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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 14, 2024 11:30am-12:03pm IRST

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the headlines on the 131st day of the us israeli genocide in gaza occupation forces intensify attacks on the southern city of rafa despite widespread international warnings. efforts in egypt to reach a ceasefire deal in gaza have reportedly failed to make a breakthrough in talks that will continue for another three days and uh also in our headlines secretary general of lebanon's hezbulah asserts that the resistance movements of backs on israel will persist until the aggression against the gaza strip ceases. hello and welcome everybody watching press tv's world news. coming at you live from our headquarters here in the iranian capital terrono a top story for this half hour, the humanitarian crisis in the gaza strip is deteriorating at alarming p
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says the israeli regime keeps pressing ahead with its genocidal war on the besieg territory. on the 131st day of the us managed israeli war, the regime has intensified its attacks on rafa and hanyunes, the two cities located in southern gaza. reletntless attacks, especially on residential areas, hospitals and schools, have left gazens without basic immunities. fears are growing amit his raily threats of a ground invasion of rafa, which, according to the un is crammed with almost half the gaza population israel has been warned by many countries, including some close allies against such move, meanwhile israeli forces shelled khan uniness disrupting the power supply to nasa hospital where thousands of people have taken refuge. israel has asked the people to leave while continuing to bomb the vicinity of the hospital. rafa used to be a relatively safe place in the gaza strip, but with the threat of military... actions from israel, the
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residents here are in growing danger. it is of now the only place of refuge for everyone in the gaza strip. we have no safe passage throughout the gaza strip and we don't know where we could go, how we could go and when we could go. the situation in rafa and koninas remains dire made constant bombing and shelling. the un and other humanitarian in agencies have worn of an impending catastrophe as israeli blockated. attacks have severely limited the access to food, water, fuel, electricity and medicine. the un has estimated uh that over 80% of the population in gaza is in need of urgent, humanitarian aid nearly 28,500 palestinians, mostly women and children have been killed since israel launched its onslot on gaza early october. our correspondent in gaza, abu mosape joined us earlier from the central city of deral with more details on the latest
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israeli attacks on the besieg strip. let's take a listen. the israeli genocide enters its 131 consecutive days with more killing and more air strikes reaching uh several areas of gaza strip and let me begin with the central area of gaza strip as the israeli war of blanes destroyed several residential buildings in the refugee camp and city uh leaving more. casualities among the palestinian civilians, part of them were prop to the marta's hospital here in der balah city, meanwhile the israeli artillery maintained its shelling to the eastern bars of the city of deril balah city uh reaching and hitting the palestinian houses in those areas uh so uh we are talking about continuous and constant israeli air strikes and shilling targeting the horizontal areas of the central area of gazab and the same of
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context in kanyuni city, as you know the israel incubation forces are still uh beliagering the naser medical complex in the western parts of khanyuni city they are, uh attacking the palestinian people uh stranded inside the complex, apparently the israeli occupation forces are planning and are trying to uh to attack the hospital like what happened uh in a shifa medical complex when the israeli incubation forces conducted uh their ground offensive against the city, well this just in um according to reports at least one um casualty has been uh reported now in a missile attack by uh hezballah on the israeli city of safed we're going to keep you posted on the details uh of that story and much more as we get it for you right here on press tv the un humanitarian chief has sounded the
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alarm over the repercussions of aluminum israeli invasion of gaza southern city of rafa and a statement martin griffith said israel's military push into rafa could lead to slaughter he said "the regime can't ignore the recurrent international calls against the dangerous consequences of any such invasion. the un official also raised concern over the unraveling humanitarian crisis in rafa. he said the assault against palestinians eers quote "unparalled in its intensity brutality and scope. the un humanitarian chief said any ground invasion would lead to the immediate cessation of the already fragile humanitarian operation there." "well, south africa has submitted an urgent request to the international court of justice to examine if israel's planned assault on the palestinian city of raffa in the southern gaza strip breaches the court's orders. the south african government has in a statement said it was greatly concerned that the unprecedented
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military offensive against raffa has already led to and will result in further large-scale killings. the staven also added any ground invasion would be serious and irreperable breach of the genocide convention. and the court's order of january the 26th, last month, the hag-based court announced its provisional ruling in a case brought by south africa against israel, the world court called on israel to cease all activities that could constitute genocide against the palestinians living in the besieg territory. for more insight on the situation in gaza, we're now joined by journalists in political and osmonier ahmad who's uh with us uh from the... pakistani capital islam, mr. ahmed. welcome to the program. with regards to uh the situation in rafa in southern gaza, the un humanitarian chief martin griffice has already said that to the repercussion, he's already warned of the repercussions of this luming israel, the invasion of gaza's southern city of rafa, how would you assess
