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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  February 23, 2024 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST

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hello and welcome to spotlight. the israeli regime continues its onslot on the gaza strip intensifying uh its attacks on all fronts. the palestinian death tool has reached almost 30,000 with the majority of them being women and children. this as hospitals, refugee camps and residential buildings remain the main targets of the occupation forces in the blockaded sliver. meanwile deliberations at the international court of justice are highlighting the'. legality of israel's
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occupation and its apartite practices on palestinian unoccupied palestinian land. in this edition of the spotlight we'll discuss how and why this aggression can continue on an entire population before our very eyes. of joining us on this edition of the spotlight we have co-founder of the scottish palestine solidarity campaign. mr. mcnape here joining us from edinburgh. and uh miss sarah flounders joining us uh from new york from the international action center. welcome to the program to the both of you. let's start off with mr. napier and edinbrow. it's day 140 mr. napier. israel's attacks from airland and see continue on the southern city of raffa. now that's where uh around 1.5 million palestinians have taken shelter with a full.
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offensive looming, also in the south, israeli troops have once again stormed the nz medical complex preventing the entry or exit of medical personnel and civilians, so the north of gaza has been demolished, the death tool is close to 30,000, mostly women and children, how far will this clear intent to destroy gaza continue? it's impossible to tell, it looks very much as if the israelis intend to bring this to a... completion and to reduce palestine to area without sorry to reduce gaza to area without palestinians, maybe driving them into egypt, which seems to be getting ready to receive them, but they come up against the problem that they are now becoming serious embarrassment to their uh to their paymasters and to their to their supporters in the west, because israel is israel is is making their supporters pay a price uh the barbarity. "the mean everyone
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has a particular story which they will carry to the grave, but for me it's the doctors who had to amputate their own children's limbs without anesthetics, and then to read that the israelis had allowed few trucks into gaza, but had removed the anesthetics from those trucks before allowing them to proceed, so what we're seeing is utter barbarity um, you drilled into our consciousness so that people know in a way that they didn't even know about the..." vietnam war or the devastation of iraq, because the images are so powerful, are so so constant um that people are just horrified, so resistance is beginning, we see we see social movements beginning to move in america and britain, my own city city in scotland, the major parties have just past a motion denouncing the genocide, but also because of the the case at the ic or the ruling by the icj that there
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was a plausible case for genocide against israel, the great majority of the counselors have said that their council, our council must make sure that they don't uh be in any way complicit with the genocide even inadvertently, which has implications for investments and pension funds, various other trade arrangements with israel, so it's beginning to filter through um into movements, mean arms companies are being blockaded, there was an incident that got... parliament a couple of days ago where arms companies could not get into the parliament because of a blockade. um, so so i think this price that the british and american in brussels, british and american governments and the eu are paying for their support for israel has, is beginning to work its way through into a profound crisis in the political system. we saw this in london in the parliament yesterday or the day before, where they voted on gaza, and because the the the opposition labour party, which is led by a felt the need for protection from the
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population from from from from major section of the population furious at his support for israel. they had to resort to shicanery in the parliament, which is itself becoming a bit of a crisis, but ultimately it comes down to the situation in gaza, the horror uh the savagery of what israel is doing, the fact that palestinians are still resisting and are undefeated, and also that of course in yemen we see the the the the the yemenies enforcing international law or trying to enforce international law and and the convention against genocide and being bombed by america and britain. their trouble, so this crisis has a long way to go, but the question is, how much of a price are washington and london prepared to pay before they take very dramatic efforts to rain in israel? britain has already talked about the cutting arms sales, i think it's the beginning of the the
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fear that popular resistance could become stronger and stronger. right, miss flounders a top un court, the icj, it's holding the fifth day, or basically it it summed up the fifth day of public hearings on. israel's decades long occupation of palestinian territories, almost all participating countries, that was over 50 countries, and number of uh rights organizations uh, they were in agreement issues like the illegality the occupation, the illegality of the settlements, the apartite practices of the israeli regime, the genocide taking place in gaza, and also they were in total agreement that israel must be held accountable for its crimes and violations. i want to get your thoughts uh on on the statements that were read out today at the icj, and do you think this is the most isolated israel has been in recent memory? well, what's most important about the icj hearings, which have no power in and of themselves, is it is enforcing an
