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tv   Gaza Under Attack 74  PRESSTV  February 10, 2024 12:00am-12:30am IRST

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welcome back to the program, everyone, more than four months into the us israeli genocidal war on the gaza strip. let's look at some of the most recent developments. grief and despair in southern gaza. in the last latest round of strikes, apartide israel has targeted. palestinian homes in rafa,
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killing at least 14 people, among them five children and two women, dozens more have been injured. this is the area the israeli regime told gazans to move to for their own safety. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejects a cease fire proposal from hamas and orders iof troops further into rafa. more negotiations are to take place in the egyptian capital cairo. the united nations of has warned the risk of famin and malnutrition is in. increasing by the day in the beseeg gaza strip as a partide israel strike bloccade has cut off vital resources. gaza's health ministry says more than 27,500 palestinians have been killed and at least 67 others wounded in relentless israeli strikes since october last year. joining me today's edition in the studio journalist author and activist fra hughes and via skype from london student and thank you both for being here,
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let me start with you, um, a cease fire deal seems to be after table, at least for the moment, um, netanyahu says he's seeking absolute victory, quote unquote in gaza, any reaction, i'm not surprised that there is no cease fire, because i don't think for one second that israelis and the americans really want sess fire, didn't they uh execute the... second leader of uh hamas, i think it was in uh uh southern bayrit and this was the person who would be involved in the negotiations for handling over the captives in gaza, i think the only pressure that we're witnessing being placed upon netanyahu is from the other members of his cabinet, the are even more extreme and more ultravalent and smart rich, yes 100%, yes two names that come to mind, and then the fun. police that are pushing for
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the release of their relatives uh in gaza, so they don't care how many palestinians stay, how many children are killed a bakery or trying to get firewood or get water from uh from water tank, they don't care about palestinian lives, but they do curre about the israeli captives that are held by hamas, i think the only reason myanyahu is even talking about seas far is as they coral the people in... gaza and to rafa, it's probably concerned that there may be collateral damage among the captives uh being held there when they basically take off the gloves yet again and go in and weird through uh bodies and and wid through palestinian blood in order to uh assate their blood lust and revenge and the fact that they want to uh mean he has stated that he wants to... the prisoners, yeah, and
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he wants to destroy hamas, yeah, and the only way he can possibly do that is by physically having the idf go into rafa, practically house by house, street by street, room by room, um, othman, how much do you think all of this has to do with netanyahu wanting to prolong the bloodshit since politically, he is dead man walket, um, it's... it's an interesting question because i i think whether it was netanyahu or anyone else in the government, they they do feel the need the genuine need, not just out of self-interest, but out of um out of out of yearn for revenge and yearn for an image of victory to to to defeat hamas, now of course netanyahu is a politician that has always been uh uniquely concerned with his own um...
