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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:02am IRST

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more than 100 palestinians are killed on the 136th day of israeli genocidal war on. the international court of justice at the hag holds a first day of hearings on israel's occupation of palestinian lands and the genocidal war on gaza is taking its tol on the israeli economy, the regime's gdp has contracted by almost a fifth in the last quarter of 2023.
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hello everyone, it's 10 p.m. and gaza, you're watching press tv, world news. the israeli regime continues pounding the besieg gauza strip 136 days into the regime's onslot on the palestinian territory. 107 more palestinians were killed in the past 24 of hours, according to the gaza health minister. majority of the casualties were civilians killed by israeli air strikes in central gaza city of dar albala, including 30 in the town of alzoeda, now four more people died in rafa from another israeli air strike, to the south, 16 people were killed in khan unis where all nasa hospital is located, the hospital is severely damaged and many of its staff members have been detained, meanwile the israely artillery continues to pound eastern parts of the city of deire about
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israeli genocidal war so far killed more than 29,000 palestinians and injured some 69,00 others. israel regime is still committing atrocities against the besieg gaza strip with of american made weapons. endless number of bombs has been raining on the strip for more than four successive months with gaza's health sector admitting in tremendous number. the palestinian casualties, one should take into account the gaza medical infrastructure, which is devastated due to 17 years of siege and also the systematic israeli attacks, that besides the delayed permissions issued for the injured palestinians in need of travelling outside gaza strip has exacerbated the already catastrophic conditions, we fled our house in alb camp today. balalah 40 days
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ago, we were targeted in the house for no reason. many members of the family got killed over the attack. my father was among those injured. as you can see, he has severe burns all over his body. we're still waiting for the permission to travel abroad to get the needed medical care. we appeal to whoever is able to help us get permission for my father to travel. his condition is critical and i don't want to lose him. according to gaza's health ministry. hundreds of injured palestinians including men, women and children lost their lives due to that delay, while thousands of facing imminent death due to serious wants they sustained in israeli attacks. even those who manage to survive have one or more of their limbs amputated. the number of the injured palestinians is four times the capacity of hospitals and this number is dramatically increasing over the of constant israeli air strikes. we have at least 11,00 people in. ured in the gaza
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strip. only in this hospital, 2,100 need an urgent permission to travel. the main obstacle is that receiving the approval for any case could take days or weeks. as a result, many might lose their life while waiting for the permission. we demand all relevant parties to set more effective mechanisms that help to rescue the people here. it's not worthy that the problem also includes the palestinian. patients with the chronic diseases and those in need of urgent surgeries. i am dr. khalid, working at the alaxa martyrs hospital since 2001. at the start of this aggression, i felt pain in my right leg. i found that my arteries were 80% blocked. knowing that i'm a diabetic patient, my fellows told me that i needed an urgent permission to travel abroad to undergo a surgery before my health deteriorated and had my leg amputated. i have contacted and
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appealed all relevant parties to hasten the permission because time is really decisive, and as you can see, i have been waiting for the permission for about two months with no response. having... with the people inside any health facility in gaza strip is enough to wrench your heart when you see the injured children and their parents imploring for travel permission. now the question for the palestinians in the beseged gaza strip remains answer that who bears the responsibility for this delay that it threatens the life of many injured palestinians in gaza strip. bristy, the central area of gaza strip. member of the islamic jihad movement has held what he calls the unprecedented losses inflict on the israel regime by palestinian resistance movements. despite its limited military
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equipment, the palestinian resistance has inflicted heavy losses on the israeli enemy, part of which the regime has admitted. the israeli regime struggles to... reported its losses in order to keep the soldiers and settlers spread up, the more israeli assaults against the palestinian nation and the gaza streep, the more losses the regime will suffer. an exclusive interview with press tv, ali abu shahi said the israeli regime is not able to hide the casualties it suffered in the gaza war. member of the political bureau the islamic jihad rejected israely allegations that the resistance is using a hot hospitals as operation headquarters, he said the regime levels such allegations to justify as bombardments of mosks and health centers. ali abu shahi said the fact that regime forces invaded hospitals to find no resistance, fighters reveals the palestinian movements do not use civilian infrastructure
