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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 14, 2024 10:30am-11:03am IRST

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they have. lines on the 131st day of the us israeli genocide in gaza, occupation forces intensify attacks on the southern city of raffa, despite widespread international warnings. efforts in egypt to reach a cease fire deal in gaza reportedly failed to make a break through and talks that will continue for another three days. the secretary general of lebanon's hezbulah asserts that the resistance movements attacks on israel will of persist until the aggression against. gaza
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strip ceases. hello and welcome everybody. it's 10:30 a.m. here in the iranian capital tanjoni, watching press tv's world news. our top story for this uh four israel presses ahead with its bombing campaign in the gaza strip taking the lives of more civilians in the besieg terror. heavy fighting has been reported around nasa hospital in the southern city of hanes, thousands of palestinians are sheltering at the hospital and it's nearby areas. israel is ordered them to evacuate, but charity group doctors without borders says they are afraid to leave after reports of people have been shot. the regime has also conducted air strikes on the southern city of rafa while it's preparing for a ground assault as well, the plant operations uh has raised deep.
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concerns in gaza and international level, that's because rafa has packed with more than million refugees fleeing israeli attacks and other parts of gaza, nearly 28,500 palestinians have already been killed since the war began, well we're joined now by our corresponent who's with us from derabala in... central gaza to talk to us more about the ongoing israeli aggression uh in the gaza strip, what what do you have to share with us in our viewers? yes bardia, good morning, actually the israeli genocide enters its 131 consecutive days with more killing and more air strikes reaching uh several areas of gaza strip and let me begin with the central area of gaza strip as the israeli war blanes destroyed. several residental buildings in
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the anusar refugee camp and there in balah city uh leaving more casualities among the palestinian civilians part of them were approach to the marta's hospital here in deril balah city uh meanwhile the israeli artillery maintained its shelling to the eastern bars of the city of their balah city uh reaching and hitting the palestinian houses in those areas uh so uh we are talking about continuous and constant israeli air strikes and shilling targeting the origental areas of the central area of gazab in the same context in kanyunis city as you know the israel incubation forces are still beligiring the nasa medical complex in the western b of khanis city they are attacking the palestinian people uh stranded inside the complex according to the latest reports that the three palestinian civilians among the displaced palestinian people who are inside
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the complex shot dead by the israeli snipers who are tobbing the surrounding buildings of the america of the naser medical complex in addition to uh 10 injuries left behind those attacks so apparently the israeli incubation forces are planning and are are trying to uh to attack the hospital like what happened uh in a shifa medical complex when the israeli incubation forces conducted uh their ground offensive against this city uh, it's worth mentioning as well that the israeli incubation forces demanded the evacuees palestinians who are stranded in the hospital to evacuate into another area and the people are very terrified, they are very they are, they are very worried and scared that the israeli incubation forces would shoot at them because it's not the first time for the israeli incubation forces to to arben. uh the of
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gunfire at the palestinian civilians while they were evacuating from a place to another place, it's worth mentioning that the echos of of horrible crime committed by the israeli cub'. forces in kan city are still resonating among the palestinian people when the israeli occubation forces uh demanded a palestinian youth to uh to move to another medical complex in order to tell the people there to evacuate from the hospital and once he returned to the israeli soldiers they should dead they shoot him dead and they killed him in cold blood so it's another crime added to the continuous and the and the constant israeli crimes committed lift. and center uh and apparently for the palestina it has become very clear for the palestinian civilians elsewhere in god that the israeli cubation forces have no red lines when it comes to uh to to kill the palestinian people or to shoot at them uh and rough city where the at least one 1.3 million palestinian
