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tv   Mideastream  PRESSTV  February 24, 2024 5:02am-5:31am IRST

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hisbullah secretary general sayid hasan nasrullah emphasized on friday february 15 that the price of civilian blood in lebanon will be blood in zionist israel in the wake of the israeli occupations killing of 10 lebanese civilians including seven from the same family an air strike deep in lebanese territory earlier last week. said nasurullah publicly stated that the aggression that occurred in the cities of and sawene in south
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lebanon was development that must be stopped. he then added, targeting civilians and the marturdom of a large number of them is deliberate, emphasizing that the enemy could have avoided killing civilians in southern lebanon and will pay blood for shedding the blood of our women and children. said nasulah then stressed that this front will not stop no matter how much zianist israel attacks, kills and threatens emphasizing that the response to the nabatia. massacre must be to continue working on the front and escalating. in the aftermath of the speech, the islamic resistance in lebanon carried out several attacks against israeli occupation military sites along the border with occupied palestine, targeting the doviv baraks, the ramya site, the zibdin and alam sites in the occupied shiba farms and the israeli entity site of almalikye. these attacks came in conjunction with statements by said nasrullah who said the resistance does not accept.
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harming civilians and that the enemy must understand that it has gone too far in this matter. the hebrew channel khan reported after the speech that the israeli entity authorities have closed several roads in the north following threats from hizballah of secretary general sayid hasan nasrullah. as a result, former israeli mosad chief danny atom affirmed that it is not in zionist israel's interest to initiate opening a war front with hizbullah in south lebanon. it is worth noting that the israeli entity military sources previously. confirmed that the israeli occupation army built up in recent years does not have the capacity to intensively fight on two fronts in the gaza strip and lebanon. earlier, designist israeli newspaper harats confirmed that hisbullah has succeeded in imposing kind of security belt in northern occupied palestine where settlements there have become deserted and that it will remain that way as long as fighting continues in gaza. this was ratified by said hasan nasulah's declaration. that our
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goal, all of us in the axis of resistance, has been and will remain to defeat the enemy in this battle and prevent it from achieving any of its objectives and for gaza to emerge victorious from this battle. welcome to the midd stream, i'm marwa uthman. after the israeli entity air strikes that targeted several towns in southern lebanon over the past two days, resulting in the martterdom of nine lebanese civilians and the marterium of several resistance hisbullah and ml movement fighters. hisbullah threatened escalation on the border. hizbillah secretary general sayid hasan nasrullah said on friday that the israeli entity attacks nabatiye and sawene in southern lebanon constitute escalation because they targeted civilians and killed a large number of them hinting.
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that the resistance might strike a lot inside of occupied palestine, to discuss this issue with us from washington is dr. ziad hafiz, former head of the arab national conference, political writer and commentator, thanks million dr. ziad, it's really early in the morning in washington, so thank you for being with us, now initially the americans seemed basically adamant on trying to find some sort of a balance between the zionist entity and lebanon, but following the latest speech of hizbillah secretary general. law zionist uh israel has resorted again to the policy of victimhood and the policy of uh self-pity uh which basically it masters usually to just attract more uh some sort of uh unconditional western support every time it wants to wage a war uh but uh setting western support aside for this particular matter is escalating the war with lebanon currently an actual viable option for zienist israel? "the short answer
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to that is no, it's not a viable option, but the point is nowadays we are no longer seeing neither in israel nor in the united states or the collective." per say rational thinking and rational behavior. i think the state of israel and its sponsors, united states and the collective west are more motivated by ideology and self interest rather than by clear political objectives. in ghaza, despite the horrors that they have committed, they have not been able to achieve anything on the ground, the israeli forces and if gaza, which is from point of view of the battlefield, is much easier quote and quote target for the israelis, it is totally different discussion for the northern border, especially in lebanon, so the escalation of is is not