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for military operations. top un court the hag's open public hearance on the legal consequences of israel's occupation of palestine, addressing. tribunal, palestinian envoy to the un, said the international law has never protected palestinians. israeli leaders no longer feel the need to hide their intentions, they speak openly of getting rid the palestinian people one way or another, by the law, and the law is barely fighting back. for palestine. "the law continues to be only measure of the severity of breaches, rather than a catalyst for action and accountability. what does international law
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mean for palestinian children in gaza today? it has protected neither them nor their child, it has not protected their..." families or communities, it has not protected their lives or limbs, their hopes or homes. mansur said, the palestinian people have faced attempts to push them out of their territories for 75 years. he demanded palestine's occupation come to immediate and unconditional end. meanwile, the legal representative of the state of palestine focused on the consequences of israel's. breaches of international law, for almost 57 years despite the repeated appeals of the general assembly and the security council of the un and numerous other international
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organizations be the ngos or governmental, israel has obstantly stuck to its policy of oppression and discrimination, against the palestinian people in breach of the most fundamental principles of international law, and by its practices has continually exacerbated the situation with the unconcealed objective of making impossible the realization of the palestinian people's right to self-determination. over 50 states including iran will participate in the oral proceedings before the international court of justice. at the request of the un general assembly, icj will then issue n binding advisory opinion on israeli occupation of palestinian territories. last month, the court issued provisional ruling in a case brought by south africa against israel, it called on israel to cease all activities that
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could constitute genocide in gaza. however, according to the un special repertoire, israel appears to be in breach of that order. and we discuss the first day of the icj's public hearing with frau's journalists and activists in northern ireland. he argues the entire israeli regime was founded on terrorism and genocide. "it's not just the government, it's the whole of israeli society, it's the whole of the israeli establishment, it's the very core basis on which israel exists, it was born through terrorism uh, it has expanded through terrorism, and it is now doing what a lot of people feel you know uh happen to the jewish people and others and russians and people under the nazis, we're now seeing very..." similar regime where they have prevented, as we've heard for over four weeks any
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humanitarian aid going into gaza and the people are not on the brink of starvation, they are actually starving, so we have crimes against humanity, crimes against the individual, crimes against human rates, illegal occupation, illegal settlements and the forest displacement of uh the palestinian people, and including those in the west bank, you're... suffering arbitrary arrest, house demolitions, and they're destroying the infrastructure in the west bank as quickly as they can, and you know, if if it's not brought to an end and the is really state, it's not brought to an end and the apart type structures uh, which it has created in the last 75 years, uh, things, things can only go from bad to worse. a group of un human rights experts expressed serious concerns over. report revealing assaults against palestinian women and girls in israeli detention, group of lawyers from the human rights council says
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a palestinian female detanees have been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault with at least two of them being raped. they say photos uploaded by israeli army of shown the detainees and degrading circumstances. group of un lawyers has also expressed concerns about unknown number of palestini women and girls in the gazo strip and occupied west bank who gone missing. after contact with israeli army, a group of un experts is called for an independent and thorough probe into the allegations. this is the story of nation that lived here for centuries until an obscure foreign regime emerged and began farming on their lands and brought in new people to replace the old nation. they picked the focal point. point of attention of different religions in the region, a highly regarded place at the heart of this arabic, islamic setting. what would
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have happened if hizbullah had been vanquished? that's perhaps the most significant and upsetting question about the 2006 war. much has been said about the 2006 war, about its motives, the behind the scenes and the circumstances around it. welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv world news and occupied westbank israeli forces have intensified raids and illegal detentions of palestinians. mon candel, our correspondent in romala joined us earlier with details on the latest ray targeting palestinian towns and villages across the west bank. these. israeli military rates to palestinian areas had become common every day the israeli
