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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 17, 2024 6:30am-7:03am IRST

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new headlines on pressv, the international court of justice has warn that what is taking place in the gaza strip could lead to untold regional consequences. "hezbollah warns that if israel keeps crossing the red lines by targeting lebanese civilians, it will pay the price of his action with blood, and the answer movement says the united states exposed this hypocrisy by its pro israel move to designate the yemini group as terrorist.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in terront, thank you for joining us. the gaza strip is reeling from israel's military campaign with the southern city of rafat witnessing a fresh air strike ahead of a looming ground defensive by the regie. nearly dozen palestinians were killed and number of others injured in the attack targeting two residential buildings. rep hosting some 1.5 million palestinians taking shelter from attacks in other parts of gaza. israel has intensified this air rates on the city while it's preparing for a ground assault as well. the planned attack has spark fears of a wider tragedy in gaza where palestinians are already grappling with a dire situation. israel launches war. gaza
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early october, killing nearly 28,800 palestinians, most of those killed are women and children. we demand a ceasefire, that's a message from a palestinian girl who lives as a refugee in the city of deral balah. she told our correspondent that she wants to send message to the world through press tv. let's take a listen. live under continuous israel bombing and live in very harsh condition that of we have never experienced it before and didn't imagine that we would one day live here we are suffiring lock of food and drink we are in real find at first we though that this world like all other wars would last for a while and would end but as you can see now it's still there the war's continuing everyone is in great sadness because he has lost his loved one his relatives. and the
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home in which she lives, we demand a cease fire and we want to live like the rest of the world. hope this message rises. the international court of justice has warned of what it cause untold regional consequences seeing what is taking place in rafat in the gaza strip. the icj says the developments would exponentially increase what is already a humanitaria nightmare. the un court is calling for immediate and effective implementation of the measures it. demanded on january 26th, back then, the icj called on israel to prevent acts of genocide in the gaza strip. meanwhile, the hamas resistance movement has urged the court to directly order a stop to the israeli onslaught on the coastal territory. this comes after the israeli prime minister vowed to go ahead with a planned ground assault on rafah. this has drawn strong reactions from international of organizations and world countries, including israel's closest allies. "the un secretary
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general says the ongoing situation in gaza is a sign of what he called deadlock in global relations. the situation in gaza is an appalling indectment of the deadlock in global relations. the level of deaths and destruction is shocking in itself, and the war is also spilling over borders across the region and affecting global trades. "the humanitarian aid operation is now on life support, it's barely functioning. humanitarians are working under unimaginable conditions, including life fire, multiple physical obstacles and israel restrictions, as well as the breakdown of public order, antonio gutierres made the remarks in address to the munich security conference in germany. guet also warned about a planned ground offensive buyer" trail on the southern city
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of rafa and the gaza strip. the un chief said the assault would be devastating for civilians trapped in rafah. malnutrition is threatening the lives of tens of thousands of children in gaza, that's according to the un agency for children. unicef says the number would continue to rise if the situation does not change. we have examined 2000 children and among the cases we checked was this child who is 2 years and seven months old. before the war, before october 7, she weighed 11 kilograms. she is now 7 kg. grams so she's suffering from malnutrition, her situation is difficult, she has complications, she suffers from dehydration and she needs help, we have heard the appropriate amount of nutrition supplements, we're trying our best to help her, we're referring her to hospital where she can get treatment, that's all we could do
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so far, due to the conditions of the war in gaza, the health and nutrition situation for children have changed, it has become incomplete health system without vitamins, proteins or fats in the healthy amounts. children are relying on canned food which contains preservatives, all this along with the fact that the water is polluted, the sand, the living conditions here that can spread diseases and germs. all these causes malnutrition among children in displacement camps in rafa. there are 325,00 children under the age of five who are risk of acute malnutrition. unicef expects that in the coming days and weeks there will be at least 10,00 children whose lives are essentially at risk if the situation does not change. this danger also comes as the health and drinking water systems face a complete collapse in the gaza strip contributing to the spread of diseases. this creates a deadly cycle because
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we know that if children who are mal-nourished contract disease, their lives are more at risk. "the spokesman for hamas's military wing says palestinian resistance against israel will continue until the regime's last soldier leaves the gaza strip. abu ubaida said the resistance fighters have already inflicted unprecedented losses on intruding israeli forces. the spokesman also stated that hamas has been trying to protect the captives is holding in gaza, but israel has ignored warnings about the threats to their lives. he added that casualties amongst the captives have increased greatly. since the beginning of the israely onslaughts on gaza, hamas has announced the deaths of several captives in the regime's air strikes. abu ubaida reiterated that operation alaxa flood will mark the end of the oldest occupation in contemporary era and will be a turning point in the history of the palestinian nation. palestinian resistance
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movements are continuing to push back against israeli forces in gaza as fighting on the ground continues. the military wing of. islamic jihad resistance movement says it has launched rockets towards ascalan and settlements surrounding the gaza strip. there is no immediate report of damage or casualties. earlier, israeli media said an israeli soldier was killed during the latest ground battles with palestinian resistance fighters in gaza. also, three others were seriously injured. the israely media say total of 233 soldiers have been killed since the ground fighting began in gaza in late october. palestinian. resistance groups however say the actual number is much higher. they say israel is hiding the real number of casualties as it already faces public anger over the handling of the gaza war. this week on expose mainstream media highlights the
