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tv   Documentary Dugin 2  PRESSTV  February 21, 2024 3:02pm-3:31pm IRST

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we need today to liberate from mental colonization, what i think is quite clear is... there a divisions and violence and a disenchantment with our society, we can start to work together, we are a great country and a compassionate country. the wast is inside you, your heads and it destroy you from insight. i'm in all of propaganda. we know that american capitalism is morally right, the unhealthy dependence of the economy. west
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has no more dream, they threaten humanity with the future, that the future will be work, two, one, cnn has learned the us navy is about to send the destroyer all of our troubles in asia, government is the problem, special operations uh raid, the united states has conducted an operation that killed. osama bin lot, he is dead, the leader of al-qaeda, and i think an organization we're going to hear a lot about in the coming days is jason. the united states does not start fights, america wins the wars that she undertakes of want you to see, the united states says, that's what's happening in america right now, change is what's happening in america. get
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tired, i am every single is b bigger and better and stronger than ever, see the fireman assembled here, the police officers, fbi agents, and you can see the two towers, huge explosion now, raining debris on all of us, we better get out of the way, this is not of a message of happiness, but it is the truth message of and it is a warning. so i am alexander and consider myself
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philosopher uh before anything else. i am russian christian orthodox. i was born in moscow and the typical soviet family. they were typically soviet and i from the early youth converted in anti- soviet vision, world vision. i have discovered traditionalism. and i think that as one of my beloved. philosophers, traditionalist julus eva has said once, my biography is my bibliography, i consider myself much more than living person, rather text, i have written myself as a person, so i have um entered in the church, i have... formed my political, religious,
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philosophical ideas, i have preferred to be christian as my my people, as my society, i have great respect for islam, for islamic tradition, traditional. to understand where we are in the world we need to to put. all the processes, all the
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events in a larger context. ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states, how is your faith guiding you?
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my faith, sustains me because i pray daily, i pray for guidance, thank you for your questions. uh and we've seen in iraq, did did the united states bring freedom and liberation to iraq? no, they succeeded in killing an estimated 650,00 people, making refugees out of 3 million uh, destroying the country and actually strengthening the hand of uh fundamentalist, so it's increased the nightmare of the iraqi people. yeah, that's true. what's going on, how you feeling? uh, i'm feeling pretty good right now, it's been a pretty exciting day, yeah, getting kills out here, we did get some case to this, today just just to for documentation uh, today was the day we went against order and uh we shot anyway and we killed like a whole bunch of people, 24 unapproved rounds, 24 unapproved
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high-explosive mortar rounds, that's about uh 40,00 lbs of death right there, y yop looks like raven here almost, yeah all i got to say actually well do have something to say, what's here? i love fucking marine core. i know many of you, i know many, we got you on camera saying it, i know i know many of you don't, but what we did today? hey, we need born killers like you. oh, we're all born killers. iraq war and occupation of afghanistan, that was the deeds of wounded dragon already and libya and syria. but they felt that iraq would be a good first step after afghanistan to establish themselves in the region and from there take on iran, take on syria, forcibly uh crush the palestinian struggler, strengthen israel as a regional
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gendarm and so on, but the irony is that iraq has boomeranged, iraq has actually weakened us power in the region, strength. iran's power and in that way actually added to the necessity they feel to take iran down, iraq and afghanistan, and colombia, i used to wash money out of the us tax base and back, arms companies, arms companies, yeah, i mean, what you're saying is that money and money making is at the center of modern war, and it's almost. yes, and and it's becoming worse. we're in the ministry of defense in whitehall. behind these doors, there's a room, room which few people, apart from arab shakes and other potential foreign customers, have ever said eyes on the f, this way
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please. this is it, the permanent defense equipment exhibition, the supermarket of the sales organizer. which this year will sell nearly 600 million pounds worth of british military hardware to foreign governments, week in, week out, overseas service chiefs come here discreetly to shop for anything from guided missile destroyers and aircraft to pair of army boots, and they've got quite a choice. there are hundreds of individual british manufacturers in this business, glossy colored broachers in every language, including of course arabic, everywhere in this amazing exhibition, there are... models showing the hardware in action, showing what the hardware can do, big missiles, little missiles, here's the the short blowpipe surface to air missile with which one soldier can bring an aircraft out of the sky straight from the shoulder, more missiles here, the short tiger cat missile, simple an operation,
