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tv   Gaza Under Attack 79  PRESSTV  February 17, 2024 12:02am-12:31am IRST

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soldier and injured several others. apartide israel has killed more than 28,500 palestinians so far, most of the dead are women and children. joining me for the discussion in the studio, political analyst mahmoud and via skype, new york-based rabbi, david waise. good to have you both with us, of let me start with rabbi ways, how serious is the prospect of the military? invasion of of rafa, and do you think um, it's perhaps more of push by the israelis for political leverage in the ceasefire negotiations that are underway? well, first with the help of the almighty, i pray to the almighty bistole upon his truth is wisdom that i may be worthy of conveying his message, i'm speaking in the name of the jewish people who are in... of
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occupied palestine in our kuts in jerusalem and jews around the world who are true to our religion, we are hurting, we are crying, we are beyond words of this of this nakba, this catastrophe that is that is unfolding before our eyes, before the eyes of the world, and in the being done in our name, in the name of judaism, the religion judaism, when clearly, clearly... there is no question that the ribinical authorities for the beginning of this movement of zionism in europe in the 1800s, they stood up and they said, we do not accept this, the concept of transforming judaism to serve god of 3 years into a nationalist movement to create a state, to create a state on the heads and shoulders of the inhabitants, all of this is criminal, it is is uh contradictory to our religion, it's
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created by people who scorn god, who scorn the uh the rule of god over the world who says that you must be compassionate and not kill, that requires jews to uh show gratitude to the muslim and arab countries who gave us a home, the adaman empire in palestine, the jews live there for hundreds of years, then to go and with the one broad stroke of a pen declare they're anti-semitic, anti-jewish, this... this is horrific, this is all part of this nakba, it's rooted in case of immorality that comes from throwing god aside, god forbid, and they're coming and they're now culminating in what's happening in gaza, minute by minute, death by death, we cannot be silent, we are so beyond words already that they've come to rafa, it's a vacuum cleaner that started from one side of palestine, eventually came to... and now it's
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just shoveling the rest away and the world is condoning is supplying military aid for them and i can't get into the intricacies of the political reasons there's so much dirt involved here whether it has to do with that satanyo or the or the the land that he is the leader of called the state of israel th this is all satanic it is satan it it it insults the intelligence, the humanity, the compassion of the world, that the world is not stamping the speaking about the world rabbi, let me ask um agib um something about that, more than one and a half million people living in makeshi of accommodation intense, uh, you heard what the uh un humanitarian chief had to say that the attack if it takes place will lead to slaughter, still the israeli regime seems resolute to go ahead with it, "can the international community um
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use its leverage to stop, because so far it hasn't, to stop apart at israel or will it? i think we have to understand that the situation in palestine is whatever everything that's happening there is at the behest of the united states of america, the only country that does have any leverage there is the us, and the us is completely uninted in of stopping it, so you know we hear noises and we hear you know leaked..." conversations or stories and rumors about how biden is being tough on netanyahu and how he's saying this that and the other about him behind the scenes, but publicly there's never been any condemnation of all the crimes that they've committed, there's never been any demand for them to cease fire, there's never been any demands on them publicly to allow the aid in, it's always a thing of we're working with them or we're trying to work with them and we're trying to get as much, there's never been any demand on them, so um the idea in that's the international community itself can
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leverage israel to do something, i don't think that's going to work, the international israel does not work um on the basis or it does not have a perception of itself. the basis that the international community can provide any sort of pressure on it, the only country that can provide any sort of pressure it is the united states, and the united states is completely uninterested in doing that, completely uninterested. well, the permanent representatives of the arab group have reiterated their position on the israeli military escalation raffa, calling on the un security council to shoulder responsibility to prevent the deterioration of the situation. representatives from tunisia and palestine faceed. media in new york and sent a clear message to the security council. let's have a lesson. so we insisted and we reiterated our position to prevent this catastrophic scenario and to to see the international community and the security
