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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 26, 2024 4:30am-5:03am IRST

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your headlines on press dv gars's health ministry says situation, the situation in the northern part of the territory is a... extremely catastrophic and indescribable as of hospitals have run out of fuel. dead of onras says the humanitarian crisis in gaza is a man-made disaster, calling for urgent steps to deliver aid to the beseest territory. and iran says the us and the uk are escalating tensions and crises in the region by launching air strikes on yemen.
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hello dear viewers, you're watching press tv, live from the studios in terron, thank you for joining us, now palestinians are seeing no respite from israel's genocidal campaign in gaza, the regime has carried out fresh attacks taking the lives of more severe. in gaza city, israel's drone and artillery shrice killed at least 25 palestinians and injured number of others. the regime's forces also target the civilians a coastal road west of gaza city, killing around dozen people. the death toll from the genocide since october the 7th is close to 29,700, most of them women and children. israel is pressing ahead with this attacks while the humanitarian situation is getting worse by the... gasa's ministry of health has
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described as extremely catastrophic the health situation in northern parts of the strip with hospitals or without fuel. meanwhile, the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees cause for humanitarian aid to be allowed into gaza where people are grappling with severe shortages of food, water and medicine. felipe said the delivery of vital aid can prevent. prevent famin in the palestinian territory, he described as a man-made disaster, the die humanitarian conditions in gaza. the onrar chief added that the agency has been unable to transfer of food to the northern parts of gaza for over a month. in recent weeks, the onrra has been facing israeli cause for its abolition. the agency's major doners suspended funding following israel's allegations that some unra staff members were involved. regarding food
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scarcity in gaza, the un itself has voiced concern that almost everyone is at risk of famine. in recent days a number of children have died from malnutrition in gaza. earlier we spoke to our correspondent in gaza. he said israel is killing people who who look for food, shelter and medicine all across. the latest israeli attack actually targeted a group of the palestinan civilians who were waiting for the convoys of the humanitarian relief heading to gaza city. dozens of the palestinan civilians were reporttedly killed and injured. it's not worthy that this is not the first time the israeli occupation forces targeted target the very senion people waiting for the humanitarian aid heading to gaza city and way uh that prevents the
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palestinan people to get any real access to the basic humanitarian needs in this in the meantime the israel incubation forces also maintain their attacks against ridwan neighborhood in the same city in gaza city where another group of the palestinan civilians was targeted using the israeli fighter drones near a sheikh rudwani clinic they were gathering in order to get the needed medical care the israeli incubation forces started them and killed many uh and killed and injured many of them, while in a zeitoon neighborhood as you know that the israeli occupation forces are still beliagoring the neighborhood and it's under the heavy bombardments of the israeli air strikes and the israeli attacks of the israeli tanks on the ground, several palestinian houses were destroyed using the explosive devices, leaving at least 10 palestinian civilians dead over those continuous and seasless attacks reaching this reaching the neighborhood. israel has stepped
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up it's demolition of palestinian homes in the occupied al-quds since the start of the regime's devastating war against the gaza strip and we have discussed this issue with our guest. in our news review program, let's take a look, time now for uh the news review on press tv, stay tuned, the figures show that israel has been exploiting the global attention on the genocide in gaza to ramp up demolition of palestinian homes in the occupied all goods. during the first nine months of last year, israel destroyed. 97 palestinian homes on the east side of the city, but since launching its deadly onslot in gaza early october, israel has build those 87 homes. now those figures are according to er amim, local non-profit organization monitoring home demolitions in algots.
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activists say that israel is trying to drive more palestinians out of east algos, the regime is trying to justify its much criticized practice by claiming that the houses have been built without permits. however, it's practically made it impossible for palestinians to obtain those documents through legal discrimination. now let me invite two guests to this edition, mona kandilar kurisponen joining me from ramala. also with me is masin komsia, palestinian scientists and author in bethlehem, good to see you both. let's begin with you, tell us about these home demolitions that we just... is talk about it and this has been going the past four or five months since the onslot on gaza started. unfortunately the israeli regime and the israeli let's say authorities
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in al quds, they refused to give palestinian se permits in order to allow them construct their homes or even expand their homes inside. very clear, they want the palestinians out of the city of al quds, at the same time the israeli jewish settlers are given a green light to build the new settlements, to expand their units and build new units inside al-quds, so while the palestinians are not given israeli issued permits to construct their homes, to expect their their flats and their homes, these israels are given more permits in order. to build the new illegal settlements on the palestinian lands in as you have mentioned the israelas since the in the first nine months of 2023 97 palestinian homes were destroyed in alkot however since the 7th of
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october 87 homes were destroyed by the israelis insides several days ago in swan there's sinian activist and he is the spokesperson of sin and his home himself was destroyed by the israelis, he was surprised by the israelis trying to destroy his home and the excuse is always ready that the palestinians homes are being destroyed because of the lack of israeli issued payments. thanks for that. nowzin com tell us about uh the what the israeli regime has its minds on the plan, you know it's... engaged in this genocidal war in gaza, at the same time it has the abductions and rates against the uh west bank, and simultaneously again we're now speaking about uh home demolitions that's still going on, yes indeed, in 2023
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what we saw is more than doubling the number of houses demolished 2022. that coincided with the israeli right-wing government, fascist government that decided to increase ethnic, nearly quarter of the homes that were demolished were actually homes built with foreign aid and local aid to replace homes that were demolished earlier, so second turn demolition, district, for example, alja, they had homes demolished just in the past few days and this continues, it's it's a longstanding policy, but it has increased in 2023 compared 2022, and has increased even
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further after october 7, in the last four and a half months, there were more homes demolished than than 2020. to put together, all right, thank you so much, our correspondent in ramalla and palestinian scientist and author in bethlehem, and thank you for watching this episode of the news review. on press tv. welcome back. a rice group says the israeli regime has turned a supposedly safe corridor to the gaza strip south into a trap to kill hungry and forcibly displaced palestinians. according to euromet human rights monitor, israel troops have killed the very same palestinians they forced to flee. from gaza city to ery in the south the coastal sliver. israely forces killed
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them a checkpoint in central gaza. the regime's troops also targeted civilians waiting for eight trucks near the checkpoint. as documented by the rights organization, israely forces killed 30 palestinians waiting for relief trucks a street southwest of gaza city. the rice group has recorded horrorifying testimonies indicating israely tanks fired artillery shells and bullets at at displaced palestinians heading south. how did zinis come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation? how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build? and their illegal settlements.