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civilians are still stuck there uh between the constant and the relentless israeli attacks and the air strikes and the catastrophic humanitarian conditions. "those palestinian people were under heavy bombardments of the israeli occupation forces, particularly in the eastern parts of the city where the israeli artillery maintained its chronic uh attacks and shielling to the to those areas, knowing that every meter and every inch in the city is completely overcrowded and overwhelmed with the palestinian civilians, needless to mention the uh catastrophic humanitarian conditions that the palestinian people are living there and accord" to multiple human rights organizations that the people are facing a real famin, knowing that at least 10 10% of the humanitarian relief and aid are allowed to enter the city under the the punitive measures taken by the israeli
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incubation forces in order to deepen the suffering of the palestinian people stranded there. thanks lot multi presties joining us from daraaballa in central. gaza. moving on humanitarian chief has sounded the alarm over the repercussions of aluming israeli invasion of gaza's southern city of rafa. in his statement, martin griffith said israel's military push into raffa where at least 1.4 million displaced palestinians have taken shelter could lead to slaughter. he said the regime can't ignore the recurrent international calls against the dangerous consequences of any such invasion. the un official also raised concern over the unraveling humanitarian crisis in the city. saying the assault against palestinians ears quote unparalled in its intensity, brutality and scope, the un humanitarian chief said any ground invasion would lead to the immediate cessation of the already fragile humanitarian operation there, the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees has made similar comments. um, basically uh, we were talking
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about the situation in raffa, which is a deeply, deeply concerning and as you know, people are anxious and in fear of a possible large scale military operation. um, if this military operation is taking place, the question is, where will the civilian go? there is absolutely no safe place in raffa anymore, and the fear is that the number of people killed in india might again significantly increase. philip lazarini made the comments after meeting with un member states in geneva. he added that it was impossible to expect over 1 million displaced people crammed into rafat to move once again. lazarrini also slammed a calls to dismantle honoral warning about the impact of the move israel has accused 12 onrow employees of
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helping hamas in its october 7th operation without providing any evidence. however, the allegation prompted the regime's western backers to suspend their funding of the agency, the un aid agency. he warned that it will have to cease its vial services by the end of the month. talks involving us and israeli spy chiefs as well as gatali and egyptian officials a gaza truce and cairo have repeatedly failed to make a breakthrough. the heads of israel's mosad and shinbet sat down with us, egyptian and qatari representatives on tuesday as part of an effort to secure the gaza ceasefire deal. there is a conflicting reports on the talks that were follow-up of the framework hammered out in paris last month, some media report said an israeli delegation left the venue after negotiations failed to bridge uh the gap on some issues, despite media speculations, negotiations would continue for another three days. earlier israely media revealed that prime minister benim netanyahu
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was opposed to a proposal put forward by spy chiefs a deal this uh the palestinian resistance moving and hamas had also accused netanyahu of trying to buy time to pursue a his own agenda, while proposing a ceasefire, hamas wants a full halt to israeli strikes, withdraw of troops and a prisoner swap among other conditions. israel forces have abducted more than 7,000 palestinians across the occupied west bank since the regime's genocidal war started in gaza. several rights advocacy group said in a joint statement that palestinians abducted by israeli forces included about 220 women, more than 440 children and nearly 40 journalists. the regime has also issued nearly 3,500 administrative detention orders including against women and children. since last october, israel's inhumane administrative detention policy allows the regime. to keep palestinians in jail for indefinite periods of time without charges or trial, according
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to palestinian sources, israel is currently keeping more than 9,000 palestinians behind bars, nearly 3,500 of whom are held under administrative detention orders. after the occupation of palestinian lands and creation the israeli regime, both sides came to realize... the power of cinema in getting their messages across. the israeli regime used cinema to show the territory it had occupied as heaven on earth in order to entice jews from all over the world to migrate to the occupied territories. on the other hand, although belatedly, palestinians also learn to use the power of media and cinema. to make their voice heard across the world, it was new battlefield for both sides.