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council solder their responsibility to prevent this deterioration of the situation. we cannot have we cannot accept that the security. council and the international community keep inert towards this very dangerous situation. from our perspective, we believe that the security council should shoulder its responsibility and act immediately and stopping the fighting, saving rafah from this looming catastrophe, and you know we would love to see the security council acting as quickly as... possible within its mandate and its power. we believe that we have massive support to this text. our effort is to do everything possible to stop israel from committing this crime of depopulating the gaza strip and stopping the
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war immediately. the guarantee to do that is to have a resolution calling for a cease fire. and we hope that the... security council would elevate itself to that responsibility, rabbi wise, i think the obvious question uh having listened to uh those arab representatives is will the un security council listen that we don't know again we're not prophets we know that it is incumbant on every human being at this present moment to demand to cry to speak and to adbanish and speak to to their representatives that this is inhumane, i a person who was a remnant of the jewish humanity, six million who are killed, my grandparents were killed in allshuits, they we know what it means to be murdered,
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slaughted and the world is silent, we cannot stand by, and what they're using our name, it is clear, this is not the judaism, judaism is religion to be subservient to god and we're forbidden. "a state with forbidden to occupy, they should not allow the cover of anti-semitism or what the demonizing, dehumanizing the people of palestine, that they should use that as excuse to to to to be silent and feel that they will be able to free themselves from standing in front of god after their lives when they'll have to answer for the slaughter of now 28,00 and more, this is..." in just to the to the last degree, this is un, this is a thing that that the world has to stand up, so i don't know if they will stand up, but just like south africa is standing up to the plate now, we must demand of our governments, i said the other day, our president, he's, he's been
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granted by god the distinguished position of a leader of the world, it's from god given to him, and he believes in god, he he, he went and he said that his part. a turkey on thanksgiving day, if he could have compassion a turkey, what about the human beings that are 100% innocent? nobody could refute that. they went with ur, they said they found 12 people out of 12, and yet rabbi, as you say, the the billions of dollars in military and other aid continue to flow into the coffers the israeli regime. let's stay with the arab countries and arab leaders for a... if that's okay, um, i want to specifically ask you about egypt, they have said that the if the israeli regime went ahead with this rapha incursion, then they would throw the decades old camp david of courts out of the window, that they would abrogate it all together, do you take them seriously? um, i don't think
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that can be taken very seriously, because what we got to remember is the count david accords came in the wake of a war between egypt and and israel, uh where egypt liberated part of the sinai which was occupied by the israeli armys in in the war before that, so the camp david accords is not just a mutual recognition of both countries, it's also... um mutual security pact, yeah, in in in, it's basically sease fire agreement, and i don't think that uh, egypt is any is in any position uh to get rid of that and open itself up to potentially a war on that border, so that's one of the main reasons why i don't think that's possible, and also egypt is heavily reliant on united states aid since that moment, yeah, uh, getting rid of that accord will leave itself economic doldrims. but would not um a threat to suspend or to abrogate the so-called peace
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agreement with the israelis perhaps be used as leverage by egypt to force the americans to take some kind of action who are as you say um helping israel in all of this of course um to put an end to it. i mean it could be used as a negotiating gambit but i'm not really sure how effective it would be for the reasons that i've highlighted it's not something that egypt would seriously consider. in my opinion if if you know a threat is only as useful as it's perceived to be, so the threat to remove uh to withdraw its consent to the camp david accords is only going to be useful up to a certain point where even the americans will probably realize that okay they're bluffing, they're not really going to do this, yeah, they can't really afford to do this or they you know they're not in a situation where they can conceivably do this, so that's that's what my opinion on that is, correct, that by way so i want to move on quickly to the next uh segment of the show, but i'll put one quick question to you and staying with the un security council, do you think that bodies
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such as the un security council uh have shown themselves to be unfit for purpose? well, with all do respect, they the they have not done what is godly. now we are saying the they are they were created to bring peace, they were created to do this, but the they they are obviously they haven't done what's what's what is required of them. and what is so simple, what is basic, when you are watching what is happening and they can do, they god's help, we have to just find the key to be able to um to to to to convince them, to have them do what's right, remember we were able to change the united nations total uh build, because we were able with south africa changing from apartied state to a free state and the... "the ones who opposed uh the apartide were imprisoned, were called terrorists and they were considered
