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tv   Gaza Under Attack  PRESSTV  February 26, 2024 12:02pm-12:31pm IRST

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this is gaza under attack, coming to you from london. i'm said puraza. we'll start this program with a review of some of the latest developments. day five of the icj hearing on the israeli occupation of palestinian land as the latest us. israeli attacks on residential
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homes across gaza, kill at least 104 palestinians. the secretary general of doctors without borders slammed repeated vetos by the us of resolutions calling for immediate ceasefire, saying the move tacitly endorses continued violence. a us intelligence assessment casts doubt on israel's accusations against anrua, that's the un agency that supports palestinian refugees, which led to major donors. suspending their funding of the agency. meanwhile, the israeli army radio reports on exercises conducted by the occupation force apparently preparing for war in lebanon. yemen's armed forces say they have introduced the submarine weapon in their operations conducted in the red sea in solidarity with the palestinians. also, reports of rocket attack on an illegal military facility housing us occupation troops in syria's a eastern province of the. or at least 30,000 of
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palestinians have been killed, 70,00 others injured in israeli attacks on gaza since october last year. joining the discussion today in the studio, student and activist patricia talib, and alongside her, dr. said of in ayatollah andrabi, author, political analyst and london-based kashmiri intellectual. welcome back to the show, both of you. i'll start with you, andrabi um so much to go through here, for starters though, your thoughts on the fact that more than four months of non-stop massacre and an impending catastrophe in rafa were yet to see the genocide stop or to see call for immediate permanent ceasefire. bismillahir rahmanirrahim, from day one, that's just...
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from 7th of october last year, it was clear and i have said it more than once that the present israeli palestine conflict, it's it's not going to be sort of something ending at nothing, palestinians have killed some, israel will kill some and there it will end like say for example, what happened in 2006 with hisbullah, this was right from the beginning when the islamic republic also showed support for it, it was becoming clear that this time it is going to be conclusive, and by conclusive we mean that it will, it will end at some result, that result may not be the ultimate, may not... we 100% we want
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as hasan nasullah said in his one of his one of his speeches that we will go in incremental way, we will go, we will progress, it will be progress, it will be a step forward, so that is how it is day by day, that is that is becoming clear that it is heading towards conclusion in the sense that israel as well as the palestine both are looking for proper permanent gains and changes now what what israel is looking and what palestine is looking obviously for for the palestine and for the whole movement we want a palestine to be resurrected we want a palestine to be restored and a palestine that existed before this entity was planted in the
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palestine that existed should be restored and the people, muslims, christians, jews and whosoever, they will, they will form a government and they they will govern themselves, yeah, and that that is of course what is referred to as the one state solution. let me go to patricia, um, the israeli prime minister netanyahu has unveiled a plan for gaza's future post bombardment, and here's what it includes: uh, one, a complete demilitarization of the unclave, quote unquote, closing off of the territory southern border with egypt, that's the rafa border, and as well as the overhaul of gaza's civil administration and education systems, israel deciding what gaza is supposed to look like, um, when this episode ends, what do you make of that? i personally don't find it surprising, i don't think anybody would given the way that's to begin with, in particular
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netanyahu's government, but every single other government in israel, office in israel has treated the gazans, gaza is one of the biggest open air presence in the world. even from the very beginning they exercised extreme uh collective punishment onto the gazans, this um zionist supremacy towards the arab, towards the palestinians, um, it justifies to itself and to uh the whole world and its own view, that they can do whatever they want to the palestinians and to begin with, this is one of the things that was very clear from the from the beginning, this is something that's been clear for the past 75 years to anyone that's pro palestinian. but anybody that's just been watching in the past 140 days, they can see now what is really supremacy looks like, they can see now that this is a colonial project that is not going to stop until it subjugates anything that is arab, anything that is foreign, it is supremacist state that believes only in um zionist uh in inherently jewish voice and
