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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 20, 2024 3:30am-4:02am IRST

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of you're press of your headlines eu countries warn israel against the... in the city of rafa and southern gaza saying the offensive will be absolutely catastrophic. in a letter to the un chief, iran urges the world body to stop the israeli massacre of the palestinian people in the southern gaza city of raffa. of and the yemen army says is shot down at usmq9 reaper drone over the red sea after hitting two american ships with naval missiles.
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hello everyone, it's 2 am in the besieg gozo strip and you're watching press tv world news. israely regime continues pounding the gozo strip 137 days into the regime's onslot. 107 more palestinians have been killed in the... past day alone, according to the gaza health ministry, majority of casualties have been civilians killed by israeli air strikes in the central city of dirabala, including 30 in the town of alzoweda, four more people died in rafa and another israeli air strike and some 16 people were killed in khan unis where alnasar hospital has been also severely of damaged and many of the staff members abducted, meanwile israeli artillery continues to bombard eastern parts of der abalah c "israely genocidal campaign has so
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far killed more than 29 thousand palestinians and injured some 69 others. israel regime is of still committing atrocities against the beeged weapons. endless number of bombs has been raining on the strip for more than four successive months with gaza's health sector admitting in tremendous number of the of palestinian. casualties, one should take into account the gaza medical infrastructure, which is devastated due to 17 years of age and also the systematic israeli attacks that besides the delayed permissions issued for the injured palestinians in need of traving outside gaza strip has serbated the already catastroph. we fled our house in 40 days ago, we were targeted in the house for no reason.
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many members of the family got killed over the attack. my father was among those injured. as you can see, he has severe burns all over his body. we're still waiting for the permission to travel abroad to get the needed medical care. we appeal to whoever is able to help us get permission for my father to travel. his condition is critical and i don't want to lose him. according to gaza's health ministry, hundreds of injured palestinians including men, women and children lost their... life due to that delay, while thousands are facing eminent death due to serious wants they sustained in israely attacks. even those who managed to survive have one or more of their limps amputated. the number of the injured palestinians is four times the capacity of hospitals and this number is dramatically increasing over the constant israeli air strikes. we have at least 11,000 people of injured in the gaza strip, only in this hospital 2,100. need an urgent permission to
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of travel, the main obstacle is that receiving the approval for any case could take days or weeks. as a result, many might lose their life while waiting for the permission. we demand all relevant parties to set more effective mechanisms that help to rescue the people here. it's not worthy that the problem also includes the palestinian patients with the chronic diseases and those in need of urgent surgery. "i am dr. khalid al-saidney, working at the alaxa marters hospital since 2001. at the start of this aggression, i felt pain in my right leg. i found that my arteries were 80% blocked. knowing that i'm a diabetic patient, my fellows told me that i needed an urgent permission to travel abroad to undergo a surgery before my health deteriorated and had my leg amputated. i have contacted and appealed all relevant parties to hasten the permission. because time is
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really decisive, and as you can see, i have been waiting for the permission for about two months with no response, having a brush with the people inside any health facility in gaza strip is... enough to wrench your heart when you see the injured children and their parents imploring for travel permission. now the question for the palestinians in the beseged gaza strip remains ananser that who bears the responsibility for this delay that it threatens the life of many injured palestinians in gaza's trip. briss tv, the central area of gaza strip. remember the... islamic jihad movement has held what he calls unprecedented losses inflicted on the israeli regime by palestinian resistance. despite its limited military equipment, the palestinian resistance has inflicted heavy losses on the
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israeli enemy, part of which the regime has admitted. the israeli regime struggles to underreport its losses in order to keep the soldiers and settlers spread up. the more israely assaults again. in exclusive interview with press tv, ali abu shahi said regime is not able to high the casualties that suffered in gaza, remember the political bureau of the islamic jihad rejected israely allegations that resistance uses hospitals as operation headquarters is a regime level such allegations to justify bombing. mosks and health centers, ali abu shahi said the fact that regime forces invade hospitals and find no resistance fighters reveals that palestinian movements are not using civilian infrastructure for military operations. the