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israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary. welcome back, american and british fighter jets have carried out fresh strikes across yemen in the fourth joint operation against the arab country. their strikes hit the provinces of san. tires and hajja. several locations including pesticide factory and telecommunications networks were targeted. this comes as the yemani army has targeted an american oil tanker and several warships with missiles in the red sea and the gulf of eden. the yemani army says such operations will continue in response to attacks by the us and the uk and in solidarity with palestinians in gaza. meanwhile, iran has conducted or iran has denounced the late. strikes on yemen, saying washington and london are seeking escalate tensions and crises in the region. thousands
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of propanestan demonstrators have taken to the streets of the spanish city of barcelona to demand immediate cease fire in the gaza strip and call on their government to servertize with the israeli regime. today is the second day that protests have been held in more than 100 cities across the country to call for measures to stop complicity in the genocide that has been committed against palestinian people. we demand an end to armed sales to israel. we fully support all those doing this demonstration and we should stop all institutional and economic relations with israel while the regime is being investigated by the international court of justice for genocide. we should stop having an. strade with israel, the protesters were chanting
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anti-israel slogans while waving palestinian flags. similar demonstrations were also held in other cities, including the capital madrid in solidarity with palestinians. earlier, the german city of nurenburg was a scene of pro-palestine rallies as well. the protesters there also demanded immediate cease fire in gaza and an end to arm supplies to israel. anti-israel demonstration. were also held in austria. over four months of israel's genocidal war on gaza is taking a heavy tool iis economy. new figures have revealed that the regime's gross domestic product contracted by nearly 20% in the last quarter of 2023. early in our explainer program, gisu misha ahmadi discussed this issue in details. let's take a look. uh, when the news came out
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to that israel's economy had contracted, that did not surprise anyone. after all, israel's onslot has lasted five months a contraction is only natural, but the amount of the contraction in double digits, close to 20%, that was shocking. let's see how israel got there. now, in order for israel to suffer this deep drop in it. we need to look at how these costs are measured, the costs of waging the onslot have knock-on effect when it comes to the economy, one of them is the steep decline economic activity when that happens, there is a resulting drop in revenue, and from there deficit spending, which produces borrowing costs, which will weigh on the budgeting long after the fighting ends. given that, one does not need to go that for back to see what israel itself was telling the world when it came to its gdp contraction. it was only in december 2023 when the israeli
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central bank governor amir yaran said, due to the prolonged aggression on gaza, israel's economy is pretty... to contract by around 1% this year, and the gdp, and the debt to gdp ratio is predicted to surpass 65%, but just a month later in january of this year, he said the aggression on gaza will cause the israeli economy, 10% of the gdp with the debt to gdp to surpass 66% in 2024. the changing narrative on the gdp reduction was just the beginning of israel's euronous announcements like: in the case of daily costs, so when the aggression began, the daily costs were estimated to be around $190 million. it did not take long for that figure to change, it shot up after the first month to $200 million, and if that was not enough, israel realized that it had to open its conference even further since the cost rose to 240 million and then 260 million for it to stand
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now at $269 million per day. the labor market disruptions due to the operational flood to the israeli regime were massive. this is perhaps one of the major reasons for the large gdp contraction: first, the mobilization of israeli reservists. the number is quite high, 400,00 of them were deployed to the battlefield. that means that, this is important, they were taken out of the workforce. israel had to subsidize their salaries as well, then then comes the evacuees. 200,000 evacuees were displaced from villages along the fake gaza border and the northern border with lebanon, and finally israel restricted the work permits of 175,000 palestinian workers. these palestinians work predominantly in the construction and agriculture sector. now here's a breakdown of the labor market and of course how the
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different sectors of the workers were taken. now, 1,275,00 workers were taken out of total workforce of around 5 million, which is very high number. this amounts to around 25.5% of the workforce. so now, what is the israeli cabinet supposed to do? it faces massive influx in cos, which has triggered a steep increase in spending. israeli officials surely did not anticipate the steep increase of 88% in just three months after the outbreak of the on. compared to the preceeding quarter, consumers meanwhile we're spending less, much less conservative estimates put that at 27%. there is also aspecter of business closures involving small and medium-sized israeli businesses, that is figure that continues to rise. so far, the onslot has led to the closure of around
