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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 20, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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as hundreds of people have merged.
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the voice of the voiceless, press tv. israel continues to target hospitals throughout the gazo's trip as death toll from regime genocidal war tops 29 mostly women and children. 206 eu countries warn israel against attacking the city of rafa in southern gaza saying offensive will be absolutely catastrophic and the yemini army says a shot down at usmq9. reaper drone over
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the red sea afterrading two american ships with naval missiles. hello everyone, thanks for tuning in the press tv world news. israel with its general of campaign in gaza is death tool in the territory tops 29,000, most of them women and children. israely strikes targeted nuceirat refugee camp, killing several civilians region war planes, also bombed other neighborhoods throughout the territory, the indonesian and al-amal hospitals are also targeted as the regime continues, it's unrelenting onslot on the gaza health sector. the palestiny red cressen said situation inside all-am hospital is highly... dangerous
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after 28 days of a continued sie imposed by the israeli military forces targeted and damaged water desalination station at the hospital warning available drinking water is only sufficient for another three days. israel regime is still committing atrocities against the beeged gaza strip with american mid weapons. endless number of bombs has been raining on the strip for more than four successive months with gaza's health sector admitting in tremendous number of the palestinan casualties. once take into account the gaza medical infrastructure which is devastated due to 17 years of siege and also the systematic israeli attacks that besides the delayed permissions issued for the injured palestinians in need of traveling outside gaza strip has exacerbated the already catastrophic conditions uh we fled
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our house in al-buraiji camp to derral balah 40 days ago we were targeted in the house. for no reason, many members of the family got killed over the attack, my father was among those injured, as you can see, he has severe burns all over his body, we're still waiting for the permission to travel abroad to get the needed medical care, we appeal to whoever is able to help us get permission for my father to travel, his condition is critical and i don't want to lose him, according to gaza's health ministry, hundreds of ingered palestinians including men, women and... children lost their lives due to that delay, while thousands are facing eminent death due to serious once they sustained in israely attacks, even those who managed to survive have one or more of their limps amputated. the number of the injured palestinians is four times the capacity of hospitals and this
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number is dramatically increasing over the constant israeli air strikes. we have at least 11 thousand people injured in the gaza strip, only in this hospital to... 100 need an urgent permission to travel, the main obstacle is that receiving the approval for any case could take days or weeks. as a result, many might lose their life while waiting for the permission. we demand all relevant parties to set more effective mechanisms that help to rescue the people here. it's not worthy that the problem also includes the palestinan patients with the chronic diseases and those in need of. of urgent surgeries, i am dr. khalid, working at the alaxa marters hospital since 2001. at the start of this aggression, i felt pain in my right leg. i found that my arteries were 80% blocked, knowing that i made diabetic patient, my fellows told me that i needed an
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urgent permission to travel abroad to undergo a surgery before my health deteriorated and had my leg amputated. i have contacted and appealed all relevant parties to. send the permission because time is really decisive, and as you can see, i have been waiting for the permission for about two months with no response. having a brush with the people inside any health facility in gaza strip is enough to wrench your heart when you see the injured children and their parents imploring for travel permission. now the question for the palestinians in the beseged gaza strip remains answered that, who bears the responsibility for this delay that? that threatens the life of many injured palestinians in gaza strip breast tv the central area of gaza strip member of the islamic jihad movement has held what he calls on precedental losses inflicted on the
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israeli regime by palestinian resistance movements. despite its limited military equipment the palestinian resistance has inflicted heavy losses on the israeli enemy, part of which the regime has admitted. the israeli regime struggles to underreport its losses in order to keep the soldiers and settlers spread up. the more israeli assaults against the palestinian nation and the gazi strip, the more losses the regime will suffer. in interview with ali abu shah, he said the israeli regime is not able to hide the casualties that suffered in gaza, member the. political bureau of islamic jihad rejected israeli allegations that resistance groups use hospitals as operation headquarters. he's a regime level such allegations to justify its bombing of masks and health centers. ali abu shah he said fact the regime forces invaded hospitals and found
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no resistance fighters reveals palestinian movements are not using civilian infrastructure for military operations. of course of warnings is growing lotter every day against eminent israeli ground incursion into the refugee pack city of rafa in southern gaza. in a joint statement the eu foreign minister said the offensive will worsen and already catastrophic humanitarian situation, this had also prevent provisions of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian aid, ministers called for immediate humanitarian pause that will lead to a lasting cease fire. hungary, a close ally of the israeli regime was the only country that did not sign up. eu foreign policy chief joseph burell described invasion of raffa as violation of humanitarian law, while the irish foreign minister called it unconstionable. so 1.5 million. refugees are crammed into rafa and southern gaza after being repeatedly displaced by the israeli