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isolation that israel will not recover from. the statements from country after country, 52 countries, the arab league, the african union, the organization of islamic cooperation, many others are all scheduled to speak, and one after the other, these statements based on international law, their condemnation of israel and also of the us and britain for their embrace, their support, their weaponizing of this genocide, it is changing the consciousness, all these statements on international law... have long been on the records and long been ignored, and israel wants to continue to ignore them, but they cannot ignore what is happening on the ground. there is sea change in consciousness, and that's a global fact here
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in the us, where support for israel in a in a large way was a given uh totally in control by the corporate media here, that is changing. and overwhelmingly in every recent poll, particularly among young people, but now in the whole population, there is a solidarity or an identification with palestine and its goals or call for a cease fire, that is a change that israel won't recover from, they're they're continuing isolation, horror and the and the resolutions being passed to to disinvest, to block to... stop uh, whether it's weapons, economic aid, the actions, and i'm talking about everything from sit-ins and shutdowns to port closings are important, and especially i do think it's always important to salute the action that yemen has taken, completely legal in
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international law, and has not led to one, not one death or casualty, actually, even when ships were sunk as they were a british ship. "they, it was yemeni navy that evacuated the entire uh staff. what's the us and the british response? it's to bomb yemen. also to creating hundreds and hundreds of deaths and injuries. so they are 100% behind israel, they are pushing to widen the war, the bombing of certainly of and syria confirm this. it's a very dangerous moment, but the world..." "the whole world movement uh is so totally with palestine that that consciousness becomes material force in history, and i think this is moment where every force in the world has to find every possible weapon, every mobilization that they
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can to show solidarity uh with palestine and to on every level denounce this criminal activity by israel, but also..." by the us and make nape here, the us says we no veto the third un security council resolution on gasa cease fire, that move, it sparked widespread criticism, not only uh on the us, but the security council itself, prompting many commentators to call for total reform of this 15 member un body. do you also see this as major flaw in the world body's functionality? of course, um, if you give america and even britain a veto power over protecting people from genocide, then clearly the system is is simply not fit for. purpose and it's not as if this started of course on october the 7th or even five years ago, this
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has been the longest running genocide for very long time, it's been going on effectively since since 1948 and some some people who deny the genocide really don't understand what genocide is about, genocide jews in europe or against people in rwanda doesn't mean the extermination of every last member. of that group, genocide means deliberately setting out to kill and to damage the group in whole or in part, as as as the law says and and what's happening in gaza clearly amounts to genocide, every denial by the usa and and the uk and it's and and its allies simply simply makes them more and more isolated worldwide, it's not lost on people that watching the news from ukraine there was a terrible tragedy uh rocket struck a market. 17 people were killed and zelensky rushed to say this was the most barbaric act
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imaginable and it was seen to be the worst uh attack in in europe for many many months this is a morning's work in gaza or not even a morning's work and and if you deny that this what's happening in gaza is genocide you simply reduce your own credibility and when when the west talks lectures people in africa asia and elsewhere about the so-called rules-based. international order, they're now telling people, the rules now include genocide when it suits nato and genocide when it suits these powers, so if the rules include genocide, it means we're in we're in a jungle, it means that uh there is, that there isn't even the pretense of international law, so yes there's a the palestinians for the last 50 years have been winning major battle, they have won the battle for world public opinion very decisively, and if you measure... that public opinion a whole number of different ways it's done, including by the eu and by by by by
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governments, we find that israel has been a par state for very long time. um, un reports have reported have have found uh that israel quote unquote kills children indiscriminately. the last unhcr report during the great march of return i think or in 20 2021 said israel is killing medical workers uh journalists and children, knowing they are medical workers, knowing they are journalists and knowing that they are children, so this has been out for very, very long time, it isn't as if our intelligence agencies don't know, but they have continued to supply weapons, they've continued to supply smart bombs made in america or made in britain or made in belgium in order to carry out the genocide in gaza. this is now widely known, and and and every time the america or britain or the eu start to lecture the world about a rules-based international order,
