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tv   Gaza Under Attack 78  PRESSTV  February 16, 2024 12:02am-12:31am IRST

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palestinians are sheldring and are now forced to flee again ahead of a possible israeli ground offensive. also, another escalation, at least one israeli soldier has been killed and eight others injured after rockets were fired from lebanon into the city of safat. it came after a partide israel said it bombed southern lebanon overnight and calls for banning the israeli regime from all global sports competitions gain momentum. european parliament member claire daily signs a petition calling on sports federations worldwide to suspend the apartite regime until it complies with international law. so far the us israeli genocidal war on gaza has killed at least 28,00 palestinians and wounded some 69 thousand others, with no sign of the massacre ending anytime soon. joining me to talk about it all is amir khasmi in the studio. armar is legal and political analyst and worked in the parliamentary office. a
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former labor mp chris williamson, and joining him via skype is dr. nahad khanfar, a lecturer and law and politics. gentlemen, welcome to to you both. i'll start with you, mmar. south africa has launched an urgent of request to the international court of justice over israel's planned raff offensive, explain what it might mean and if it has any greater chance. of stopping the carnage from going ahead than the other ruling that came earlier? well look um, i was on earlier program uh before discussing the icj, potential outcomes of the icj judgement, took a pretty cynical view, which was that uh, didn't think it was really going to amount to much, didn't think it was going to have any material effect in stopping the genocide in gaza, i think few weeks now since that has happened that has been proven to be true
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because ultimately the enforcement powers of the icj are very limited, ultimately is the job of the un security council to enforce icj decisions and judgments and we know that the united states of america is opponent member of the un security council and can veto anything that they decide to do, now of course uh it's very important what south africa is doing, it's continuing to raise the uh uh issue in terms of terms from legal perspective, we've seen that as a consequence, some countries like the netherlands have desired to stop the export of certain types of weapons, exactly and parts, spare parts to uh israel, um, and it could be the case, and it does sometimes happen where the icj after already making an order, could decide to take additional provisions and and and measures, but ultimately again it comes down to enforcement so... "yes, it may potentially help to ramp
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up the pressure on some governments who are supporting israel to desist from doing that, but in terms of literally intervening and stopping what's happening, i don't think that's what we're going to see as a result of this, and what it will probably also do is keep the palestinian plight in the spotlight for the world to see. um, dr. kham, the israeli prime minister netanyahu and his war cabinet seem held bent on pushing forward with this ' plan to um launch incursion into rafa despite pleedings and outrage from sections of the international community, what could cause israel to pause at this stage, because mmar believes that even if there is some kind of measure from the icj, it has to go to the un security council where the us will video it, the americans, the only the only people really can stop this, and they are the only partners. they can impose
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serious pressure on netanyahu, but it seems to be that netanyahu trying all the time to preserve his position as a prime minister, because he doesn't want to face consequences if this war just has an end, and it seems to be that the americans still not really very much interested in calling for... seis faire simply because they wanted to give netanyahu any kind of of victory, like any picture of victory in any way or form, and it seems to be that they are counting on netanyahu to achieve something any point, like what happened with this ridiculous operation in releasing the two hostages with seems to be
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it's it's being questioned really by the serious israeli newspapers and where they are saying there is lot of exaggeration in in present. think this release and the americans apparently still really signing the blank check for for netanyahu just to to carry out this genocidal actions all the time, so i don't see in any time, like any near time, any kind of positive response from from netanyahu, how do you square what? heard and what you said earlier with uh the us president calling netanyahu uh recently and calling what's happening in the gods trip as over the top, yet yes of course we see the huge package of aid for israel at the same time, but what is your reading into this whole thing? well i mean when it comes to joe
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biden, i i would seriously question his mental faculties at the moment, but look, i mean i think that we see very often western politicians, particularly those in the united states. may in private have serious questions about what israel is doing, they may in private very much oppose what israel is doing, but ultimately we're in a position now where i think the tail wags the dog, you now people talk about israel as being extension the united states, well actually if you look at the amount of lobbing power that israel has managed to influence uh within the united states, i think it's now really the the other way around, israel is dictating uh us international policy and say it doesn't... matter what they may privately think uh ultimately they are signed up to a political system in which they are obligated really to support israel um so i think that's really why we see these contradictions correct uh
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gentlemen stay with me uh we're going to bring in what the un chief has been saying then we'll get back to you shortly what antonio gutieresh says an israeli military offensive in gaza the southern city where some more than one and a half million palestinians have sought refuge will have devastating consequences. he has told reporters that tel aviv has imposed restrictions that are limiting the distribution of desperately needed humanitarian aid. he said the current mechanisms for protecting humanitarian workers distributing aid in gaza are not effective. here's more in his own words. i know that prime minister netan yahu doesn't take your phone calls, you have not been able to speak to. despite your best efforts, we know that he is preparing potentially for a ground invasion to rafa. if you could speak to prime ministeru today, what would be your message? well, i am particularly worried with
