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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 23, 2024 12:30am-1:02am IRST

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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehan, thank you for joining us, now 139 days have passed since israel began its genocidal war on the gaza strip, more palestinian lives are taken and more buildings are brought. down in every
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passing minute, an un building in the jabalya refugee camp where this place people are sheltering in the north of the gaza strip was hit by israeli air strikes gaza. city has also come under attack with regime forces killing several civilians. in central gaza, at least 26 people have been killed in the latest bombings of the refugee camps. the attacks followed deadly overnight strikes on the seven city of rafa. according to the gaza health ministry, more than 29,400 people have been killed since israel launched its onslaught on gaza early october, mostly women and children. now press tv's moti abu musab
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joined us earlier from the city of derivalah with more details about the latest israely strikes on gaza. let's take a listen. the israeli occupation forces maintain their attacks against several areas of gaza strip. here in the central area of gaza strip over the last couple of hours the israeli warer planes renewed their attacks against the alporige refugee camp. dental building was destroyed by those air strikes, while another group of the palestinian civilians was targeted by the israeli fighter drones, leaving dozens of the palestinian casualties who were prow to the alaxa marters hospital here in deril balah city, in gaza city, the israeli occupation forces renewed their attacks against the palestinian civilians who were gathering near annabolcy roundabout which is located in the western part of gaza city, douzens of the palestinian people were... killed and injured while they were
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waiting for the humanitarian relief that that of that was heading to gaza city, the israeli occupation forces deliberately and diretedly attacked those palestinian people and in the meantime it's not the first time for the israeli occupation forces to target those people, if you still remember that for roughly four consecutive times the israeli occupation forces targeted the palestine. and people near al kuwait round about in the eastern part of gaza city, killing and injuring douzens of the palestinian civilians who are who are being struck by the salvation in gaza city and in the northern bars of gaza strip. addressing the un security council, the head of the medical organization, doctors without borders speaks of the humanitarian groups frustration and desperation in the face of the relentless israely attacks on palestinians. for 138 days we have done
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everything we can to enact a meaningful humanitarian response. for 138 days we have watched the systematic obliteration of health system we have supported for decades. we have watched our patients and our colleagues be killed and mamed. this situation is the culmination of a war israel. is waging on the entire population of the gaza strip, a war of collective punishment, a war without rules, a war at all costs. the laws and the principles we collectively depend to enable humanitarian assistance are now are now eroded to the point of becoming meaningless. madam president, the humanitarian response in gaza today is illusion, a convenient illusion that perpetuates narrative that this war is being
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waged in line with international laws, calls for humanitarian assistance have echoed across this chamber, yet in gaza we have less and less every day, less space. less medicine, less food, less water, less safety. we no longer speak of humanitarian scale up. we speak of how to to survive even without the bare minimum. today in gaza, efforts to provide assistance are hap-hazard, opportunistic, and entirely inadequate. meanwhile palestinian resistance fighters continue to repel israely army's attacks in the gaza strip as fears battles. continue on the ground, the algasan brigades, the military wing of hamas says it has targeted a group of israeli forces in west of han yunis, causing many casualties. resistance groups have also hit several gatherings of the regime soldiers and military vehicles in gaza city and bate hannun. a barrage of missiles
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has also struck israeli military positions in the north of the gaza strip. the israely medias say total of 237 soldiers have been killed since the ground fighting began in gaza in later. october. palestinian resistance groups however say the actual number is much higher, and israel is hiding the real number of casualties as it already faces public anger over the handling of the onslaught on gaza. the top un quourt is holding fourth day of hearings on israel's decades long occupation of palestinian territories. several representatives from different countries have addressed the hate-based. let's listen to some uh to what some of them have to say: many laws, policies and practices and implemented since 1948 by israeli occupied regime, have been aimed at
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fragmenting the palestinian people and dividing them into various groups. this clearly denies the palestinian people its right to self-determination. tandem with the above construction and expansion of the settlements, segregated roads, barriers and checkpoints has created a system of apartide effectively isolating palestinian communities, which manifestly violates multiple provisions of the convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination. the court is therefore requested, to opine so that such policies and practices must be seized immediately as they continue to violate the right of self-determination of palestinian people. the
