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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 26, 2024 10:30am-11:02am IRST

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r headlines, gaza's health ministry says situation in the northern part of the territory is extremely catastrophic and indescribable, this hospitals have run out of fuel and... national rights organization says that israel has turned a supposedly safe corridor to southern gaza into a trap to kill displaced palestinians and an active duty us airman sets himself a blaze outside of the israeli embassy to protest washington's complicity in the israely genocide of palestinians in gaza.
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10:30 am in euro capital tron, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. palestinians are seeing no respite from israel's genocidal campaign in gaza. the regime has carried out fresh attacks, taking the lives of more civilians. in gaza city, israel's drone and artillery strikes killed at least 25 palestinians injuring number of others. the regime forces also targeted civilians a coastal road west of. as a city, killing around dozen people. the death doll from the genocide since october the 7th is close to 29,700, most of them women and children. israel is pressing ahead with this attacks while the humanitarian situation is getting worse by the hour. gazas health ministry of health has described as extremely catastrophic the health situation in the northern parts of the strip where hospitals are without fuel. dead of the un agency.
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palestinian refugees is calling for humanitarian aid to be allowed into gaza, where people are grappling with severe shortages of food, water and medicine. philippe lazarini said the delivery of vital aid can prevent famin in the palestinian territory. he described as man-made disaster, the dire humanitarian conditions in gaza. the onver chief added that the agency has been unable to transfer food aid to northern gaza for over a month. in recent weeks onra has been facing israeli calls for its abolition. the agency's major donors suspended funding following israel's allegations that some unrous staff members were involved in palestinians alass of flood operation early october. regarding food scarcity in gaza, the un itself has voiced concern that almost everyone is at risk of famon. recent days a number of children have died from malnutrition in gaza. earlier we spoke to a correspondent murti abam sababah in gaza. he said is killing people who look for food,
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shelter and medicine all across gaza. the latest israeli attack actually targeted a group of the palestinian civilians who were waiting for the convoys of the humanitarian relief heading to gaza city. dozens of the of palestinian civilians were revertedly killed and injured. it's not worthy that this is not the first time that israeli occupation forces targeted target the very senior people. waiting for the humanitarian aid heading to gaza city in a way uh that prevents the palestinian people to get any real access to the basic humanitarian needs in this in the meantime the israeli occupation forces also maintain their attacks against ridwan neighborhood in the same city in gaza city where another group of the palestinan civilians was targeted uh using the israeli fighter drones near a sheikh rudwan clinic they were gathering in order to get the needed. care the israel incubation forces
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starged them and killed many and killed and injured many of them, while in a zeitoon neighborhood as you know that the israeli occupation forces are still belegering the neighborhood and it's under the heavy bombardments of the israeli air strikes and the israeli attacks of the israeli tanks on the ground, several palestinian houses were of destroyed using the explosive devices leaving at least 10 palestinian civilians dead over those continuous and seasless attacks reaching. this reaching the neighborhood, the rights group says the israel regime has turned a supposedly safe corridor to the gaza strips south into a trap in order to kill hungary and to forcibly displace palestinians. according to the euromet human rights monitor israeli troops have killed the very same palestinians that they forced to flee from gaza city to area in the south of the coastal sliver. israely forces killed them a checkpoint in central gaza. the regime's troops also targeted civilians.