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the deteriorating conditions and security for humanitarian aid delivery in gaza. there is a breakdown in public order. "at the same time, we have restrictions imposed by israel that are not improving and limit humanitarian distribution, on the other hand, the deconflicting mechanisms to protect humanitarian aid delivery in relation to military operations are not effective, and so my sincere hope..." is that the negotiations for the release of hostages and some form of sessation of hostilities to be successful to avoid a all-out uh offensive over rafa where
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the core of the humanitarian system is located and that would have devastating consequences. thank you very much. two more journalists were targeted. the un secretary general speaking there. dr. khanfer, as we know, the un chief and the israeli prime minister have a fractious relationship. uh, with tel aviv succeeding to a degree insidelighting the global body all together. how does the aid agency get around this? people are dying all around as we speak. as matter of fact, it... says um something about like um can be described just really horrific, mean what we get from the the ground, just i was talking to some colleagues earlier which they have some uh some some
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connection together, especially to the humanitarian aids, they they simply they are really giving very terrifying picture because the situation, on the ground, especially when it comes to the uh to the food, to the medical basic needs is is just very very restricted and the people, hardly getting really what they can eat uh on daily basis, many of the people they can't really get get any kind of food portions on on daily basis, so sometimes they eat one day, they they might not find food for the next day, the organizations just trying trying their best to you know just to really work work around the... kind of restrictions and it seems to be the israeli government is really just
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pushing all their plans forward in order to starve the people and you know just to to to put more or to mount more pressure on on the palestinian resistance in gaza because it seems to be this is the only way - probably to you know to achieve some compromises from the the palestinian resistance in the negotiations, so situation is is is is is becoming you know very difficult and it seems to be the the israel is just really challenging all the world, no exception whether the united nations whether the european countries, we we have heard yesterday. what borel was was saying, he was he was clearly devastated, yeah, so so there
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is, there is no attention whatsoever to any call, any announcement, any condemnation from the international community, so israel is just really positioning itself to be above anyone, above everyone, above any kind of action, there there are some movements in some quarters in europe, of course you mention europe there, and mar and that's what i want to talk to you about. um, we know israel is blocking aid in contravention of the icj ruling, um, as i said at the beginning of the show, at the top, that there have been rockets fired into northern sity, killing one soldier, injuring number of others, and at the same time, the independent block members of the european parliamentarians are pushing for the full prior treatment for israel, including being banned from international events, we've seen it done to... south africa in the last century and to russia in recent years. what do you make of that route? well, i think the
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eu, we have to be very careful because it's not a homogenous block, we talk about the european union, but there are different powers vying for authority in there. you have germany, which is obviously very fanatically pro israel, but then you have other member states like spain, ireland, uh, to fran, france to lesser degree, who have either opposed israel right from the very beginning. or have taken uh or sort of grown impatient with the scale of the offensive and the french have slapped sanctions on some of the settlers too, 100% and actually the united kingdom is also planning to to do something similar, so you know, but i think clearly the mood is turning, we saw the eu foreign policy chief which we just mentioned, joseph burell, who has said some pretty wild things in general is quite a in my view quite a uh pro-colonial man, quite a racist person now, coming out and saying uh these really incredible statements about israel and saying that if you want to stop israel coming its
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offensive then you have to stop supplying them with arms so i think that there is mood turning not just among sort of independent parliamentarians but actually across some very senior levels of member states of the european union and so i think we could get to a position particularly if israel did launch a full-scale you know attack on rafa and it really really got out of hand much more than already has. uh where you know we could get is that really what it takes and not the 3000 palestinians already killed, well does it have to really be that red line to be crossed by the israeli regime for these countries to finally come out and say enough is enough, well i mean it's it's clear that there's a huge contradiction between how people's lives are viewed, we saw with ukraine a white european country when that was when russia launched this operation against ukraine. were sanctions slapped on russia straight away, it was made into international priya state, huge increase in russophobia even among ordinary
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russians in europe, but when israel does this, it doesn't you, we don't get the same treatment, and but i do think that if it gets to even more serious point, that i think is probably what it will have to take unfortunately in europe uh for the mood to change substantially. okay, now um, dr. khanfer, um, do you... think also that on the question of what might make israel think twice about um launching that massive incursion into rafa? um the the rockets that have been fired into northern israel from southern lebanon, although heizballah, the uh resistance movement, the group in in lebanon has not claim responsibility, but there have been rockets fired, one israeli soldier killed a number of them injured, um, do you think that is why the message from the lebanese to the israelis, look, if you go
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ahead with this then we're going to hurt you, yeah, i think this was very obvious from the... the speech delivered by hisbullah leader sayid hassan nasrullah, he actually made very clear connection between the escalation in in gaza and what's what's happening in in north lebanon, so in south lebanon, so by by the end of the day it seems to be the message is is very clear and i, i, i don't think we can really raise too many questions about it, whether it is connected or not connected, it seems to be very much connected and the again the the hebrew news papers, today i was looking into some some of them published in in hebrew, they were very much talking about the speech delivered by hasan nasrullah yesterday, and they they they
