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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 15, 2024 6:30am-7:02am IRST

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repress tv headlines: the red cross warns israel's invasion of the southern gauza city of rafa wise a disastrous risk to civilian lives and infrastructure. pro palestine activist stage protest actions outside two uk based firms over their role in fueling israely regime's genocide in the gazo strip. and spain and ireland demand the european union conduct in urgent probe in israel's
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compliance with its human rights commitments during the onslaught on gaza. hello everyone, it's 5 am in the bessieg of strip and you're watching press tv, world news. the israeli regime continues pounding the... sieged gaza strip with air strikes and artillery fire more than 130 days into its of campaign of genocide, at least five palestinis were killed after israely war planes targeted residential buildings and alzeitune area of gaza city. in the north of gaza city, two women and a child were killed by an israeli air strike on their car. earlier wednesday, eight palestinians were killed and nearly two dozen injured in israeli attacks on the alaa marters hospital and the nusera refugee camp. in central gaza,
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the gaza health ministry says 103 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours, pushing the overall death toll to almost 28,600. the looming israri invasion of gaza's southern city of rafaz triggered global alarms over potential civilian of casualties. the international committee of the red cross says regime's military aggression will pose a disastrous. risk to civilian lives and infrastructure, the red cross's middle east director has called on israel to take necessary measures to protect civilians. fabrizio carboni demanded the fundamental principles of humanity be upheld in any military operation. he also cautioned of against forced displacement of palestinians and the regimes indiscriminate attacks on civilian areas, stressing they're all banned under international law. meanwhile, germany's foreign ministers also expressed concern.
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over the planned incursion into raffa saying, it will lead to humanitarian catastrophe. gazas more than half of gaza's population is currently seeking shelter in raffa. 1.3 million people are waiting there in a very small space. they don't really have anywhere else to go right now. many of them have followed israeli evacuation orders and fled the fighting areas in northern gaza often with nothing more than their small children in. their arms and the last of their clotes on. these people cannot simply vanish into thin air. if the israeli army work to launch on offensive on rafa under these conditions, it would be humanitarian catastrophe in the making. emphasize need to provide safe places and secure corridors to prevent mass casualties of civilians in gaza. she also call for more border crossings to be opened for the delivery of humanitarian aid and
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medical supplies to gauzans, bearbox stress the seas fire is urgently needed in its territory. rafa was once safe haven for palestinians fleeing northern gaza strip in the earliest stages of the israeli oneslot. that's when the regime forced the palestinians to evacuate their homes ahead of heavy bombardments. this is the status co. rafa now the whole city has turned into a large overcrowded refugee camp. aerial images show how the population in raffa more than quadrupled in a matter of few months. most residents are living in temporary structures such as tents and eight organizations have warned of a dire humanitarian situation. food and water are scars and the city's overburdened health infrastructure is on the brink. life in rough. has grown unbearable
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for people who have been traumatized by the loss of their loved ones, destruction of their homes, repeated displacements and the uncertainty of their life in what has become the... the world's largest refugee camp, but could it get any worse? this area was supposed to be safe zone, but there is no safety across the entire gaza strip. they said ref is safe, so we came here, what else could have brought us here? and now they are bombarding a, where could we possibly go? just in one instance, around 100 palestinians were killed in israeli air strikes in raffa on february 12th. the city is located in the southernmost part. the gaza strip. it's trapped between egypt in the south, the mediterranean sea in the west, israeli occupied territories in the east and israeli troops in the north. egypt has blocked the border crossing as it doesn't want refugees from gaza. all this emit israel's push for a
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ground invasion into raffa under the pretext of arresting hamas leaders. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered the israely army to evacuate civilians from the city. but where should the palestinians were struck between the devil and the deep blue sea go to? you say they should get out of the way, but you have also admitted in this interview, there is nowhere safe for them to go, because there is nowhere where you can say there will not be airstrives, so and the international community must insist that civilians can be vacated away from areas where hamas is trying to use them as human shields to areas that we have already destroyed we have already destroyed. now it's called grow for israel to hold back his planned assault of rafa criticism at tel avius allied the us has been mounting, international human rights organizations have warned that any further escalation in raffa will have unfathomable