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waiting for eight trucks near the checkpoint, as documented by the rights organization, israely forces killed 30 palestinians waiting for relief trucks a street southwest of gaza city. the rights group. has recorded horrific testimonies indicating israeli tanks, fired artillery shells and bullets to displaced palestinians heading south. a us service member has set himself on fire outside of the israel embassy in washington dc in protest against 143 days of the regime's genocide in the gaza strip. quick caution viewer discretion is advised on the following images. an active duty member of the united states air force, and i will no longer be complicit in genocide. i'm about to engage an extreme active protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in palestine at
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the hands of their colonizers, it's not extreme at all. this is what our ruling class has decided will be normal. the video of the incident was posted on an american video streaming service. the incident lasted about a minute before law enforcement officers extinguished the flames. the man was an active duty member of the us air force. he is reportedly in critical condition. this is the second incident of his kind outside of an israely facility in the us since the started the israel genocide in gaza. last week, the us used as it veto power for a third time to block a un resolution, calling for immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip. paul sheldonfot is a professor at
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emirates california state university who joins us from ervine. welcome to the program. so it's really disturbing watching this uh incident happened. uh, first of all, um, tell us your impression of it, and uh, the to the way that this points to a bigger picture of things, where you have uh of all people, the us service uh member, uh, to actually um, have the urge uh, to do what he has done uh, given the fact that he obviously has an understanding of the genocide uh, that is taking place when it comes to the palestinians, uh,
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fighting the communists and fighting for freedom and duty honoring country - i'm sure that he unfortunately believe. that uh america is a free country, it's not, it's a zionist occupied government, and so when he realized that, they unfortunately paid the price, the the people who are the guilty ones are the ones that voted for genocide joe, i play all the democrats who voted for genocide joe, the they should be punishing themselves in some way, but unfortunately this guy is, this guy did, the... "american military is having a big problem uh getting people to recruit, they'd be way below their goals for good reason. lots and lots of young people now realize that we don't have a free country and we're run by, as he said these these rulers, and the israeli leaders are the ones
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who proudly say openly in interviews over in israel that we control america, and what's worse is that america..." are so stupid that they vote for their rulers, unbelievable, there was a film done years ago called idiocracy, recommend everyone watch it, what's it called idiocracy? idiocracy, okay, highly recommended, it's supposedly forecast the future of america, i think it's a documentary of where we are right now, it is really shameful that anyone could have been so stupid as to have voted for a joe. and and yet the the zionist rulers know how to play the game with the stupid american voters or get distracted by other issues that they think are important and they can get away
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with genocide and almost no one complaining about it, but as veter myself will put my life on the line in vietnam, i can understand very well why this person would suddenly be so upset when he discovered that everything he thought was correct about america is a big lie, i would not recommend anyone. join the american military right now. okay, so you you you have uh basically two reasons here, possibly uh, aside from the obvious reason that he stated as to why he did the act uh of uh the self-himilation, another reason is the big lie that was described, but i'm wondering how many people in the states actually uh have the same feelings that he does, how wide spread that is? unfortunately not enough, we're going to find out very soon, we have the uh 5th primary elections in california and many other places, my suspicion is that
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in most of the mistake, most of the states that biden will still get plenty of votes from democrats and the democratic primary, in spite of all this, it is an absolutely incredible how stupid the typical american. order is, and in spite of all this, they're going to vote for him, and they're going to say, well, we've got to vote for him because otherwise trouble being or some other nonsense, uh, the they get played off uh, by these distractions, by, as aaron bushno said, uh, the the the real leaders, we have jewish billionaires in both parties who decide who the candidates are going to be, and it doesn't matter whether republican or democrat wins. they own us, we are totally owned by the designist, they control the media, they
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control the the money spent for elections and everything else, and only few people understand it, unfortunately, this one understood, decided to kill himself uh in response to it, whereas it said the people should be punishing themselves, are they the ones that voted for genocide joe, they shouldn't vote at all, they shouldn't vote for any? democrat at all in this election, and likewise, no republican should vote for any republican candidate that supports israel. okay, i don't think much hopefully happens at least in michigan, but i don't expect to see it in a lot of places. are you going to vote? i already did vote, i voted by mail. okay, thank you very much for that. paultonfoot, professor, emeritus, california said university. thank you. well, moving on, thousands of prop'. demonstrators have taken to the streets of the spanish city of barcelona to demand immediate cease fire in the gaza strip and to call on the government
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to separatize with israely regime. today is the second day that protests have been held in more than 100 cities across the country to call for measures to stop complicity in the genocide that has been committed against palestinian people. we demand an end to arm sales to israel. we fully support all those doing this demonstration and we should stop all institutional and economic relations with israel while the regime is being investigated by the international court of justice for genocide. we should stop having an arms trade with israel. protesters were chanting anti-israel slogans while waving palestinian flags. similar demonstrations were also held in other cities, including the...