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gave it really very very high level of a credit and the credibility that... if if the situation in gaza is going to be solved sometime soon then we would expect a see fire also in in in lebanon or from the lebanese side so yes the connection the connection is there and i don't think the hizbullah is is playing games here because in in in in the previous truth this exactly what happened it was for almost uh week and the the truth started in in in lebanon or from from lebanese side, so so the the the kind of a pressure we can imagine is there and i think it might be escalating as as far as the israelis are escalating their military operations in gaza, it's it's all matter of
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time of course uh just a quick reminder before we move on, this is gaza under attack. a deep dive into the news surrounding the ongoing us-israely genocidal war on gaza's captive population. well, the disconnect between the british public and politicians who continue their unequivocal support for the us-israeli genocide of gazans, is even more pronounced. voters, according to pro-palestinian activist neile are now extremely cautious about how they will be using their votes in the general elections later this year. neil. went to say that politicians have their own agenda that usually have very little to do with the most vulnerable. i think they seem to have their own agenda. i think there's a lot of lobbying by the israelis. i think they a lot of people are in the pocket of the israelis. i think both labor, i know that lot of labor front benches have all taken money from the israeli
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lobbyiers and suspect the same is true for the conservatives as well. i think it's it's... very, very questionable and i think it's extraordinary given the amount of these protests that so little notice is shown, and maybe they just feel that come election day this will be a side issue, but i think i think it's gone so far beyond that for many people. well, it's, i, i'm a previous labor voter and labor member, and i am not voting for the labor party under kier starma, um, i will vote, uh, i have very, i'm in brighton, so i've got a very potentially strong green candidate. "they've called for seizfire and they are not in the pockets of any lobbists. i've been to israel uh over the last 30 years, so i've seen the horrors that have been there. this of course is unprecedented, um, and i do think it has changed. i think it's made people very disassociated from politicians. for your un panic grip
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palestinians sheltering in raffa as hostilities expand in the des densely. area supposed to provide safe refuge for over 1 and a half million people. the world health organization says there truly is nowhere safe in gaza. people are already living in unimaginable conditions. according to the who, new wave of displacement and additional injuries will have a catastrophic impact on people's health and mental wellbeing, and increase the trauma burden on the already alien health system, pushing it closer to the brink of collapse. let's listen. last night was really terrible, we lived in terror as if it was doomsday. "there was gunfire in every direction and we had nowhere to go. they told us this area was safe. they told us was safe. the bombardment was in every direction, not
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knowing where to turn or where to go. we felt like we were going to die. well, let's continue the conversation with my guests and mormi and dr. nahat khanfer as we enter the final moments of the show. i'm as we heard the um activist there who talked to us in a recent protest, prop." protest that lot of the politicians are in the pockets of the israel lobby and zionists, there already signs that there are some politicians uh who will pay with their political futures for the stance they've taken on palestine, as her ali is one of them in rochedale, manchester triggering a by-election, now others vying for that position, um, what do you make of of that comment and also your own experience with it all? well yes, i was member of the labor party for six years, i was involved in many uh campaigns a parliamentary level, i worked in parliament for labor mp and so um,
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you ultimately i felt compelled to leave the layer party um much earlier than many people are sort of now doing uh back in may 2021 because it became clear to me that really kier starmer had seaded all political sovereignty when it came to the issue of uh palestine israel anti-semitism z. to the israel embassy here in britain um and so i thought that the labor party had been totally captured and really on this issue there was never going to be any budging, however that political trajectory, that very strong pro israel political trajectory, i think is now going backwards, we're seeing now people waking up to the horrors of zionism, not just of this particular current israeli government, but actually of the zionist. project uh realizing that the um charge of anti-semitism is very cheap one and and weaponized of course and the muslim community
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in britain which has for such a long time uh supported the lay party, my parents generation and grandparents, many of them supported uh the labor party have now been shaken out of that to such a large degree if they weren't before they've seen now that k stama support for the the genocide in gaza. is utterly untandable and say because muslims across britain are huge political constituency, they really have the power to turn the tide at the next general election, and so i think we could see 100%, many politicians, not just in the late party but in the conservative party who supported this genocide being unseated or being targeted. there's a level of awareness now among the public, unlike any other time. well, we're fresh out of time, gentlemen, thank you, armar khasmi and dr. nahar khanfire for coming on, and thank you for spending time with. this on gaza under attack, join us again tomorrow for more. until then, continue to keep palestine in your hearts. goodbye.
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this week's episode of iran tech is our special coverage of the 14th annual nanotechnology exhibition of iran iran nano 2023 where iran proved to the worldwide ranks fourth globally and first in west asia in nano science production. this is where a 140 companies come together to showcase their latest achievements in nanotechnology. so
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join us as we take a look around and showcase the best that this exhibition has to offer.
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your headlines on press tv: 132 days into the us israely genocide war in gaza and the death toll tops 28,60, mostly women and children.
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yemen's answer all leader underscores the... vivital role of the us in the gaza genocide, unleashing devastation equivalent to the power of four atomic bombs and brazil's president condemns the ongoing israel on gaza criticizing western states for defunding on war. hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in teran. thank you for joining us. the israel on gaza is in his fifth month now, in the most recent acts of genicide, the regime forces have stormed nasa hospital in the southern city of khan unis with thousands of displaced people as well as the sick and injured or taking shelter.