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ramifications and so far there has been no signal of an end to the onslot. in fact latest round of truth talks underway in egypt have also proven inconclusive. the united nations has warned that an israeli ground invasion of raffa, which it says is crammed with almost half of the gaza population could lead to slaughter as millions have taken shelter there. yet, news headlines indicate that there is no silver lining for palestinians, especially for those in raffa. the latest round of truth talks among the united states, egypt, israel and qatar in cairo. have not born fruit yet, the looming threat of israel's ground invasion of raffa has even spark criticism from tel aviv's european allies, and uh, it really we think is impossible to to see how you can can fight a war amongst these people, there's nowhere
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for them to go, uh, they can't go south into egypt, they can't go north in back to their homes because many have been destroyed, so we are very concerned about the situation and we want israel to stop and think very seriously before it takes any further action, however, the european allies of israel have not stopped there and even blame the main supporter of tel aviv for the unfolding crisis in gaza. how many times have you heard the most prominent leaders and foreign ministers around the world saying too many people are being killed. president biden had this is too much on the top. it's not proportional. well, if you believe that too many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms. this is not the first time washington has been censured for its involvement in the killing of innocent palestinians. the us is key military backer of israel and has repeatedly vetoed security council resolutions calling for sease fire in
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gaza. on tuesday, senate passed another foreign aid package that includes $14.1 billion for israel's genocidal onslot on the gaza strip. this comment by president joe biden during a joint press conference at the white house with jordan's king abdullah has a spark new controversies regarding the us complicity in the gz onslot. the king and i also discuss the situation in raffa, as i said yesterday are military operation in rafa, the the major military operation arapha. while this was later described as slip of tongue, recent protests in front of the white house clearly show if this is an... really a slot or a us is really a slot in gaza and these war criminals, this biden genocidal administration will not have second, second of peace.
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after the occupation of palestinian lands and creation of the israeli. regime, both sides came to realize the power of cinema in getting their messages across. israeli regime used cinema to show the territory it had occupied as heaven on earth in order to entice jews from all over the world to migrate to the occupied territories. on the other hand, although belatedly, palestinians also learn to... use the power of media and cinema to make their voice heard across the world. was new battlefield for both sides.
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welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. a group of pro- palestine activists to stage a protest actions outside too. uk base firms over their role in fueling the israeli onslaught on gaza. the first protest triggered or targeted that is manchester offices of the bank of new york, melon, which were drenched in red paint to symbolize the bank's complicity in genocide of palestinians. second protest saw activist blockading the bristol headquarters of the elbit systems, which is israel's largest weapons firm. they attached themselves each other to prevent access into the central hub of what activists described as elbit's lethal business. an activists are condemning the bank of new york melon for investing over 10
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million pounds in elbit systems. albett provides 85% of israel's military drone fleet, land-based military equipment, missiles, bullets, and other weaponry. events mark the latest in a series of pro- palestine protests held to force israel's western allies to stop supplying the regime with weapons a mid its genocidal campaign in gaza. spain and ireland have demanded the european union launch an urgent proben israel's actions in the besieg gazo strip. they say that the eu must asertain if the regime is complying with this human rights obligations under an accord with the block. now the request came in a letter to the eu commission by spanish prime minister federal sanchez and his irish counterpart leo veradcar. they ask the eu to take appropriate measures if israel is... found to be violating its agreement with the block. now code demands israel respect the principles of human rights and
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democracy as an essential element of the block's trade ties with the regime. the unprecedented move raises the possibility now the eu imposing economic sanctions against tel aviv. spain's foreign minister jose manuel alvarez also said that no license to export weapons to israel's been approved by his country since october the 7th and none will be as long as the onslot. on gaza continues. meanwile truth talks in cairo have yet to achieve any breakthroughs as calls continue for israel to avoid a full fledge attack on the gaza city of raffa. we discussed this with our guests earlier in our news review program. here it is. it's time now for the news review of this bulletin. in the egyptian capital, cairo, negotiations are