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course of warnings is growing lotter by the day against israely ground incursion into the refuge pack city of rafa in gaza. in a joint statement the eu foreign minister said offensive will worrest in all pretty catastrophic humanitarian situation, they said itl also prevent the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance. the ministers called for immediate humanitarian pause that will lead to lasting seas far. hungary, close ally the israel regime was the sole country that did not sign up. the eu foreign policy chief joseph burell described invasion of raffa as violation of humanitarian law, while the irish foreign minister called it unconstionable. so 1.5 million refugees are crammed into rafa in the southern edge of gaza after being repeatedly displaced by the israeli onslot. iran's foreign ministers called on the un to act swiftly and resolutely and stopped israely massacre of
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palestinians in gaza. in letter to the un chief hussein amy abdullah han said that israely crimes cannot be described as anything but genocide. he warned any israel ground invasion. as a densely populated city of rafa will be another phase in a campaign of genocide. the top iranian diplomat added the vast trail of death and destruction in gaza is testament to premeditated his really plot to exterminate the whole nation. and abdullah hyan said israel is also depriving palestinians of food, water, humanitarian aid and other essentials to make gaza unlivable and forest palestinians out of their territory. "the top un court at the heg has opened a public hearings on legal consequences of israel's occupation of palestinian lands addressing the tribunal palestinian envoy to the un said international law has never protected palestinians. israeli leaders no longer feel
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the need to hide their intentions. they speak openly of getting rid of the palestinian people. one way or another, they defy the law, and the law is barely fighting back. for palestine, the law continues to be only measure of the severity of breaches, rather than a catalyst for action and accountability. what does international law mean for palestinian children? in gaza today, it has protected neither them nor their child, it has not protected their families or communities, it has not protected their lives or limbs, their hopes or homes. mansur said
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the palestinians have faced attempts to push them out of their territories for 75 years. he demanded palestine's occupation. to immediate and unconditional end, meanwile, the legal representative of the state of palestine focused on the consequences of israel's many violations of international law. population into the occupied territories, instead, for almost 57 years despite the repeated appeals of the general assembly and the security council of the un and numerous other international organizations with the ngos or governmental, israel has obstantly stuck to its policy of oppression and discrimination against the palestinian people in breach of the most
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fundamental principles of international law, and by its practices has continually exacerbated the situation with the unconcealed objective of making impossible the realization of the palestinian people's right to self-determination, over 50 states including iran will participate. loral proceedings before the international court of justice, at the request of the un general assembly, the icj will then issue a non-binding advisory opinion on israeli occupation. last month, the court issued a provisional ruling in a case brought by south africa. it called on israel to cease all activities that will constitute genocide in gaza. however, according to the un special repertoire, israel appears to be in breach of that order as well. activist and lawyer kim sharif said the cases against israeli occupation and genocide at the icj have
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expose the hypocrisy of the regime's allies. the the actions of the uh state of south africa which is admirable has brought uh the uh core issues of what's really going on into the attention of the world and it's actually exposing the hypocrisy of the the countries that were... previously claiming to be upholding the rule of law under the international fora which they went and on the contrary they are actually aiding and abeting genocide, there is no issue no no doubt that this is genocidal campaign, this is systematic extermination of a specific group of people, which is horrific type of crimes against humanity, and welst there may be issues and debates and considerations about how do we enforce the... ultimate ruling of the court and uh how we go about doing that, that's another day's discussion, but the fact
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that the case was brought so hastely and with ample evidence and brought it to the court with the most formidable team of legal experts who have done an excellent job, i've watched the whole in the entire proceedings and i was very pleased to see such top level advocates were dealing with matter and since the court has accep accepted that there is a primer facy case to answer. for the charge of genacide, i think we can sit back and say, yes, there is hope that there is going to be a change in the international uh platform in terms of upholding the rule of law equally to all peoples of the world, the the actions of the an occupied west bank is really forces of intensified raids and illegal detention of palestinians, as moncandel reports. the israeli military rates to palestinian areas
