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tv   Documentary  PRESSTV  February 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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to use this technology, we want to make peaceful use of nuclear technology, we want nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, and this is the same thing that we said on day one, and now we are saying the same thing, we we will stand behind our inalienable rights, we we have not left the negotiating table, we have always been there to elaborate on our positions, both for. iia and for countries and those who would like to know that we that why do we want nuclear power and there has been no deviation in that and no non-compliance whatsoever, however they, instead of accepting our logic, on that day they imposed war on us and now they are imposing sanctions on us, that war... didn't
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work and was not useful and it couldn't stop a iran from moving forward and today sanctions have not been able to stop us either. ladies and gentlemen, we, despite threats and sanctions, our nation, our younger generation have been able to turn these threats and sanctions into opportunities. in the nuclear industry, in the military industry and in other industries, different industries and also in the field of science and technology. i'm asking you, ambassadors of islamic countries and friendly countries and ambassadors of different countries around the world. here in our country and the missions
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of international organizations, i invite you to visit our sci-fi parks in different provinces, and visit those citech parks and see for yourselves iran's scientific achievements and progress, sanctions will have not stopped us and will not stop us, sanctions have not enabled. to stop us, this is not what i'm saying, this is what the spokesman of the white house has already said that maximum pressure on iran has been a nanostarter and it has been an ignominious defeat for them, sanctions have not stopped us, but these tyrannical sanctions, brutal sanctions, on patients, on children, on
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allow drugs to reach our patients, they wouldn't allow those drugs to reach our children, children who are in need of such drugs, of course your justification, we saw how you your justification in gaza, we believe that they can commit any crime, what we saw in gaza was a colonial current, it was the united states and if we saw the true face of the west. the west was unmasked and today
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we are seeing what is happening there, thousands of children are being killed at the hands of the israeli regime, they actually child killing and genocidal israeli regime, the the israeli regime kills children and commits major war crimes, but why is the us supporting it, why is britain as well as other western countries supporting? israel, how can they answer that? how can they actually women and children are being killed in palestine? how can they justify that? how can they actually respond to the conscience of the world? actually this should be held answerable before the god, before god, before history and before conscientious people, thousands of women and children.
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and and provides israel with weapons and the us believes that it should stand firm behind this regime so that this fabricated regime will continue to exist, today we are seeing that well four months have passed. since israel began is onslot on gaza, i mean and we are seeing the these crimes being committed in palestine, even if today we want even today we can say that victory belongs to the
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people of palestine and the israeli regime will be defeated because it failed to achieve the objectives it had already announced and even now we do believe that for the future of palest. the us and other western countries should not interfere in that issue, palestine should determine its own destiny. you're talking about democracy, so let palestinians vote for their destiny. the actually the recommendation with the leader of the islamic revolution revolution, he said that every palestinian has one single vote, it means whether or not they are muslims or jews or christian.
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this is in our foreign policy, we will counter colonialism, tyranny and oppression, we will oppose oppression against nations. we will oppose, we do oppose unilateralism, we oppose whatever which is seen as the world order today, we believe that today's world order is not a fair one, if it were, fair one, palestine wouldn't come under such, wouldn't be subjected to such a pression today, so other countries should try should cooperate in order to estab fair world order regrettably, well we are seeing that the israeli regime is committing crimes against humanity and it is more regretable that we are seeing that the us is supporting the israeli regime and we are, it is regrettable
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that we are saying that international organizations are not efficient enough, they don't have enough power - now if other international organizations were effective, these crimes would be stopped by now, so this shows that this order, world order should be revisited and reviewed, so we need a fair world order ladies and
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whatsoever, the region should be run by its own countries and the issues of the region should be held by its all the countries in the region. our neighbors, we pursue a good neighbor policy, we pursue the policy of cooperating with islamic countries and relations with the likeminded countries and countries. cooperation with all countries, we will cooperate with all countries, this is our policy, our policy is a policy of interaction with all countries, and we have
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always proven that we are the best friend for neighboring countries and the regional countries, we are friend, their friends during tough. we are friends for them, we have proven that.