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underway to bring more than four months of the us israel genocide in gaza to halt. the palestinian resistance moved hamas says it has sent a delegation to cairo to meet with the egyptian and qatari mediators. the turkish president has also arrived in kairo for talks with president abdal assi. the heads of israel's spy agencies, musad and shinbet sat down with us, egyptian and qatari representatives and tuesday to secure a ceasefire deal. no significant breakthrough has been achieved in negotiations that are said to take another three days. israely media has revealed that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is opposed to proposal put forward by spy chiefs a deal. hamas has accused netanyao of trying to buy time to pursue his own agenda while proposing a cease fire. hamas wants a full halt to israeli strikes, troop withdrawal and prisoner swap among other conditions. jim kas a political analyst and blogger joining us from new york, we also have sandos alasado is a journalist
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and commentator joining us from beirot. sand alasad, there was this uh first proposal just a couple weeks back i believe, a three-stage one of which hamas had given uh an initial green light so to speak, but there were some terms that it revised and it sent was sent to israel of which the prime minister netanyahu rejected. now we don't know about what has happened in the past 40. for example, hamas has said, we want all the regime forces out of the gaza strip, that's just one of them. okay, first of all, we have also to mention that the the aggression is led currently against the people of gaza is led and launched by by the us and the decision of
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the war and stopping the war or continuing the war is is decision is decision of the american administration, so as we are reaching the point of the presidential elections in the united states, the united states, especially biden is trying to pressure netanyahu and the zionist regime into stopping this genocide in order, because we know that the uh, this is attempt to burnish the... the bloody image of the us after they have committed, they have killed more than uh roughly 2800 palestinian civilians in the gaza's trip, and after the clear failure of the zionist appartite regime
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to to achieve any of its aims or goals of this aggression, they have failed to... to free any of theirs of their, they have failed to free their their prisoners from the from the palestinian resistance, and they have failed to weaken the the the palestinian resistance, we have seen how the people of gaza stand side by side with their resistance and have rejected the the american and design decision to to replace the... them and to uh excel them to sai. you know we're looking at these talks uh, it's uh, i'm going to call it round two, because round one netanyahu came and flatout rejected it. uh, he's still rejecting it uh, but we're not sure what he's rejecting this time around exactly, because when there are such differences in the core issues, um, we can name, we can name number
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them, um, it's still uh, wonder why it is that they're even having these talks in the first place, what's your view on? uh, but you, i think it's kabuki theater, i think this is being done for the benefit of the arab states, for the benefit of the american public and the european public, and you know, they have to pretend there, something is possible here, that side steps all, as you say, all the fundamental issues that are there, but israel is saying very clearly, we're going for a complete victory in in in gaza, they're not going to get complete victory, look everybody knows and everybody should know. and not be fooled, this is not about the the struggle between the fight between hamas and israel, whether israel's after italians of hamas fighters in in rafa, they are after killing and expelling as many palestinians as they want. okay, the fight with hamas and that's all going on, that's important, but it doesn't determine what whether or not the palestinian where the palestinians are going to be in gaza are going to be in six months or three months or
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year, and israel wants to invade gaza in order to to force the palestinians to flee. force egypt to open its border, to force other countries to take them, they're sitting there saying, watch us, we're killing everybody in gaza until you let them go, until you take them away, we're not going to stop, so and hamas is saying, we want israel to get out of gaza, israel army not to control gaza anymore, and israel is saying, that's not going to happen, we are going to continue as we have, have vedo power over everything that happens in gaza, and the americans are completely behind israel, and this will not stop until some military. challenges israel says, egypt can open his border saying, we're bringing humanitarian aid in and we're not allowing you to stop us, want to have an arm conflict, we'll have an arm conflict, somebody else can do that, but until that happens israel is going to continue killing gazens until they trying to create a situation in the world is forced to take them out, welcome back here everyone,
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you're watching press tv world news, now hezbil the resistance movement has strongly condemned israel's latest strikes on civilians in southern lebanon, saying they will not go unanswered. head of hezbollah's executive council, hashim saffi aldin vowed the movement will undoubtedly respond to the regime's incursions at an appropriate level. he added, israel will never achieve goals that it failed to attain during previous acts of aggression against lebanon. this comments came after on wednesday, israely warplane strucked several villages in southern lebanon, killing four civilians including mother and her two children, later strike in the city of navaatia killed four civilians from the same family, including two women, the regime claims the attack was in response to earlier hisbullet strike. that targeted several israeli military sites, killing one israeli soldier and injuring eight. hezbulah says the strikes on israeli sides will only end once the regime's genocide in gaza stops.
