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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 14, 2024 4:30am-5:03am IRST

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repress tv headlines, the un humanitarian chief issues serious warning about the consequences of israel's ground invasion of rafa saying it could lead to a slaughter. of south africa says israel's ground invasion of roffel will be serious breach of the genocide convention and icj's ruling on the gaza onset. and the secretary general of lebanon's hezbulah says the resistance movementts attacks on israel will only end once aggression on the gaza's trip stops.
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hello everyone, it's 3 am in the besige gauza strip and you're watching press tv world news and now israel continues ahead with this bombing campaign in gaza taking the lives of more civilians in the besiege enclave to the south regime fired our artillery at the city of khan unis cutting off electricity to alnasar hospital where thousands are sheltering. israel's ordered people to evacuate from the medical complex while regime forces continue bombing areas around it. israeli snipers are also hitting civilians in the courtyard of al-naser on monday two mosks as well as an islamic university in the southern city of rafa were also targeted by israeli strikes resulting in dozens of casualties. nearly 28,500 palestinians have so far been killed, most of them women and children since the regime
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launch its onslot on gaza on october the 7th. and for an update, we're joined earlier by gaza correspondent mutti abu musabi. at the last couple of hours, the israeli occupation forces intensify their attacks against several areas of gaza strip, despite uh that the all the all eyes are tained into rafa city, the israel ocupation forces over the last hour attacked gaza city relentlessly and intensely, and let me say that as we speak these moments, the israeli war blains attacked a residental building and azawaida refugee camp, which is located in the surrounding areas of balah city, apparently there are multiple palestinan causalies left behind that attack. because the ambulances
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moved uh moments ago to the place to that place where that residental building was attacked by the israeli war planes in gaza city as i have just mentioned that the israeli war planes uh targeted several residental buildings particularly in neighborhood and square uh multiple residental buildings were flattened over the latest israeli air strikes in addition to that several palestinian civilian. cause uh were also targeted by the israeli fighter drones uh leaving dozens of the palestinan casualties, at least uh six palestinian civilians were killed over those attacks. when it comes to the southern part of gaza strip, we are talking about the catastrophic conditions when whether when it was about the uh continuous chronic israeli air strikes uh that hit rafah city these moments we are talking about. orisonal buildings were
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attacked by the israeli uh war planes leaving thoses of the palestinian casuality is particularly in the eastern parts of the city uh as you know that even in the north part of the city the israeli occupation forces targeted and attacked a group of the palestinian civilians including uh multiple palestinian journalists including the al-jazira corresponded ismail abu umar he was critically injured by that. attack and he had his leg amputated over that relendous attack, the un humanitarian chief has sound the alarm over repercussions of luming israeli invasion of the city of rafa. in a statement, martin griffith said israel's military push into rafo where at least 1.4 million displaced palestinians have sought shelter could lead to slaughter. he said the regime cannot ignore recurrent international calls against the dangerous consequences of any such invasion. "the un official also raised
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concerns over the unraveling humanitarian crisis in the city, saying the assault against palestinians there is unparalleled in intensity, brutality and scope. un. humanitarian chief said any ground invasion will lead to immediate sessation of the already fragile humanitarian operation there. now earlier tuesday, head of the un agency for palestinian refugees expressed concern over the situation in raffa, saying there is absolutely no safe place there. um, basically uh, we were talking about the situation in raffa, which is uh... deeply, deeply concerning, and as you know, people are anxious and in fear of a possible large scale military operation. um, if this military operation is taking place, the question is, where will the civilian go? there is
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absolutely no safe place in raffa anymore, and the fear is that the number of people killed and injured might again significantly increase. philip lazarini made the comments after meeting with un member states in geneva where added that it's impossible to expect over million displaced people crammed into rafa to once again move. lazarini also sam calls to dismantle unra warning about the impact of such move. now israels accused 12 unra employees of helping hamas in its october 7th operation without providing any evidence. however, the allegation. prompted the regime's western backers to suspend funding to the agency. un aid agency warned that it will have to cease its vital services by the end of the month. south africa has submitted an urgent request to the
