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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 16, 2024 12:30am-1:03am IRST

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yemen's answering law leader underscores the pivotal role of the us in the gaza genocide, unleashing devastation equivalent to the power of four atomic bombs and brazil's president condemns the ongoing israeli onslaught on gaza criticizing western states for defunding unroa. of hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehan, thank you for joining us. the israel onslot on gaza is in his fifth month now, in their most recent acts of genocide, the regime forces have stormed nasa hospital in the southern city of khan unis with thousands of displaced people as well as the sick and injured are taking shelter.
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videos show israely drones targeting journalists and doctors evacuating nasa hospital. palestinians are being attacked by the israeli forces both inside and outside the hospital as they try to flee the facility. the palestinian health minister said israel is repeating the horrific crimes it committed in other hospitals in gaza such as the shiifa complex or medical complex. hamas resistance movement has condemned the israely bombing of nasa hospital saying these actions show the genocidal nature of the regime's crimes. the health ministry in gaza says the overall death toll has now passed.
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28,660, most of them women and children. press tv's correspondent moti abusabe has been with us earlier from to give us more details about the israeli onslaught on the gaza strip. let's take a listen. israel incubation forces demanded the entire balestina bar medics and the medical. have in addition to the palestinian injuries and uh patients to uh crimed inside one building and they uh they open the gunfire and they shelled several buildings inside the medical complex, even the orthopedic building was targeted by the israelicubation forces, it's it's it's worth mentioning that the israelicubation forces are attacking those buildings relentlessly these moments and they are depriving even the medical... have in
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addition to the basinian injuries and ambitions of their basic humanitarian needs and they are continuously open they gun fire towards those people and they are insulting them and dehumanizing them uh and mocking them as well. we are we are talking about another crime committed these moments in the medical nast complex. it's the same crime that was committed when the israel incubation forces invaded and stormed into a shifa medical complex and apparently the israel incubation forces still feed. immune to any kind to any kind of sanctions, any kind of accountability, so this is actually what encourages israel incubation forces to to reiterate their crimes against the palestinian injuries, the current situation of there is still hyper hazardous and catastrophic for the palestinian people at all levels and according to multiple eyewitnesses that the israeli occupation forces kidnapped and abducted hundreds of the palestine and evacuates when they order them and demanded them to evacuate the hospital, they initiate. there several checkpoints and
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arrested and kidnapped a lot of the palestinan people under the claims that they are fighters and they are wanted for the israeli uhcubations. now over the past four months the relentless israely air strikes and shelling have not only claimed innocent lives but destroyed gaza's vital infrastructures including the electricity grid. many palestinians have come up with novel ideas to make up for the power shortages. some garzans in the southern city of rafat explained that experiments to cop with the crisis, we have been staying at home for months because of the total blockage of gaza and the outbreak of war, no jobs, does no income, no public electricity and the generators are running out of fuel, so many people here have invented other methods, some even turn electricity supply into a business, they have to do that because the family needs income, there are also people who use handheld iron cranks to generate electricity or ride bicycles to dr. during the period i had been
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thinking over the way to get electricity so i went to. scrap yard and took home some fans, i assembled them, connected them to the wires and put the batteries and lights on the ends. it can be seen as one of my own inventions. fortunately, my experiment succeeded, at least now people don't need to leave in the dark in the tent. hope to expand the application of this invention so it could generate more electricity and hopefully light up the whole refugee camp. we set up a charging station mainly for the people who live tants because they have no place to get part. dozens of devices can be charged at the same time here, most of which are mobile phones, batteries and radios, so that people can at least hear news and know what is going on. there has been a power outage for more than 100 days since the war began. we have been longing for power, but so far we have
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not seen it. the un agency for palestinian refugees says it will face cash crunch from march that will only get. worse in the following month. the united nations relief and works agency anrwa warned that his situation will keep deteriorating if the funding that has been suspended by number of countries does not resume. the onra chief said the organization will hit a negative cash flow from the next month. israel has accused number of onrra employees of helping hamas in his october 7 operation. the allegation prompted the regime's western backers to suspend funding to the un agency. now, despite the... continuation of the suspensions by some western countries, ireland has plaged 20 million euros to onrra. onra is the backbone of humanitarian efforts and gaza. it is lifeline as we've discussed
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for 1.9 million people displaced by israeli's military operations. there is no replacement for unraz work in gaza, not just humanitarian, but development and the provision. services such as education and health, and those that claim otherwise are simply not telling the truth, and these claims put the lives of desperate people further at risk. i was deeply concerned that number of unrisk key donors suspended their funding based on allegations against very small number of staff that have yet to be proven. our partners in the european union and elsewhere, including the united states most urgently resint this decision and resume funding. ireland's... remains steadfast and i'm happy today to announce funding of 20 million euro for unre for its operations in 2024. israel settlers have established a record number of outpost in the occupied west bank in 2023 without the approval of the