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regime. iran's foreign ministers called on the un to act swiffly and resolutely and stop israely massacring of palestinians in gaza. in letter to the un chief hussein amry abdul said israely crimes in gaza cannot be described as anything but genocide. he warned any israel ground invasion of the density populated city of rafa will be another face in that genocide. the top iranian diplomat added vast trail of death and destruction is testament to premeditated israeli plot to exterminate an entire nation. am abdullah han said israel is also depriving palestinians of food, water, humanitarian aid and other essential resources to make gaza unlivable and forced palestinians out of their territory. "an occupied west bank israeli forces of intensified raids and illegal detentions of palestinians. press tv, mon
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deal reports. the israeli military rates to palestinian areas had become common. every day the israeli forces the storm palestinian villages, towns, cities all across the occupied west bank. the israeli justification or excuse is. was the same to detain palestinians, members of the resistance groups, palestinian fighters, palestinian activists, anyone was against the israeli military and the israeli regime. this morning, the israeli forces had arrested 25 palestinians during military rates to the town of kuber, north ramala. the israelis has also raided almaslah, kufr qadom in qalqilia, عqbet jaber in. ariha this refugee camp south ariha and the israel had also stormed the
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village of qabatia south genine and they remained there for over five hours during these five hours 40 palestinians had been detained from the town of qabatye and they were interrogated and questioned inside the village of qabatye of course we are speaking about inter regation about difficult situation about the storming palestinian homes early on monday and at the night hours after the interrogation, the majority of those 40 were released, however number of them had been detained and taken by the israeli forces in order to be held in israeli jails. the israelis had detained over 7,100 palestinians uh since this... 7th of october, according to palestinian commission of prisoners affairs. the yemen army's released
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a video footage showing debris of a us mq9 reaper drone that it shot down. footage also shows the moment drone was hit off the coast of yemen and pieces being pulled out of the sea. two us officials have confirmed that a air force reaper drone was shot down over the red sea as a second time. since november that yemeny force. have taken one out on monday, yemen forces also targeted two us ships and a british vessel in the gulf of aiden, yemy army spokesperson said british vessel sank later, yeah said he stress the army will continue to target us and uk vessels and response to attacks by the two countries on yemen and in solidarity with palestinians and yet another operation. in this western interest in support of palestinian in warton gaza, the spokesman for the yemen army
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announced the successful targeting of the british vessel ruby mar in the gulf of aiden with naval missiles. the reprisal operation resulted in damage and complete sessation of its functioning. the naval forces of the yemani armed forces with the help of god carried out a military operation targeting a british ship in the gulf of aiden, rubimar with number of appropriate naval missiles. the results of the operation. the following: the ship was seriously damaged, causing it to stop completely. as a result of the extensive damage the ship suffered, it is now at risk of sinking in the gulf of aiden. during the operation, made sure that the ship's crew exited safely. the ameny army also shut down an american mq9 drone in hodeda while it was engaged in hostile actions against the arab country. experts interpret this operation as message to the us and the uk that yemeni naval operations will continue until israel ends its genacidal war in gaza. the military
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operations carried out by the emini naval forces and their targeting of american ships and drones will not stop. up unless the aggression against our brothers in gaza stops. this is new victory for the yemeni army. indeed, we are not strong in the face the world, but we trust that god is the one who supports us. yemenis have asserted that the retaliaty operations will not end as long as the gaza war and all outtu is support for israel is continue since the start of the israeli military campaign against the gaza strip. the yemani army has conducted naval operations against. israeli bound vissels in solidarity with the palestinians. they have also launched numerous ballistic missiles against the occupied territories of palestine. observers say the american designation of the ansarullah movement as a terrorist group has not succeeded in halting the ameni army's naval operations. they believe that the us and the uk will eventually come to realize that talting the israeli genocide in gaza is the only way to
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protect their interest in the volidal region. reporting for press tv abdullatif al washili. "the top un cour of the heggs opened public hearings on the legal consequences of israel's occupation of palestine, addressing the tribunal palestinian envoy to the un so the international law has never protected the palestinians. israeli leaders no longer feel the need to hide their intentions. they speak openly of getting..." grid of the palestinian people one way or another, they defy the law, and the law is barely fighting back. for palestine, the law continues to be only measure of the severity of breaches, rather than a catalyst for action and
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accountability. what does international law? mean for palestinian children in gaza today, it has protected neither them, nor their child, it has not protected their families or communities, it has not protected their lives or limbs, their hopes or homes. mansur said the palestinian people have faced it. attempts to push them out their territories for 75 years, he demanded palestine's occupation came to immediate or comes to immediate and unconditional end, meanwile the legal representative of the state of palestine focused on the consequences of israel's multiple violations of international law. for almost 57 years despite the repeated
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appeals. the general assembly and the security council of the un and numerous other international organizations with the ngos or governmental, israel has obstantly stuck to its policy of oppression and discrimination against the palestinian people in breach of the most fundamental principles of international law, and by its practices has continually exacerbated the situation with the unconcealed objective. of making impossible the realization of the palestinian people's right to self-determination. over 50 states including iran will participate in oral proceedings before the international court of justice at the request of the un general assembly, the icj will then issue a non-binding advisory opinion on israeli occupation. the last month court is