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forces is storm palestinian villages, towns, cities all across the occupied west bank, the israeli justification or excuse is always the same to detain palestinians, members of the resistance groups, palestinian fighters, palestinian activists, anyone who's against the israeli military and the israeli regime. this morning the israeli forces. had arrested 25 palestinians during military rates to the town of kuber, north ramallah, the israelies had also raided almasaif ramallah, kufr qadom in qalqilia, jaber in ariha, this refugee camp south ariha, and the israelis had also stormed the village of qabatia, south genine and they remained there for over f five hours during these five hours 40 palestinians had been detained from the town of qabatye and
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they were interrogated and questioned inside the village of qabatye, of course we are speaking about interrogation about difficult situation about the storming palestinian homes early on monday and at the night hours after the interrogation the majority... of those 40 were released, however number of them had been detained and taken by the israeli forces in order to be held in israeli jails. the israelis had detained over seven 100 palestinians since the 7th of october, according to palestinian commission of prisoners. the emimini army says is carried out an operation against two us vessels in the gulf of aiden. army spokesman says ships named the sea champion and navi's fortuna were hit with naval missiles. yahiwasari said
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the four military operations were performed by the emini forces in the past 24 hours. hours, the first hit a british vessel in the gulf of aiden which resulted in the ship completely sinking, the second shot down a hostile american drone over the port of hudata. military officials stressed army will continue to target british and american vessels in response to attacks by the us and the uk on yemen and insolidarity with palestinians and yet another operation. in his western interest in support of palestinian in warton gaza, the spokesman for the yemen army announced the successful targeting of the british vessel ruby mar in the gulf of aiden with naval missiles. the reprisal operation resulted in damage and complete sessation of its functioning. the naval forces of the yemani armed forces with the help of god carried out a military operation targeting a british ship in the
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gulf of aiden, rubimar with number of appropriate naval missiles. the results of the operation. were the following: the ship was seriously damaged, causing it to stop completely. as a result of the extensive damage the ship suffered, it is now at risk of sinking in the gulf of aden. during the operation, we made sure that the ship's crew exited safely. the enemy army also shut down an american mq9 drone in hodeda while it was engaged in hostile actions against the arab country. experts interpret this operation as message to the us and the uk that yemeni naval operations will continue. until israel war in gaza. the military operations carried out by the yemany naval forces and their targeting of american ships and drones will not stop unless the aggression against our brothers in gaza stops. this is new victory for the yemani army. indeed, we are not strong in the face of the world, but we trust
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that god is the one who supports us. yemanies have asserted that the retaliatory operations will. end as long as the gaza war and all outtu is support for israel is continue since the start of the israeli military campaign against the gaza strip, the yemani army has conducted naval operations against israeli bound vessels in solidarity with the palestinians. they have also launched numerous ballistic missiles against the occupied territories of palestine. observers say the american designation of the ansarullah movement as a terrorist group has not succeeded in halting the ameri army's naval operations. they believe that the us and the uk will eventually come to realize that talting the israeli genocide in gaza is the only way to protect their interest in the volidal region. reporting for press tv. abdullatif alwashhali sanaa. the situation remains volatile along the southern lebanese border where hezbol resistance movement and
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israel have engaged in almost daily exchanges of fire since early october as well the fighters have targeted several. israely military sites as a regime attacked in industrial town of gazia far from lebanon's southern border. earlier we were joined by lebanon correspondent mat for your details. today later the afternoon we had the uh exchanges of fire began pretty late uh we saw that there were three operations for the resistance uh mainly we had uh an operation using appropriate weapons as hazbullah said against the post of. katrisha, they also targeted two posts in the lebanese occupied shiba farms, ramta and sumaka specifically, those posts were also targeted uh by the resistance uh, but the israelis uh seem to uh be doing things differently today, they were focusing more in their shelling used or planes instead of artillery artillery fire,
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which usually how they shell the southern towns and villages and there was a lot of heavy shelling in the towns of yarin, al bustan and also some other areas infarkela as well, but the biggest and most major development today was the israeli shelling in industrial site in the town of aziye which is just south of the town of siden and that is city which is the first city in south lebanon, it's very basically relatively far away from the border, it's closer to the capital beirot, and this is why it came as a shock to many, especially since the last time there was a strike that was near syden, but it targeted a specific vehicle, this time we're talking about targeting a whole site, and that areas known to be industrial site, there are several factories. now some media have said that we had there was an oil factory, other media have said that the factory, one of the factories was that for motors, for generators, electricity
