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tv   Black And White  PRESSTV  February 9, 2024 3:00am-3:30am IRST

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"the islamic world is no more and no less than 25% of the population on our planet, of the human population. there are 1900 million inhabitants, in 45 countries. islamic
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religion has the majority, but they also exist in all other countries in the world, including those in latin america. it is 7% of of the population, that is 5 million people of the islamic religion. sin embargo, a través del tiempo, desde el tiempo. clearly they have practically turned it into a religion of extremists of fanatics to disqualify the anti-colonial struggle of which the majority of the countries and peoples of the said religion, islamism are part. dicha religión del islamismo, sin
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embargo, hoy día, al desarrollarse esta lucha potente de resistencia anti-sionista en palestina ocupada. fight of anti-signist resistance develops in occupied palestine, the world of countries of islamic religion from the arabian peninsula, west asia, asia in general, africa and the other continents. the true leader of the war of occupation and massacre, genocide and infanticide on the people of gaza, distance.
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because many of the anti-imperialist organizations that are giving their lives and fighting hard against american imperialism and its appendages and his puppet which is designist entity are from the islamic religion.
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today israel has no future, but anti-imperialism does have a future, there is no doubt about that. this is black and white, i'm eduardo artes.
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ivan, what is the attitude of islam towards someone who is not a follower of islam? i mean a person who has a different religion or does not follow any religion. what is the real approach? because what is shown is secterian approach, extremism and hatred. the question you started with is one of the most fundamental issues because. see that the issue of palestine is a religious issue, and when we take this issue to the field of religion, the discussion about sectorianism starts there, the situation started during colonial times, during nearly 600 years ago, all religions lived together in a land called
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palestine, which is still divided in various regions according to religious identity, because it has been discussed in private and in public how to prevent disputes. for example, in a verse of the quran that i like very much, prophet muhammad, peace be upon him, says, you have your religion and i have mine, you do not worship what i worship, and i do not worship what you worship. therefore, this issue shows that there is no question of surrender in religious matters. if there's a dispute, the relevant judges will deal with it, and the method of dealing with it is not ideological, religious or invocation. religions of the people of the book, that is, other religions and specifically with the therefore, the approach of islam regarding those religions that believe in one god and whose message is general, is a special kind of companionship, because there are many
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fields of communication, for example in judaism, christianity and islam, the prophets are practically the same, their main message and mission are the same. and religion is not a means of division, but means of unity, and the many years of coexistence in the city of jerusalem, en la ciudad de jerusalén y su reparto en general. religions contain social and political issues. what is islam's opinion about politics and its proposal for?
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it should be said that it covers all areas of life from the most personal and private issues in relation to god to the biggest issues that are public and social issues. it is a religion that wants to cover all aspects of life, it has a say in political, economic and social issues. in this context, islam has a system that has passed its test during the centuries of the existence of the state and has formed an idea of the state, politics and management of public and social affairs. and today, facing the current issues, islam is not an alien entity, that is why there is a big. controversy about the idea of imposing lifestyle to separate the political spheres and personal and social spheres and the most private issues, this was the idea of the europeans that aimed to create a germany, and they wanted to establish this issue over the
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centuries, especially from the 18th century. some consider its beginning in the 15th century, that is when the jews and muslims were expelled from the iberian peninsula. but i think that it was consolidated during the european enlightenment period when they tried to transfer the subject of religion to the private and personal sphere, and do not leave that. in islam there is no such thing, islam is a comprehensive and holistic way of life. as mentioned, in islam, politics cannot be separated from religious issues. a good government originates from god's commands, and of course, a good society is based on the expectations of god's worship. therefore, forming a good government in a good society is defined in the framework of religios offers. what i mean by saying this is that religion.
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bien, volvemos, estamos con iván carrasco, we're back with iván crasco. for a deeper conversation about the islamic world. is it important to talk about what is happening in
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the world of islam today? islam is a whitespread religion, more than 25% of the world's population. we're talking about population equivalent to 1 billion and 900 million people. what is the state of unity in the islamic world? fundamentally regarding the palestine issue and regarding the struggle against the occupy. attempts have been made to smash this unity among muslims, they use differences between school. of thought, but we see that they have failed, as you can see about a month ago, all the islamic countries gathered in saudi
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arabia, when we say the world of islam, i mean all member countries of the organization of islamic cooperation. the purpose of the meeting was one thing, and that is to resolve the palestine issue, that is the issue of the historical land of palestine, and in particular with the recent events in gaza and the recent brutality. in general, this gathering was in fact an effort to confront the enemy's attempts to so division in the entire union. remember that the greatest imperialist power rome had the slogan divide and rule. all empires have made the most of this dirty policy so that they can divide the others and thereby assert their hegemony. in the current time, in the current century and the current decade, we are witnessing the decline of the global hegemony, and this hegemony is trying to create problems and divisions as much as possible, and we see that in the midst of this decline of her germany, i mean the decline of american hegem
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germany, and in general, the european and germany that is behind it, we're witnessing the emergence of new political actors at the international level, and of course among these actors there is the great islamic community. if the islamic society was divided at one time, today they are reconsidering this issue and are uniting around this issue. for example, organization of the islamic cooperation regarding the issue of palestine, the liberation of palestine from occupation, the liberation of palestine from the remanance of colonialism dating back to the 1940s and the restoration of life to this region. we sometimes misunderstand the issue, this issue does not mean the massacre of the population living in the historical land of palestine under occupation, but it means that the sacred city of jerusalem.
