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tv   Broadcast The Web  PRESSTV  February 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm IRST

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military support and the political cover to continue with the genocidal war in the massicers we call on the arab league and the organization of islamic cooperation and the security council to take serious and immediate steps in order to prevent more crimes of genocide being committed in the city of rafah and also to put an end to the ongoing zionist aggression in gaza and to support the legitimate right of our people. for liberation and getting rid of the occupation, now regarding what the occupation claims that they have reached two zinast prisoners in rafa and trying to say that this is an achievement for their defeated army in light of what they are confronting, the setbacks and what they are facing from the resistance, especially in kanyunis and in lighted their failure in retrieving the prisoners being held. by the resistance and
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as we wait for the resistance version for this incident whereby it is the credible source and it says the following that there are certain media reports from the ground which say that the two prisoners were not being held by the hamas movement or the qassam brigades but rather were being held by a civilian family and this cast doubt on the credibility of the version of the occupation and proves. its efforts in order to exaggerate the situation as they search for achievement they haven't made against the resistance and so from here we say that the final say will be what will be announced by the resistance regarding this incident and of the occupation referring to them reaching two of prisoners in a housing unit according to their version after all this time has passed 129 days and after a military a complicated.
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military security operation as they described it, this is a clear attempt to boost the moral of the occupation army and his soldiers, in light of their very very low morale as a result of them fail failing and achieving any of their goals after more than four months of ongoing aggression, and this also proves what was stated by the occupation army, the spokesman of the army, whereby he stated that 134 prisoners still remain held by the... brigades and this in itself is an achievement for the resistance which stressed that there will be no return for any prisoner alive except according the conditions of the resistance. exaggerating this operation and its results proves that the zionist government is in a very difficult situation whereby is trying to exaggerate any achievement in front of the zinist public opinion which is angry with this political leadership and its failure as well and when
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it comes to the international stances and the regional escalation, we hold the american administration and its president completely responsible for the ongoing genocidal war which is being committed by the zionist entity against our people in the gaza strip for more than four complete months. support for these horrific crimes and these escalatory crimes, this all dismisses the credibility of the claims of the american administration, these claims which continue today about human rights, freedom and justice, and its intent on putting an end to the palestinian bloodshed, we call on the international court of justice to document these crimes and these massicres and these horrific violations which have continued after its decision and all forms of human
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life in the gaz strip and also to issue a decision which puts an end to this war and to take all the necessary measures to end these horrific crimes against our people and to hold this entity, this malig entity and its nazi leaders accountable for the crimes which are being committed in front of the whole world, here we value and we greatly appreciate all of the arab and islamic and international standards that... reject and also denounce the continuation of the aggression and design crimes in gaza and against the west bank and which denounce the plans of the occupation to displace our people from their territory and we call for these stances to continue and to further escalate these stances and to put pressure by all possible means on the american administration to put a stop to it support for this entity and to prevent it from continuing with its aggression and its genocidal war. we also salute. the efforts
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and the sacrifices of the brothers, the resistance fighters in lebanon and yemen and iraq who are sharing with our palestinian of people this epic of allostorm. "and we also salute and bless their jihad and their heroics and their stances, and we pray for their marties, and we hold the american administration responsible for the repercussions and the results of the escalation in the region, and there will be no stability in this region, except if the zinest aggression against this strip comes to an end, and except if our people are allowed to have their freedom and allowed self-determination and to have an independent state with..." puts as its capital and we underscore that the whole world must decide whether or not they will support the worst terrorism represented by the zionist entity, or will they stand with righteousness and justice and self-determination, which was represented by our palestinian people, here