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international court of justice to examine if israel's planned assault on the southern city of rafa and the southern gaza strip breaches the court's orders. the south african government has in a statement said it's gravely. concerned that the unprecedented military offensives already led to and will result in further large-scale killings. staven also added any ground invasion will be serious and irreparable breach of the genocide convention and the courts order of january 26th. last month, the hague base court announced is provisional ruling in a case brought by south africa against israel. the world court called on israel to cease all activities that could constitute. genocide against palestinians living in the besieg territory and people around the world continue to hold rallies and marches to express angert israel's ongoing genocide in gaza. hundreds of spaniords once again hit the streets of madrid, denouncing their
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authorities for arming the israeli regime. if the government is not going to do anything for palestine, at least keep your mouth shut, stay put and don't. sell arms to israel, don't be complicit and help kill palestinian children, they killed all the children, there's no one left. protesters gathered in from the foreign ministry building on monday, they slamed the israeli offensive in the southern gaza and called for a boycott of the regime. some of them held palestinian flags and chanted slogans that israel is a terrorist state, people in the canadian cities of vancouver and toronto also took to the streets chanting hands off. in reference to israely threats of invasion of the southern gaza city. emergency protest outside the uk prime minister's office to try and stop an imminent massacre, called for by the
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palestine solidarity campaign and a coalition of other similar organizations. week after week, pro-palestinian protesters have come out in huge numbers to demand "the british government called for a permanent, immediate cease fire in the gaza strip and to terminate its military and political support for a partide israel, and the're galvanized by the knowledge and hope that the pressure they're ramping up on the british government will eventually stir action. in a sign of that pressure working, only hours before the protest, the uk's foreign secretary david cameron joined other european leaders to caution the netanyahu regime to..." think twice about its mass incursion into the southern gaza city of rafa, which shelters 1.4 million displaced palestinians. we are very concerned about the situation and we want israel to stop and think very seriously before it takes any further action, but above all what we want is immediate pause in the
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fighting, and we want that pause to lead to a ceasefire, sustainable cease fire without a return um to further fighting, hands off gaza, hands off gaza. hands off gaza, but while that may seem like a change in the uk government's tone, the protesters here say it doesn't go far enough, what kind of disturbed and dystop? world are we in, we're asking for peace is become slander, um, i just do not understand, i cannot comprehend what more needs to be done, do they need to see 1 million gardans being exterminated on the tvs or drowning in the mediterranean sea, because that is the options that israel is giving them. another demand here, an end to uk arms sales to israel, according to the campaign against the arms trade, between 2015 and 2022, the uk licensed more than half billion dollars worth of weapons to tel aviv, our uk
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government should be having no trade with israel, let alone arms trade, let alone trading equipment that kills palestinians. the fourth national demonstration of the year is planned for february 17th. organizers say they're expecting hundreds of thousands to turn out to hold the british government's feed to the fire. saied up press tv, london. on tuesday, law makers from the opposition parties held a flash mob outside italy's lower house calling for a sice fire in the gaza street. the protest was staged while the chamber of deputies was voting on six different motions on the ongoing west asia crisis. some law makers from the once anti-establishment, five star movements, the italian left and green europe parties and the democratic party gathered in parliament square. shouting out loud that the israeli bombardment of gaza must stop now. i think
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it's time that we place our attention on what's going on in the overcrowded rafa where the israeli bombardments are ongoing. nearly 3000 gazons have been killed. this is nothing less than a collective punishment period. at the end of tuesday's vote, only very week motion was passed by the lower house. the approved motion doesn't acknowledge is. world's genocide and doesn't condemn the regime for its crimes, it even confirms italy's suspension of funding to the un agency for palestinian refugees, unra, international law must be enforced. after 40 years of un resolutions, israel must now comply. it's time to recognize palestine as a state, first and foremost. meanwile, the bulk of italy's mainstream media. continues to aid and abat israel's massacre in gaza, marginalizing palestinian voices. at the
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weekend during national song contest, which brings tens of millions of viewers together, rapper called for a stopped israeli genocide during his appearance on stage, the aftermath saw a flurry of condemnations by pro israel figures, including the israeli ambassador to italy which led to apologize from the national tv broadcaster management. rise decision to apologize to israel have been held in naples and turin over the past days. during this protests, clashes between pro-palestine activists and the police have led to several injuries and arrest. rome was
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shaped by the flames of war. bengarian, cognisant of vulnerabilities, devised a strategic doctrine. yet, on october 7th. seismic tremors shook the foundation of this doctrine. facing unparalleled challenges, israel confronted economic appeaval. how did this mortal wound reverberate through the intricacies of its economy?
