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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 24, 2024 2:30pm-3:03pm IRST

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headlights here on press tv as the us israel genocide in gaza enters its 141st day, the killing and destruction campaign against palestinians continues with the death toll nearing 30,000. you're all leader. slams the west for falsehood and hypocrisy, this ongoing gaza genocide condemns the us for repeatedly vetoing un resolutions to stop palestinian bloodshed. and on the second anniversary of the ongoing ukraine russia war, moscow attributes to prolong conflict, western financial and military support for kiev.
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hello everyone, it's 1 pm in the besege gaza strip, you're watching press tv world news, now gaza is reening from israel's genocidal campaign with several areas of the besieg territory, witnessing fresh air strikes, regime helicopter bomb southern areas of der abalah, a city in central gaza. israely war planes also pounded a town near the southern city of khan unis ( hospital is still under israeli siege, according to doctors without borders, the israeli forces are not allowing the evacuation of patients from hospital buildings to transfer them elsewhere for treatment, now the hospitals to outghaza are either out of service or operating under dire conditions. a palestinian child has died from starvation at kamal adwan hospital in northern gaza. israel's genocidal war on gaza is now in its fifth month, over 29. and 600
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palestinians have so far been killed, most of them women and children. our corresponding with abu musab joined us earlier from central gaza city of dear abalah to tell us more about the unrelenting israely bombing of the besieg territory. he also highlighted a dark humanitarian situation there, including in the southern city of raf the latest uh statement. issued by gaza's health ministry as the number of the palestinian civilians uh who have been killed since the beginning of this broral unslot on gaza strip has risen to at least 29,606 palestinian civilians while while the injuries became uh 69,737 palestinan civilians. these numbers actually are rising incrementally and dramatically as the israeli occubition forces are still hitting and target. several residental areas
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in the beeged gaza strip israeli incubation forces are still hitting the city relentlessly where the western parts of the city and the surrounding areas of the nasa medical complex actually are still under the israeli heavy bombardments and the israeli air strikes and according to gaz health ministry that only three palestinian paramedics were released after they were kidnapped and abducted by the israeli incubation forces when they invaded the nas of medical complex uh those three bales and civilians actually narrated horrific details about the torture, the dehumanization and the humiliation they were subjected to as they of were under the israeli abduction and as they were tortured severely by the israeli incubation forces, one of them told the news media that the israeli soldiers engraved on his back using the daggers and the knives, and other women, other women actually told told the news media that the israeli
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incubation forces stripped them down and enforced them to stand uh all the night amid the purishing cold in khan city. israel forces have launched new air strikes against the southern gaza strip city of rafa city houses nearly 1.5 million people that have been displaced from across the besege strip and it's a zone that um the israelies had declared safe by the regime. so let's listen to some palestinian accounts about their plight. after the latest israely airstrike every day there are 50 marters in the safe areas or 100 marters. every day 20 to 30 houses or 30 buildings are destroyed. this is an international conspiracy against us. this is what they want. every day there are 30, 50 or 100 killed numbers like that. why then would they want a ceasefire? we are dying little by little. we have more than 100 thous
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martters and wounded. even if the israelis leave us, more than two or 300,00 people will die from the exposure to gases and toxic fumes. from the bombardments, this is how we will die, those american weapons that are donated to israel, we have never seen anything like this, israeli rockets are targeting children, homes and places housing innocent simple civilians, there's no safe place in gaza, they said rafa was safe place, look and show people how safe it is, they dropped barrels of bombs on innocent people in their sleep, they were innocent children, they were left on we were sleeping in our house when we heard the sound of a missile, the noise was very loud and as you can see it causes significant amount of damage, we rushed to the side and found people martered and injured, this is humillating, as you can see, this two story house was completely
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erased, this was annihilation missile, not a normal missile, rafa is supposed to be safe, but as you can see nowhere is left safe, the places the... said we're safe or targeted with missiles, there's no safety, and there is no end in sight, israely raids in the occupied west bank, regime forces have carried out fresh incursions into several areas of the occupied territories, abducting number of palestinians. earlier our correspondent in occupied romala, mona candel joined us with some details. the israel is eraded after midnight the... village of azzon near qalqilia, the israelies have also stoned several areas in jin, they the israeli squa village, arbona in genine as well as in qalqilia, the israeli forces stormed almj