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jewish population and the dominance of one type of identity in the middle east and it couldn't be more true because what this also includes the so-called plan is that there will be israeli security control not just in the gaza strip but also in the west bank and the occupaid is jerusalem just like he we all remember that map that he showed at the un uh not so long ago that did did not include any the what used to be palestine that's always been their goals even in 2006 one of the proposed goals towards hizballah that said hasan nasarlah talked about was that they need to demilitarize hisballah they need to uh militarize all of the resistance and they also want forces from all over the world, not like the unifel are right now in the south of lebanon, but an international force that is going to be able to essentially police lebanese people to ensure that there's no longer going to be a resistance, and that's just um that is one of the very typical
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israeli tactic um to try and stifle any form of resistance in the future. absolutely. all right, um, let's take you to... the united nations and here from that body, the world body is special coordinator for the middle east, tour wensland has told the security council from jerusalems that he is worried about the impact of a potential israely include incursion into rafa on the civilians in the besieged unclave. the comments come as medical charity, doctors without borders has also told the un security council that gazan children, as young as five are now... saying they prefer to die than to continue to see the horrors of israeli's ongoing genocidal war on gaza. have listen. i'm deeply concerned about a possible full-scale israeli military operation in the densely populated
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raffa area where some 1.4 million palestinians are sheltering and where we have the only points of entry of humanitarian goods. i cannot stress. enough for urgently we need a deal that will bring about humanitarian sease fire and the release of hostages. i am concerned that if the violence in gaza does not end, the tensions and restrictions remain high in the west bank, including at the holy sites in east jerusalem. the holy month of ramadan risks becoming another volatile marker rather than the time for contemplation and healing. dr. androby, we see that the fears about the devastating situation in rafa are far reaching, but this week we saw the us veto at the un, the farsical ceasefire motion here in the british parliament, which could only mean that these countries are aiding abetting
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genocide, could it not? absolutely, there was, there was never doubt in this regard, and i mean, i of those who who who who basically who who regard american support as the main thing, i mean israel would have not done what it is doing, 'if there was not a clear support from us, mean it's it's a different thing how they how the foreign secretary, how they are government, how they maneuver, how they what is their posturing, that is the different thing, but the the the main thing is that there is a clear understanding that america is letting israel to do what it is doing, but when you were referring to the plan'. netan yahu has come up with the so-called plan, it's it's very
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important to understand it, what what exactly is, what does what exactly it reveals? i have been, i have been right from day one, i have been saying that all those people who do not support the way of resistance which came into effect after the islamic revolution of iran a resistance movement started growing in this. region, all those who do not see the wisdom behind it, who do not see its indispensability that we can't do and nothing can be achieved without resistance, for them there is lot there, there is lot the the nitan yahu's plan reveals, what it reveals is that israel is planning to take the whole thing under under israel, no it's it is, it will, it won't, it, it will keep gaza
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isolated, it will, it will the security, the internal things, the school curriculum, what is being taught, what is being said in mosks, all will be supervised by israel, and in that plan, they they are, they hamas is a hamas is distant thing, but they are not talking even the... palestinian authority, the palestinian authority, yasir, these people, they were, they were in a sense political friends of the west, they they they negotiated, camp david, oslo, all this, but netan yahu is not making any mention of them even, it is a direct control now, they are not even trusting the west bank and palestinian authority, so what does that mean, that means that whatever they were... doing also the camp david, it was as was clear from day one, as was clear
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everyone, it was basically buying time, they never meant to do anything, if they said we will we will resolve, we will do this, we will withdraw, but they never meant to do anything, it was only buying time and getting recognition, getting recognition, let me try patricia in two if i may um i want to get you to talk to uh the comment by the uh secretary general of doctors without borders about children, it's it's the civilians, the women, men and children who are bearing the brunt of all of this, the children as young as five say they would rather die than to see this continue. talk about the the emotional and and mental injuries that the israeli genocal campaign is having on these children. and moving forward, so what's happening in gaz is
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insane to begin with, uh, what's happening all over the middle east, like i, i see even children in the south of lebanon, they're going through the same thing, my little cousins uh freak out from the sound of bombs, it's something that's inherently traumatizing, but what's happening in particular in ghazza is insane, there's almost no working hospitals, any place that is deemed to be safe keeps on being bombed, people are living under absolute instability, what is going on is completely inhumane? um, not to mention people in the north who we understand are feeding on animal feet to stay alive, they are uh malnutrition and in those periods is actually critical for in those developmental periods is critical for cognitive development, for anything um and those children, most of those children have been affected, they've had at least family member die, they've had um some some of them have been orphaned, one of the doctors from the doctors without borders was actually talking about how he lost track of the number of... that he would treat every single day, so what's happening is truly humanitarian