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i would above even more so than your average politician would be, but he is has been especially his his insistence on turtle victory. i think from from his standpoint is is is logical point because what what we have seen is a complete humiliation of israel's um military capabilities of their intelligence capabilities and a continued failure to achieve material gains um over the past four months and israel and netanyahu need to come to a sense of victory as well as of course hamas needs to continue. existing so we're at quite a difficult impass um in negotiations and it's just a question of who is going to flinch first and who is going to lose this war of attrition? exactly, and some are saying that this genocidal war has run its course, now is the time to for it to be
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brought to an end, and there was seemed to be momentum 24 hours ago for that to happen, but it didn't. how has this breakdown in in ceasefire talks in these negotiations? been received in palestinian circles? um, i think many palestinians were hopeful, mean there there were images and videos of palestinians and other areas of of of the gaza strip, after the the after qatar uh gave some inclination that there would be - sease fire coming and there were videos of them celebrating, dancing, singing as you would expect them to do. um because there were many that were perhaps hopeful that that that end to the ordeal, the end to the the genocidal campaign was was closer and closer, um, unfortunately though, think many palestinis are looked at it logically one particularly surprised, i wasn't particularly surprised um
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and and many palestinians understand that there is there is unfortunately still a lot more that they have endure before israel is practic. speaking brought to their news. um, i want to pick up on what tarak said right there, and until israels are practically brought to their knees, it seems like they have, i mean, four months on, they haven't achieved any of their so-called stated goals, and it doesn't look like they will be able to do so uh, unless it comes at the cost of everybody in the gaza strip, either being killed or being pushed out of the territory all together. "well, i think that that's been the master plan in many respects all along. i mean, we're speaking from that that type of objective from very early on. if we just witness what's happening in the west bank, the not just arresting thousands of people, and many of them on the administrative dettention, which is a form of entirment
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without trial, but they are destroying people's homes, they are ripping up the streets, they are trying to make life uh uninhabitable, unlivable in the west bank, as much as they're trying to do that in." yeah, so if if if you break things down and separate them out, i mean, if his statedms were to defeat hamas, they haven't exactly, but israel's being replenished with weapons of mass destruction, ammunition uh everyday uh er surface missiles, all from america and all from britain, hamas hasn't getting the chance to replanish its armaments to defend the people of gaza against this barberous onslot, so that that could simply. be a time skill, mean that now you said it was going to go on all the way through 2024, do feel there appears to be a bit of a shift as if maybe the americans in the background have started this clock ticking so you may get this sorted out with the youden's presidential reelection
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being on on the borderline in november well stay with me gentlemen you mentioned the americans and that's we could talk about right now because despite fading optimism over efforts to bring them incidal war to a halt, us secretary of state anthony blincan says a cease fire deal is still a possibility. he also says hamasa's response quote, creates space for an agreement to be reached, unquote. here is more. we had an opportunity today to discuss with the israeli government the response that amas sent last night to the proposal that the united states, cutter and egypt uh had put together uh to bring the remaining hostages home. and extend the humanitarian pause. what i can tell you about these discussions is that while there are some clear non-starters in hamasa's response, uh, we do think it creates space for agreement to be reached, and we will work at that relentlessly until we get there. let
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me stay with fra a little bit, and fra, what do you make of those comments? on the one hand, you see the us, blincon pawning uh themselves is honest. brokers and at the same time is there is american tayer money, it's it's us diplomatic and political cover and all kinds of support for the regime to enable it to commit. they're practically participating in genocide in the gaza strip, yes, every bomb, every bullet, every tank shell is being supplied by either the eu or more by america, so they are totally complicit and every death, every injury, the destruction of hospitals, uh, desalination plants, medical clinics, schools, nurseries, uh, if anything has been shown through the events. uh post october 7, it's that the mask has slipped, finally the world is able to see
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that america is partisan and always has been, many people have said, many people who who are politically aware of what's happening in the region, i've always known, america has been behind us, baiden said many many years ago, if israel didn't exist, they have to create one, so it's there for to... the foreign policy of the anglo-saxon corporate military industrial complex in the region so they get cheap oil out and they get to sell expansivements to uae, saudi arabia, they keep the uma and the region divided through sectorian conflicts between sunni and shia and to keep uh to keep christian from jew and to keep persians from arabs in order to... yeah, the old motto, the old uh ruse that's
