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tv   Black And White  PRESSTV  February 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm IRST

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frente a la crisis general, económica, social, economic, social and criminal crisis, is ecuador its way to overcome them or simply failing in the attempt, and simplemente a fracasar en el intento e incluso. guiar como
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un estado fallido, hoy día, el gobierno. a la cual acusa de ser terrorista.
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para organizar el país, los norteamericanos hoy día ingresan a ecuador, the north americans are there, because today they enter equador without any inspection of their documents or what they break, in any case, when they leave, they're not inspected either, that's the agreement they reached los policías y los soldados.
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the weapons of russian origin that were in ecuador, what do you think about that?
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ecuador, ecuadoran sociologist, political analyst and member of the world's social forum, wfs, since it's inception in 2021, 2021, así como también del foro de las, el foro social.
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the same thing is said about the social groups. in many cases, social organizations are accused of terrorism. the topic of conversation is not drug traffickers, but terrorists. what is the foundation of these issues? what is really going on in ecuador? well, i think the key. to this is the condition that ecuador is in. since more than six years ago there was a promise of change in ecuador, change and transformation of the country with a governance and project definition for the country and based on different dimensions of such issues. ecuador wanted implement socialism and good life,
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which has the support of the constitution. our constitution is considered one of the most advanced constitutions in the world. ecuador was once the second country in latin america and the caribbean. but since six years ago, the country has plunged into what i call neoliberal coup, in other words, attempt to restore neoliberalism to the country any cost. since then our country has been grappling with the legal war, political persecution and judicial and media imposition based on some scenarios. in the end, all this case creates an environment in which politics, definition of the country and country management within the framework of the provisions of the constitution remain. only in words and on paper. therefore, in the same period of time, with the opening of the market and the governance of the country, various centers of illegal capital have been established in the country to provide the basis for neoliberal actions. the main focus is close to financial capital, because
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ecuador is dollarized country. ecuador lost its national currency more than 20 years ago, and the us dollar prevail through ecuador. therefore, these conditions. prepared the ground for various money laundering operations and unauthorized transactions. in these transactions, financial capital is transferred. therefore, this financial flow is related to: illegal businesses and is known as financial capital bank. it's very important that the turnaround has taken place in ecuador and is taking place. in addition to illegal capital, there is the export sector, which is also very important, as well as the international trade sector, where there is also a possibility that illegal capital circulates in these sectors. also, there are sections related to human trafficking and other trafficking, including drug traffic. therefore, i say all these issues to explain that this problem that exists is caused by the structural
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orientations of the country and the region. in this problem, the proceeds of these businesses, which are considered illegitimate, go into neoliberal and free market activities, where different actors and sectors interact with each other, as i mentioned, as a part of these activities and shrinking the government, which is a part of neoliberalism. in ecuador, we see the... transfer of power to powerful institutions, factual powers that i mentioned, so all the trends that we're talking about, including attacks, drug trafficking and a certain kind of violence that is seen, are caused by the opening of the market doors in ecuador. the de-governance in the country, and the return of neoliberalism against the good life constitution in ecuador. the constitution, contrary to this trend, defines ecuador as a country with a multi-sector and economy, whose production is al and diverse. ecuador
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plays pivotal role in the structure of regional integration and latin america and south america. yes, that's correct. we're going to take a short break. i think it became very clear that the root of this problem is the neoliberal system. we'll be back in a few seconds.
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estamos de regreso en el segundo bloque aquí en negro y blanco. porque la llegada de las tropas
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norteamericana o los anuncios. 5 años. how will these actions strengthen the us military and police presence? in addition to the monte base issue and the galapagos becoming some kind of natural aircraft carrier, it seems they're taking advantage of this economic crisis, a crisis of crime, economics, privatization, increased vat, etc. what else is in this, económica, privatizaciones, subida del iva, etcétera. no hay algo más esto, mira, yo creo que una un
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punto central de lo que i think you touched on one of the central issues that is happening in ecuador, we're not alone in our own country, and part of what is happening is due to differences regarding the country's model and orientation at the domestic level, which is related to the international geopolitical environment, but the united states is very important player that has geo'. strategic agenda for the region as well, for latin america. in this framework, ecuador has its own interest due to its geopolitical position and being located in the middle of the globe and benefiting. from preferred ports in the pacific ocean due to several factors, and in addition, it is considered key country for the new geostrategic arrangement and the hemisphere proposed by the united states. therefore, the changes that have been taken place in ecuador since six years ago, as i mentioned earlier, have a close relationship with the alignment of foreign policy with us strategy and