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generators and another one which had lot of fuel in it, and so therefore this is why it caused also all of this bombing and it was lot of explosions were heard near the towns of gaziye and and siden and many people of course were as a result of that we don't have. uh exact numbers when it comes to the casualties yet, um, but it definitely is considered major development that will not be taken lightly by the resistance uh since it does go beyond the scope of the rules of engagement. the brazilian president has called back his ambassador to televive for consultations. this following the israeli regime protest over the president's remark strongly condemning israeli crimes in gaza. tensions between israel and brazil have escalated recently since president louis ignacio lula de silva compared israel's genocide in gaza to adolf hitler's holocaust. president de silva also said what is going on
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in gaza is a war between a highly prepared army and women and children. he made those statements last weekend during african union summit in ethiopia. israel condemned lula's remarks as anti-semitic and summoned the brazilian ambassador. israel also declared brazilian president as persona non saying that he's no longer welcome in israel until he takes his words back. brazil is among countries that have endorsed the case of genocide brought against israel at the international court of justice. israel's genocidal war on gaza is taking a heavy toll its economy. new figures reveal regimes gross domestic products contracted by nearly fifth during the last quarter of last year. according to israel's central bureau of statistics. games economy witnessed a sharp drop of nearly 20% in total economic output compared to previous three months, leading up to pardon october, october last year, pardon,
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now this has been the worst quarter for the israely economy in terms of gdp per capita since 2020, even during the covid pandemic, figures attribute economic downturn to multiple war related factors such as disruptions to air. operations and falls in imports and exports due to escalating tensions in the red sea over the gaza war. israel is also suffering from severe labor shortages and has witnessed a collapse of his tourism industry since the launch its campaign of genocide against the people of gaza. a group of european parliament members urged fifa and uefa to suspend israel from international football tournaments. letter was sent and in mid february signed by 13 members of the european parliament representing spain, ireland and germany. they call for immediate expulsion of the israeli national team and rest of its teams from all
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european and international competitions until the genocide in gaza ends. the mep cited continuing human rights violations in palestine at reason for the call to ban israel. previously 12 countries in the middle east and the iranian football federation had also... made a similar appeal to fifa, they include palestine, saudi arabia, qatar, the united arab emirates, bahrain, iraq, kuwait, lebanon, oman, syria and yemen. iran's foreign ministers arrived in the sri lanka in capital colombo on an official visit aimed at boosting bilateral ties. husan was officially welcomed by sri lankan minister of state for foreign affairs upon a rival in the south asian nation, a social media post prior to his departure, amry abdul said the boosting bilateral ties across various sectors, including trade, the economy and technology,
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will top the agenda of this visit a top iranian diplomat also met with the ambassador of sri lanka to iran before leaving tehran. how are you? that's it for your latest here on press tv, everyone, thanks for tuning in and bye-bye for now.
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the economic community of west african states echoas is facing an unprecedented challenge, on the 27th of january 2024, mali, burkina faso and niger and announced their plan to withdraw from membership of equas after reconciliation efforts failed. now the three military led west african nations have accused echos of becoming a threat to its members, former colonial powers, france, the european union, the uk and the united states have cided with occas after military takeovers in burkina faso, mali and niger. this has angngered these three sahel countries. aquast has called on these countries to reconsider their decision to quit the political and economic alliance. warning of the hardships the move will force on their citizens, meanwile, the italian government unveiled details of a plan for what it says is an eu era of partnership with african nations. during a recent summit attended by at least 20 african leaders in
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rome, italian prime minister georgia meloni appeared eager to establish hub to distribute energy, gas in particular to the rest of europe. so will africa really benefit from this plan or is it a more upgraded conspiracy? to continue looting africa's resources. hello, i'm mubarak hania and this is africa today. the first segment of our show today is a serious split in the economic community of west african states following the withdrawal of three major countries. this week we are also focusing on the recent italy africa summit. italy's hard right prime minister giorgio meloni was criticized for failing to consult african leaders on her so-called development plan for africa. you can. part of the conversation today by sending us your comments through our social media handle appearing on the screen. split e