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respectful. it was turned on its head, we will turn this its head, we we just have to could never give up, we have to stand up and demand that godly and what's jewish and what is and what is semitic and um is is to stand up and stop and it steps the slaughter of the people in gods and give them back the entire freedom, remove the occupation." and we must stand up to the plate, they are anti-semitic, zionism and the state of israel is the personification of anti-semitism and blood, and putting an end to a partide of course is the hope and wish of hundreds of millions of people around the world. just a quick note to uh those who might have joined us right now, this is gaza under attack, a deep dive into the news surrounding the ongoing us-israeli genocidal war on gaza's captive population. pro palestinian activist and fine artist katie miranda has stopped painting anything
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other than images from palestine. she says, she paints what she thinks about, and all she thinks about now is the devastating situation unfolding. the cliche israel has a right to defend itself is a cliche that has been repeated so often in the west that people just don't question it, and it has been used to send billions of dollars of weapons and aid to israel so that israel can slaughter palestinians and no one in the mainstream media has been asking the questions, do palestinians have a right to defend themselves at all, why or why not? and i will give you an example of that with this painting, so i painted this picture of yusuf who lives in telemata, in the teller meda neighborhood of hebron in the west bank, and a 40-year-old woman forced rocks into his mouth and slammed his jaw shut and broke his
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teeth. since teller meda is under the authority of israel, yusuf and his parents had to go to the israeli police to file a complaint, but his attacker was neither arrested nor charged with any crime, and yusuf cannot get justice from israeli police. the israeli police exist only to protect israelis and if a palestinian wants to make a complaint to the police, they have to stand outside the police station for hours, and when they are finally led in, the complaint is taken and promptly ignored, assad agent tomir pardo admitted recently that in a situation where in a given territory two people are tried through two different legal systems, this is an apartite state, that's what he said, so don't take it from palestinians, take it from the mosad. we're going to stay with katie, through her paintings, she has described stories of
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farmers she visited in palestine. this painting is - a man named haj ibrahim who lives in the tiny village of kawawis in the south hebron hills. there are only two families in this village, they are peasants, they have been tending their sheep for generations on this land. when i visited them, they didn't even have electricity. since i visited an international organization installed solar panels in their village, which were then confiscated by the israelis. so the reason i was visiting the village is because the villagers had asked for an international presence because both them and their flocks of sheep would be attacked by israeli settlers and they could not defend themselves. they just like yusuf had no recourse. and so palestinian economist and
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author saiphedin amus said recently an interview that nowhere in the world. is it acceptable for somebody to say, your property rights are not valid, because somebody i identified with lived on that land thousands of years ago, so this is the situation for palestinians, they have no property rights, they have no rights, they cannot complain, they cannot go to anyone to complain if they've been attacked or assaulted or their property has been destroyed. i drew some pictures of ahad to mimimi who was who is young woman from the village, of nabi saleh, she spent eight months in prison for slapping an israeli soldier after soldiers had invaded her village and shot her cousin in the head with a rubber v with a rubber bullet, so fortunately her cousin survived, but this is just another example of how palestinians do
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not have the right to defend themselves in their own towns and villages. ireland's minister for foreign affairs and minister for defense michael martin has pledged nearly 17 millions for the united nations agency that delivers aid to gaza, popularly known as unrua. a joint news conference with anrua commissioner general felipe lesarini in dublin, martin called the agency's work lifeline for 1.9 million displaced palestinians in the blockaded coastal enclave. honor is the backbone of humanitarian. and gaza, it is lifeline, as we've discussed for 1.9 million people displaced by israel's military operations. there is no replacement for unrase work in gaza, not just humanitarian, but development and the provision of services such as education and health, and those that claim otherwise are simply not telling the truth, and these claims put the lives of desperate