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been used by imperial of powers for centuries. i want to come back to that a little later and talk about complicity, but let me ask - this one um, israel is supposed to be submitting its first report uh as mandated by the uh international court of justice to show how they have adhered to the court's ruling. do you have any hope? at all that they're about to do that, they they would actually provide any of that to the court. um, i actually did, did at one point, so soon after the the announcement, i was hopeful and i believe that something in the something in israeli policy had to change, i thought that surely now israel would allow more aid into gaza, surely now israel would allow aid into the hospital. tools rebuild allow the rebuilding of hospitals, the rebuilding of medical facilities, the um
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rebuilding of bakeries and and all all such things, surely now is it would allow people to go back to the north of gaza, surely now is it would would begin to perhaps talk about prosecuting um israelis and uh israeli politicians who have vocally and explicitly called for the genocide of palestinians and yet here we are one, two weeks later, and nothing's happened, um, the report is due to be sent in within a month, and what we've seen is that nothing has changed, and israel has to my surprise even, even, to my surprise, even has completely ignored those orders and continues to completely ignore those orders and it seems like it is being very, very defiant in the face of the of the icj, um, and that's something that honestly i thought, and honestly it's very humiliating to the international community and... those who still have a semblance of belief in the and in in the prospect of international law,
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as we've seen it entirely ignored by a by a state that is supposedly civilized, supposedly educated, supposedly backed by the freedom loving um rule of law abiding us and europe, and it's something that has even surpassed my expectations, very low expect for israel, and that's that's what i want to go back to fra for, so we talked about the uf. and their complicity and participation in genocide uh, but then there are us allies, namely the country we're in right now, the united kingdom and germany, um, in complete disregard for their populations who have been protesting uh for several months now, week after week, if on the question of plausibility at the icj, israel is found guilty of genocide, then these countries that could have stopped genocide and did not, will... to be held accountable, is that right? that's if you believe in the rule of
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international law, if you believe that it will be imposed upon the countries involved. uh, we've already seen different acts prop before different parliaments like the british parliament were british soldiers of more or less being absolved of any war crimes that they may have committed in uh iraq and afghanistan and also in the north of ireland uh these these these people are above... law, they create laws for other people to impose in them and refuse to stay or stick with the same standards themselves. i think it's important for people to realize that the legs of america. have said that they would attack the heag if it was to try and bring uh the hague invasion act, yes, yes, yes, that's got, yeah, yep, uh, so the they're outside of international law, they're above international law, and the three specific countries that you chose the pickler were north america, uh, germany and britain, yeah, now britain was involved in a four million
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deaths and i think it was bangladesh, two million deaths in ireland through farman. i believe it was famin in iran that was caused by the english so the full details of it and north america was it 40 50 million indigenous native people that they put to the sword and put uh made them go on uh forced uh death marches and they put small pocks in the blankets and diseases that they had no natural immunity to in order to kill them off and i think it's nanibia that at the moment is in reparation talks with germany so... three countries you've specified that are coming to the aid of the genocidal regime in tel aviv are all guilty of genocide themselves along with the dutch and the belgiums and the french so all those people who see you talk about uh europe being a garden and the rest of the world and the rest
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the world be in a jungle that's been echoed by netanyahu he's tried to tell people in the... yes buse that's the audience he speaking to that we are standing up for western values and western civilizations and if we fall you will have forards of angry uh jihadists knocking on the door of europe and north america in order to attack the people are total lies just like no 40 40 babies being beheaded and uh and now there's even talk where any honora members actually in uh the comp in southern israel, as as claimed by the israeli government, lies and more lies, that's for sure. let me take moment and remind our viewers that you're watching gaza under attack with me saiza, where we take a deep dive into the news surrounding the us israeli carnage in the gaza strip. with the embattled israeli prime minister netanyahu
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rejecting any cease fire deals, the anger on the streets of london is only increasing. mona shahada, palestinian activist was out protesting with her four-year-old this past weekend in solidarity with the children of gaza. i'm here because i want to tell rishi sunak that we are not useful idiots. when we say palestine will be free from the river to the sea, we mean that every palestinian who lives from the river to the sea deserves to live in freedom and dignity. and if they are, if they have been dislocated from palestine in 1948 or 196. 67 or later they reserve to return to their land. we are not usual idiots, we are the voice of justice and dignity for palestinians and all the oppressed. it's such a shame, it's such a shame and that's why we will keep coming and we will not be silenced till the killing and the genocide is over. i want him to learn when he grows that we stood on the right side
