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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  February 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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no es una guerra, es de los siglos, es de los siglos, no es una guerra, es el auxilio, desde el río hasta el mar, palestina vencerá, no es una guerra, es genocidio, relación con israel, نحيي جموعه المواطنين
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امام انظاركم هنا في ميدان الشهداء في صوره تحمل العديد وهم من فقد.
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. at the united nations, algeria has proposed immediate cease fire resolution to the israeli holocaus in gaza. the us has reacted to this by saying that if this passes washington will... veto it, talk about aid
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and abeding genocide, the us seems to want to a make sure that its role in this ethnic cleansing is definitely clear cut. meanwhile, possible seats fire with egypt and qatar being the negotiators between hamas and the zionist regime is starting to fizzle, no cease fire, no humanitarian pause and still no break from the israeli genocide for the palestinian people in gaza, but i'd like to welcome my guests to the program. out of ramala, professor of political science berzat university side namra out of spain, alberta garcia watson, political analyst and activists. well, welcome both of you to the program. i'd like to start off in romala. it's sad, why after almost four and a half of months of this israeli onslot, is this? side
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still going on, let's start from there, good evening for you, hashimi and for your guest from spain, it is still continuing and on everyday on daily basis, we are talking about, this morning we are talking about more than 100 palestinians were killed in gaza, and this this kind of you know rate of around between 100 to 150 every day, and we are still talking about... attacking the hospitals and invading of the hospitals like what happened this morning also for amal hospital in khanunis and naser hospital also in khan unis, i don't know what's what's with the israel with this issue of hospitals because they do that also in in in the west bank so yeah the genocide is still continuing of in spite of the fact that the whole world now is talking about you know the the must for se
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fire in in in gaza, but apparently neither the israeli nor the americans are interested in this sease fire, the israel are going on with their genocide and the american... and apparently still supporting them and helping them by imposing vetos many times so far in this issue, condemning or vetuing any kind of motion to ceasefire in gaza and all the time they try to do something else like you know asking for to be more human for the israelis to reduce the casualities among the civilians which is something absolutely, yeah, can't be believed, because they send them still the rockets, they still send them the bombs, they are still sending them the money and the support also diplomatically in the united nations to prevent any sease fire, yes, it it's absolutely unbelievable. alberto, your
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perspective, i mean, what does it mean when algeria says it will propose the ceasefire resolution regarding the onslot on gaza, and the united states braizenly says that it will veto it at the united. well it's not surprised that united states veto any proposal, any resolution that goes according to international law in the direction of of um basically stopping the the the bombing and the genocide that are actually is happening and the gas is trip, it's not the first time we see that so many countries. have proposed this cease fire even if it's a temporary cease fire united state seems to enjoy and the security council of the united nations to stop it so we can see many more victims
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falling in the hands of this most moral army in the world as israel's con plate that the army is, people are starting to to die of hunger, it's a farming going on now in the gaza strip, there are hundreds of not thousands of lory trucks waiting outside the rafa boarding passing to be able to bring international humanitarian aid, but israelis prefer that the population gaza and especially that population and rafa that has been moved there because supposedly it was the save haven for the palestinian refugees from the gaza strip, all of sudden see themselves dying of hunger is specifically
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women and children, so uh to be honest, argelia like so many other countries are determined to bring this to the... security council of the united nations, but the united states will stop every initiative that can give a little bit of a little bit of a stop, if not a way of the population to receive some humanitarian aid, this we haven't seen, such attitude from the international community accepting that the united states and israel provoke a famin in any territory around the world since the second world war when the units did the same actually in european territories so bring us now to think that the united states is not interested at
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all in a scis fire even though they come up with some temporary fire might bring some possibilities but actually it will not bring any possibilities, because if you feed a palestinian in the night, but you kill them in the morning, the next morning, they're actually not bringing any resolution to this genocides that the israelis are provoking in the palestinian territory of the gas strip, right? well sad, qatar and egypt have been serving as negotiators for a possible cease fire between hamas and the zionist regime. now hamas leader ismail han says his organization is done is doing whatever. can to negotiate um for this uh cease fire, also for the detainees release, but netanyahu doesn't want one, and of course uh netanyahu was saying it's all ludicrous, i mean what's your opinion about this and the possibility of a ceasefire? i think that this problem
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from the very beginning, it's still going on in the same same place, uh qatar and egypt also the american ia representative, the israeli mosad representative, they have many, many meetings and they were talking about you know this deal of releasing the prisoners who are captive by the... palestinian resistance in return for what? that's the the most important thing, the palestinian resistance had put forward their own terms, which is mainly to stop the war and to stop on sease fire, not only a truth, what is on the ground now is a truth, they are talking about a truth of 42 days and then it will be follow for another truth of few weeks to continue the release of the prisoners and then after that... another truce to release the bodies which is also killed in gaza, the israeli
