this project is liberation, islamic and arab project. today in surveys, the majority of the arab public supports what happened in the alaqsa flood, endorsing the hamas movement, a significant portion of arab public sees the access of resistance, standing with the palestinian cause unlike other forces. thus, this manifestation is a fundamental factor in deepening the islamic and global dimension, even for the palestinian cause. however, naturally, there will always be voices and programmed campaigns to rekindle sectarian tensions within the region and work on them. therefore, two opposing trajectories persist, one pushing towards unity, common interests and harmony within the... region among its people and nations, the other trajectory attempts throughout to so ethnic, religious
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or sectarian divisions to keep the region divided, enabling the united states and israeli entity to operate comfortably. well, ladies and gents, please stay tuned because next we will be talking about this axis of resistance having one alliance and one goal. stay with us. despite western and regional countries claiming they do not want the conflict in the gaza strip escalate into a regional configuration, iran, hizbullah, iraqi resist. syrian resistance and the ansarulah in yemen are playing an entirely different game, they
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are patiently and systematically working to strengthen the axes alliance across the regional battlefield. today this axes poses a direct challenge to the regional order established by the west and defended in the middle east for decades in service of the natives people's strategic vision. more details in the following report. in the aftermath of the... the flood operation and the continuous genocidal war on the palestinian people besieged in the gaza strip, western media outlets have widely circulated the term axis of resistance as a real threat to the occupying entity. the origin of this term can be tracked back to a direct response to the speech of former us president george bush who in 2002 labeled iran, iraq and north korea as the axes of evil. iranian media at the time saw the term as a fitting title used in their political discourse regarding resistance against american dominance in iraq, syria and the arab region. however, the concept of the
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access of resistance predates the american president statement by several years. in 1979, the islamic revolution in iran successfully overthrew the shah, establishing an independent islamic system that was not aligned with the united states or the soviet union. this new system adopted anti-israeli entity slogans and supported the palestinian cause, becoming the nucleus of the axis of resistance. the concept of the access of resistance evolved into a project, and today it has become an expanding islamic alliance that includes countries and resistance movements such as iran, syria, hisbullah in lebanon, ansarullah in yemen, hamas and the islamic jihad in palestine and other factions in gaza, and the popular mobilization forces in iraq. collaboration has extended beyond indirect support to involve intervention in various fronts, unity of existence and shared destiny. the access. of resistance is considered a present and powerful component, serving as a means to unify efforts and
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coordinate between forces to enhance capabilities and counter military operations and wars launched by colonial and imperial forces. the access of resistance considers the palestinian cause as the highest priority and seeks through it to liberate al quds. hence why, since the first day of the al-aqsa flood and in the face of the crimes committed by the occupying entity against the people of gaza, the axis of resistance has been. actively involved, unlike the countries that normalized relations with the cienist entity and remained mere spectators, the axis of resistance moved beyond, providing support to resistant movements in gaza. this report has included launching missiles and drones by the yemani army towards the israeli entity, it also involves striking military bases of us forces and their allies deployed in syria and iraq through missile attacks and launching repeated drone operations. additionally, the access of resistance engaged in battles in southern lebanon under the leadership of hesbullah, dealing defeats to both us and israeli occupation forces. observing the
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victories achieved every day by the fighters the resistance in gaza, it becomes evident that they have turned the american equation upside down, this equation sought to create new middle east tailored to american measurements and aspirations, but it ended up making way for a unified west asia fully capable of dealing heavy blows to the western invaders. we are back from beirout with dr. hosam mata, professor of international relations and european studies and jp political expert a pleasure as always having you on with us dr. matar now the axes of resistance has been actively involved in the fight from the second day of the al-aqsa battle in the face of the crimes committed by the zinist occupation against our people in gaza. it did not settle for some sort of a passive role, maybe unlike what other normalized uh entities did. instead, the accens transitioned to a phase of providing support to the resistance in gaza, but in
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reality what have they really gained from getting into this very risky game. what the axis of resistance is actually doing operates in several directions: on one hand, it seeks to directly pressure the israeli enemy to introduce additional variables into israeli entity calculations. making zinanis israel is more scattered and increasingly concerned about the continuation of the war in gaza. it increases risks for the israeli enemy by threatening it from other fronts, dispersing its resources, diverting its attention and undermining. capabilities, thus constantly forcing it to consider additional inputs in assessing the balance of power, when the access of resistance faces any party, it doesn't only calculate the power balance of that party, but looks at the entire axis of resistance and what it can do, there is direct pressure on israeli zionists, pressure in calculations and pressure on the ground,
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scattering this israely entities capacity and rendering them incapable of achieving their goals in a short time before the... global wave or international opinion inflates and puts pressure on their western allies. on the other hand, the access puts pressure on the united states itself and on the international system through its actions in the red sea, lebanon and iraq, thereby raising the regional risk environment. this pressure to elevate the risk environment urges americans to expedite actions against israeli zionists, pressuring them to stop the fighting or reduce it. the pressure in these two tracks has created. and you think that that was the case for for us seeing last week the iraqi resistance saying that it will stop at the moment the