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area,qar neighborhood and alkabir school area, the israel is as we have received from the citizens there ' the israeli forces stormed the citizens home and they caused severe damage in their properties, number of palestinians had been detained in these areas, but the exact numbers are still unknown according to the palestinian commission of prisoners affairs and palestinian prisoners society on thursday issued their latest statement saying that the israelies have detained over 7 and one h palestinian since the 7th of october, the israelies had also stormed al janazone refugee camp northern ramolah and exchange of fire have taken place between palestinian palestinians there in in genezone area and the israeli forces. palestinian uh paramedics
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said that at least two palestinians had been wonded during the israeli military raid to al jalazon. also official the israely prime minister's plan for a future of gaza, saying benjamin netanyahu is seeking the fragment palestinian land. netanyahu presents a piece of paper containing his repeated ideas, but in reality this paper has no basis or reflect any practicality, because these are palestinians and gazans who would actually determine their fate and any future course of actions. the israeli prime minister is elements on the separation of the west bank and gaza as well as the separation of algod from the west bank. this means that the actual plan of this entity is to take over and fragment palestinian lands and not allow the palestinians to determine their faith themselves. hamdan also said the palestinians
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should be allowed to control their own destiny, adding the international community is responsible in this regard. on thursday, the israeli premier presented the regime's war cabinet with a... war gaza plan, that proposal suggests israel will keep security control on palestinian areas, including the west bank and gaza. the palestinian authorities also reacted to the regime so-called plan saying it amounts to the imposition of israeli control or the besieged territory. it says gaza will only be part of an independent palestinian state. the leader of uran's islamic. revolution has lashed out a western hypocrisy on the us manage israely campaign of genocide in gaza. said ali khamenei says it is become evident that the west claims on human rights are lies. he noted western governments kick up a fuss over the execution of a criminal while turning a
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blind eye to the killing of some 30,00 innocent people in gaza. the leader said that the us has flagrantly and for multiple times vetoed un security. politicians who have smiles on their faces but are actually quote rabid dogs and blood thirsty wolves within. the israel regime says is targeted positions in southern lebanon in response to rocket fire a settlement and occupied palestine. has been no immediate reports of casualties or damage from the latest israeli strikes, but earlier israely media reported that two hasbullah rockets struck. meet a city in the western galilei region inside occupied territories. the tensions between israel and
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hisbullah have been on the rise since the regime launched its genocidal war on gaza, sighting alax flood operation by the hamas resistance movement. over the past four months hezbulah has conducted several attacks on israeli bases and facilities and occupied territories, but there is really army recently also hit residential areas in south. in lebanon, killing a number of civilians, the herowing experiences of syrian children affected by war, the indomitable spirit of young survivors, how do they survive amidind? discriminate bombings and explosions,
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welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. now february 24th marks the second anniversary of the start of the ongoing war between russia and ukraine. western leaders including the eu commission chief ersel of underland are visiting kib to extend their support for ukrainian authorities. the two years of armed conflict has caused human and material losses for both sides, but russian forces have been able to capture several eastern ukrainian regions. kyev and moscow fail though to reach agreements in the past negotiations on several issues, including a prisoner swap and allowing ukraine's grain shipments. meanwile, the russian ambassador to the un says a western backing for ukraine has... any
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conflict ends sooner or later, there is no doubt that the ukrainian conflict will end as well. there is no doubt that the longer it lasts due to the sustained support by the west, the less advantageous peace conditions will be for ukraine. the russian envoy urged the west to engage in. meaningful dialogue where the interests of all countries will be guaranteed. this comes as the us has already provided chief with tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons and financial aid. the us president joe biden is seeking a congressional approval of another $60 billion aid package. moscow's waren time and again western military and financial support for ukraine is an impediment to any possible settlement of the conflict. and now joining us for more on the story is greg simons, independent researcher and um author joining