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the international response uh, as we are on the brink of another war crime unfolding by the. israelis: i see it as last uh, mean like this is the last stage, i believe, despite all the statements from some countries and huge response from different nations and people, but still we could not do any concrete step to save the palestinian people. now pushing the people to rafa where the like where 1.5 million people have been switched around and this seems that the un observation is much right that they there will be a
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larger scale killings and the genocide will go to the next stage despite as you said like icj has also you know verdicted that there shall be no such kind of activities over there that could lead to a slaughter of palestinian people, but the entire globe seems helpless in saving palestinian people and this is worrisome that it could lead to really next level genocide. not only in palestine, but this president would certainly go beyond the limits and beyond the borders and it it would set a president for an other such kind of genocide, and it could be
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anywhere, and this is the time where the leading nations, i shall support un stands and the ice, national court of justice to stop genocide over there. i really don't believe like the how it is possible. that united states could not you know pave path to peace in the region and that has endangered the entire region and the plan, the conspiracy of great israel is certainly cannot be accepted at the cost of the lives of million people and this genocide would certainly come back, i don't know which way, but the oic countries and the other muslim
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countries shall come up to urge the nations and the people to immediately come up to make to take certain measures for to save the palestinian people. morning ahmad, i want to point out to the recent comments. made by the eu foreign policy chief joseph burell uh he called on israeli allies primarily of course uh the united states that if they're concerned with the high casualty rates in in gaza and uh and the high death tool they should stop sending weapons and stop supplying weapons to the israelis also with regards to the issue of forcefully uh evacuating and forcefully moving uh the palestinian population half of the uh gazan population. to the south and now talks of launching a ground invasion in the city of
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rafa. also joseph said in line with egypt stating that they wouldn't accept uh gazons who were trying to flee rafa, then where should gazen go, should they be evacuating to the moon? please unpack those comments for us as well, this is what we have been talking about for months now that they would... "you know the genocide would lead to several precusions and we have been urging those countries who are supplying weapons, artery to israel and giving them diplomatic support and even at the un forums and this is simply unacceptable that those countries who are in a way are supporting humanitarian cause over the world" but at this moment they are keep on supplying arty, weapons and diplomatic
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support, and this is just hypocrisy basically, and i think they should immediately take back all the slogans they are launching or they have been projecting world over for the humanitarian causes or trying to be more humanitarian, and this is a big stain on the entire humanitarian regime the west and especially the us and i am really sorry to say that i cannot accept that the us government or the british government cannot take care of the opinion of their own people or their senators or their congressman and this is i don't know what is the agenda behind the... genocide not may not be the only grabbing the land and killing those
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people who are resisting for their lives, there is no food, there is no health facilities, there are water and there is no shelter now for one million people and their their houses have been stormed, they have bombed and i don't know if they are living and the camps and their camps have been destroyed and and they were attacked from land, from sea, from air, so this is the historic genocide, we need to forcefully stop it, political analist joining us from islamabad, the head of the un relief and works agency is dismissed is short sited the cause for dismantling of onrua that was created to help palestinian refugees in the region philip is the terminating honor's mandate weakens the world's ability to respond to the humanitarian crisis in gaza,
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and i have warned about the impact, i have said that this calls are short-sided, the impact is not just on the short term, it's not just weakening our collective ability to respond to the humanit crisis a time i want to. the icg has asked this response to be scaled up, that's at the same time, calls are here to weaken it. there is absolut. absolutely other un agency or i ngos which have been task over the last fe decades to provide government like services like education to 100 thousands of children and if we want to give a chance to any future transition to succeed we need also to make
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sure that the international community has a tools and one of these tools is on one. "we have been a temporary agency which unfortunately has lasted for 75 years, but 75 years, it's because they haven't been any political solution, maybe after this cataclism which has hit the region in gaza, it might be time now to generally find a political solution, and it would be a disaster that just before it we get rid of..." the mandate and an agency like, talks involving us and israeli spy chiefs as well as katari and egyptian officials a gaza truce and cairo have reportedly failed to make a breakthrough. the heads of israel's mosad and shin bet sat down with us, egyptian and