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recommended for its high letality at low cost, your targeting people for the americans, yes we arrest and inter and release if they have not seen that. that's our business, and when these american operations kill innocent people, what's the impact? america knows what, they are war masters, they knows better than me, so when the... funded the war, they know how to fund it, they don't even to touch to tell them, they know very well, they are teachers, great teachers, we we went to war in large part because of the concern that weapons of mass destruction in the in the hands of the saddam hussein regime, a regime that used such weapons, in particular nerve gas, and was supplied by the united states and britain with these weapons of mass destruction, i don't believe that's accurate, well yes they were, most most of... the weapons of mass destruction from saddam hussein weren't built by him, the uh the machine tools and the the
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ingredients for his biological weapons, they all came from other countries, many of them from this country and britain. i don't think that's right, i think i really think that the the it's on the record of congress. i think that i think the premise of your question is wrong. why is it wrong for dictators and terrorists to kill innocent? civilians and right or excusable for the united states to do exactly the same. well, the united states doesn't do it, and if we did it, it would be as reprehensible as uh, as what the the terrorists do. you the united states doesn't kill innocent civilians? uh, no, the united states does not target civilians. mr. fight, that sounds fine sitting here in washington, but in iraq. and in afghanistan, which is my most recent experience, that's not how it looks at all. may i interrupt for moment, i
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apologize, sir, would you stop tape please for one moment? thank you very much, let me know when you stop tape, excuse me, i'm sorry, i'm doing this purpose, please, sir, have we stopped it, this picture, truly one the most unusual ever filmed, contains scenes, which under no circumstances should be viewed by anyone with heart condition or anyone. who was easily upset, we urgently recommend that if you are such a person or the parent of young or impressionable child nown attendance, that you and the child leave the auditorium. we americans know, although others appear to forget, the risk of spreading conflict, we still seek no wider war. united states does not start fights, america does not seek conflict. i don't like
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to use military force. our nation enters this conflict reluctantly. good morning vietnam. we want nothing for ourselves, only that the people of south vietnam be allowed to guide their own country in their own way. the united states has been engaged an effort to stop the... advance of communism in central america by doing what we do best, by supporting democracy. america will stand with the allies of freedom to support democratic movements in the middle east and beyond, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world. i am continuing, and i am... increasing the search for every possible path
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to peace. freedom and peace. no one, friend or foe should doubt our desire for peace. the united states wants peace. i pledged in my campaign for the presidency to end the war in a way that we could win the peace. we seek peace. we strive for peace. uh, there's something really weird. the truth, fact is fiction, fiction is fact, war is peace, peace is war. what the hell's going on here? if this little nation goes down the drain and can't maintain her independence, ask yourself what's going to happen to all the other little nations. gaining control of this middle east, central asian region, knocking down any obstacles, whether they be in the form of anti-us movements or states such as... iraq, iran, syria that weren't firmly under us control, once having done this and
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gained control of this region, uh, bush, cheney, and company felt this would put the united states in a position, it would be key element of preventing the rise of any challenger to us power globally, originally, and of course the two main countries they've been worried about are russia and china. now this is something that these people conceive of as essential to the functioning of us capitalism and to the... continuation of the united states's role as the world's leading superpower. in order to dominate the world, we must control the world's oil, and we must not tolerate countries that show how independence and defiance of the us is possible. plain and simple, the us agenda is world domination. "in order
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to to fight with them, you should develop, you should get stronger, you should be innovative in some way, and if we want to oppose to this liberalism, we shouldn't fall in the communism or in the fascism, and we need to imagine something other, that's something other, i'm calling force political theory." what is this context? that is shift from unipolar world system to the multipolar world system. to overcome western central
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political thought, to get out from western center political thought and as example iranian revolution with fakih is not liberal obviously is not communist is not nation fascist or nationalist something completely different outside of political modernity but suggest to find the same political force political theory for europe for latin america for arab world for russia for china for everybody else so iran is the only one country that has identified something positive in that, but it is limited to iranian and shiah world uh, but first political theory is much larger. we have different identity, christian is muslim, shia, sunni, we should not confuse them, we should not mix them, we should recognize and
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respect the other in positive way, not in negative way, that is multipolarity, multiplicity of the dreams, we have theological differences and the enemy, the wounded dragon tries to play on that, they try to to provoke the fitnah between shia and sunni, between christians and muslims, between hindu and muslim, and they succeed sometimes, but in order to to to come to multippolarity, we should... learn to respect the differences in positive way, so we are coming to the multipolar world and nobody could understand what will be this multipolar world, because i think it started this transition clearly stated with the beginning of 2000 with putin, with 9/11 with chinese growth, and now we are living precisely in
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this transition, and this transition becomes each day clear.