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operations against us occupation forces in iraq? the americans are very disturbed by these targeted attacks as they portray the united states as vulnerable and succeptable to being targeted. they are also concerned that these attacks could trigger significant reactions, gradually escalating the situation. consequently, managing the escalation becomes challenging, potentially shifting it to level they can't easily handle. the recent strike in jordan or at the jordanian syrian border was particularly embarrassing for the americans. they had to raise the deterrance level to attempt to contain the situation, not with the intention of going into a full-blown war. from the perspective of the iraqi resistance, they are aware of the current conditions where strong discussions are underway about the possibility of reaching a cease fire. there's a sense that pressure is yielding some result in the palestinian issue, and there's also debate about the american presence
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resurfacing in iraq and the united states. therefore, the iraqi resistance aim. is to regulate its actions within a specific level to avoid major confrontation, but rather to erode american influence without engaging in open confrontation. well, but dr. if that's the case, and that coupled with the zionist media saying that the range of threats facing the entity has expanded with ballistic massads from iran, drones from lebanon, from gaza, from yemen, from iraq, syria, they also claim that this position that is israel is when is... as one of the most threatened entities in the world at the moment, all of these issues, why haven't they stopped the zionist entity from continuing this genocide against the palestinian people, shouldn't they stop by now? because the israeli enemy believes it received a very severe blow on october the 7th and that despite all the risks and everything it might enjure it
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cannot stop this war before achieving at least the symbolic and partial accomplishment. it sees that in its weakened reality it cannot escape without facing a complete defeat. it cannot exit without compensating for losses or without demonstrating strength or achieving some accomplishments. for the israeli entity leaders believe they are caught in what is called the non-choice war. they have no option but to engage in this war attempting to minimize losses more than gaining gains. despite their discomfort and concern about the pressures from various axises, they believe they have to come out in some way restoring the strategic deterrence. as they say, in order to stay in the region if we emerge with a complete defeat from this war, we will have to leave. therefore we must bear. they believe that ethnic cleansing is
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solution, they are attempting to embark a project of genocide and displacement thinking that this could serve as compensation. however, they encountered several problems including the resilience of the resistance in gaza, the steadfastness of the palestinian people in gaza. tensions, egypt's rejection the displacement project and the american concerns. the us has pressured the occupation entity to refrain from proceeding with this project due to the potential widespread deterioration in the region. all of this in addition to global public opinion responses resulting from events shared on social media and global media, is exerting pressure on this israeli project to prevent it from achieving its goals. now the zionists are saying we are. achieving tactical, military accomplishments, but alongside them, there are strategic defeats and losses, well, if the war on gaza were to stop tomorrow
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morning, dr. matar, what would that day look like for the access of resistance in specific, in terms of the consequences that it most definitely will be forced to face given the escalation in the red sea, the escalation on the border between lebanon and occupied palestine and the targeting of us military bases in iraq and syria, how do... how do you see that day? firstly, for the vision of this day to be complete, we have to wait until the battle concludes entirely, and this war reaches its full conclusion, making the scene clearer. there are aspects that will emerge later, but overall, zionist israel will emerge from this war more divided internally. it will come out with the palestinian issue returning to be a fundamental part of its own agenda, as well as the regional and international agendas. zionist israel will emerge from this: war with deeply damaged relations with the west and the united states, which it considers a vital part of its security. zianist israel will exit this war with a distorted image and
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an extremely troubled relationship with the international public opinion, which is also significant for israeli zionists. the access of resistance has demonstrated that zionist israel will come out of this war facing challenges. in the face of this, the access of resistance has proven to be a cohesive and integrated force. playing multiple roles according to the capabilities of each theater, all of this has become a reality in the region, revealing genuine capabilities, no longer just a potential project, but a real force. new power dynamics will emerge in the region that will impact all regional powers within the area, causing them to reassess their policies on this basis. the united states will come out of this wreckage severely damaged in terms of its image within the region, the international system. system that the united states sponsors will exit with much less credibility among the peoples the global south. it will become significantly less trusted accelerating the
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ongoing transformations at both the regional and international system levels in recent years. thank you very much dr. mata, professor of international relations and european studies and jail political expert for your time, this very early morning with us. it's a pleasure having you with us. ladies and gents, thank you for watching, please do follow us on. telegram and on twitter x, and we promise to always give you the latest from right here on press tv's, the midi stream. libya is a north african country. the country has two competing governments: the tripoly
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based high. state council and the house of representatives. libya is also at the center of a migrant crisis. this country is also one the richest countries in africa in terms of oil reserves. amid the us israeli genocide on gaza, libya has voice support for the measures taken by the international court of justice, icj to prevent genocide in the. stream: we are honored to have with us here in the studio his excellency ali juma al ubedi, the ambassador of libya to iran, it's been a pleasure having you in our program, thank you, mercy.
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"this is my land and my country. it is not only the 1948 or 1967 borders from the sea to the river. i am not ready to let go of a centimeter. israel is here like any for by the support of the europe, by the support of the united states. that's why they separate the land. well, i was at the babo sham's protest last week and i myself had a my..." banged against a bus by soldier illegally on illegal stolen land and they are arresting us the palestinians this is historical palestine.
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your headlines here on press tv. israel continues to target hospitals housing thousands of displaced people in southern gaza as de from regime's genocide nears 27,600. leader yemanzanal intensify attacks on israeli link ships if the regime does not stop its onslot on gaza. and iraq's prime minister once again calls for the withdraw of all foreign troops from iraqi territory, including northern kurdish region.