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ones to be also exchanged, and after that what happened, that what concerns the palestinian resistance and hamas particularly, after that we should go for a permanent seasfire, the israeli should withdraw totally from gaza and there are also other issues like you know to to talk about the seasing the uh siege of gaza, also something related to the settlements and settlers in the west bank and what they are doing in alamost, there are many demands, now from the israeli point of view, they want to release the prisoners with this truce, but after that they want to continue the war, they want to continue the genocide, which is absolutely unacceptable, and they don't want to remove their army from gaza, they want to... continue to be in gaza and they are talking about you know either getting rid of
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hamas totally and the palestinan resistance from gaza or and to release all the prisoners and they can't do both of them so far, but at the same time netanyahu and his government, the right-wing fascist government are still insisting on their terms in this respect. right, well alberto, isn't it just so bizarre that there are even talks are called? for temporary cease fire instead of a permanent one, four and a half months after this genocide is started, almost 30,00 people have been killed, mean it's such a dystopian world, it's it's it's quite uh flavorgasting, it's absolutely amazing, your thoughts, well actually um the panorama now is actually very very pessimistic, but even though uh netanyahu's perspective, is to continue with its um uh overtaking the gaza strip, getting
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the entire population of gaza outside the palestinian territory into the egyptian sa they know that they don't have a way out unless um there are diplomatic uh resolutions involved that can actually make israel's uh uh regime survive after this conflict, israel cannot survive after this conflict because the entire world have seen the true faith of israel, what is going on now in in in the palestinian territories and specifically and the gas strip is something it's going on already since 1948 since unilaterally de facto israel proclaim the state of for israel and provoke the diaspora or the palestiny,
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the nap, and today we see a nakba 2.0 going on thinking that the international community is going to accept even the united states, which is probably the second most important sionist regime after israel, does not see that it's a future with a clingsing. ethnic cleansing going on in the gas strip and at the same time going on in the in the west bank and east jerusalem like it's happening behind the scenes of this conflict in gaza so um what what's happening now is that the entire world and i'm talking here in spain where massive absolutely massive demonstrations are showing the absolute uh uh uh against the the the israeli regime uh
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because our different governments in the past accepted the fact that israel has always have the uh right to defend themselves but not the palestinians now it's so obvious palestinians are under a holocaust under the attacks that are happening and gaza strip that nobody in the in the, i'm not just talking about the worst world, i'm not talking about just europe, the united. states canada, but the entire world is actually totally against what's going on and everyone sees as the unique perspective to finish with this is a state a two-state solution where a palestine or a palestinian state can emerge out of the ashes of these slaughter that is going on
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provoked by the israelis that actually provoke this situation with this extreme government and the gasa strip and in the west bank and his jerusalem, the whole world is now seen israel is policies ongoing right when actually we thought that this is a unique opportunity, but this is going on for over seven decades and the palestinians are suffering this situation and the whole world is wakening up to a situation that it cannot be accepted and even the resolutions of the united of uh uh united nations at this moment are really making obvious that this has to stop even though united states is stopping it in the security council. well let's look at what alberto said that the majority of the
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world is waking up and against standing against this um but when we see the uh actual governments we see something different, so do you think that there is a growing divide between the people of the world and their governments and and that this can also have a ricating effect? for example, we've seen the americans, we've seen the brits, we've as he said in spain and in so many parts of the world, actually even though their governments may support or at least are not stopping this situation, but the people are waking up, um, do you think that? is going to end up changing lot in these countries themselves? uh, well, we have to understand something that in this aggression against the palestinians after the 7th of october, some fundamental changes have had happened, not only in israel, in palestine itself, in israel, in the region as a whole and in the
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whole world, there are lots of changes are are now occurring because of this war and i think that it stirred uh this buddle if you like in a way or another. yes, the people, they realize that the genocide by the israelis and the atrocities by the israeli army, the the so-called most, you know, legal and and ethical army in the world, and israel is the only democracy in the middle east, and they saw exactly what the israel are doing. against the palestinians and that had changed lot among the people and we can see that you know on all all over europe there are lots of demonstrations and people are all over since the beginning of the world till today and still going on in all european countries in african countries in in arab countries as
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well as in america itself that is going to pay back but not immediately. "this is the problem, to what extent these people, we believe that these people do believe and and they are pushing and they are pressurizing their governments into changing their position, and some of the governments however in europe started to change a little bit, you there is huge difference between the very few days after the 7th of october and later on some of the countries started to realize that what the israel are doing, so i think yeah there will be an effect and this is..." is going to be huge effect, but that will take some time, it's not going to be immediate. so far, european countries, mainly, if i'm going to talk about european countries, apart from few of them, are still following the american lead, and they think that their interest with america and israel in the region more important that than human rights and the