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provisional ruling in a case brought by south africa against israel which called on israel to sease all activities that could constitute genocide in gaza, however, according to the un, israel appears to be breach in breach of that order. over four months into the genocide of gazans, the total us is really onsots taken on israel's economy is becoming increasingly evident. new figures revealed regime's economies shrunk nearly fifth than last quarter of 2023 compared to the previous quarter. we discuss this with our guests. and our news review program, hi! now it's time for this hour's news review. israel's general sida warn gaza is taking a heavy toll its economy. new figures have revealed that the regime's gross domestic product has
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contracted by nearly fifth during the last quarter of 2023. now according to israel's central bureau of statistics, the regime's economy has witnessed a sharp drop of nearly 20% in the total economic output compared to the previous three months. this has been the worst quarter for the... israeli economy in terms of gdp per capital since 2020, even during the covid outbreak, now the figures atttribute the economic downturn to multiple war-related factors such as disruption in airline operations and falls in import and export due to escalating tension in the red sea over the gaza war. israel is also suffering from severe labor shortages and has witnessed the collapse of of its tourism industry since it launched the genocide campaign against gaza. well, i'd like to welcome my guests to this news review. daniel
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kovaleck, human rights lawyer out of pittsburgh, pennsylvania, and edward horgan, former un peacekeeper out of limrick, ireland. thank you both for being with us. well, tell me your perspective about. let's start in pittsburgh about the the significance of this economic hit on the israeli regime? yeah, no, i think it's very important, um, it's one thing that people don't talk enough about, and i think by the way, the 20% decrease in gdp is probably an underestimate, and certainly as a months go on, it'll get worse, um, israel's going to have a difficult time sustaining this war, it's been waiting for the 14 billion. dollar infusion from the united states now for months and it's not been approved yet, um, i think that netanyahu is going to take, he's
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already taking a huge political hit because of this war, because of the hostages that have not been released and hostages that have been killed due to israeli bombing, but i think the economy is going to be even bigger for him, um, it's not clear how they're going to dig themselves out of this economic hole. they tens of thousands, actually hundreds of thousands of settlers have already left israel, hundreds of thousands are displaced within israel who used to be productive you know members of society, they now on the welfare doll because they've been displaced, you know this is going to continue to be a problem for israel and it's going to be a stress on their ability to maintain its war footing, i believe, yeah well at what your perspective and i mean, do you think that the regime when uh uh going into gaza did not really calculate uh how long this would take
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or um as far as how that they would manage or perhaps not expecting to have this much of major repercussion on their own economy? how do you see it? yes, i feel the overestimations how successful they might be, there is also the factor that benjamin netanyahu. uh was facing uh serious charges of corruption and it was as if he needed a war with the palestinians in order to save his own political career, so i think the damage to israel's credibility as well as to their economy is huge. um, recently both ireland and spain wrote a letter to the european commission recommending this... the european union check on and challenge the longstanding european union trade agreement
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with israel, which had been very beneficial to israel on the grounds that the human rights abuses were part of that trade agreement, so that's just one example of the damage that the invasion of gaza has caused, but clearly there are other examples also, the damage to international law and to the rules based international order created by the virtual genocide which is happening in gaza uh has been huge, not only is israel breaking international law, but the example is given to other countries and other dictatorial regimes will also be huge in the long term especially. i think you both for. for being with me, david kovaleck, human rights, lawyer out of pennsylvania, edward horgan, former peaceekeeper out of limrick,
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ireland. thank you, viewers. being with us on another news review, how designists come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation? how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how do they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary.
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now entering its uh fourth day, we're looking at after the israeli entity air strikes that targeted several towns and lebanon of the past week, resulting in the martterdom of nine lebanese civilians, hisbollah threatened escalation on the border. hisbullah secretary general sayid hasan nasrullah declared that the latest israeli entity attacks towns in south lebanon constitute escalation because they targeted civilians and killed a large number of them hinting at striking the settlement of ilat inside occupied palestine. said nasulah also warned against the role of the us white house officials who often
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verbally object. to signist israel's mass killing of palestinians in gaza, but continue to send massive quantities of weapons to facilitated. hisbullah vows escalation this week on the meast stream. iran, the country that has been sanctioned and affected by sabotage because of its nuclear potential. but why, and why does iran insist on continuing its nuclear project? join us on hidden files to find out right here on press tv.
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight. i'm marzazia hashme. thanks so much for being with us. well, on monday the international court of justice started public hearings about the israeli regime, which had been requested by the united nations general assembly. in december of 2022. now the court was asked to look into the legal consequences related to the regime's policies and practices in the occupied palestinian territories of the west bank gaza and east jerusalem. the question.