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really viable option, so the object of the escalation or the gradual escalation of hostilities in the north is to trigger this response from hizballah. actually having a widening war, which the americans did not want in the first place, in order to allow the israeli forces to continue or to be able to pursue their objectives, they haven't so far been able except to generate a massacre of population, which has generated lots of hostility and in the west, even among the populations of the west against the state of israel and the policies of the government of the collective west, but dr. hafiz, you say that they want to try and make hisbullah uh uh the bad person here or try to make hisbullah initiate some sort of a provocation, but the resistance has declared, it has personally declared that the number of operations that they carried out against the israeli occupation forces since october 8 uh during 131 days from october 8 till february
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15 2024 has reached 1038 operations. this is in support of the resilient palestinian people in gaza obviously and in solidarity. with their resistance and in response to to the israeli entity attack on multiple lebanese villages as well, yet zinist israel remained deterred, they have been provoked by hizbillah, they did not reply as at least as how we arabs have seen it before uh and we did not see any form of us direct involvement against hisbollah for that matter uh we did see it only in yemen for example, how come what is the current us strategy concerning lebanon and the confrontation right here? because hazbullah has been targeting military objectives, not civilian objectives and therefore a possible outcry of targeting civilian objectives has not taken place, so they can absorb the military losses, they can
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absorb or can even they hide them, so it does not really constitute a basic issue as long as united states is able to provide the lifeline to the israeli forces, but now and this is new development and as stated by the general secretaries hassan nasara saying that now blood will be responded by blood and this is new ball game, we have to see how the israelis will react to to the new attacks of hizballah where civilians will no longer be spared as they used to be spared until now in the sound and so operations that they have conducted and if civilians had take casualties were take have occurred it is may what you call collateral damage, but the resistance has been extremely careful in targeting military objectives that have a certain very clear effectiveness in reducing the capabilities of the israeli forces and so far that was the logic or the strategy
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followed by the resistance in lebanon. now with the targeting of civilians by the israeli forces in order to track response, it's going to provoke a similar reaction, not maybe not of the scale that israel is hope or want, but significant to deter them, and we are have to see how the israelies are going to respond to this new tick fortack approach by by the lebanese resistance, and how also the americans are going to respond to that, i don't think they are, they have the capability to launch a full scale. war in in lebanon and they have not succeeded in gazza, so it's i not see in term of pure rational military thinking, what can they achieve? if they want to start bombing civilians in lebanon like they did in in in in ghazza, then obviously the response is going to be
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quite clear, the bombing of civilians between quotation mark, because i don't think there are civilians in in the state of israel, it's going to be the same and i don't think they can sustain that. so this is where we are at this stage, well something rather weird goes on in lebanon, every time we have some sort of a confrontation between the resistance and the zienist occupation is that um we we have lebanese voices who are historically anti-resistance in lebanon who are from lebanese political factions uh who demand the disarmament of their own resistance and the adherence to certain international law that zianist israel has never adhered to. do they not see the the current uh aggression is just similar to previous aggressions is similar to upcoming aggressions that it is deliberately targeting lebanese civilians in the south, i mean, who do they suggest will protect us, will protect the civilians, especially in
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south lebanon, if the resistance actually becomes disarmed. actually, this leadership that you're referring to, are the same leadership have caused the lebanese civil war, and apparently they have not learned the lessons from the lebanese civil war, and they certainly have not been able to read the transformation of the changes that have been taking place in the world and in the... region, it's a totally different word, they are still stuck in a pre 1975 mentality where their own privileges and superiority was really the the the stake, now they are trying to get back to that situation and they cannot, and the only way they can do it is by total alignment with the collective west, and the collective west does not really have at heart the interest of lebanon, but really the interest of israel, they don't mind as long as their own particular... interest and privileges are being maintained or restored or even increased and this is what is driving
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that these these factions in lebanon who are in my opinion minority not represent in majority, a small minority but vocal with lots of financial power and backing of course from the collective west, well dr. ziad hafiz former head of the arab national conference and political writer and commentator, thank you very much for being with us, it's always a pleasure hearing your analysis. concerning what's going on, ladies and gents, please stay tuned because next we will be talking about how zionist israel is preparing another catastrophe rafaah.