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yemen has doubled down its stance and supporting innocent people of palestine who are under israel's campaign of genocide. the yemenister of information stressed that yemen's neighbor. operations in the red sea will continue unabated until the gaza genocide ends. press tv's abdul latif alwashali reports. in a press conference in the yemani capitals shami spokes person for the yemani government and minister of information once again reiterated yemen stance that the us presence in the red sea and gulf of eden poses. real threat to international maritime navigation by militarizing international waters. ashami stated that washington's presence under the predicts of protecting israeli vessels
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provokes the yemani army to continue its naval operations. america is the source of real threats to navigation in the red sea and the gulf of aiden and the presence of its forces that came from a distance of 9,000 miles to launch an aggression against yemen under falls and bolatant. justifications, they are to protect the ships of the israeli entity and support it economically and militarily and have nothing to do with securing international navigation. ashy added that the us and uk have launched over 400 air strikes against the unity territories resulting in the deaths of more than 40 soldiers. he asserted that neither western aggression nor the us designation of ansarullah as a terrorist group will hold naval operations in support of. the american designation of the ansera movement as a terrorist group is ironic. how can a terrorist classify those who defend themselves and their causes as terrorists.
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this designation shows us no longer has any steps to take to stop yemeni operations in support of palestine. this classification will not affect yemen's military operations but maybe a provocation for greater escalation. earlier the leader of the ansarullah movement abdul malik. stated that no israeli linked vessel has sailed through the red sea in the past weeks describing this as major victory, he accused the us and uk of being the real terrorists for assisting the israeli regime in committing war crimes against the innocent people of the gaza strip. yemen's official stance is clear the yemani armyful operations will continue until the israeli war against gazaps, officials say the united states designation of the movement as a terrorist group will not help the u.s.
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the united nations has voice concern over us decision to relist yemen's anser of the movement as a terrorist group. the world body says measure it could inflict serious harm on the world countries, devastated economy. addressing security council meeting, un aid operations director adam wosorno. so the washington's decision will have huge impact on imports of essential goods that yeamenies now rely on more than ever. he stress the humanitarian aid cannot make up for a shortage of goods and supplies that will ensue us decision. now wasorno said the transport costs to hideda and aid imports have significantly increased due to ongoing tensions in the red sea and yemen's economy cannot handle further shock. the us and this decision in january, saying that it will take effect in 30 days, which falls on february the 17th. it ad designation could be reversed only if yemen seases attacks on israel link
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ships in the red sea and support of the palestinians of gaza. that's it for rela, thanks for tuning in and bye-bye for now.
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people the matters pertaining the current situation shareek balochistan kezardam.
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welcome to israel watch on this episode we will monitor the israeli political confusion caused by the palestinian resistances response to the truce and the captives exchange deal and saw netanyahu stubbonness in admitting the failure to achieve the goals their aggression on the gaza strip. this is whiles the zianist experts and commentators estimate that the resistance still possesses the necessary.