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30,000 businesses, with the restrictions on palestinian workers, the west bank's economy has suffered heavy... 37% decline in production. in times of a military budget when costs are high, borrowing becomes lifeline to continue a genocidal onslot, but the credit ratings agency moodies put damper on israel's hopes right there. modi's caught israel's credit rating one notch from a1 to a2, and this was israel's first ever credit downgrade. the reason it gave was israel's poor finances and also have... the economic and political future remained unknown, especially due to israel's military exchanges with hesbollah. given all the different expenses of the ensant, israel will need to borrow almost $58 billion dollars this year, which equates nearly 23,000 per household, and three times the amount of the fiscal deficit in 2022. if all of this is too much
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information, let's just summarize this uh segment in one shot, there it is, much of the slide and gross domestic products stemmed from 26.9% drop in private consumption in the october to december period, a sharp decline of 42.4% in the import of goods and services and 18.3% dive in exports and 67.8% decline in investment, especially in residential. building, meanwhile, spending surged 88.1% due to the onslot cost. on top of that, consumers were spending 27% less. finally. finally, this aggression was supposed to initially cost $50 billion us dollars to cost israel's economy 10% of his gdp, but the onslot has lasted five months, if the most
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recent report has said that it's cost the israely economy, almost 20% of its gdp, does this mean that the actual cost of the onslot will be around 100 billion dollars? that's something to think about. and last nvona successfully completed repairing the nationwide gas pipelines which were damaged by sabotage attacks recently, the lines are now fully operational. our correspondent kisumish ahmadi visited the site during the repair operations and filed this report. repair operations in the final stages. this is the main distribution pipeline passing through iran's southwestern province of charmahali and baxtiad. responsible for delivering natural gas to the northern provinces of iran, part of the main pipeline hit by two explosions on february 14th. this
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is the exact location where the first explosion took place, the result of a failed sabotage attack aimed at disrupting gas supplies to the entire province. clearly, the saboteurs had picked this remote location hoping that it would result in delayed emergency response leading to vast natural. gas outages in the country, an obvious miscalculation as the national iranian gas company (nigc) had its local technicians and first responders on sight in less than 10 minutes. the tall flames resulting from the overnight explosion could be seen from miles away. the explosion was immense, creating a huge fire that burned and melted everything its way, 300 meters away. power cables were damaged, the local electricity distribution company immediately diverted to other connected paths to prevent power outages and
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within minutes local nigc technicians arrived. as a result of great teamwork, we were able to contain the fire in less than 5 hours and we completed our repair operation within 44 hours, which can be considered a record. it is important to note that our local technicians were able to quickly bring the situation under control without any help from nearby provinces. that is why there were no disruptions in gas supplies. as a result the nigc's agile response, the sabotage attack did not lead to any natural gas outages. so this is the pipe that was damaged by the explosion, pipe that would carry 70 million cubic meters of natural gas in 24. hours the nigc had two separate alternative options, so as a first step, technicians simply cut gas flow through this pipe, which allowed the first responders to contain the
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fire in less than 5 hours. throughout the year, we carry out several simulation exercises with different scenarios to enhance our response plans and procedures for all kinds of hazards. that is why our team is always prepared for emergencies. and in this case they knew exactly what to do according to our crisis management plan, with the damaged pipe replaced with new one, everything is back to normal. this heavily damaged 42-inch pipe that you see right behind me as part of the main pipeline that takes natural gas from the south of iran towards the north. however, the nigc did have a plan b and therefore the explosion did not disrupt gas supplies. officials detailed that because the fire is... sparked in an unpopulated area, the spread of the flames was manageable for the responding firefighters. there were no casualties and only limited material damage, and since the
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flow of heat and cooking gas to the northern provinces was not disrupted, as far as consumers were concerned, basically nothing happened, simply foiled attempt with iranians now more confident than ever in the capabilities of nigc technicians. gisum ahmadi press tvchen and those were the top stories on press tv. thank you for listening, take care and bye-bye. palestine has risen from the ashes, the nation has gone a long way in its struggle
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against. is the occupation regime of israel from throwing stones to flying drones, but who can deny iran's decades long support in this arduous journey? america as we began the selection year, i
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think... that the united states are don't specially concerned with the way the world economy works. the zionist regimes attack against libadon and syria demonstrate a policy of expanding military tension, precisely so.
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يلا نلعب يا الله يلا نلعب يا اللهيه خليها تجي على الخيمه خليهامه wann wenn nicht jetzt ist es an der zeit eine
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rote linie zu ziehen verdammt noch mal.
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frente a la crisis general, faced with the general economic, social and criminal crisis.