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genocide and the all these kind of things, so because of that they are still following the american league. regarding what's going on in the middle east, but changes are coming and they need to understand that they have to break from the american policy in the middle east in order to have their own decisions. all right, well alberto, there's growing opposition against the zinanish regime from its own people as more of them want to see a cease fire to at least uh free the captives. do you think this divide is growing or do you think that most of the zionists are on the same page with this? extremist cabinet of wanting just to continue and kill as many palestinians as possible. how do you see it? well, we've seen even yesterday one of the biggest demonstrations in tel aviv'. against netanyahu's extremist cabinet uh for the release of the uh catics and the gas strip by
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hamas, but however i do not see in those hundreds of thousands of israelis, many of them, the big majority of which have arrived to the holy land in the past decade, from europe mostly, you... never see a palestinian flag, the the interest is actually the release of the 130 something captives, israeli captives in the in the gaza strips and the hands of the palestinian resistance, but i, as i say, they're not very much against the policies of the israeli regime, but they actually scared is... many of these captives might die while in the hands of the palestinian resistance due to the brutal attacks of this israeli regime of the gaza
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strip we we heard about in the past days that between a 60 and 70% of israelis not only support the military campaign in the gas is strip but they even uh uh request more force against the palestinian civilian population in the gaza strip right, so what this represents is a big danger for uh the life and integrity of the israeli captives in the in as i say in the gaza strip, because as much as the resistance is trying to take care of of this the captives, the... israeli bombardment as brutal as is happening at this moment is is probably causing the biggest risk to the life of of this captives,
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actually what netanyahu wants is that as he has expressed is that he in a military brutal way he can release this captives and not through negotiations. at the end it will show that hamas is actually liberating the captives, this is something that he cannot afford bamin netanyahu to be seen in the media and is that he's losing the war in the media and actually it's the resistance that it's trying its best to liberate this captives and as we've seen in the past uh greeting uh the the resistance fighters uh as difference to what we've seen of the palestinian capitals being released by the israeli forces indeed being in in wheelchairs
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and totally beaten up and in a terrible condition indeed stay with me alberto well sand every day we we see kids being blown to pieces people picking up body parts of their loved ones bodies just laying outside in the rain buse there's no more room to store them prior to b burial we see kids losing limbs and being blown into wall, mean we have seen so much. um, what else must the world see to stop this madness, this atrocity? what is it going to take implement a permanent ceasefire? yes, we have to understand something that the society in gaza strib, which is consist of 2.3 million people, 52% them are children, so however, when we are talking about the high casuality in in gaza, always you have to consider that 52% at least of those are children, that's you know explain the high number of children being killed in in gaza. now people are seeing this
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on the tv and it's we said that once before, it's for the very first time ever that you see a genocide a daily basis on the tv screens and no one is doing anything apart from the people who are going out in demonstrations, but these... world the what so callalled international community is not doing anything in reality and here i have a question about this what we call international community who are the international community are in china and india, iran, turkey are part of this international community and they consist most the population of the world, in addition to that the arab world and also... uh the bricks countries in south america, aren't they part of this international community? sorry, sorry to interrupt you, but we're we're out of
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time. alberta, just very quickly uh... just say you have about 30 seconds, when the world doesn't stop this genocidal regime, is there any other way besides resistance for the palestinian people? i'm afraid that in the short come uh the palestinian resistance is the only option, we have to see that all the different groups uh uh in the acts of resistance and i'm talking about uh hisballah and i'm talking about all the diff palestinian resistance groups and the islamic resistance groups in iraq and yemen are the only option when entire international community only have words to express the disappointment with israel, so at at this point, apart from the bds which is socially actually very interesting point of view of sabotaging the commercial perspective of
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israel around the world. the resistance is at this point the only way to show that a force against the force is the only possibility. thank you both for being with me on the spotlight. professor of political science at university garcia watson political analysts and activists out of spain. and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight. i'm hashimi, signing out for myself and other group hope to see you right here next time. goodbye.
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alexander dugin challenges the western capitalism and the unipolar world. he says the world has moved away from the west. subjugation and countries like iran, russia, china and turkey have stood up against the domination. listen to the russian political philosophers arguments in this documentary.
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the death toll from this ready onslot on gaza approaches 29 as another major hospital in the bacish territory goes out of service. the eu forem policy chief warns that the west bank. is boiling and could be on the eve of a greater explosion and it increasing israely violence there, and the leader of iran's islamic revolution describes elections as the main pillar of the islamic establishment.