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crisis, it's heartbreaking, it's inspiring to see the will power and the resilience and how people are holding to resistance, and no matter what they are loyal to the resistance, but apart from that it's also it's the mother of all heartache, has become the mother of all heartache, it's the birthplace of freedom, but it breaks the heart, it certainly does, um, we are... also seeing images of growing wall sites near egypt's border, um, was this forest displacement in in your view always a part of the plant or? and to what end? so from the very beginning, designist project is cancerous project, it's a project that tries to um devour everything around it and it just has this goal of continuously expanding to no end. um, and that's something we've seen in 2006, it's something we've seen in the 80s when they've tried to invade south lebanon, they've actually reached up until bayrut, yeah, uh,
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and that's something that's even from the first days, uh, there was some leaked documents from netanyahu's office that talked about that. idea of pushing them into the sinai desert and um it's not surprising uh you see idf's uh soldiers speaking in that rhetoric, you see netanyahu showing up at the un with map of what that is uh that is the zionist entity that's where there is no representation of gazzi there's no representation of the west bank um so that's something that uh i'm surprised to be honest that the media doesn't take seriously like how many times do you actually need to hear soldiers talking about colonizing lebanon. colonizing gazze, pushing them out into the sinai desert, we have leaked the documents, to begin with, i really don't understand how many times they have to show us their true colors, so we actually believe that that is something that is going to happen, that is very good point, um, quick note to our viewers, this is gaza under attack, deep dive into the news surrounding the ongoing us-led
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israeli genocidal war on gaza, now china and iran have already addressed the united nations. highest court about the legality of israel's policies in the occupied territories. thursday marked the fourth day of hearings at the international court of justice in the hague into a request by the un general assembly for a non-binding advisory opinion on the decades long israeli palestinian conflict involving occupied territories. china's legal advisor for the ministry of foreign affairs said the latest gaza war is part of decades of israeli oppression of palestinians. let's hear. more of his address, the palestinian israelian conflict stems from israel, prolonged occupation of palestinian territory and israel's longstanding oppression of the palestinian people, the palestinian people fight against israeling oppression and their
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struggle for completing establishment of and independent state on the occupied territory are, essentially just actions for restoring the legitimate rights, the right of right to self-determination served as precise legal foundation for the struggle. self-determination of peoples is a fundamental principle of modern international law enshrined in the un charter. and the collective human right under karary internet international law. in time catherine kolana, chair of the independent review group on unra, has briefed reporters on the scope of her probe into the activities of the struggling aid agency. the review was ordered after onwa's chief donors, including the us
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and the uk paused funding after israel accused the region's largest ail aid provider of employing staffers in involved in the alloxa flood operation of october 7th. the review group is expected to submit an intern report to the secretary general in march this year, with the final report to be made public and expected to be completed by late april. let's listen it. my goal is to deliver a report that is rigorous, evidence based and that would help deliver its mandate and taking account in particular the very... difficult and quite unique situation, it works uh currently and in a general context as we know for the past decades. what the uh independent review group will do is investigate, i repeat, how works with neutrality as uh it must. we will uh specifically clarify the mechanisms, the
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process in place, the structures and see if they ensure. neutrality as they shoot to the best of the power within unra and uh we also will look at how they have been implemented of course in practice not only the fit for purpose but how they are implemented we will also make if necessary uh recommendations as per the terms of reference and my intention i can tell you that my intention is indeed to make some recommendations all right with a little uh more than four minutes to go, let's continue the conversation with my guests, i'll give you two of the last four minutes, talk about the... significance of those hearings at the icj that come hard on the heels of the south african genocide case against the partide israel. well this