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qatari representatives on tuesday is part of an effort to secure the gaza cease fire deal. there's conflicting reports on uh talks that were follow-up of the framework hammered out in paris last month, some media reports said an israeli delegation left the venue after negotiations failed to bring um or rather to bridge gap on some issues, despite media speculations, negotiations will continue for another three days. earlier israeli media reveled that prime minister benim netanyahu was opposed to a proposal put forward by the spy chief son deal. this uh palestinian move resistance hamas said also accused netanyahu of trying to time to pursue his own agenda, while proposing a ceasefire, hamas wants a full halt to israeli strikes, withdraw of troops in prisoners swap among other conditions. st. louis ferguson,
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assassinations. they don't have nothing, they can't lose nothing. and i think the most dangerous person in the world, the person don't have none to look. black americans looking for justice. if this is a war, then we're going to have to deal with it with the strategies that people in war use. i saw his, i... so um, the never ending story, welcome back, israeli forces have abducted more than 7,000 palestinians across the occupied west bank since the regime's genocidal war started in gaza. several rights advocacy group said
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a joint statement the palestinians abducted by israeli forces included about 220 women more than 440 children and nearly 40 journalists. the regime has also issued nearly 3,500 administrative detention orders including against women and children since last october. israel's inhumane administrative detention policy allows the regime to keep palestinians in jail for indefinite periods of time without charges or trial. according to palestinian sources. israel is currently keeping more than 9,00 palestinians behind bars, nearly 3,500 of whom are held under administrative detention orders. hez says, the lebanese resistance movement will stick to its anti-israel operations until the aggression against gaza stops. said hasan nasa said this is moral duty and a strategic interest for lebanon. he made the remarks in a televis speech in
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response to criticism that the movement's anti-israel operations could endanger the arab country, he argued that a... israel would benefit the whole region, while a strong israel would pose a greater threat, he said if the regime emerges victorious in the gaza war, it may decide to invade lebanon again as it did in the 1980s, nasa said israel only understands the language of force since it doesn't respect international resolutions. the hezbulah leader also touched a flurry of visits by western delegations to lebanon, he said their only purpose is to get security guarantees for israel so settlers can return to their homes and all of these delegations which came which brought with them proposals and ideas and suggestions and mechanisms, they all come with one goal, which is israel's security, protecting israel, stop, stop attacking the israeli
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positions, the israeli bases, said the delegations are not acting as mediators, but instead present israel proposals as their own proposals and expect to accept them, he said the western delegations are not even ready to help lebanon retrieve its territories occupied by israel said the israeli enemy is not in a position to impose conditions on lebanon. hundreds of people have gathered outside the uk prime minister's office to call on the british government to use its leverage and call on the israeli regime to not go ahead with a planned incursion into raffa in southern was at the demonstration and sent us this report: emergency protest outside the uk prime minister's office to try
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and stop an imminent massacre, called for by the palestine solidarity campaign and a coalition of other similar organizations. week after week, pro-palestinian protesters have come out in huge numbers to demand that the british government call for a permanent, immediate cease fire in the gaza strip and the... terminate its military and political support for apartied israel, and are galvanized by the knowledge and hope that the pressure their ramping up on the british government will eventually stir action. in a sign of that pressure working, only hours before the protest, the uk's foreign secretary david cameron joined other european leaders to caution the netanyahu regime to think twice about its mass incursion into the southern gaza city of raffa, which... ters 1.4 million displaced palestinians. we are very concerned about the situation and we want israel to stop and think very seriously before it takes any further action, but above
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all what we want is immediate pause in the fighting, and we want that pause to lead to a ceasefire, sustainable cease fire without a return um to further fighting. but while that may seem like a change in the uk government. tone, the protesters here say it doesn't go far enough, what kind of disturbed and dystopian world are we in, we're asking for peace is become slander, um, i just do not understand, i cannot comprehend what more needs to be done, do they need to see one million gardens being exterminated on the tvs or drowning in the mediterranean sea, because that is the options that israel is giving them, another demand here, an end to uk arms sales, to israel, according to the campaign against the arms trade, between 2015 and 2022, the uk licensed more than half billion dollars worth of weapons to tel aviv. our uk
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government should be having no trade with israel, let alone arms trade, lenown trading equipment that kills palestinians. the fourth national demonstration of the year is planned for february 17th. organizers say they're expecting hundreds of thousands to turn out. to hold the british government's feet to the fire. saint up press tv, london. iranian officials say blaze is caused by explosions on two gas pipelines in the southwestern province of charamahal and baxtiodi have been brought under control. the officials say the explosions ripped through two pipelines early on wednesday, creating chaos among people in the city of burujen and adjoining areas. the incident caused no casualties, the effect. the pipelines are part of the national gas grid, the blast briefly halted gas flow to burujen, but caused no problem for the gas transfer to other parts of the country.