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the second largest city in the netherlands hosted a demonstration in support of the palestinians dubbed hands off raffa which sew the participation of thousands of people also from nearby towns and villages. the organizers of the initiative, the rotterdam palestine coalition said the demonstration had been called to draw attention to new grave humanitarian crisis which could soon unfold in raffa where 1.5 million displaced palestinians are sheltering if israel will attack their... "western countries are not doing anything to stop israel," activists
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argued. "it's because they don't see or they did fall in the trap of the israeli by dehumanizing the palestinian, so now they are not treating the palestinian as a human, and that's dehumanization process which israel did do, most people in the world that see this entity, this occupation, israel its reality that it's an occupation, it's an ap system and that the palestinian." human indigenous people who are fighting to get their land back. rotterdam has been one of the most active dutch cities in organizing initiatives against israel's genocide in gaza over the past months. "the netherlands has so far provided unconditional support to the israeli regime, not only did the dutch government abstaying during the united nations vote a humanitarian sess fire in gaza, but it is also supplying parts for the f-35 jet fighters with which israel has been bombing palestinian civilians. i feel like
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the dutch government has long always supported uh fascism in the whole world, imperialism, we have a..." long history of imperialism and we also have a long history of supporting israel uh for the same reason i think that germany has them, lot of people of older generations, they are imprinted with this idea that we should be behind israel, and we are slowly changing it. the netherlands is playing an important role regarding the israeli occupation and crimes against palestinians because it is home to the international court of justice, the court based in the hague has been asked by the... united nations to deliver an advisory opinion on the legal consequences of the more than five decade long israel's occupation of palestinian territories. hearing sessions are scheduled to end on monday. max chivili, press tv, rotterdam. wave of announcements this week by tel aviv and washington have sparked angry demonstrations worldwide.
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around the united states, protesters denounced president joe biden's support for israel's latest. has more from chicago. pro-palestine activists marched across the united states following a week of shocking decisions which have israel's attempted genocide in gaza a major tipping point. israeli premier benjamin netanyahu unveiled a shocking plan to control gaza indefinitely. that sparked global condemnation, even from washington to... towards any reoccupation of gaza by israel. tel aviv also promised to attack 1 and a half million displaced palestinians sheltering in the city of rafa along the egyptian border. i think the israelis have been pretty clear, they're willing to commit any crime, they're willing to commit any massacre, they're willing to continue genocide any level until the
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international community puts an end to it, and so i think directly to your answer, unless the international community stops them, israel. will go into raffa, yes. israel just announced plans for thousands of new illegal settlements in the west bank, reminding the world that their armed colonization of palestine is unceasing and ever increasing violation of international law and public opinion. prospects for diplomacy continue to be torpedoed by the united states following their third veto of a united nations security council resolution demanding a cease fire in gaza. and despite the recent rejection in congress of a war spending bill, which included $18 billion dollars in weapons for israel, president joe biden is reportedly rushing tens of millions of dollars in bombs and weapons to tel aviv. the united states has a unconditional relationship with israel, where we will always give military aid to israel, unless
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the people continue to pressure our government and our presidents to do the same. joe biden is not better than any other us president um and we have seen that and he's got to go. aid agencies describe pockets of famon, 700 thousand people at risk of starvation and a man-made disaster in gaza, while the systematic destruction of gaza's hospitals have left little access to medical care. this week, the death tool in gaza is likely to surpass 30,00 people, although that number does not include thousands of unidentified. had bodies buried under rubble. robin mazaher, press tv, chicago. thousands of junior doctors in britain have walked off the job yet again. it's a 5-day strike, the second this year, and the 10th walkout in 12 months, over a long-running pay dispute with the governments. said reports the steelmate has left the doctors feeling demoralized,
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leading them to think of seeking employment abroad. "no picket lines over the weekend here, but the strike action is on. thousands of national health service junior doctors who form half of the doctor's workforce in england walk off the job. their demands the same as the last time we talked to them. because of this erosion of pay over all this time, we've been seeing problems with staff recruitment and retention, and we've been hemraging people either out of medicine completely, or to other countries that are willing to recruit us and pay us basically the rates we were being paid. an extra 3% top of the average of nearly 9% received last year was being discussed before talks between the government and the bma, the trade