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had become common, every day the israeli forces the storm palestinian villages, towns, cities all across the occupied west bank, the israeli justification or excuse is always the same to detain palestinians, members of the resistance groups, palestinian fighters, palestinian activists, anyone who's against the israeli military and the israeli. reg this morning the israeli forces had arrested 25 palestinians during military rates to the town of cober north ramallah the israel had also raided al masaif near ramallah kufor qadom in qalqilia jabar in ariha this refugee camp south ariha and the israel had also stormed the village of qabatya south genine and they uh remained there for over five hours, during these five hours, 40
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palestinians had been detained from the town of qabatia and they were interrogated and questioned inside the village of qabatya, of course we are speaking about interrogation, about difficult situation, about the storming palestinian homes early on monday and at the night hours after. the interrogation, the majority of those 40 were released, however number of them had been detained and taken by the israeli forces in order to be held in israeli jails. these schneiders had detained over 7,100 palestinians since the 7th of october, according to palestinian commission of prisoners affairs. we have any armies released a video footage showing debris of a us mq9 reaper drone that it shot down. footage also shows moment the drone was hit
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off the coast of yemen and pieces being pulled out of the sea. the two us officials have confirmed an air force. reaper drone was shot down over the red sea and this is the second time since november that yamany forces have taken out a reaper drone. on monday, yemeni forces also targeted two us ships and a british vessel in the gulf of aden. yemani army spokesman said the british vessel later sank. yahya said he stressed the army will continue to target us and uk vessels in response to attacks by those two countries on yemen and in solidarity with palestinians. and yet another operation against western interest in support of palestinian in warton gaza, the spokesman for the yemen army announced the successful targeting of the british vessel rubimar in the gulf of aiden with naval missiles. the reprisal operation resulted in damage and complete sessation of its functioning. the naval forces of the
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yemini armed forces with the help of god carried out a military operation targeting a british. ship in the gulf of aden, rubimar, with number of appropriate naval missiles. the results of the operation were the following: the ship was seriously damaged, causing it to stop completely. as a result of the extensive damage the ship suffered, it is now at risk of sinking in the gulf of aden. during the operation, we made sure that the ship's crew exited safely. the amamini army also shut down an american mq9 drone in hodeda while it was engaged in hostile actions against the arab countries. experts interpret this operation as message to the us and the uk that yemeni naval operations will continue until israel war in gaza. the military operations carried out by the yemani naval forces and their targeting of american ships and drones will not stop unless the aggression against our brothers in gaza stops. this is new victory for the yemeni
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army. indeed, we are not strong in the face the world, but we try. instead, god is the one who supports usmenis have asserted that the retaliatory operations will not end as long as the gaza war and all outtu is support for israel is continue since the start of the israeli military campaign against the gaza stripper, the yemini army has conducted naval operations against israeli bound vissels in solidarity with the palestinians. they have also launched numerous ballistic missils against the occupied territories of palestine. observe. say the american designation of the ansarullah movement as a terrorist group has not succeeded in halting the yemani army's naval operations. they believe that the us and the uk will eventually come to realize that talting the israeli genocide in gaza is the only way to protect their interest in the validal region. reporting for press tv. the situation remains
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volatile along the southern lebanese border where hezbollah resistance movement in israel. engaged an almost daily exchange of fire since early october as well the fighters have targeted several israeli military sites and the regimes attacked industrial town of gaziah far from the lebanese border. earlier we were joined by our lebanese correspondent matti amsale. well today later the afternoon we had the uh exchanges of fire began pretty late uh we saw that there were uh three operations for the resistance uh mainly we had an operation. using appropriate weapons said against the post of birkatrisha, they also targeted two posts in the lebanese occupied shiba farms, aramta and samaka specifically, those posts were also targeted by the resistance, but the israelis uh seem to be doing things differently today, they were focusing more in their shelling use