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palestinian israelian conflict stems from israel prolonged occupation of palestinian territory and reals longstanding oppression the palestinian people, the palestinian people fight against israeling oppression and their struggle for completing establishment of an independent state on the occupied territory, are essentially just actions for restoring the legitimate rights, the right of right to self-determination served as precise. legal foundation for the struggle, self-determination of peoples is a fundamental principle of modern international law, insrind in the un charter and the collective human right under kar
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international law. the leader of iran's islamic revolution has called on the authorities in muslim countries implement the teachings of the holy quran on the... امروز مسئله بزرگ دنیای اسلام مسئله غزه است. آیا ما مشاهده می کنیم که سران کشورهای اسلامی و مسئولان کشورهای اسلامی به تعلیم قرآن و معرفت قرآنی درباره قرآن درباره غزه عمل می کنند. in a meeting with participants of international quran competitions, ayatollah said ali khamenei called on muslim countries to openly express their opposition to israel, savetires with the regime and cut off support for it. ayatollah hamini also called on people in
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muslim countries to press their governments to take stronger actions on gaza. the leader said resistance forces inside palestine are the ones implementing the teachings of the quran and standing. up to the enemy, khamani said the people of gaza are being oppressed by those who have no semblance of humanity. the leader expressed confidence that the zionist cancerous tumor would be eliminated. alexander dugin challenges the western capitalism and the unipolar world. he says the world has moved away from the western subjugation and countries like iran, russia, china and turkey have stood up against the domination. listen to the russian political philosopher's arguments in this documentary.
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welcome back, the leader of yemen's anso movement says his country will intensify operations in the red sea, and we will escalate also our operations in this regard as well, we have escalated. in quality and in quantity, we have effectively used the rockets and the drones and even the vessels, the naval vessels as well, we have also entered submarines as well, which is something that has confused the enemy and also terrorized the enemy and also the sea we have targeted 48 vessels in the red sea and the arab. and this is very significant numberhi said the us is not capable of
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intercepting newly developed yemini rockets and submarines. he said the us and the uk have failed to limit yemani operations and are surprised of san ar's capabilities. huty reiterated that san will continue with military operations in the red sea until israel stops its onslot on gaza and ends the siege on the palestinian territory. the yemen leader. also slammed arab states and media for failing to support palestinians. huthy also slammed the arab media for repeating us and british rhetoric against yemen. he once again called on yemeni people to mobilize for another rally in solidarity with palestinians on friday. the yemani army spokesman yahya sari explains the country's recent operations in solidarity with palestinians in gaza and in response to the us, the american british aggression against the country, listen. the
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yemeni armed forces carried out three specific military operations as follows: the first one, our missile and uav forces fired the number of ballistic missiles and drones at various targets of the designist enemy in ilat, south of occupied palestine. regarding the second operation in the gulf of aden, the yemani army's neighbor. forces conducted an operation against a british ship in the gulf of eden, using a number of suitable naval missiles that directly hit it, causing a fire to break out on the vessel. as for the third operation, an american destroyer in the red sea was targeted with number of drones. yemen has warned the european union against any military intervention to protect is really vessels in the red sea and the gulf of aiden. meanwile san has also reiterated this place to keep the shipping. safe for the international maritime navigation. press tv correspondent abdullatif reports from san. in
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response to the european union's naval mission in the rity, yemen's deputy minister of foreign affairs, hussein alzi held a press conference addressing yemen on the tengens in the region. he urged eu members to withdraw their warships from the red sea emphasizing that militarization of the region. will only escalate the conflict, certainly we will deal with any country who engages in hostilities against us and we will deal with it as we dealt with the us and the uk. we are keen to treat everyone equally and will never allow the european union or oters to attack yemen without getting a firm response. whoever harms yemen, we will harm him severely. alazi noted that since the start of the yemani army's naval operations over 5 including european ones have safely passed through the babel strate after coordinating with yemani