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hezbelah's leader says the lebanese resistance movement will stick to its anti-israel operations until the aggression against gaza stops. said hasan nasula said, this is moral. duty in a strategic interest for lebanon. he made the remarks in a televised speech in response to criticism that the movement's anti-israel operations could endanger the arab country. he argued that a weak israel would benefit the whole region, while a strong israel would pose a greater threat. he said if the regime emerges victorious in the gaza war, it may decide to invade lebanon again as it did in the 1980s. nasa said israel only understands a language of force since it doesn't respect international resolutions. the heswallah leader also touched on a flurry of visits by western delegations to lebanon, he said their
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only purpose is to get security guarantees for israel so settlers can return to their homes in areas near lebanon. all of these delegations which came which brought with them proposals and ideas and suggestions and mechanisms, they all come with one goal, which is israel's security, protecting israel. stop stop attacking the israeli positions, the israeli bases. anasta said the delegations are not acting as mediators, but instead present israel's proposals as their own proposals and expect hisb to accept them. he said the western delegations are not even ready to help lebanon retrieve its territories occupied by israel, nasa said the israeli enemy is not in a position to impose conditions on lebanon. south africa submitted
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an urgent request to the international court of justice to examine if israel's planned assault on the palestinian city of rafa in the southern gaza strip breaches a courts orders. the south african government has in a statement said it was gravelly concerned that the unprecedented military offensive against rafa has already led to and will result. and further large-scale killings. the statement also added any ground invasion would be serious and irreperable breach of the genocide convention and the court's order of january the 26th. last month, the hag-based court announced its provisional ruling in a case brought by south africa against israel, the world court called on israel to cease all activities that could constitute genocide against the palestinians living in the besieg territory. hundreds of people will have gathered outside the uk prime minister's office to call on the british government to use its leverage and call on the israeli
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regime to not go ahead with a planned incursion into rafa in southern gaza sid putaza was that the demonstration and sent us this report emergency protest outside the uk prime minister's office to try and stop an imminent massacre called for by the palestine solidarity campaign and a coalition of other similar organizations. week after week, pro-palestinian protesters have come out in huge numbers to demand that the british government call for a permanent, immediate cease fire in the gaza strip and to terminate its military and political support for a partide israel, and they're galvanized by the knowledge and hope that the pressure they're ramping up on the british government will eventually stir action. in a sign of that pressure working, only hours before the protest, the uk's foreign secretary david cameron joined other european leaders to caution the netanyahu regime to think twice
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about its mass incursion into the southern gaza city of raffa, which shelters 1. for million displaced palestinians. we are very concerned about the situation and we want israel to stop and think very seriously before it takes any further action, but above all what we want is immediate pause in the fighting, and we want that pause to lead to sease fire a sustainable cease fire without a return um to further fighting. but while that may seem like a change in the uk government's tone. "the protesters here say it doesn't go far enough. what kind of disturbed and dystopian world are we in? we're asking for peace is become slander. um, i just do not understand, i cannot comprehend what more needs to be done. do they need to see 1 million gardens being exterminated on their tvs or drowning in the mediterranean sea, because that is the options that israel is
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giving them. another demand here, an end to uk arms sales to israel. "according to the campaign against the arms trade, between 2015 and 2022, the uk licensed more than half billion dollars worth of weapons to tel aviv. our uk government should be having no trade with israel, let alone arms trade, lenor trading equipment that kills palestinians. the fourth national demonstration of the year is planned for february 17th. organizers say they're expecting hundreds of thousands to turn out to..." the british government's feed to the fire. sass tv, london. on tuesday, law makers from the opposition parties held a flash mob outside the italy's lower house calling for assess fire in the gaza street. the protest was staged while the chamber of deputies was voting on six different motions
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on the ongoing west asia crisis. movement, the italian left and green europe parties and the democratic party gathered in parliament square shouting out loud that the israeli bombardment of gaza must stop now. i think it's time that we place our attention on what's going on in the overcrowded where the israeli bombardments are ongoing. nearly 30,000 gazans have been killed. this is nothing less than a collective punishment period. at the end of tuesday's vote. very weak motion was passed by the lower house. the approved motion doesn't acknowledge israel's genocide and doesn't condemn the regime for its crimes. it even confirms italy's suspension of funding to the un agency for palestinian refugees (anra), international law must be enforced. after 40
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years of un resolutions, israel must now comply. it's time to recognize. palestine as a state, first and foremost. meanwhile, the bulk of italy's mainstream media continues to aid and abat israel's massacre in gaza, marginalizing palestinian voices. at the weekend, during national song contest, which brings tens of millions of viewers together, rapper called for a stop the israeli genocide during his appearance on stage, the aftermath saw a flurry of condemnations by pro israel figures, including the israeli.