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israeli authorities. 26 settlements were established last year around 10 of them was set up since the beginning of israel's aggression against gaza on october the 7th. out posts are often legalized by israeli authorities after a while paving the way for the creation of more settlements. all israeli settlements are illegal under the international law, but the israel regime keeps expanding them in defiance of international outcies. the israel piece now says there has been unprecedented support for settlements on the cabinets led by benjamin netanyahu who return to power in 2022 in a coalition with far right parties. after the occupation of palestinian lands and creation the israeli regime, both sides came to realize the power of cinema and getting their messages across. israeli regime used cinema
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to show the territory it had occupied as heaven on earth in order to entice jews from all over the world. to migrate to occupied territories. on the other hand, although belatedly, palestinians also learned to use the power of media and cinema to make their voice heard across the world. there was a new battlefield for both sides. welcome back, the leader of yemen's ansurlah movement has slamed the us's unflinching support for the israel regime in his genocidal war on gaza,
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for the scale of the destruction and killing and criminality to be at this level and to continue for this time while we're in the fifth month in week number 19. all of this goes back to the american participation and the american open support. the americans given what they. share with them and the support they provide, they are primarily responsible for the destruction and criminality to be at this level or of this scale and to continue for all this time. he said the large scale destructions and killings exceed israel's capability and reflect the full military support of the regime's allies, especially washington. he said the us has played a pivotal role in the genocide in gaza by providing israel with over 20. tons of munitions to kill the palestinian people, in order that the
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explosives used by israel to hit the besieg strip equals four times the atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima. al-huthi said the aim of such unprecedented military operations is to render the coastal territory uninhabitable. al-huthi also called on the arab and islamic nations to take a strong stance against israel's plan to invade gaza's seven city of rafah. meanwhile, yemen's army says it has carried out another operation targeting a british ship sailing in the gulf of aiden, yahya sari, the spokes person for the yemani armed forces, said the operation was carried out with appropriate naval missiles and the strikes were direct. he added that the operation was in solidarity with the oppressed palestinians in the gaza strip. the spokesperson reiterated that the yemen armed forces presist with the military operations in the red and the arabian. seas until israel ends its genocidal war on the gaza strip. he also called on all arab and
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islamic nations to take practical positions in support of palestinians. sari said yemen's operations against the us and uk's vessels are legitimate measures and in defense of the country. the us and uk's navies have repeatedly struck yemen in recent weeks. in our news review program we have. discussed yemen's operations in solidarity with palestinians in face of the unswerving us support for israel and its genocidal war in the gazas rim. let's take a look. let's bring in our guests. we have hosenti who is an activist and political commentator joining us from sona. we also have uh sakina dutu who's a journalist author and producer. who also joins us. welcome to you both. why is it okay for the us to provide israel with arms and
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munitions to the mount and uh to the strength that it has, but it's not okay for based on their point of view for yemen's army to target israeli bound us and uk vessels that are aiding and trying to uh have the continuity of the genocidal war. so first of all, mean it is not okay. for united states to be supplying that amount of ammunition to israel, but what is their justification? their justification is basically none existent, it's this is the hypocrisy that the us has been advocating for really forever. i mean, if you look into the history of the united states, this is something that they have been doing for ages, what is different this time is, i think they did not account for the fact that this time everybody is... watching every move live on their television stations and because of the social media we
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know so much common people understand this equation so well and the double standards of the us has been laid for the entire world to see so there is really no justification in terms of why they continue to provide that amount of weapons the different reasons of course we know one one of the reason is because they want to make gaza inhabitable and this is because they have ambitions in the region, they do want to create along with israel alternative trade roots, but apart from that also arms is is a big business in in the us, it's it increases the economy, it helps the economy of the us, sometimes they are using these weapons upon people of palestine just as if they were guinne pigs, so they are doing their trials over there, so none of these reasons of course are, holy, forget about them being holy, they are totally against human rights of every nature,
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and yet of course here is america preaching constantly to the entire world about values of human rights. i mean, i think yemen, along with countries like south africa have put themselves so much into the world's map, the countries that are showing us that there is an alternative to what really is considered the right thing to do. all right, another point that's made that's quite important i believe by abdul malik is this making gaza uninhabitable which is an goal of what appears to be the israel regime forces if "the us is providing them with the arms and the regime forces are executing that with that goal in mind, doesn't that make the us also have that goal in mind and assisting israel with it? yeah, i mean, of course, from the beginning of the attack on gaza, it was uh the us green light that was given to the israeli, and as well even know, despite the
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fact that the united states is speaking about the two-state solution and calling for uh the..." israeli like not uh or like to avoid civilian casualty, i believe that united state has actually given the green light for israel to continue its war especially to continue attack rafah and let's me let's me make it clear if it was not thank to the united state israel will not be able to continue in a war for almost for more than three months is because of the full support in not only uh regarding weapons but as well political support and as well blocking any resolution in the in security council, mean that's why uh uh have said that yemen has taken that step and their operation in the red sea which he said have actually have a great influence on united state and united kingdom present in the region. thank you for