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welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. the hisbullah leader said the lebanese resistance movement will stick to its anti-israel operations until aggression against gaza stops. said hasan nasara said this is moral duty and strategic interest for lebanon. they made the remarks in a televised speech in response to criticism. that the moves anti-israel operations could endanger the arab country, he argued a weak israel will only benefit the entire region while a strong israel will pose a greater threat, he said the regime emerges victorious in its gaza war, it may decide to invade lebanon again as it did in the 1980s. nazarella said israel only understands the language of force since it does not respect international resolutions. thasbullah leader also touched a flurry of visits by western delegations to lebanon. he said their only purpose is to get security guarantees for israel, so setlers
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can return to their homes and areas along the lebanese border. 'all of these delegations which came, which brought with them proposals and ideas and suggestions and mechanisms, they all come with one goal, which is israel's security, protecting israel, stop, stop attacking the israeli positions, the israeli bases'. hez said the delegations are not acting as mediators, but rather they're presenting israel's proposals as their own, and expect hezbollah to accept them, either the western delegations are not even ready to help lebanon retrieve territories occupied by israel. national said israely enemy is not in a position to impose any conditions on lebanon. and as the israely onslot on gaza
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has entered his fifth month, "the international community is increasingly showing solidarity with the palestinian cause by joining a boycott movement which aims to isolate israel economically, politically and culturally until it ends its occupation and oppression of palestinians earlier in our explainer program, we elaborated on this very issue. the us israeli genocidal war as well" into its fourth month, and as the genocide continues, so have the actions taken by people around the world to boycott israel in one form or another, from protests to products, even the israeli regime's academia. let's first take a look at the protests that have broken out after the genocidal war. we took a look at the timeline from october 7th to november 24th, and these are the
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pro-palestine rallies, as seen here on this map. a couple of points here, the us. pretty widespread, but looking at europe, it is massive, it's all over europe, especially in the uk, and these are pro israeli protests of note here is that only the us and the uk gained traction for israeli supporters, at least for the most part, and these are the tallies. there were over 7,200 pro- palestine protests, 845 were pro israel, and 245 were neutral protests with pro- palestine rallies to have occurred in 118 countries, unprecedented. before the us israeli genocidal war broke out boycutting israel had already taken shape in one form or another, inflicting damage and losses to israel. for example, 10.5 billion dollars of losses per year, a result of thousands of job losses due to a full israeli boycott, or 33 million
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dollars of money that israel allocates just to fight bds. there are other. areas as well as you see here, from losses to israeli farmers, which is now worse due to the israeli aggression, to student councils and associations to artists and culture. the boycutting of products linked to israel made in israel, or that israel in one way or another benefits from lies in one of the core tenents of bds movement. it has come up with its own list of targeted brands. their campaign is divided into four categories, consumer boycots, boycots of brands that have a proven record of complicity and abuses against palestinians, divestments, pressure on governments and institutions to stop doing business with companies that enable the israeli occupation of palestinian lands, pressure, and this calls for people, institutions and organizations to pressure brands and services to end their complicity and abuses against palestinians and organic
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boycots, grassroots boycots of brands that openly support israeli. violence against palestinians. since the operation alaksa flood and the ensuing us-israeli genocidal war, there have been many products that have been on the list to boycot depending what part of the world you're at. the list is pretty long and wide and in many industries, especially brand names. as you can see here, these are just some of the products and yes after the genocidal war companies are feeling the losses from the israeli on. thought, especially in their international operations. the current boycott around the world against famous brands like mcdonald's is coming from organic grassroots campaigns, not initiated by the bds movement, but biting into their profits. in december 2023, it was reported that starbucks lost approximately $11 billion dollars in value, erasing 9.4% of the
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company's total value. comparable sales in mcdonald's international rose.7% and the quarter widely missing estimates of 5.5% growth. also, pizza hut reported same store sales declines of 2%, missing expectations of 0.6% growth. the pizza chain's us same store sales shrank 4% while its international same store sales were flat. now some surprising forms of boycott or happening at some universities and college campuses in the us. take columbia university. it is called a columbia specific boycot list shared on social media, and these are the companies targeted with alternatives recommended, like morton williams restaurant to be replaced by h. or apple bees, starbucks with joe coffee or broadway and sweet green with samats gourmet or juntsi, and it is working. another