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geostrategy. there are several examples in recent years, for example, the us. approved the law related to the government of ecuador, which is called the cooperation act between the united states and ecuador, a law to rule another country. the united states passed the law for ecuador that covers all areas of life in our country, not only international relations, but also geopolitical order, security, defense, political management and others. this is an important precedent. this law was passed in december 2022. too, then during this process we saw a diplomatic, or as you say it, a military offensive southern command, and what happened few days ago in ecuador are examples of this, therefore, here we see the deployment of military force, which is against the constitution, because the constitution has introduced ecuador as a country of peace without the presence of
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military bases and military aggression, especially foreign bases, even in national definitions, "the culture of peace is emphasized, now in such a country, very detailed military cooperation agreement is signed, with the military agreement between the united states and ecuador in october, there is no more talk of one, two or three military bases, it's about handing the country over to intelligence operations and diplomatic exercises. in this agreement, it's guaranteed that all operations, personnel, intelligence, services, etc., will have diploma. immunity and will be subject to american laws, despite the fact that they're in ecuador. it is difficult for me to explain this issue because it is both in the approved law, which we mention as an unprecedented case that the law is approved in the united states to govern ecuador, and in the military agreements, because this is not the first agreement. it is said that they're conducting
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an experiment of new type of american protectorate which bypasses the country's laws. constitution and international agreement in this model in order to direct the country to another destination and another role, which is within the framework of foreign geostrategic design. so that's the path that ecuador is on, and without a doubt or recent experiences a country has been a lifetime of chaos. we have the numerous moments of unprecedented, unexpected and even most unjustified chaos followed by offers of security. the words leaving national sovereignty and becoming a client of private commercial packages of security models, like what we currently have in ecuador. therefore, what we are witnessing is clearly our concern, because our country, which is defined on the basis of sovereignty is becoming a protectorate. this is worrying. another worrying issue is that the country has gone as far as declaring a civil war.
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that is what the president of ecuador has announced. he has the military support of the... in command, the regime of israel and the government of ukraine. he received a military plane from this country, which is an american aid received this week. this is an international invasion against the latin american country that includes a declaration by sellac, community of latin american and caribbean states, which declares the region a land of peace. they brought the country into an unexpected military situation. in fact, numerous riots and violence.
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where is the confederation of indigenous nationalities of ecuador? what about the federation of secondary students of ecuador? what about the federation of students, trade unions, national union of teachers? mean, we have witnessed large demonstrations since the past, ha visto grandes movilizaciones, y qué pasa con las fuerzas democráticas? what happened to the democratic forces or patriotic forces? in such a difficult situation for ecuador? chaos and intimidation of people, especially
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in the case of ecuador, which until recently was known as the access of peace in the region will lead people to an unexpected reaction, for example, the fair that is instilled through really effective media work against these threats has an impact on ordinary people and the economy and on all aspects of life, and without a doubt, it cannot be denied that the people of ecuador are intimidated. for example, since the declaration of civil war under the heading of terrorism, which targets the smallest common criminal and the biggest leader of drug trafficking, there's been confusion in the country, and people want these issues to be resolved so that they can act more freely. when the country stopped due to the declaration of this war, we're facing... unusual conditions in all fields, and it is clear that society has many questions, not only experts, but also common sense says that for the problems that exist in ecuador, maybe
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it was possible to solve them with techniques focused on the same issues, issues such as violent and dangerous acts, it would have been better if we had not declared war across the border and asks for help from the southern command and other actors such as the extreme right-wing government, argentina to solve the country's problem. with these talks, the popular and social movement, which is very diverse in our country, was worried and expressed dissatisfaction with the current situation and asked for an explanation. the network of intellectuals defending humanity, the confederation of indigenous nationalities of ecuadors and other institutions have expressed concerns about these conditions, especially because of these declared war conditions, democrat.
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this week on expose, the israeli entity assault on rafah was depicted as successful rescue operation, masking its true nature as a direct attack on one of the few remaining safe zones for palestinian civilians in gaza. within cinianist israeli media circles, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been accused of deceat regarding his claims of targeting hamas and freeing all hostages. moreover, a staggering 97% of arab respondents reported experiencing psychological distress during
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the gaza conflict, with 92% expressing the belief that the palestinian cause is not solarly a concern for palestinians, but for all arabs. expose, the truth is just a revelation away.
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the sun shown to announce the beginning of new day. it was the 13th day of the war on the gaza's rap. look at the missile. what did we do to deserve being hit by this? the army bombed the children on the beach and destroyed our houses. 'they kill children, men, women, and old men, i have other place to go, so now my children and i are homeless. it is the israeli's habit from ages, they say the children fire rockets.'
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headlights here on press tv, as the us, israel's genocide in gaza enters its 141st day, the killing and destruction campaign against palestinians continues with death toll nearing 30,000. uru's leader slams the west for falsehood and hypocrisy. it's ongoing gaza genocide condemns the us for repeatedly vetoing un resolutions to stop palestinian bloodshed. and on the second anniversary of the ongoing ukraine russia war, moscow attributes prolonged conflict, western financial and military support for kiev.