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well, in full view of the world zionist, israel continues its aggression against the gaza strip disregarding. all international legal norms and decisions, for most among them, the prohibition of committing war crimes and genocide against civilians. despite all the occupations crimes in the gaza strip, including killing, starving, displacing, and destroying, and its pretext of safe zones in south gaza, its criminal journey has now reached rafah, which was previously not spared from its aggression during the war, but this time the threats of expanding its operation. more details in the following report. it seems that the middle
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east is preparing to become a battleground from which fires will erupt that will consume this world. four months into the genocide of the palestinian people who are being collectively and indiscriminately killed, their landmarks of life and future destroyed and their fate frozen under the guise of a trending massive propaganda campaign called rafah. this camp. is being used today as a distraction and diversion, while the true currents are much greater than what we imagine. this sarafah campaign is brought to you under the sponsorship of the united states of america with the slogan "kill more, have fun more", and is sponsored by the morally, politically and financially bankrupt european union, which distributes free drinks in the tents of the displaced and praises the necessity of eating diet bread for gaza, may be made from ground ferder, barley and... contaminated water, the unprecedented violence, blood thirsty extremism and unyielding determination evident in the
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enemy's plan only conceal fragility and stand a foundation of severe failure and immense losses, which justify its blind and visionless actions of killing innocents and seeking revenge against them. options are crowded around the fade of the battle in rafa depending a wide range of factors and influences surrounding this anticipated operation specifically, or other factors incompassing the entirety of the confrontation in gaza, organically linked to other confrontations in lebanon, iraq, syria and yemen, which constitute the main support fronts for the resistance in gaza. here, considerations related to the actual reasons for this anticipated israeli entity operation in rafah also crowned in. while some see it as a maneuver to pressure palestinian resistance no more, aiming to push them to compromise on the issue of a prisoner exchange deal, others perceived as a complex maneuver, combining a military operation against leaders, caders and fighters of palestinian resistance factions in that
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border area with egypt, with search and rescue operation for israeli entity prisoners. by palestinian resistance and attempt to liberate them, and with a process of regularization and pushing the largest number of palestinian refugees who have fled to rafah or its essential residence towards sinai to escape from killing, destruction and massacers, which will inevitably occur with the aim of imposing and achieving this refuge to egypt. this is what dynast israel wants. practically, it seems that the israeli regime's political and military decision to launch a... white scale aggression on the rafa governorate has been effectively completed. while initially the americans appeared to disapprove of the operation, citing its danger to the massive civilian population gathered in rafah, some hints have emerged today suggesting a change in their public stance to word's approval with the condition of laying out a clear plan. they insist on receiving details in advance and
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taking into account the safety of civilians, as they claim, while openly providing the weapons needed to exterm. those same civilians incompassing a recipe for a regional and possibly global disaster. to discuss this issue with us from beirot is mr. ali murad, journalist at the akbar daily and political writer and commentator. thanks some million mr. adi for being with us. now initially we did see that the united states of america seemed to oppose maybe any operation against rafah expressing concern about the potential. danger it poses to its sizeable civilian population, especially in rafah. however, recent indications suggest that there is a shift in the public approval the united states of america, especially the bidon administration concerning uh an operation that could be carried out in rafah, but has the israeli occupation forces received a green light from the american
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administration to uh widely spread the aggression across all of rafaah and if so what, will be the aftermath of such a senseless decision. greatings to you and to the esteam viewers. of course there has been clear american approval from the beginning of this operation, but there has been an attempt hypocritically by the american administration over the past two or three days in their statements where they said they reject this operation because there are approximately 1 million 400,000 displaced palestinians in the rafah area. this is required for the... american administration, because we must not forget that when biden announced this rejection or reservation on the military operation in rafah, some officials from his administration were meeting with arab community leaders in michigan and needed to persuade them to change their stands on the eve of the primary elections, happening on the 27th of this february. in addition to pressure from global public opinion, were two
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factors pushing the american administration to continue the policy of hypocrisy, pretending to care about civilians. but at the same time still sending thousands of tons of ammunition and smart bombs. you can read about this in one of the american newspapers, where there was a page in the wall street journal, the day before yesterday, where the first headline was about the american administration's reservation about the israeli entity operation in rafah due to their concern for civilian lives, but boldly the next headline was about biden's administration approving, sending more ammunition and missiles to zianists. therefore this hypocrisy can be observed clearly in this war where they falsely claim to care about civilians, while the result is more than 30, murders and around 65, wounded so far, and they are not satisfied with that, rather, they consider that they want to reach the final point in invading the gaza strip which is rafah, thus the american and the israeli entity calculations align in this