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we call once again on the peoples of our of our arab and islamic ummah and the free people in the world, we call on them to continue and to intensify their actions in all the capitals. and everywhere in denouncing the crimes of aziness enemy and in solidarity with our people and the just causes and to put pressure by all possible means against the governments and the states so that the aggression against our people comes to an end, especially in the gaz strip. in conclusion, we pray for the marties from amongst our people and the marties in the resistance on the path to the liberation of al-quds, and we pray for a speedy recovery for. the wounded and the sick and we pray also for the freedom of the prisoners held in the occupation prisons and we also express our pride in our great people and in our resistance, those who are writing history for our people and for for our ummah in defense themselves and the territory and the
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sanctities and we underscore that we are certain, we are confident that victory from god will come to our people and resistance and god indeed will enable victory, but the answer is regarding the talks, i said
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that the efforts are continuing, there has been an israeli response, and i have to clarify here, we are not negotiating only for the sake of a prisoner swap deal, we are holding talks for. first of all to put an end to the aggression against the palestinian people and to lift the siege and to rebuild gaza and to allow people to return to their homes. it is clear that the occupation up until this moment is not responding to the demand of the return of the displaced, it's also putting obstacles, preventing the treatment for the wounded, preventing them from traveling abroad to receive treatment and not responding to the main demands which our people want. for this reason we believe that "the occupations response are not at the appropriate level which the palestinian people want, nor what the resistance wants, we will continue with these talks, however difficult they may be, but certainly for us, the end of talks means achieving what we want, nothing else. now regarding the
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question about the taset agreement, american israel, jordan, egyptian to establish camps for the refugees, we say very clear. "our people don't need refugee camps, our people need an end to the aggression and need to be enabled to return to their homes despite them being destroyed, our people are capable of rebuilding what the occupation destroyed, and they will rebuild it better than it was before. our people don't need charity, but need a stance with righteousness. for this reason i say that any agreement which does not lead to an end of the aggression and the occupation. is an agreement which does not fulfill the aspirations of the palestinian people and its hopes and its goals and
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look the israelis it's clear that the israelis are maneuvering. netanyahu by his nature is a maneuver is liar the... occupation government led by netanyahu also includes certain figures who given take some them threaten to withdraw from the government and there is also a crime is a failure, the occupation army hasn't achieved any of the goals it declared, it is destroying and killing, however it did not destroy the resistance or eliminated, it did not retrieve the presences and it declared it is not capable of also building new version of gaza later on. we said we still say that the situation in gaza today, tomorrow and forever will remain something for the palestinians, the palestinians will be the identity of gaza, so it's natural for them to... maneuver, their stance has become clear, everybody knows that they are lying, that they do not intend to reach an understanding,
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we said they are trying to reject everything, even some of the points which were included in the paris document which they which they themselves agree to, they are backing down from this, swiss will not make us back down, we will continue, and if the enemy is pinning its hopes on the ground, the ground will not be in very favor, will be against them, god willing, we heard, as you heard, and there are zionist media reports which refer to infantry passage way, transporting products from india via a route passing through the arab region from the united arab emirates to jordan through saudi arabia. first of all, we said before we refer to this in a previous press conference, we call on these countries which the occupation. is referring to in this regard, we call on them, we called on them to clarify this stance, unfortunately we haven't
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heard any clarification as of yet, but i'd like to add here that we call on the peoples these countries to take action in order to stop this route by all possible peaceful means to stop the route to block the road for this convoys carrying aid, we believe that jordan is a very important. location, the jordan, its people, its tribes, all of its people are capable, they are expressing solidarity with our people in their battle, they are capable of blocking this route of the zinous entity, god willing, well, the israeli threats on his part of the genocide in gaz. and shows how they are not uh aware
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about uh the international justice court and how they are covered by the american support on the political level mainly and by the military support. i think it shows how the israelis are not seeking to have even a peace, they are seeking just to kill the palestinian people and to kill them to kick them out of their homeland. it happened not only in gaza, it's happened. also in west bank, we are talking about hundreds of palestinians who have been killed in the last four months in west bank. we are talking about thousands of palestinians who were arrested in the israeli jails, including men, women and children. it is kind of genocide against the palestinians in gaza and west bank, and this is what was said by smotric, the minister of finance in the kinisit, the israeli parliament, by saying that we have survived because we deported the palestinians in 1948 and we have to do the same in gaza