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actually pursues justice and rights and wants independence for all countries, we don't like, we don't want insecurity for any country, neither do it like it for ourselves, any insecurity in the region, we regarded as insecurity for our own country. we believe in peace and stability in the region, we believe the presence of the americans in iraq, in syria, in afghanistan, in the region is that we believe their presence does not provide security, rather it disrupts security in the region, nowhere, nowhere is the us president, does the us president and they they did not
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solve any problems for any country, maybe if apparently they have solved the problem, we should see what objectives they pursue behind that mood, what colonial objectives, they just seek their own interests, islamic iran enjoys great potential. i have always said that the level of our relations with different regional countries can be upgraded, there are areas for cooperation, for further cooperation, the expansion of political econ. country as is there in your countries and we can share these potentialities to help
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enhance relations. our cooperation can be bilateral cooperation, regional and cooperation at the level of the region and even beyond at the international level. we believe and we hope that on this occasion, this auspicious occasion, the idol map, the anniversary actually, uh of the of the victory of the islamic revolution, the great iranian nation and the resistant iranian nation, we hope that it will be able to achieve its long-term objective and get closer to its long-term objectives and we do hope that our resilient nation and and also the the resilient and oppressed palestinian nation will be able to achieve. their long-term objectives, especially that of establishing a palestinian state with its
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capital, we hope that they will achieve that goal as soon as possible and we hope that regional nations will be able to live side by side in peace and harmony and in friendship and in security and in tranquility and we hope that enemies will... be cut off from this region and we hope that our hearts will get closer each other and hope that your missions here in iran will be successful one, memorable one and god willing one associated with long with greater steps towards the promotion towards the promotion of iran's relations. and your countries, may god bless you all. you're watching livening president
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ray is the ceremony that's marking the 45th anniversary of the islamic revolution, and it's one that's attended by foreign ambassadors and dignitaries. prior to him, we also heard from the irani forum mr. hiyan. the iranian president hailed first the occasion of the anniversary of the day that the prophet muhammad may peace be upon him, was ordained as a messenger of islam, and of course he talked about the islamic revolution, the achievement. "the triumph that iranian people experienced in the war of wells, as he described it, the popular vote was the basis of the islamic republic, and then he went about talking about the west and how it does not..." care care about the popular vote and um then talked about the sanctions lifting talks uh by the name of jcpoa where he said that iran has not left the negotiating table, the motion of sanctions he then elaborated how it has not uh prevented iran from the amastments that it has made in a variety of fields and one of the examples that he made uh which is interesting is uh that he invited uh people
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to visit the scientific parks in different provinces in order for them to see ivan's scientific achievements and overall saying that sanctions will not stop iran and uh mentioned the gaza strip how the us is complicit in that along with western countries and um the whole notion of palestinians that they just want uh a government to uh uh have them uh determine the type of government actually that will rule over them that's their desire we will defend palestinians he said and at the end iran is a friend of all countries the iranophobia notion is promoted by the west particular by the us that is not working we are a friend of all countries and uh then said that wherever americans are present, it brings about instability and insecurity, just tid bit of some of the things that the iranian president said, hopefully we'll have some highlights for you of that in the form of news, which will be coming up at half past the hour, do stay with us for that, for now it's goodbye.
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only 13 countries around the world used to possess destroyers. today these vessels are among the most important surface vessels to navies around the world, but not all countries have the capability to build their own. iran's muhammad riza shah pahlavi decided for the first time to purchase number of destroyers from the united states, but when the 1979 islamic revolution. the us refused to deliver the purchase. in 1997, leader of the islamic revolution issued an order to iranian experts to build iran's own destroyer indigenously. in 2009, and after years of hard work, iranian experts unveiled the jamaran, the first home-built destroyer in iranian history, but western powers started calling it a frigate, letting iran in
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the 13 member destroyer manufacturing club was bitter pill to swallow. in 2012, iran launched its second. destroyer, the jamaran 2 in the persian gulf. in the same year, iran designed new class of combat vissles named the persian golf cruiser. this time even the western powers wouldn't call it a frigate. in the waters of west asia, iran's persian golf cruiser is now the largest existing combat vissle.
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was shaped by the flames of war. bengian, cognisant of vulnerabilities, devised a strategic doctrine. yet, on october 7th, seismic tremors shook the foundation of this doctrine. facing unparalleled challenges, israel confronted economic upheaval. how did
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this mortal wound reverberate through the intricacies of its economy? from the... to business and economy, to civil and human rights, to treaties and agreements, to war and conflicts, we bring you the overlooked aspects of world events and news from the far-flunged corners of the globe. 10 minutes only on press tv. imagine something
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could happen in in in iran, nobody begin of 78 i decided to to try to go to iran, but then after my first trip i came back from iran, everybody laugh at me because i was full to imagine something would happen in a country like iran. "you know, sometimes you never know, you know, you have something in your mind, and um, well, when really everything started, it was end at the end of august, my pictures were publish everywhere, the rest of of the world started to think something is going to happen. who is michelle? it's me.
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after the occupation of palestinian lands and creation of the israeli regime, both sides came to realize the power of cinema in getting their messages across. the israeli regime used. cinema to show the territory it had occupied as heaven on earth in order to entice jews from all over the world to migrate to occupy territories. on the other hand, although belatedly, palestinians also learned to use the power of media and cinema to make their voice heard across the world.
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it was new battlefield. vote for both sides.
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israel was shaped by the flames of war, bengaran, cognisant of vulnerabilities, devised a strategic doc. yet on october 7th, seismic tremors shook the foundation of this uh, we are going to go back live to a ceremony that's taking place here in the capital tehran, of course it's the 45th anniversary of the islamic revolution, in case you didn't know, and this particular ceremonies attended by foreign ambassadors and dignitaries uh there.