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international court of justice, what happened there earlier, it has an impact, global impact and it is definitely contributing lot to the political narrative, global political narrative in favor of palestine. because this time what we are noticing and we might have noted on this program before also, what we are noticing is that israel at the level of a general public, global public opinion, israel is losing everything, israel is getting isolated and support of israel now becomes, if you call it sort of unfashionable, because nobody... it means supporting murderous regime and this international court of justice it is definitely contributing towards that narrative that isolating israel and
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giving respectability to the palestinian cause and apart from that we know that israel will not be detered by it, israel does not even consider the un resolution so apart. from that it will not bring immediate change on the ground style will not stop doing what it is doing but apart from that yes it is doing lot of okay um yeah um patria i want to talk to you about something related to the uk uh the so-called bi-elections that are be going to be taking place um this month later this month um that will of course test the temperature on where voters stand on candidates who supported the genocide, what else could potential voters be doing to let
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these politicians know that they will be punished at the so at the ballot boxes? i think the important thing for us to do is not to vote for them to begin with, to abstain from voting both labor and story, because labour party what they've been essentially doing is trying to mask themselves as more humanitarian, they're talking about the humanitarian cease fire uh, with the conditions of israel being completely met, and israel is just suggesting a temporary cease fire while they get their hostages and hamas has absolutely no stakes in the game in that situation, so what they're talking is absolute empty words uh in both cases and trying to mask themselves as humanitarian, and we know the tory party is absolutely 100% um very clearly in support of whatever designist entity decides to do. so abstaining from voting for both parties is the way to go, because we might be tricked to think that labor is actually going to do something for us as muslims or as pro palestinians or um as
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anybody that's humanely interested in the palestinian cause, but that is not the case. we can see that under kier starmer it's been one of the worst um labor, this is decision that is going to stay till the end of history with the labor party um so abstaining, protesting and but really the thing that's going to hurt them is abstaining from voting. um we'll see how that transpires come the general elections and before that of course the uh the uh bi-elections here and a quick question about unrua so national intelligence council that's a us entity uh report released just last week assess with low confidence that you know the handful of unro staffers had taken part in the uh october 7th operation launched by hamas that their question.
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discussing whether we should have withdrawn funds from anarwa was pointless, because just anarwa is a big organization, anarwa is the backbone of gazi, there's thousands of people that are employed in the gaz strip in anarwa, there's engineers, there's doctors, there's all sorts of people, it's impossible for one organization to keep track of its people, and there was an accusation that there's less than 10 people, eight people, i think they accused, so to begin with the idea that for example i need to start boycotting or i need to withdraw funds from one company just because of a couple of employee of employees to that. company, that is insane way of dealing with this and an absolutely extreme way of dealing with this, and the fact that there was no investigation as well, that's something that shows the level that the
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level. to which the zionist entity and the level to which everything is about politics when it comes even the united nations, but the point is that they're trying to do and that's one of the things that's going to help with the subjugation of the palestinian people is they're trying to get us aid to actually replace an underw and usade has been notoriously known for toppling regimes, it's been notoriously known for monitoring people and pushing people and spreading propaganda and starting those ngos that are going to change political views and take part in that soft cultural war, so this is an ab... absolutely american led war on the residence, i'm so sorry to interrupt you, but we're going to have to start right there, thank you both to both of you, patricia taliban, say atullah andrabi, dr. andrabi, thank you for your time with us and thank you for watching this program, join us again next time for more. until then, continue to keep palestine in your hearts.
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how designs come from across the world to palestine? to occupy a land belonging to another nation, how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this
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documentary. first of the headlines khas health ministry says situation in the northern part of the territory is extremely catastrophic and indescribable as hospitals have run out of fuel. an operational rights organization says that israel has turned a supposedly safe corridor to southern gaza into a trap to kill this place palestinians. also the headlines and active duty us airman sets himself a blaze outside of the israeli embassy to protest washington's complicity.