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unprecedented scale of destruction and impact the war on gaza as per reports by the united nations trade body. western broadcast media white washed. designist israeli crimes of destruction in gaza as excuse to hunt down what it called hamas terrorists, while print and digital media surprisingly argue that unless the israeli regime changes course, it could be legally culpable or mass starvation in gaza, and social media users express astonishment at how world leaders cannot see how unfair the calamity of the palestinian people is. expos a. the truth is just a revelation away. welcome back. the leader of the hezbollah of resistance movement has pledged retaliation for israel's killing of
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civilians in south lebanon, yet analysts believe that even such retaliation will be precisely calculated. a correspondent in beirot, mariam sole has more. on the martherdom anniversary of three prominent leaders, hazula secretary general vow that the resistance will retaliate for the israeli strikes that killed civilians in south lebanon. considering them deliberate massacres. i tell friend and foe, the enemy will pay in blood for the bloodched of our women and children in the last few days in nabatia and sawana and other towns of south lebanon. allas believelah's words are very significant, but so is his deliberate silence on several issues. this is the general approach with syd hassan always takes trying to keep the enemy always in a state of psychological fear. not expecting, not being able to anticipate how the retaliation might come, hazbillah declared it launched a first
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retaliation for the massacers by launching ketusha rockets against targets in karat shumona, but the leader of the resistance responded to the israeli war minister yoaf galance threats against lebanon, saying the rocket capabilities of the lebanese resistance goes beyond that. perhaps galant has forgotten that the resistance possesses a massive and precise missile power. that enables it to strike kiriat shumona and all the way to otlot. he also underlined that the resistance front in the region as a whole has been able to enforce a balance of power which bars the israelis and the united states from achieving their goals. he said that the emimines in the action they took did not resort to focusing on the americans in the military operations but rather continue to focus on israel and he said that that must remain the strategy. so i think that that's a very... important hassan continues to set realistic goals and to focus on weakening the
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israeli side and not to go into some rash kind of action which could lead to strategically backfiring against the access of resistance. hasbullah supporters commemorate yearly the marterdom ofin secretary general sayid abbas musawi who was assassinated in an israeli strike on the marterdom aniversary of sheikh a leader of the grassroots movement. hazballah is also commemorating the marturdom of its top military commander, the martterdom of each of hazballah's leaders remember today signaled new stage in the resistance movement's development, now any miscalculation by the israeli regime could be a turning point in hazballah's use of its covert capabilities. maria am press tv, the lebanese people showed their strong commitment to the values of resistance against the israeli regime regardless of the price they may have to pay. they say they are ready sacrifice. whatever they have to protect their country, here are some comments from people in the city of nabatie in southern lebanon. no matter how
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long israely attacks lasts, we will indeed remain sted fast and not be defeated. we will remain holding to our land even if we stay under the rain. we will be stud fast and not abandon our country or our land, even if it turns into ashes. message to the israeli enemy that we will remain steadfast here, as you have seen, they've targeted innocent unarmed civilians, they claim that the building houses objects affiliated to hezbullah, however in a morning it was revealed that their claim is false and all those targeted are innocent civilians, including children and women. unfortunately this brutal enemy has been attacking innocent people because they are coward. nevertheless we are steadfast and victorious. yemen's ansurlah resistance movement says the us exposed this hypocrisy by designating the
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group as terrorist. ansarullah spokesman says washington backs global terrorism by supporting israel and attacking the yemeni territory. muhammad abdul salam says yemen will not give into the us hegemmany and will not back down on supporting gaza. abdul salam also says san ar will continuous military operations in the red sea until israel stops its onslaught on gaza and ends this. sie on the palestinian territory. yemani forces have targeted over two dozen israeli run or israeli bound vessels in the red sea since israel began its genocide in gaza on october the 7th. washington designated ansarullahh as a terrorist group on friday. that's while thousands of yemanies have taken to the streets of santa and other cities to reaffirm the full support for the palestine. people and the resistance front, press tv's abdul latifhali reports from sanar. yemen is from
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all works of life gathered in the capital sana and other cities to reaffirm their unawaving support for their palestinian brothers and the resistance forces. people from as far away as saudi arabia's nejran province joined the gathering. we the tribes and nobles of najran came here in response to the call. to support the people of gaza, we declare from san that we are wit and standing against the zionis and the americans who are committing genocide in gaza, all arabs are: muslims must stand by gaza as it is a religious, national and humanitarian duty. the position of the yemani people is consistent with its leadership. they are all in one accord with palestine and with the access of resistance. it is necessary to act with one's heart and soul. people have come out today to express their position and
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steadfastness until palestine is liberated. the protesters condemned the israeli aggression against rafah on the border of egypt and urged their armed forces to intensify naval operations in response to the regimes for crimes in rafah. they expressed willingness to join the yemeni armed forces and fight against those to commit horrible crimes against innocent civilians in gaza. all yemenis, young and old men and women learn to use all types of weapons from pistols to automatic rifles, anti-aircraft. guns and missiles, everyone is preparing for the decisive battle with the zinanists. when we declare that we are ready, it is not to brag in the media, but rather we are truly prepared to confront america, israel and those with them. earlier, these spokesman for the yemani army stated that the forces had successfully targeted a british ship in the gulf of eden using naval missiles. he also