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people further at risk. was deeply concerned that number of unrisky donors suspended their funding based. allegations against very small number of staff that have yet to be proven. our partners in the european union and elsewhere, including the united states most urgently resint this decision and resume funding. ireland's support remains steadfast, and i'm happy today to announce funding of 20 million euro for unre for its operations in 2024. and let's continue the conversation with my guests eib mah and david waise as we enter the final stretch of the show, and rabbi, very briefly, there are nations like ireland fighting back against the clear drive by the israeli regime to defund unrua, but it won't be enough, would it, unless the donors who have paused their funding recommit the funds? yes, and again, i say it, it defies
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logic, it's an insult to logic that imagine they... said they found 12 people who are part of all of sudden a snap all these nations said they're going to give up the funding with the basic life uh lifeline to the people of god the only lifeline left the going to stop it because they found 12 or let's just say whatever the small number is of of the 1200 workers now imagine the one who shotly was an israeli soldier we could in a half a minute we can we can count 50 soldiers who committed atrocities was that - that beautiful pictures that you showed before, how somebody has set to smash the mouth of this, so you're going to why don't they think about? stopping the funding for for the israeli war machine, mean it's simply because it's a satanic concept that's closing the minds of humanity and we we must as human
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beings rattle them and tell them you this is it's beyond it's not ridiculous it's it's catastrophic because the the people this is their lifeline and we have to step back out the box and stop the narrative of dehumanizing people of palestine and correctly viewing this as a occupation humanity of jews, muslims and christians live together for hundreds and hundreds of years, nothing to do with the difference of religion, no problem. what changed the occupation? so why don't we accept that the problem is the occupation? and let's defund the ones that are causing death and suffering of of 28 thous more almost hundred thousand the years. why? why? this this is incomplehable indeed. a very good question uh rabbi wase and on the question of us telling them people in power that there has to be an end to the occupation and that's what people
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here in the uk have been doing for more than four months now, there is national demo plan for this weekend and also by-elections that are being run on on the promise of doing something about um the uh genocide in the gaza strip, how important is people's voices when it comes to those two uh it's immensely. important because it's building a tremendous amount of pressure now we can see over these weeks and months uh the protests um gathered lot of momentum and then over the sort of christmas and new years they sort of slowed down but it's starting to gather momentum again now and we can see that the impact that it's having on the policies and the statements even people like karma and the leader of the labour party they've started toning down the support for israel and they've started caviatting it and they've started putting in words like we need to get to sustainable cease fire and things like that, but there's a deep and palpable anger in the british muslim community, they're not willing to accept uh the lip service that
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they're getting now from the labour party, so um and also the toury party itself is reeling from the mess that it's made of the economy, so this opens up lot of space for populist and um you know pro-palestinian voices or progressive voices from from the left, so these uh... these bi-elections are going to be interesting and then the general elections that are coming, how that impact is also going to be, it's also going to be very important. it sure is. well, we're fresh out of time, gentlemen. rabai david waise, thank you for your time with us and thank you for watching everybody, join us again tomorrow for more. until then, continue to keep palestine in your hearts. goodbye for now.
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1500 is the number of political prisoners who are still languishing in the prisons of the al khalifa regime in bahrain which have housed 500 detainees over the years since the beginning of the february 14th 2011. members the bahraini opposition have been judged in illegitimate courts on political, sectarian and religious grounds with fabricated malicious charges. many political detainees have been sentenced to death or life imprisonment with revocation of citizenship based on confessions extracted under torture in brutalizing interrogation rooms with ready-made charges determined by the executioners, and yet the revolution lingers
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to its 13th year, but continues to rise up this week on the mediast stream, this week's episode of iran tech is our special coverage of... the 14th annual nanotechnology exhibition of iran, iran nano 2023, where iran proves to the worldwide ranks fourth globally and first in west asia in nano science production, this is where 140 companies come together to showcase their latest achievements in nanotechnology, so join us as we take a look around and showcase the best that this exhibition has to offer.
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your headlines on press tv, nearly dozen people are killed in an israely air strike on gaza's southern city of rafa, where the regime is preparing for a ground assault as well. hezbolla warns that if israel keeps crossing the red lines by targeting lebanese civilians, it will pay the price of his. action with blood and the people of yemen have held mass rallies in several cities across the country in yet another show of solidarity with the people of palestine.