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boycot action against israel, companies associated with israel's illegal settlements made public by the un, but now with the genocidal war, interest in these companies have increased. the office of the united nations high commissioner for human rights has identified 125. with ties to illegal israeli settlements considered illegal under international law. these are some of the companies which are included in that list, some of the most notably airbnb, expedia and motorola. when arab speaking countries should be helping gaza and palestinians, it turns out to that they are stabbing them in the back. normalization is one thing, but to increase trade with the israeli regime during the onslot and aggression? these countries which have normalized relations with the israeli occupation have increased their imports from israel with morocco leading the group. this includes other countries such as
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egypt, jordan and the uae. this is happening as israel is committing war crimes in the gaza strip and launching daily assaults in the occupied west bank. and finally, there is this form of israeli boycott, although unofficial, and it's boycotting israel in the global academia. israel is being unofficially boycotted in global academia says a report, according to the national council for civilian r&d, there have been cancellations of invitations to joint conferences, rejections of articles and publications and grants to israeli researchers and more, all of which could seriously harm israel's scientific and economic standing. so boycots do have an effect on israel's economy, and the longer israel continues. its usraeli genocidal war, the losses will continue for israel, something that it cannot afford. the
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28th meeting of g5 countries on health cooperation is underway in the iranian capital tehran. representatives from iran, pakistan, afghanistan, iraq, and tajikistan, along with the world health organization, will be discussing technical issues pertaining to women's health, also share experiences and explore areas. of cooperation takes us here: addressing women's health challenges and how they may affect the family and particularly young children. iran, pakistan, afghanistan, iraq and tajikistan, along with the who, coming together for the 28th time since 2005, to promote regional cooperation, an initiative by the islamic republic of iran to improve. regional and subregional partnerships are crucial for effective implementation of joint regional initiatives and cross-border collaboration
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and for detecting and responding to disease outbreaks and other man-made and natural disasters. the challenges discussed in this three-day meeting will provide the groundwork for much larger international health conference dubbed pac for uac. or primary healthcare for universal health coverage to be held right here in march. this is the eighth time during mr. ray's term in office that the g5 meeting is held. the main objective is to pinpoint the challenges that exist so that we can plan the upcoming phc for uhc conference. the health sector of iran has improved to level where it can not only become a health tourism hop, but also share its valuable experiences with regional. and help with improving health issues, and while neighboring countries are dealing with number of issues, they still could not turn a blind eye to the tragic situation of mothers and
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children. in gaza, living in dreadful conditions, now struggling to access safe water and sanitation, basic human right. we want healthy mothers to give birth to healthy babies, because that is the only way we can plan for the future of our societies. in tajikistan, recently ratified laws are in line with this policy, and i hope that all women in different parts of our region can enjoy the kind of support we have. have in our country. g45 forum basically provides us an opportunity to learn from the weaknesses from the challenges and take a comparative disadvantage of each other from our strengths and experiences. the ultimate goal is to provide universal health coverage and develop national road maps and strategies for improving healthcare services. iran's initiative in this regard has allowed major
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advancements and according to the world health organization, the islamic republic of iran is now role model, with its pac or primary healthcare network extending beyond its borders. these meetings will continue until february 15th with the participants discussing the different challenges that they're facing, also paving the way for an international health conference that will be held in the iranian capital in march. gisum shah ahmadi press tv, tehran. and that's it for your latest here on pres tv everyone, thanks for joining us and bye-bye for now.
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welcome back to gaza under attack coming to from the british capital, london. i'll give you my guests in few minutes, but first a quick look at some of the latest developments. apartide, israel steps up attacks on the southern gaza city of rafa that shelters 1.4 million palestinians. overnight, strikes and raids have killed at least 67 people and injured dozens more, most them women. children, hamas has condemned the deadly israeli attack, saying the offensive is a deepening of genocide against the people of palestine. yemen targets an american ship in the red sea, reiterating such attacks will persist until israel holts its genocide in
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gaza. the un, eu and others warn against israel's plan for launching a ground invasion of rafa, a court in the netherlands orders the dutch government to stop giving israel parts for f-35 warplanes. following an appeal by human rights groups. us-israeli attacks on gaza have killed more than 28,00 palestinians and wounded 68 others since october last year. join me today's edition in the studio, father frank gelly, anglican priest and pro-palestinian advocate. and joining us all the way from new york is journalist and author caleb mallpin. his latest book, who are the houties and what are they fighting for, is now available. gentlemen, welcome. to you both, um, caleb, we're bracing ourselves for unimaginable devastation, as the israeli onslaught on rafa gather's pace, your reflections, well, the entire world.