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airplanes instead of artillery artillery fire, which is usually how they shell the southern t towns and villages and there was a lot of heavy shelling in the towns of yarin, albustan and also some other areas infarkela as well, but the biggest and most major development today was the israeli shling in industrial site in the town of gaziye which is just south of the town of sydon and that is city which is the first city in south lebanon, it's very basically relatively far away from the border, it's closer to the capital beirot and and this is why it came as a shock to many, especially since the last time there was a strike that was near syden, but it targeted a specific vehicle, this time we're talking about targeting a whole site and... that area is known to be industrial site, there are several factories, some media has said that we had there was an or factory, other media have said that the factory, one
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the factories was that for motors, for generators, electricity generators and another one which had lot of fuel in it, and so therefore this is why it caused also all of this bombing and it was lot of explosions were heard near the towns of gazie and and saiden and many people of course as a result of that, we don't have exact numbers when it comes to the casualties yet, um, but it definitely is considered major development that will not be taken lightly by the resistance, since it does go beyond the scope the rules of engagement. the brazilian president is callback his ambassador to televive for consultations. this following the israeli regime's protest over the president's remarks. strongly condemning israely crimes in gaza, attentions between israel and brazil escalated since president luis ignasio lula de silva compared israel's genocide in gaza to adolf hitler's holocaust.
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president the silva also said what's going on in gaza is a war between a highly prepared army and women and children. he made those savemes last weekend during an african union summit in ethiopia, israel's condemned lula's remarks is anti-semitic and summon brazil's ambassador is. was also declared brazilian president as persona nangrata saying he's no longer welcome in israel until he takes his words back. brazil is among countries that have endorsed the case of genocide brought against israel at the international court of justice. thousands of people hit the streets the canadian city of calgary to condemn israel's genocide in gaza also calling for sanctions and an arms embargo against the regime in tel aviv. robert inlankesh reports. as the assault on gaza escalates again with the death toll since october 7, nearing
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30,000, pro-palestinian protests are gaining momentum in canada. during nationwide rallies, protesters criticized prime minister justin trudeau for his inaction. palestinians deserve to remain on their land, to live on their land. we are not looking for an evacuation of... into the sinai desert, which is what uh, the zinanis entity is trying to do right now with refaz specifically to push them out. um, so the urgency of the situation is, to ensure that palestinians can live and and live freely on their own land uh without the bombardment of colonization and genocide. on the cost of the israeli invasion of the sovermost city of gaza, rafah, the people of calgary take to the streets joining cities across canada, calling on their government. enough is enough, it has been taking a long
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time for for our government to stand up and and call for seasfire, this is not the right way to do it, we have to get arms embargo, i'm a loss for words to be honest, but what's going on, it's the end of the line. it's a death and we want to again pressure our politicians, pressure our uh communities hands off. although the government of canada has called for a ceasefire, demonstrators noted that since october ottawa has approved $28.5 million dollars of military exports to israel. they see this along with the refusal the canadian government to call the assault on gaza, genocide, tant to a stab in the back the public's demands. robert and lacash, press tv, calgary. that's it for your latest
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here on press tv. everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now. alexander dugin challenges the western capitalism and the unipolar world. he says the world has moved away from the western subjugation and countries like iran, russia, china, and turkey have stood up against the domination. listen to the russian political philosopher's arguments in this documentary.
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now entering its uh fourth day, how designers come from across the world. to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation. how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir
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answers these and more questions. in this documentary.
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i think that the um drop economic activity, the the... costs of the conflict, both military and uh economic uh on the israeli regime are fairly severe, because the workers in the technology sector mainly are reserved in israeli army.
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हरि जन के ਵਡਭਾਗੇ ਹਰਿ ਰਸ ਨਾਮ ਪਾਇਆ ਹੈ।
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"we need today to liberate from mental colonization, what i think is quite clear is there are divisions and violence and a disenchantment with our society, we can start to work together, we are a great country and a compassionate country, the rest is inside your your heads and it destroy you from inside." uh, i'm in awe of propaganda. we know that american capitalism is morally right. the unhealthy dependence of the economy.
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