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pledged to continue preventing israeli linked vessels from sailing through the babel straight until the israeli genocide star. people here believe that it is time for muslims around the world to unite against the israeli enemy and its backers, they call on the people across the arab world to take to the streets and initiate conquered actions against the israeli atrocities in gaza. reporting, two israelis have been shot dead and four others wounded in a palestinian ratality operation in a settlement near the city of ramley in occupied territory. our correspondent in the occupied west bank mondel was with us earlier for the details, according to the israeli military, a palestinian arrived a bus station in the illegal settlement of kat malaki near asduod and asqalan in southern israel, the lands
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that were occupied in 1948, he had a gun, he opened a fire at israel is there, the israeli paramedics immediately said that three israels had been killed, three others had been wounded and they were in serious to or let's say between moderate and serious condition, but later the israeli police said that only six israelies had been wounded, but and in less than 15 minutes from now, israeli paramedics and israeli media outlets like israel hom let's say andranot revealed that two israels had been killed and four others had been wounded, at least one of those four is in serious condition and that the man who carried out the shooting was shot and killed, he was shot and killed by an israeli settler there, an israeli civilian and not an israeli
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soldier or a police officer as the israelis revealed, the identity of this palestinian man is still unknown, people in jordan have taken the streets and solidarity with palestinians in the besieg gaza strip, they call for an end to the kingdom's export of produce to israel. feel ashamed that the government is allowing the land bridge to save the zionist entity and exporting vegetables and fruits to this entity at the time when our people are beseged in the gaza strip deprived the water, food and medicine. this was the 19th consecutive week of such nationwide protests including in the capital and man, the
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demonstrators decide israel's atrocities in gaza hospitals and his massacre of civil. including women and children, they call for international intervention to stop the genocide and lift the blockade on gaza. earlier this week, jordan recalled this ambassador from israel and told the regime's ambassador to stay away. that was in protest at the relentless israely bombardment of gaza. pro-palestinian sentiment is wide spread in jordan, we shares a border with the occupied west bank and hostts some 2.4 million palestinian refugees. jordanians have been calling on the authorities. to close the israeli embassy and scrap the unpopular 1994 peace treaty with the regime. he wants foreign ministers says the israel genocide in gaza will inevitably have adverse impacts on the security and stability of west asia. hussein amir abdullah made the remark during a phone call with a saudi counterpart. he
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said such effects will occur if there is no immediate political solution. amir abdullahyan reiterated that tehran does not consider war as solution. iran's top diplomats also called for emergency ministrial meeting of the organization of islamic cooperation on gaza. face. he also criticized israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's defiance of international calls for a cease fire in gaza. and last but not least the 18th meeting of the ivan armenia joint economic committee as wrapped up in tehan with the two sides signing 19 mous to expand economic cooperation. gisumish ahmadi tells us more. agreements, marking a significant step forward in enhancing economic relations between iran and armenia, 19 mous that lay down the framework for
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expanding mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation in a wide range of areas. iran and armenia's economic relations have consistently strengthened over the past couple of years with bilateral trade reaching 1 billion us dollars, and now both sides are ready to take it to the next level. for both our countries, there is great potential to boost trade and we are adamant about using all the capacities to expand our relations, after note that promoting political and economic relations with iran has been high on the agenda of the government of armenia. we attach great importance to our relations with iran in all fields. this is all in line with agreements to increase bilateral trade in two phases made in 2022 during the army. according to the agreements made in 2022 and the first phase we set the target for a trade
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volume of $1 billion dollars and now we are taking the necessary measures to increase that by threefold. in order to reach this objective, we are signing agreements that cover 19 areas of economic cooperation. the recently signed eurasia free trade agreement is expected to. facilitate the implementation these mous by eliminating custom duties, so we are on the right track. these developments come a time when iran has been an anchor for peace, with sparks of tension every now and then between armenia and azerbaijan turning into issue of concern. therefore, in the big picture, these scenes could translate into measures that go beyond traditional rhetoric, encouraging stability in the region. iran and armenia are taking. practical steps to expand business and trade relations, taking their economic ties to the next level, a time when these ties seem crucial to establish peace
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and security in the region. gisumi shahmadi, press tv, tehran. and those were the top stories on press tv. thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye.
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we must not become part of south africa's problem, we must remain part of their solution. we must not aim to impose ourselves, our solutions, our favorites in south africa. damn it, we have favorites in south africa. the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime. we have favorites. i
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also want to... say word about the situation in israel, the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes. more than one thous, 1,000 innocent lives lost, including at least 27 americans, these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil, i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united states stands with israel.
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يا قوتنا الصاروخيه يا قوتنا البحريه تقنا الصهيونيه.
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