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authorities. he also reaffirmed the safety of international maritime navigation for the entire world except for those to carry out hostile actions against yemen. the recent move by france targeting yemani drones is up for discussion. we have serious questions regarding the matter and we expect paris to provide us with reasonable explanation. does not apologize, and we are certain that paris is following the british and american approach. he will respond because we have the right to self-defense. what is being practiced against american and british ships. is due to their aggression against our country and their complicity in the ongoing genocide in gaza. yemani army has not targeted any european ships in its recent operations on the ridsee and gulf of eden. however, the european union has launched the naval mission as pides to counter potential attacks on american, british and israeli linked vessels. observers believe that the us
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is dragging european countries into a direct war with the yemani army to protect its own interest in the region, they asser that an eu military intervention will impact the shipping of food and the fuel to europe, thereby distabilizing european countries. reporting for preciv, the israel military strikes, a residential building in southern lebanon, killing three people and injuring three others as a tensions between the regime and the lebanese resistance movement intensify, the israeli forces have... the fresh drone attacks on an apartment building in kafar romane, just south of the city of nabatia in southern lebanon. according to the reports, the death toll is likely to increase as the injured people are in critical condition. hezbulah earlier conducted operations against israeli military positions in the occupied territories. the fighting between israel and hezbollah began the day after israel launched this genocidal war on
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gaza. heizbollah's operations are part of the movement's campaign to support the people and resistance fighters in gaza. ivanas severely censured the redundant accusations against the country regarding his alleged assistance to russia in the ongoing war in ukraine. we strongly condemn the baseless accusations against iran regarding russia-ukraine war, and we could say the repetition of these claims without any evidence is becoming quite boring. iran's foreign minister said the ongoing conflict can only be resolved through negotiation and diplomacy, seato for his part said all those who play a role in the international community must act responsibly to prevent the spread of the war in ukraine.
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the two top diplomats also exchange views on bilateral relations and operation during their meeting in tehran. the two countries weight plans for the expansion of ties in various fields such as trade, investment, industry and agriculture. it is election season in iran and campaigning has officially begun for two elections that will be held simultaneously. in about a week, iranians will go to the poles to elect members of the parliament and also the assembly of experts. yesumishadi will be covering the elections for us on press tv and here's her first report. the race for iran's parliament has kicked off with over 15 thousand candidates competing for 290 seats of the 12th term of the islamic consultative assembly, promising an exciting campaign to watch, considering that the assembly of experts, the directly
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elected body in charge of supervising and electing the leader will be held simultaneously. "we have two very important elections ahead. it goes without saying that elections are at the core of our democracy and people and the choices they make define the islamic republic of iran. so the constitutional council as a supervisory body has an important responsibility. vating the candidates and providing the list of eligible hopefuls is dounting task. it took us about three months because this year over 20,00 parliamentary hopefuls registered, which is..." precedented, 15,343 were approved. this means that average 53 candidates will be competing for every parliamentary seat. the competition is going to be quite fierce with different political views represented, and as always, there are also large number of independent candidates running. candidates
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were given the official go ahead for their campaigning activities on february 22nd, but the road to the parliament. is long, expensive and exhausting, and becoming candidate is only the beginning of the election process. obtaining a place on the ballot depends very much on what happens on the campaign trail, and this time around, iran's national television, irib, has stepped in to provide all candidates with equal opportunities. we have launched 200 television channels specifically for broadcasting election debate. this is happening for first time in iran and i believe other country has done this before either. we have provided a unique platform for all candidates to have equal opportunities to discuss their views and present their plans, you know that the islamic republic of iran is based on people's will and every vote counts. this means that here at irib, we have very important
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responsibility, people should be able to choose their candidates with open eyes and not all candidates have the financial means for expensive campaign activities. according to law, all campaigning activities mob 24 hours before the elections. this means the candidates have. to make the best of the one week they have ahead. the 12th parliamentary elections will be held simultaneously with sixth election of the assembly of experts on friday march the 1st and while many campaigning activities happened close to election day mostles have already laid ground work for their political campaigns with the platforms provided by iran's national television, irib. press tv and chaos in the uk parliament during vote calling for a cease fire in gaza. the motion was proposed by the scottish national party with both labor and conservative parties proposing amens.
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