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of history and we stood against genocide. this is for him to know that i did. my duty as mother to him and put him on the right side of history, even when he was four years old, and because children, his age and younger are being killed every minute in gaza. un secretary general antonia gutieresh has warrant of the dangers for those caught up in current conflicts, and he highlighted the situation in gaza as an example, have listen, and i'm especially alarmed by reports that the israeli military intens to... next on raffa, where hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been squeezed in a desperate search for safety, such action would exponentially increase what is already a humanitarian nightmare with untold regional consequences. the un secretary general antonio guteres there, let me get your
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reaction to secretary gutieresh's comments there, the un has seen. its credibility tested and its agencies brought into the tug of war between nations as you you mentioned andwa little earlier, speak to that if you can, well i think is part of the ongoing kind of general siddle uh program that's being uh carried out upon the people of gaza, i think the very fact that we've witnessed that the israelis won't let medicine in, they won't let fuel in. they won't let water in, they won't let food in, they're using starvation, hunger, dehydration and disease as we as a 100% as a weapon of war, now. 'i think they want to move the people from gaza out and if the egyptians won't allow that and then all this nonsense about sending them off the gambia or wherever these other countries are
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yeah uh won't won't happen either so i think what they want to do buse they've talked all along about people not uh voluntary transfer yeah so you get to the point where you've destroyed the whole of the north you've destroyed the middle they're going to destroy rafa it's just you're going to see it happen to front your eyes like you "i mean, there's a set uh, there's a set military objective here, each time, moving people from the north to the center, the center to the south, the master plan as you said earlier, well, yeah, and it would be my belief, yeah, that they are deliberately targeting onra by defunding it, yeah, so that it can't come in afterwards to rebuild the hospitals, to rebuild the schools, to rebuild the infrastructure, to rebuild the des the desalinization plants and bring in solar. tunnels and to give people a sense of hope going forward, so i think there's been a deliberate ploy, yeah, to attack onrah, they've attacked the un all the
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way through this, saying they're anti-semits, they're supporting hamas, uh, you know, absolutely, that that israel's just playing the victim, as always, as always, onra does the right thing, it israel commits genocide, it gets away with impunity, um, tarok is still with us of course. and your um thoughts on where you think these recent actions leave the palestinian push for statehood? um, it it's it's it's def, it definitely all depends on how this war ends, um, if israel is allowed, it's it's it's continued to be allowed to partake and commit genocide with impunity. then palestinians have no chance to to to to to achieve independence and and and any real seminance of state. um, but if
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israel is defeated and so far it has been defeated, so far it it's uh still still unable to achieve even assemblance of victory. if israel is defeated then israel is then left with no choice, but to but to do what you know is left with no choice. to commit to two state solution um and i think what is what the world has begon to see and what israel will eventually begin to see is that israel's policy of domination over palestinians, it was israel's policy of denying palestinian national determination, denying our freedom of movement, denying all right to us as people has failed um and yeah and here is israel back in day one in in a lot of senses committing what is 'you after 75 years of normalization, 75 years of ethnic cleansing, it's still in the same position it was 75 years ago, i think david cameron was actually um, you know, um, saying making the
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same point that israel's last 30 years have been a failure, despite all its um, all its efforts and normalization, all of its efforts towards um uh economic security, it's failed to deal with the palestinian issue um as ' they might phrase it, and so israel will be forced to take a different path, i think, but what remains to be seen is whether, and that, but that will only happen if it fails in gaza, the question is will it fail in gaza, and that is valid question, tarek, thank you very much, we are going to have to leave it there, gentlemen, f huse and tarak othman, thank you both for joining us and thank you everyone for keeping us company, gaza under attack, we'll be back tomorrow until then. and continue to keep palestine in your hearts. goodbye for now.
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ona nigdy nie powinna przyjechać tutaj do do europy.
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i believe that uh working together we can make history.
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your headlines for this hour, the death toll from israel's genocide in gaza nears 28,000 as a regime keeps pounding the palestinian territory. yemenis stage mass rallies across the country to express support for the people of. palestine and tractors drive past monuments in rome as part of farmers eurowide protest against eu measures and rising prices.