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western uh hegemony, capitalism, that not that doesn't want let us to create alternative world order, it resists, but it is on decline. it is time to show the whole world that america is back, bigger and better and stronger than ever. ever before, we don't have victories anymore. iran shot down an unmanned us military drone like this one. president trump saying today that "the american people will soon find out if the united states is going to war with iran, saying the regime made very big mistake shooting down a us military surveillance
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drone over the straight of hormuz. i have a feeling that it was a mistake made by somebody that shouldn't have been doing what they did. i find it hard to believe it was intentional if you want to know the truth. i think that it could have been somebody who was loose and stupid that did it. iran's revolutionary guard releasing the..." own video showing what it says is the moment of the shootdown. so iranian revolution and today's resistance
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in holy land, it is the part of this fight against unipolar world, against global domination of the west. first. of all china didn't get to the final capitalization and liberalization. chinese accepted something from globalization and rejected the other aspect. we see the other example, our russia. putin have has changed the course of the our history. he stopped yelson's course and started to reaffirm russia as sovereign country with christian orthodox identity. at the same time. "iran stood strong against all the fresh spiritual leadership has saved the run in that crucial moment. turkey that was
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part of the west wasn't was rejected by the west, wasn't accepted as apart, and erdogan began to change his position, becoming more and more nationalist in some way, but less and less prowester and in last years, we see. that there is the obvious end of this unipolarity, west started the west started arab spring in order to destroy traditional society, and when this process came to the syria, there was obstacle of russia, iran and somehow turkey opposing to the western, in that sense i think that iran is far. in front of in avant position comparing to the other, because structure and return to the religion
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is one step in front of all other, and revolution, revolutionary idea ofini obtains now all its meaning, and i think that iranian revolution is version of it is.
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she specializes in the analysis of power and propaganda so... i, i come from glasgow in scotland. i'm sorry, did you say that was english? i'm not english. the only way for liberation is for the decolonization of the
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mind. this is. your first time here, how long have you been here now? how many days? two days andly about bristol university, russia's and ukraine war, iran's foreign policy, the americans are opposed to the islamic republic of iran, whatever it does, we marched when halla was uh bombed with chemical weapons and so here we are in the the famous bobby sands street named after bobby sands, the officer commanding the ir prisoners, if we stand together we can help to stop the spread of zionist extremism. and to combat islamophobia, what has interested you with regard to iraq? this is my land and my country. it is not
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only the 1940. 8 or 1967 borders from the sea to the river, i am not ready to let go of a centimeter. israel is here like any for by the support of the europe, by the support of the united states, that's why they separate the land, well i was at the babo sham's protest last week and myself had a my head banged against a bus by soldier. illegally on illegal stolen land and they are arresting us, the palestinians, this is historical palestine.
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the headlines this hour, dozens more palestinians are massacred on the 138th day the us israely genocidal war in gaza after washington vetoed another un seasfire resolution. the top un court holds the third day of hearings on israely occupation. palestinian territories, world and voice call for an urgent end to the occupation. also in the headlines, israely regime carries out fresh missile attack a residential area in the syrian capital damascus, leaving at least two people dead.