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officials say several villages near budajin are still without gas, adding that the flow will be back again in the next few hours, investigation is underway to find the cause the blast, some officials say that these were acts of sabotage. well, at least one person has... been killed and several others wounded after a hezbollah missile hid in israeli command center in the city of safod and the northern occupied palestinian territories, our correspondent mar is joining us now from the lebanese capital beirot to bring us up to speed on the recent tensions on the south lebanese border. miriam, over to you. well, all the information we have so far is coming from israeli media and also some leaked footage of what we're looking. at in the town of safat as well as in area near the the naval base sorry the airbase merun. the israeli media had said that at least one
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rocket has. landed uh in the town of kariati schmona and has led to the killing of one israeli soldier and at least seven, they've also stressed that the seven who are wounded are also israeli soldiers, now just before that the israelis also said that they saw and they observed that there were some eight rockets that were fired from south lebanon into the uh the galili region and the upper galile region as they call it so we're talking about the town of safad. and that is something that is basically we're talking about somewhere further away from near the lebanese southern border and so that is new um this is new development hizbullah has so far not confirmed usually they do have official statements after every single resistance operation but it is taking perhaps a while for them now to issue and a statement we don't have a statement but the israeli media usually have that information because
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beforehand we do know that we have those rockets that landed, we have the sirens that sounded almost in all the areas in the in the gal and the upper gilali and the the the western galilie, and so we do know for fact that there were rockets that landed um in the town of safad, now the israel media say at least one rocket, we do have images that show that there were at least two that landed in the gila region and they did cause of course lot of death. damage that also led to the killing of at least one soldier. now yesterday hazbullah also said that they had targeted a police station for the israelis, also in kariatishmona, which is one of the biggest settlements in the galili region as well, they also said that they in other another one of their operations, hazballah has said that they inflicted losses, and they definitely um saw that there were israeli soldiers who fell either killed or... wounded
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of course hasbullah does not have exact count and the israelis do seem to keep a blackout by talking by not giving the exact numbers uh to the extent that hazballah secretary general has said that any casualties that we get from the israely army which they give to their media since they are enforcing some sort of a um a blockade or they coortened off the area they don't allow their media to come closer to really speculate on the extent of the casualties usually after a massive hit like this, said that it is possible that we can multiply the number that is being given by the israelis official count uh by two, three, sometimes even four or five as some even israeli experts are also speculating now, so we have so far uh this this statement out from the israelis and of course they have also said that hazbullah is using uh rockets
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whether? anti-armor rockets or their rockets like the f rocket or the burkan rocket, they have used them very precisely in a manner that they the iron dome has not been able to detect all of them, and so even if it was able to intercept some, you have you have eight rockets, at least two or three did land on their target, and so that in itself is extremely significant, it does put lot of speculations from the israel what would happen if hezballah were to launch over hundre rockets? we also have retired army uh generals from the israelies also talking about the fact that if the israelies do decide to launch a full escalation of lebanon or even in south lebanon alone itself towards the residential areas and the civilian um targets then hezbolah would be able to launch over one thousand rockets per day and that is more than all of the 2006 to... war put
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together and so that really puts israel in a very harsh uh position. hazballah secretary general has recently also warned and issued a warning to the israelies after of course there was a a threat from the israeli war minister galand who said that even if we do have a true and we do stop the war in gaza we're not going to stop the war against hazballah since we do want to guarantee the return of the settlers in the north or in the galili region. say said that if 'if you do launch that war, then we will continue as well, we will also go beyond the boundaries and the limits that we have put forth in the rules of engagement now, and so therefore it will be harder for you to also provide shelter for over two million um settlers in all of the n, not just the galili, all right, we're going to leave it there, that was press one and mariam sola, joining us from the lebanese capital beirot, and with that it also brings us to an end here on this edition
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the world news, but stick around the'. there's plenty more to come here on press tv, see you soon!
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welcome back to gazandra attac coming to from the british capital, london. i'll give you my guests in few minutes, but first a quick look at some of the latest developments. apartied israel steps up attacks.