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context, and the result will be answer to your question, more murders, more massacres, more external. ination and a chance for netanyahu and all the extreme right-wing ruling with him in the war cabinet attempting to expel palestinians from the gaza strip to egypt and trying to corner egypt in receiving a large portion of the displaced palestinians for humanitarian. this is what i want to discuss with you because observing the egyptian official stands concerning the possible operation on rafah we see that it opposes this operation. just to prevent one of its potential outcomes, which is the displacement of a large portion of the gaza palestinians into the sinai desert, not to protect them, just to... do not allow them to come, which is why we're seeing it building even a higher wall between rafah and egypt, but this also means that egypt can have leverage when dealing with the zionist encity
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concerning any future upcoming operation in rafah. will the egyptian authority be allowed to use that leverage if possible by the uh biden administration and if so how will that affect the palestinians that are currently trying to survive in rafa tab? first, we must note that since the beginning of the aggression on gaza, the egyptian stance has been weak. this means they are forced to seek permission from netanyahu's government to allow aid into the gaza strip. i'm talking here about dozen trucks per day. we must not forget that until the 21st of october the first aid truck entered the gaza strip after the americans obtained permission from the israeli entity to allow the egyptians to bring in aid. this means... that egypt chose from the beginning not to use its leverage, it has many strong cards, as it is the largest arab state that possesses the strongest arab army in terms of armment and
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equipment, and thus the borders between the gaza strip and egyptian territories in sinai are a matter of sovereignty between palestinians and egyptians, however the egyptian regime chose not to use these power cards, and in my opinion, this is what makes the israeli entery war government strive to achieve its goal. tens of thousands of palestinians will head to the fence, and i believe the egyptians at that time will find themselves an awkward position before the global public opinion, and this is what netanyahu aspires to. the egyptian regime will eventually have to receive some of these palestinians. we must not forget that about two or three months ago photos and videos of tents being prepared in northern sinay were leaked. these tents, in my opinion, may have been prepared to accommodate palestinians, meaning that egypt will surrender and comply
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with the reality imposed by netanyahu and his war government on it. well, the actual and primary criteria for the israeli enemy's uh reluctance to engage or to proceed with the proposed operation against the rafah remains its fear of the danger of confrontation. with the resistance in this very strategic area, it's not egypt, it's not anyone else, it is in fact the resistance, the resistance regards rafah as its only opportunity that cannot be lost, and to solidify its presence, its legitimacy amongst the people and the position, but what will be the role of the remaining allies of the palestinian resistance whether in lebanon, iraq, syria, yemen, if rafah operation actually happens in two minutes. we must not forget that all these fronts of support in the axis of resistance when they began supporting the palestinian people in gaza, they linked the
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escalation from their side in their fronts with the developments in the gaza strip. this is what happened in lebanon and this is what say announced in his first speech and in all subsequent speeches. this is also what the yemenis announced, and in my opinion, although the circumstances of the iraq force. to reduce or temporarily stop operations, i believe that if we reach this moment and if the enemy army commits horrifying massacers against civilians and rafa, this will turn toward further escalation. the americans understand this, so they tried to reach some kind of understanding with netanyahu a certain stage, meaning that he would carry out localized operation in rafa, but they backed off and went along with netanyahu's plan and gave him the green light. this will have several. the more there will be escalation in southern lebanon and more
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escalation at the babel mandab straight. i predict that operations will return in iraq and resume against american bases, because the pressure on the americans is linked to what is happening in the gaza strip with the crimes of the zionist enemy army against the palestine. well mr. ali murad from beirut, journalist at alakhbar dairy and political writer and commentator, thank you very much for being with us to discuss this very imminent and very crucial uh situation, let's say in in gaza and hopefully it won't escalate into a fully open genocide, more genocide against the people of palestine. ladies and gents, thank you for being with us watching the medie stream right here on press tv, do follow us on telegram and on twitter and we will always bring you the latest from west. right here on prestv's the mide east stream.
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this week on expose the israeli entity assault on rafah was depicted as successful rescue operation masking its true nature as a direct attack on one of the few remaining safe zones for palestinian civilians in gaza. within zianist israeli media circles, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been accused of deceat regarding his claims of targeting hamas and freeing all hostages. moreover, a staggering 97% of arab respondents reported experiencing psychological distress during the gaza conflict, with 92% expressing the belief that the palestinian cause is not solarly a concern for palestinians, but for
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all arabs. expose. the truth is just a revelation away, how did zynis come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation, how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how do they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister, goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary.
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those against the result of the voting is as follows: 13 votes in favor.