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us from ubsala. hello uh, mr. simon, pleasure to have you on the program uh, sir, your thoughts about two years plus of conflict between these two neighbors and a western uh hand that's in it and how much that according to the russians has been an impediment to reaching some kind of concessance on putting a stop to it. well, i mean, if we look at the whole thing and why it started, it is seriously misrepresented by the u.s. led west, they say this is about russia wanting to recreate the soviet union or something like this, that is an unprovoked war, that's a full-scale war, all that there's propaganda and slogans, but if you look at it, i mean, they already revealed before the war started why the us. wanted to provoke russia into going into war and this was they wanted to use ukraine as another afghanistan uh against
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russia and other words to use it to weaken and contain russia uh and this is failed and the west uh the us and its vessel states like the eu and so forth uh have been supplying weapons have been supplying money they've been supplying intelligence uh have even been supplying uh men on on the ground, although this is of course uh covert, so there there is this still desire, i mean... you can see it on these us politicians, this is the best money we've spent uh killing russians and no us sold just die, this is purely uh us geopolitics at its very worst uh where ukraine is the meat and the grinder and of course you cannot trust the us, i mean they
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do not keep the word, this has been proven again and again, so russia as an equandry uh with with this war, i mean, obviously ukraine is not the one to negotiate with, the us is, but they're unreliable, and their intent is very much aimed against russia and russian interests, so it's an impass uh at the moment, although militarily speaking, russia has the upper hand now right, and mr. simons, pardon, i mean it seems like russia. is not going to back down from its demand that it refuses to have nato parked its doorstep, so with that being the case, mean how how far do you see this thing protracting? mean, how do you see a conclusion to this war? the conclusion needs to be uh political in the end, uh, this war is hurting europe, which is
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being deindustrialized because of what the us is doing there. "the us is going into a presidential election in november and i mean with the us having two unpopular wars, i mean ukraine being the lesser of the unpopular war, the more unpopular one being gaza, the democrats are likely to lose if they continue these wars, so i mean until november, i mean it's going to be too late if they withdraw from the wars in november, and to withdraw from the war is simply to leave ukraine." its own devices, so in other words uh, if we if we look at this as an example uh from history, i mean that they did the same thing to iraq after it failed uh to destroy iran and in the war there, so i mean you have a similar scenario, what happens uh to ukraine uh when the political will evaporates because
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the political costs of continuing the war are too much and for europe. the economic costs and you're having a lot of different uh protests and social unrest because of the incompetence of these uh vessels uh which are not i greg we we don't have lot of time i want to get this we have less than a minute left if you can answer this third question you mentioned elections i'm glad because that's part of my uh my final question for you uh post us elections a lot of people say it really looks like the republicans are going to come back into the oval office, how does that impact this war? well, i mean, this is going to depend on who enters. i mean, uh, trump says he wants to come to some agreement uh, with russia, i mean, he said that last time too, then you had russia gate, uh, but the problem is that it becomes much less
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predictable, because there is not an appetite for these endless wars, and if trump does come... back, he'd be more experienced and more able and capable of asserting what he wants than he was the first time. okay, stay safe, thanks for having us or spending some time with us here in our bulletin uh, from upsala, greg simons, independent researcher and author, there joining us. meanwile, support for palestinians continues throughout various sectors in pakistan, students from religious educational institutions have been holding demonstrations denouncing israel atrocities in gaza. a pakistani healthcare workers have also announced that they're willing and ready to provide voluntary services to the wounded people of gaza. our correspondent nasir khasmi reports. students from seminaries and religious schools gathered in the pakistani capital of islamabad to protest against what they termed