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union for doctors broke down in december, but the walkouts come out of cost. they're happening a critical time of year when hospitals are especially busy dealing with the challenges of the coal season and with an nhs waiting list a staggering 7.6 million. over 1.3 million hospital appointments had to be rescheduled since the industrial action began over year ago, and yet the striking doctors continue to enjoy the support of over half of britains. the doctors say they're doing this to bring the government back to the negotiating table and to get it to recognize their value. they're also saying that feeling undervalued and being underpaid is pushing them to seek jobs abroad. the bma says four in 10 doctors plan to leave the nhs at the first opportunity. the government says
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it won't negotiate while the strikes are ongoing. there's an overall focus on privatization, which means the health care insurance companies will be taking over many aspects of the running and resources of health, and that's led to record low wages, especially compared to a massive inflation and cost of living crisis, so that it no longer. justifies the cost of training in terms of the actual remuneration, medical students are leaving with medical school with h00 pounds worth of debt and they're not looking to pay that off for well over decade, whereas if they go to other countries simply next door, ireland or australia they can immediately double their way. the british government seems nowhere near loosening its per strings, but the consensus is that the longer these strikes grind on, the wider the damage. cypura press tv, london. leaders of the economic community of west african states of covas have resolved to lift the economic
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and financial sanctions with immediate effect the niger republic, but demanded for the immediate release of the former president of niger muhammad. abdullahi has the details from abuja, the nigerian capital. the summit of. ecoas leaders which ended in abuja, the nigerian capital, resolved that closure of air and land borders between ecoas countries and niger is to be lifted in addition to other sanctions. no fly zone of all commercial flights to and from niger is to be lifted. suspension of all commercial and financial transactions between equas member states and measure is to be lifted, freezing of all service transactions including utility services is to be lifted, freezing of assets
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the republic of niger equa central banks is to be lifted. however, the ecoas meeting called for the ruling authority in niger to provide acceptable transition. table to constitutional order. the equals leader said the decision to lift the sanctions was based on humanitarian considerations, especially as people are in the month of length and the holy month of ramadan approaches. the meeting asked the three countries that exited the ecoas that are niger, burkina faso and mali to reconsider the decisions in view of the benefits the countries and their citizens enjoy in the... regional block, especially the hundreds of millions of dollars of projects and programs, notably the food security reserve. the ecoas leaders therefore
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urged the three member states that exited the regional body to resort to dialogue, negotiation and mediation to address their concerns. the authority has also instructed the president of the commission to invite burkinafaso, mali and guin, toch to attend technical and consultative meetings of echos as well as all security related meetings. the three us african countries exited the ecoas and established what they called the sahel alliance after ecoas resolved to condemn the military in the three countries and to impose sanction. on them, experts believe that there are solutions in the medium and long terms for solving the crisis in the regional economic body. the issues i mentioned earlier
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of pan-africanism of resource. nationalism of ensuring that people are carried along in decision making processes of ensuring that there is equitable distribution of resources of ensuring that people have access to the good things of life, of ensuring that the dividends of governance is brought to the people must be addressed. as one of the least developed regions in the world, the sahil faces a multitude of challenges, including poverty, food security, poor governance and insecurity. experts say, some of these challenges are matter of great concern, not just for the sahel, but for the whole of africa and beyond. they also noted that skillful diplomacy must be employed in addressing the exit of the three west african regions from the coas. danjam abdullahi, press tv, abuja. and with that we comes an end for this additional world news. thanks for being with us, this bye-bye for now.
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america, as we began the selection year, i think that the united states are don't specially concerned with the way the world economy works, the zionist regimes attack against libanon and syria demonstrate a policy of expanding military tension, precisely so.
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i really would like to meet them later, he seems like such an important figure in the history of iran, what would i do if i wanted to meet him later? my name is caleb.
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denn nicht jetzt ist es an der zeit, eine rote linie zu ziehen, verdammt noch mal.
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the scientists gave.