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never mind, democracy and human rights, i think they're going to be met with a with laugh or with a cruel smile and and told this doesn't wash anymore, so i think yes, the collective west is going to suffer massively because of this, because the longer they stick to israel, the more israel will drag them down, and we can see this at the un and elsewhere that it's the west which is isolated, and inside the... west, it's governments which are isolated from their own populations were increasingly beginning to take action, so the latest us veto uh on the un security council must have did make many, many millions of people, probably hundreds of millions of people around the world shake their heads and say this is savage, this is american bombs being sent being sent to to carry out the genocide, and i think the collective west is being a very high price for their attachment to the israeli genocide. miss flounders, about the ongoing cease fire talks uh in in cairo, many experts have
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described us's involvement in the talks as nothing but facade, because if washington was seeking a ceasefire then it wouldn't veto uh multiple security council attempts to stop the bloodshed and death of innocent women and children, now what it? well as the us statement uh at the un security council showed uh "the us is there to take the exact position of israel, not to move forward any negotiations. they again simply called for the release of the hostages and a short..." in the bombing, that's not a negotiating position at all. now what's the impact of this world outrage on israel, and it will get worse and worse. israel's ports are blockaded, ships are no longer willing to dock there or come through the sus canal to israel, its industries are increasingly shut
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down, and its population in the hundreds of thousands is. "this is a war that is so criminal, it can't be defended, and the us continues to do that, they are, their only role in the negotiations is to attempt to sabotage the negotiations and to pressure the surrounding arab states to make concessions, trying to force them to back solid with palestine, and it's actually doing the opposite, the the us" position is totally unreasonable, so totally supportive of israel and this genocide that's taking place, that is like the mask is being ripped off, and that doesn't quickly come back in in people's eyes in countries throughout the entire region, they are looking for other alternatives, they no longer look to the us, and that also has long term implications, not
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only for israel, but also for the us and britain. "they are no longer looked to as providing for people's needs in any way whatsoever, new trade and arrangements are being made and many other things are happening that are changing the international order, and this is accelerated that very process. mak here, why, why aren't regional blocks or even arab governments stepping up and taking matters into their own hands? yesterday, the leader of iran's islamic revolution, he called on..." countries to openly express their opposition to israel and severtize with the israeli regime, why is that not happening? when the sign has conquered palestine, the jordanian king took a bite as well out of palestine, collusion between between arab regimes and and and and
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and via washington has has been growing for decades and decades, the saudi crown prince. spoke a couple of years ago a conference in new york uh which was attended mainly by zionists um and they came away uh shocked actually surprised at the vehements of the saudi crown prince's attacks on on on on the palestinians mouthing zinus mantras that the palestinians are responsible for their own uh problems and so on so this collusion goes you know has has has has very deep roots and i think that's one it's fear uh, do they want to rely on washington to protect them from their own populations? many of them are very artique regimes, cliptocracies uh run by kings and amys and so on, there's very little popular support, they rely on the usa as to protect them um and you know if if push comes to shove, and the only way america will will
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uh will build a deep alliance with any of these regimes is by forcing them to recognize uh israel, which is currently projection of american power into the region, so in order to say sweet with america, you have embrace israel to to one degree or another, and that's what's been happening, now of course that brings them into collision with their own populations who can see on tv this regime killing arabs and muslims, because they are arab muslims, it's a racist monstrosity, so that creates an incredible tension in cairo or a man or or or or the gulf or north africa, now how how soon can that? pressure make itself felt, how soon can these dictatorships be challenged uh successfully is something that we don't know until it happens, but you know there are seven million jews israel, probably six millionus jews um and are surrounded by 250, 270 million, 300 million people who know what they're doing and are bitterly hostile to that state and