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and west bank, this is the israeli policy and i believe what is happening in gaza and mainly what may happen in rafah is is under this situation. we urged everyone to prevent that from happening, to protect the palestinians and i think it's the responsibility for the united states who are participating this israeli attack against the palestinians. all is being investigated and we believe that every palestinian, every lebanese, every
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loyal arab person realize that israel represents a threat to them, however, this threat is not a threat which makes us not do our duty, on the contrary, this threat lead us to resist, and it will also make us stand with stead fasters and will also lead us god willing to achieving victory and ending this occupation and pushing this entity away from our territory and sanctities, god willing, thank you very much. well, you've been listening to a statement and also press conference from hammas spokesman there in beirot, from hamdan, a hamas official, he talked about the catastrophic humanitarian conditions facing uh palestinians in the gua strip of course, lacking water, lacking, lacking food, lacking any kind of safety. he talked about the type of humiliation that the regime is doing even against doctors who refuse to go along with the zionis and accept
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there, what he called lies about saying that the hospitals are actually used by hamas resistance movement he talked about the uh um the prisoners, the palestinian prisoners that are being tortured by the regime and the thousands of palestinians even on the west bank who have been detained and also are being tortured. he called out several countries, india, uae, jordan and saudi arabia, which the regime says is actually helping them to get their supplies, he called on the people of these lands to stand up, to block those supplies. lines and to stand up against their governments and he said that god is with the resistance, god is with those who are right, and he believes at the end of the day that the victory will be for the palestinians as god will enable that victory. well, that has been a brief summary of what osama hamdan has said, and of course will
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cover other issues in upcoming news bulletins. thanks so much for staying with us. at press tv. will join our regular programming already in progress and i'll be back in about 13 minutes with a full bulletin. stay tuned please. crisis devastating wars, terrorism. the israeli lobby, crackdown. diplomacy: israeli unslaught on gaza, was shaped by the flames of war. bengian,
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cognisant of vulnerabilities, devised a strategic doctrine, yet on october 7th, seismic tremors shook the foundation of this doctrine. facing unparalleled challenges, israel confronted. economic appeaval, how did this mortal wound reverberate through the intricacies of its economy?
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i believe that working together we can make history.
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part of the american efforts to control uh middle east and to expand its influence in iraq, it managed to uh have a complete control on iraqi finances. "the us is sending very clear message to iraq, that you either
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do as we tell you, or we will also destroy you. the airlines says the decision is grounded on misleading, fly baghdad has a contract with the us due to his excellent performance." these accusations are unreal because we are under the supervision:
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it speaks with me, the saint of the soil, from the blood and the ashes. it speaks with me the sound of the rain from the battle and the victory victory victory. oh palestine, i free. oh palestine, i free
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you, oh palestine, i creed you, oh palestine, i free you, my every breath is a cry to my enemy, and i cry out, cry out, cry. fry out to the evil enemy, the flame within my heart will burn you, i cry out and the thunder in my voice will defen you, i cry out and the tornado within my soul, will will you away?
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my bleeding wound once felt those on forgotten, but the aching sorrow in me never gone, i raise it with my... anger and love, love of my land, anger at your dead, raise it with my anger and love, love of my land, anger and purity. wounded by hatred, i'm
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breathing, breathing, breathing, the magic perfume of my homeland palestine, wounded in love, my hands turn around the branches of the olive tree, seeking peace, seeking peace, but as long as the... kills of our children are drenching blood, as long as you have the thorn cround of evil force, i'm a flame and thunder, the tornado, and i cry out, i cry
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out. oh my son, i pray you, i realize you, oh my son, i pray you, one you're watching, i'm your host.
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headlines at press tv. israel intensifies its deadly strikes on gaza's southern city of rafa, ahead of a planned ground assault on the city where nearly one and a half million palestinians have sought refuge. yemen fires missiles at an american vessel in the red sea, vowing to continue such operations until israel. genocide of palestinians in the gaza strip, and according to netherlands orders the dutch government to stop the export of f-35 fighter jet parts to israel following an appeal by several human rights organizations.