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trashes between pro-palestine activists and the police have led to several injuries and arrests, max chivily, press tv, rome. as the israelianslot on gas has entered its fifth month, the international community is increasingly showing solidarity with the palestinian cause by joining the boycott movement. the movement aims to isolate israel economically, politically and culturally until it ends its occupation and depression the palestinians earlier in our explainer program, elaborated on the issue, the us israeli genocidal war as well and... to his fourth month, and as the genocide continues, so have the actions taken by people around the world to boycott israel in one form or another, from protests to products even the
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israeli regime's academia. let's first take a look at the protests that have broken out after the genocidal war. we took a look at the timeline from october 7th to november 24th, and these are the pro- palestine rallies, as seen here on this map. a couple of points here, the us. pretty wide spread, but looking at europe, it is massive, it's all over europe, especially in the uk, and these are pro israeli protests of note here is that only the us and the uk gained traction for israeli supporters, at least for the most part, and these are the tallies. there were over 7,200 pro- palestine protests, 845 were pro israel, and 245 were neutral protests with pro- palestine rallies to have occurred in 118 countries, unprecedented. before the us israeli genocidal war broke out boycutting israel had already taken shape in one form or another,
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inflicting damage and losses to israel. for example, 10.5 billion dollars of losses per year, a result of thousands of job losses due to a full israeli boycut, or 33 million dollars of money that israel allocates just to fight bds. there are other. areas as well that you see here, from losses to israeli farmers, which is now worse due to the israeli aggression, to student counsels and associations to artists and culture. the boycutting of products linked to israel made in israel, or that israel in one way or another benefits from lies in one of the core tenants of bds movement. it has come up with its own list of targeted brands. their campaign is divided into four categories, consumer boycots, boycots of brands that have a proven record of complicity and abuses against palestinians, divestments, pressure on governments and institutions to stop doing
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business with companies that enable the israeli occupation of palestinian lands, pressure, and this calls for people, institutions and organizations to pressure brands and services to end their complicity and abuses against palestinians and organic boycots, grassroots boycots have brands that openly support israeli. violence against palestinians. since the operation alaksa flood and the ensuing us-israeli genocidal war, there have been many products that have been on the list to boycot depending what part of the world you're at. the list is pretty long and wide, and in many industries, especially brand names. as you can see here, these are just some of the products and yes after the genocidal war, companies are feeling the losses from the israeli on. especially in their international operations. the current boycut around the world against famous brands like mcdonald's is coming from organic grassroots campaigns, not initiated
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by the bds movement, biting into their profits. in december 2023, it was reported that starbucks lost approximately $11 billion dollars in value, erasing 9.4% of the company's total value. comparable sales in mcdonald's international rose .7% and the quarter. widely missing estimates of 5.5% growth, also pizza hut reported same store sales declines of 2%, missing expectations of .6% growth. the pizza chain's us same store sales shrank 4%, while it's international same store sales were flat. now some surprising forms of boycot or happening at some universities and college campuses in the us. take columbia university, it is called a columbia specific boycot list shared on social media and these are the companies targeted with alternatives recommended like morton williams restaurant to be replaced by
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hmart or applebees starbucks with a joe coffee or broadway and sweet green with samats gure or junsi and it is working. another boycot action against israel, companies associated with israel's illegal settlements made public by the un, but now with the genocidal war, interest in these companies have increased. the office of the united nations high commissioner for human rights has identified 125 businesses with ties to illegal israeli settlements considered illegal under international law. these are some of the companies which are included in that list, some of the most notably airbnb, expedia and motorola. when arab speaking countries. should be helping gaza and palestinians, it turns out to that they are stabbing them in the back. normalization is one thing, but to increase trade with the israeli regime during the
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onslaught and aggression. these countries which have normalized relations with the israeli occupation have increased their imports from israel with morocco, leading the group. this includes other countries such as egypt, jordan and the uae. this is happening as israel is committing war crimes in the gaza strip and launching daily assaults in the occupied west bank. and finally, there is this form of israeli boycott, although unofficial, and it's boycotting israel in the global academia. israel is being unofficially boycotted in global academia says a report, according to the national council for civilian r&d, there have been cancellations of invitations to joint conferences, rejections of articles and publications and grants to israeli researchers and more, all of which could seriously harm israel's scientific and economic standing, so boycuts do have an effect on israel's economy, and
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the longer israel continues us-israeli genocidal war, the losses will continue for israel, something that it cannot afford. that's a wrap for now, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv. see you all in a bit.
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this is for palestine, this is for the child that is searching for. this is not just a war over the stolen land, why do you think little boys are going stones at tanks and we'll never really know how many people are dead, they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed, israel is a terror state, the terrorists that terrorize i'll testify my television, televise, i'm telling how many more resolutions have to be violated, how many more children have to be annihilated, this is not a war, it is systematic genocide, but whatever they try, palestine will never die, freak free palestine. hello, i'm chris williamson and you're watching palestine declassified with the...