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ya ruegan a estados unidos no eh que poner fin. entonces, pero sin embargo, los pueblos de esos países, ya, independientemente de los ruegos de los dirigentes at the level of the
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social and human bases of these countries. what is your opinion about this? which side you are on and who you are, for example, in the case of arab countries, not all of them, but some of them, we see that they have lot of trust in the existing germanic power, but at the same time they are looking at new options. for example, we see the membership of some of the arab and islamic countries in the new bricks block, and yes, we must emphasize that there is lack
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of communication between the authorities of those countries and their people, they say that we are in a... transitional period, we're witnessing the decline of america, as hegem germany in the region, and the rise of new actors with international weight who are against the current global hegemony. we saw how breaks developed and how in their recent meeting, the five countries of the region joined the bricks group. those had agreements with the us are creating agreements and forming relations with emerging countries and new block. this indicates that loyalties and actions are not under control. there is a reason for this issue and that's because the us is both the judge and also one of the parties to the war at the same time, the us government has caused the continuation of the genocide in palestine. this war in palestine was one of the first issues raised in the united nations. they have used wars and disputes to advance colonialism. we must not
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forget that israel is present in the region as a colonial regime that acts against the... integrity of other countries in the region and therefore, it must be said that the issue of palestine is a breaking point that they have not being able to solve, and for this reason the presence of emerging actors is raised, not only at the original level, but at the global level. we are witnessing a time of change in the international order, in which what is called the only power in the world, that is, the united states has fallen into deep decline, and at the same... time we are witnessing the emergence of new international powers. of course, this situation is still in transition. we have to see who will occupy this germanic space. the new conditions will be tripolar, multipolar or bipolar. because of this uncertainty, we can say that we are in a transition phase where there is no clear at germany. one is
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dying and few other powers are emerging, but not yet established, and in the midst of... in transition, we're seeing how the world of islam is also reconsidering the existing propositions. if earlier contracts and agreements were very strong, now they are being questioned and countries are looking at new international attraction poles. at the same time we must emphasize another issue that the reason for this behavior of governments is lack of communication with their own people. we see that mainly in some arab countries that have a... majority of muslims, for example, the countries of the persian gulf and the arabian peninsula, for example in egypt, they try to suppress social demonstrations in support of palestine, because they know that the feelings about the palestine issue are very strong and they have high social acceptance. as a result, before changing their foreign policy, they have
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decided to silence people. this has had consequences for them as well, they are thinking about new approach to the palestine. issue, they cannot maintain this absolute distance because they see that their relations with international powers have distance them from their own people. this issue is very costly for the ruling regimes in that region of the world. conservative regimes mean monarchies that have their share of oil and want to have economic stability, although this does not always bring them social stability económica, aunque no siempre lesab. at the same time, it freeze all the countries of the region and basically the world of islam, which goes far beyond the arabian peninsula, península arábica, parte
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de áfrica, de asia, bueno, the illusion that some people have is that the palestinian resistance can be destroyed, de pretender que la resistencia palestina puede ser destruida. tus palabras sobre la perspectiva de la unidad del mundo islámico bien pues tú lo has comentado y lo hemos estado refiriendo aquí. yes, you said it, and we also notice it here, these show palestine is the core of the islamic world and it is what gives shape to their unity and the unity of all the muslims
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the world around the issue of justice and the issue of the oppressed and the victims of the marginalized of the economic, social and political structure that we have institutionalized and normalized. however, in the asia palestine there is very important precedent for the whole world and specifically for the world. of islam as you mentioned, this issue is the issue of all people in the whole world, one out of four people is muslim, this is not mean threat at all, unlike what is being promoted in hollywood and the islamophobia propaganda throughout the germanic media, there is no reason for tension, we should be fair and tolerant around this issue, this is the just issue of liberating the nations that have been dominated and surrendered and have not been able to free themselves from
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ينقص في سلاحف بحرين يقتل حيوانات بشريه. تلك
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قضيه وتلك قضيه كيف تكون ملاكا ابيض يبقى ضميرك نص ض تنصف حركات الحريه وتنصف حركات التحرير وتوزع عطفك وحنانك. المقتول حسب الجنسيه وتلك قضيه وتلك قضيه كيف تكون انسانا راقي ومطابق للاشتراطات كل كلامك لابس واقي وبتحضم كل
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الشجرات. بتقول ع بواب العارس جنبك جيش بيد مدارس واما بتفش نفسك لابس دمك تقول الكل ضحيه وتلك قضيه وتلك قضيه كيف اصدق هذا العالم. لما بيحكي عن الانسان شايف امه بتبكي ضناه علشان مات في الغرض جعان ويساوي الماتول بالقتل في شرف ونزاه وحده وتلك قضيه وتلك قضيه. مش فارغ
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العالم يتكلم ووت حر وما تعيش مسلمه تلم بجيل ورا جيل يتعلم كيف يعيش ويموت لقضيه بنادي على عالم مين علشان يستنكرين بين كما شئت في ايدان لما اجري جوه السلخان مش هخف بارود الداني ولا قادر اترجعله صباح تلك قضيه كفايه.
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in this week's episode of iran tech we've come to buser city to the south of... want to tell you about what happens under that dome, which is bucher's nuclear power plant uh and explain to you how we use a process called nuclear fision uh to generate 100 megaw hours worth of electricity that is fed to the national power system thanks to the 80 tons of uranium that is stored within this facility. stay tuned, times are listed below.
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your headlines on braz tv, israel continues to target major hospitals across the gaza strip as death toll from the regime's genocide nears 28,000, mostly women and children. nikarague officially applies to join south africa's genocide case against israel at the international court of justice saying the regime is violating the genocide convention. a yemen's ansur love movement reaffirms the support for gaza saying aggressive moves by the us and the uk are the main threats to navigation in the red sea.