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wish to see it disappear, so in order to survive, i have no sympathy for israel of course, but if that tiny number of people are to maintain themselves through terror in the region and they can't do it through love and admiration and building relationship, it can only be through terror, that terror has to be extreme, and given that they got such terrible shock by the palestinian resistance on october the 7th, the ferocity of the response is kind of scientific, it's it's israel seeing it only has one way to restore its deterrent edge against the palestinians. by mass killings, but also against the whole people of the region, because the appetite of israel for palestine could even one day go beyond palestine, and already elements in the israeli government. are talking about uh possibly uh overthrowing the government in a man um and uh and expressing an appetite for again for parts of lebanon and parts of
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egypters over uh four and a half months of lethon deadly attacks the resistance groups uh in the gaza strip the palestinian resistance groups they're fighting back strong both inside and outside of gaza. resistance leaders say that despite the western aid for. the regime has failed to achieve its stated goals in gaza and will continue to do so. how does this uh, first of all, what have the israelis achieved in your opinion and how does this reflect on the israeli regime? well, in terms of what the israeli regime has achieved, they have achieved global isolation and outrage and the isolation of their. own regime, the apartide nature couldn't be clearer, they have achieved militarily, not one thing that they
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started out to achieve, they said that they were going to completely destroy and disband the resistance, government of hamas, the administration, they haven't achieved that at all, and even in areas that they declared were safe two months ago, maybe three months ago. almost northern gaza to resistance continues there, although the the tol is enormous, 600 thousand people have not received food or medicine, water, anything, and the whole area has been totally destroyed, and yet the resistance does very much, there's not one area that's safe, every single day there are ambushes and israel also, and this has been so clear in in videos now that are produced by the... resistance movement, every bomb that falls, 15% of them don't detate, they are picked up by the palestinian movement and repurposed into the
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missiles and the weapons that they fire back, so the more israel bombs, the more the resistance will find ways to resist from the very weapons that fall on them, now that is incredible statement because it shows that the political consciousness, the... organization, the determination to resist is stronger than the weapons and and they will find new ways of making those weapons, they take down drones one after the other and manage to create new forms, it's a very interesting because it does show that that weapons, money, equipment alone is not decisive, what's decisive is there is a unified resistance of every palestinian current today, secular and religious within gaza, also in the west bank, that's
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important, you can see in areas that had not before, the response to these gangs of settler thugs that kidnapp and grab hostages left and right from the palestinians and yet they now are facing really organized resistance and city after city, so i don't see this um war going in any way, the way in which israel declared that yahoo announced in 140 days they have achieved nothing, but further isolation and horror, they are determined to go forward is really the terrible part, this on rafa where they ordered people to flee to and is the last remaining area not totally destroyed and they have announced that they are going to attack rafa. i think the people of the whole world have to find same way that the palestinians
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have found creative ways to resist, we have to find new ways of challenge this genocide and with greater determination, sure. all right, that's all the time we have for tonight's show, allow me to thank my guests, co-founder of the scottish palestine solidarity campaign, mr. you're joining us from edinburgh and thanks to sarah flounders from the international action center in new york and a special thanks to you our viewers for staying with us tonight spotlight. it's good night for now and see you next time. the herowing experience. of syrian children affected by war, the indomitable spirit of young survivors. how do they survive amid
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indiscriminate bombings and explosions? either you're with us or you're with the enemy. there's no in between and that doctrine still stands. لو وافق صدام على كل قرارات الامم المتحده وعلى كل ما تريده الولايات المتحده لكان قد اطيح به كان المفروض عندما يسقطون النظام يسلمون الدوله للمعارضه هم اسقطوا النظام والدوله معا وسلموا المعارضه صراع على السلطه اول من وجه ضربه للامريكان في العراق هي الفصائل الشيعيه المدعومه من ابو
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مهدي وحد قسم. یک سوال بزرگ در مقابل آمریکا ایجاد شد که شما اشغال کردید آمریکا را چی عراق رو چی بدست الحجد ايضا كان عامل جديد غير المعادله لذلك الامريكان اسكن بيده في فتره ترامب جاؤوا وقالوا بصراحه هذا انتهى عليكم ان تتخذوا موقف اما معنا او ضدنا.
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the headlines is really force the storm naster hospital and southern ghaza as the regime's unrelenting air strikes claim more civilian lives across the tower. the top un court holds the fifth day of public hearings on israel's decades long occupation of palestinian territories, and yemenes hold yet another weekly rally in solidarity with palestinians facing israeli genocide in gaza.