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as israeli barbarism in the gaza strip. the demonstration organized by. the student organizations saw impationed speeches, chats and calls for immediate international intervention to halt the violence in gaza, we cannot remain silent while innocent lives are being lost in gaza, the world must hold israel accountable for its crimes and work towards immediate cease fire, the protesters also criticize the international community for what they perceived as lack of meaningful intervention. to address the situation in gaza. we stand with our brothers and sisters in gaza and we will continue to raise our voices against operation. and injustice, it is time for the world to wake up and take action to end the suffering of the palestinian people. meanwile, in a display of solidarity and as humanitarian gesture,
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pakistani health professionals including doctors, surgeons and paramedics have stepped forward to offer their voluntary services, to assist the tens of thousands of wounded people in gaza who are facing swear hardships in palestinian hospitals. i would love to go to gazza, if there is some arrangement from the government of pakistan, i would love to volunteer myself that i want to go there, i want to serve the people of palestine and to serve the injured, to serve the kids, to serve the old people and the women to whom they are killing, whom they are buming, the announcement by the paramedic staff comes a critical juncture in the gaza crisis, as israeli attacks claim more innocent. the pakistani nation is actively supporting the people of gaza through various means including social media engagement, product
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boyots, art exhibitions, seminars and protest rallies. these efforts aim to spotlight israel's ongoing atrocities in palestine and draw global attention to the crisis. nasik azmi, press tv, islam. under the title, our path with gaza moves forward until victory, thousands of yemenis take to the streets of sana and other cities to reaffirm their full support for the palestinians of gaza. press tv's abdul latif al washali reports. in yet another rally to support the palestinians in gaza strip, thousands of yemenis have filled the streets of the capital sana and other major cities. they chartered a slogan supporting. resistance and condemned the arab world's indifference toward israeli atrocities in gaza. many people were raised since their childhood to love and adore
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palestine and to love jihad in palestine. therefore, when the opportunity arose to have influential position under the leadership of ansara, they did not hesitate and went out to the streets, believing that their protests were jihad for the sake of god as the least duty as long as the borders were not open for them. and they were not able to fight with the palestinians. a message to the european peop: your governments today are contributing to genicide against the palestinian people in gaza by submitting to america's orders to militarize the red sea. america involves you in its own problems. the solution to stopping the red sea operations is to stop the aggression against gaza and less the siege. this is the easiest solution, but if your government wants to... submit to america's orders, you will see what we will teach, i mean you will see that we will teach america a lesson that will never forget, and if you
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attack us, you will unfortunately mate the same faith. protesters appraised the recent operations by the emini army, including the sinking of a british vessel in the gulf of eden. they also celebrated the introduction the submarine weapon into the yemani army's arsenal, believing it will... against the success of yemen's naval operations, the submarines introduced by abdul malik are one the surprises that the enemy is going to face if it continues its aggression against gaza. the yemeni armed forces, specifically the yemeny navy still have surprises coming, a wide range of targets and also a superior ability to obtain information any time and place. therefore, these are successive military messages, the content of which is that. will escalate further, as long as israel's war in gaza continues and yemen has the upper hand in its waters and this position will never change. earlier, the
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spokesman of the yemani army announced that they have successfully carried out three military operations. the first operation involved launching multiple ballistic missiles and drones against various targets in alat occupied palestine. the other two attacks targeted an american destroyer and the british vessel islandering the rid sea on gulf of aden, he added that. "the british ship was set in fire as a result of the attack. every friday people gather here affirming that they will never tired of taken to this series to show support for the oppressed people of palestine, as long as the israeli genocider war on gaza continues. they believe it is the least that all muslims around the world should do as a religious duty toward the innocent civilians of palestine. reporting for press tv. that's it for your latest here on press tv, everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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depressed coverage of this assination of bsimmani now entering its uh uh fourth day we're looking at some uh
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الصيام قبل شعبان كان هو شرع القران لا اله الا الله على قلوبنا وثبت اقلامنا وثبت اسدتنا
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كنا نحنا باركين ما سمعنا الا وانفجر يعني ما سمعنا لا كانت كانوا من بعيد ضربوا حتى ما سمعنا غير لا.