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that, we just don't have the time, hussin, activist and political commentator, thank you sakina, the two journalist and author. and podcaster there from london, thank you to you both. with that we come to an end for this news review. welcome back. the brazilian president has deplored the israeli regime over his bloodshed of palestinians in the gaza strip who are mainly women and children. israel's behavior has no explanation, with the pretext of fighting hamas, it is killing women and children, what i've never seen in any war i've ever known of. louis inascio, lula de silva made the comment in a joint press conference with his egyptian counterpart in cairo. brazil's president called for immediate cease fire to allow
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humanitarian aid into the blockaded gaza strip. in later address to the arab league, lul critice. some western states for suspending funding or the un's agency for palestinian refugees. he announced new funding from his country for onraw and call for more contributions from all countries. the brazilian head of state also stressed there will be no peace without the establishment of a palestinian state. he emphasized that palestine should be recognized as a sovereign state and a full member of the united nations. iran's foreing minister has called for an urgent meeting of the organization of islamic cooperation in order to take decisive measures in the face of israel's relentless onslaught in gaza. hussein amir abdullah hion made the comments in a phone call with the head of the oic, hussain ibrahim tahar. iran's top diplomat condemn the recent israeli strikes on rafah where more than half of gaza's population are taking refuge. amir abdullah yon also pointed
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out the die humanitarian situation in northern gaza underscoring the need for delivery of more. humanitarian aid, especially food to the war ravaged territory. for his part, taha expressed deep concern for israel's continued attacks on the gaza strip. he also welcomed the proposal to hold emergency meeting of the organization's member states. at least 10 people, including three hesbollah resistance fighters have been killed in israely attacks targeting village nabatia region in south or southern lebanon. lebanese media. reported that israeli war planes hit a residential building in the early hours of thursday, claiming the lives of several children as well, that makes the second strike targeting residential areas in southern lebanon in a span of 24 hours. israel drones also targeted belieda near the capital beirot. the lebanese government says it will submit an urgent complaint to the un security council of the israel regime's
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constant aggression against lebanon. meanwhile, lebanese resistance moving hesboolah launched retalitory operation. against israeli positions in the occupied territories. israel media say 14 rockets were fired from lebanon towards the city of kiriyat shamona. resistance fighters also reported hitting multiple israeli military bases and espinage devices. our beirot correspondent mariam sal joined us earlier for more details on the latest developments in southern lebanon. let's take a listen. and here we're talking about the city of actually, which is one of the main cities in south lebanon, and it is considered relatively further away from the... border we're talking about at least 20 kilometers away from the border and it's not only a place which is still very densely populated, it's also a place where many of those people
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who left the bordering towns took residence in those areas whether with relatives or some them already have their own residence in that area as well and so this is very dangerous if we may call it development from the israeli side the "the israelis have decided to respond to hazbullah's operations in a manner where they target civilians, and that is usually what the israelis do, this is the history of the israeli aggressions against lebanon, and in any after any israeli operation, this is what usually happens. now here we have something different, which is we used, we had throughout the confrontations actually, um, hazbillah had always attempted and done the..." their best to basically try to keep the civilian population as safe as possible, this is why hazballah has targeted only military sites and so this is considered very very dangerous development, we want to
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wait and see how hizbullah will respond. hisbullah has said that they will definitely not allow this to pass without any retaliation, but how that retaliation will be, so far hisbullah has retaliated by only target. military sites, but that is the question now, will go further in targeting even the settlements whether in the north and other areas and will that lead to more evacuation of the settlers, so this is why we need to keep updated to see what happens next, will be speaking, secretary general will be speaking tomorrow, we'll definitely have some insight in that speech, european countries are still witnessing farmers. over agriculture related policies by the european union.
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polish farmers been tires on the steps of the regional government office and pilted the european commission office with eggs in the western city of rocklaw. polish farmers plan total blockade of all border crossings with ukraine and major protest in the capital warsow next week. also, in a protest rally in central madrid, farmers parked their tractors outside of the agriculture ministry. and in italy, protesters staged noisy protest with their cowbells to ask the government's help for their many problems. european farmers are angry over chief food imports especially from ukraine. they are also demanding actions over low prices for their products. green regulations and free trade policies. the upraw has spread across the continent, including france, germany and romania, where similar protests have been held in recent
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weeks. the euro-mediterranean human rights monitor has voiced serious concern over israeli attacks on southern lebanon. euromet called on israeli backers to suspend military aid and armed sales to the regime in light of what the body referred to as serious violence. and war crimes by israel, according to human rights body, investigations show that israel has violated international humanitarian law in his attacks on lebanon. the lebanese resistance movement hezballah and israel have been engaged in clashes since israel has launched this onslot on gaza early october. more than 250 people have been killed in israeli strikes amid widespread targeting of civilian infrastructure and residential buildings in southern lebanon. that's it for this hours bulletin, thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye.
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and we continue in just moment.
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may 15th, 1948, the last british ship had not yet faded away when ben guurion announced the establishment of so-called state of israel in a speech broadcast by the media, for us, it is the most tragic moment in our history, will be reestablished the all the united nation in the mandary power of england as a free jewish.