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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 26, 2024 1:30pm-2:03pm IRST

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"the headlines this hour, gaza's health ministry says the death low from 143 days of israeli onslot has risen to only 29,700, mostly women and children. the international court of justice is holding its final hearings in israel's occupation of the palestinian territories, we'll bring you an update on the legal proceedings at the hag and an active" due to the us airman sets
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himself a blaze outside of the israeli embassy to protest washington's complicity in the israeli genocide of palestinians in gaza. of well welcome to our studios in the capital tahman. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. 143 days into the israeli onslot on the gaza strip, the regime has carried out more deadly attacks on civilian targets. the regime's latest attacks killed 43 people across the gaza strip. at least six of the victims were targeted by air strikes on the cities of raffa and daral bala. the others were killed in different incidents of drone strikes and artillery shelling across gaza. the duty strikes come after gaza's health ministry said the situation in in the northern parts of the strip is extreme.
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catastrophic with hospitals left without fuel. the regime's genocide has so far killed 29,800 palestinians, most of them women and children. earlier we spoke to our correspondence in the central gaza city of derobala musaba. he gave us an update on the situation on the ground in the gaza strip and the targets of the latest israely strikes. here at the central. area of gaza strip particularly on nusar refugee camp, it was under heavy bombardments of the israeli artillery that was maintained against the western part of the refugee camp, knowing that it is now and this nowadays and these moments it's overcrowded with the people, with the displaced palestinian people, particularly after the israeli incubation forces and forced them to leave uh rafah city, in the meantime the israeli occupation forces continue their air strikes and
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relentless bombardments against khanyuni city where the western part of khanuni city, particularly alamal neighborhood was subjected to heavy bombardment, actually in origental building was destroyed by the relentless israel air strikes, while in the eastern parts also the israeli occupation forces continued their attacks and the israeli artillary maintained shilling several areas of the western of the eastern part of the city, more palestinian houses and presidental buildings were destroyed and blasted by the israeli forces in the center of khanis city and the situation in rafah is not better than the situation in kanyunis where the israeli war planes renew their air strikes against the residential buildings, at least three residential buildings and apartment an apartment actually were destroyed and targeted by the israeli war blanes, in the same time the israelion.
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forces intensify their attacks in gaza city, particularly as zayat neighborhood, continuous israeli air strikes were launched against the palestinian people there, and as you know that azaito neighborhood is under heavy bombardment and attack of the israeli occupation forces, hundreds of the israeli tanks are beliagaring the neighborhood, opening their heavy gun fire and shelling the palestinan residental buildings there, amid the relentless and the continuous israeli air strikes reaching. the neighborhood and the people there are living apocalyptic, alarming, humanitarian condition. the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees calls for humanitarian aid to be allowed into gaza where people are grappling with severe shortages of food, water and medicine. philippe lazarini said the delivery of vital aid can prevent famin in the palestinian territory. he described as a man-made disaster the dire humanitarian conditions in gaza. the on chief added that the agency. has
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been unable to transfer food aid to northern gaza for over a month. in recent weeks, the على undra has been facing israels for its abolition. the agencies major donors suspended funding following israel's allegation. regarding food scarcity in gaza, the one itself has voiced concern that almost everyone is at risk of famon, recent days, number of children have died from malnutrition in gaza. a rights group says the israel regime has turned a supposedly safe corridor to the gaza's trips south into a trap to kill hungry and forcibly displaced palestinians. according to the euromed human rights monitor, israeli troops have killed the very same palestinians they forced to flee from gaza city to area in the south of the coastal sliver. israely forces killed them a checkpoint in central gaza. the regime's troops also targeted civilians waiting for eight trucks near the checkpoint.
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as documented by the rights organizations, israeli forces killed 30 palestinians waiting for relief trucks a street southwest of gaza city. the rights group has recorded horrific testimonies. icating israeleli tanks, fired artillery shells and bullets to displaced palestinians seting south. the international court of justice is holding his final day of hearings on the legality officials occupation the palestinian territories. representatives from turkey, the arab league, organization of islamic cooperation and the african union are presenting arguments on monday. over the past week, the judges of the world court have heard statements from more than 50 states and international organizations. the proceedings follow a request by the un general assembly in 2022 for the court to issue a non-binding opinion on the legal consequences of the israeli occupation. well correspon max chilly is in the city of hag to tell us more about the proceedings. max, at this point uh, this is the final day, if i'm correct, tell us uh what you have on this day so far. yes, after
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intense week of submissions, last week we had uh 47 nations presenting the all arguments to the court, most of the uh the the submissions were uh strongly condemning israel for its brutal policies and practices in the occupied uh territories of palestine uh today in the hague uh the hearings have resumed and two countries uh namely turkey and zambia have already uh presented their submissions and three international organizations, uh, the league of the arab states, the uh organization of the islamic cooperation and the african unions are scheduled to present their oral arguments in the coming hours. uh, i just wanted to focus on the on the uh
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turkish submission. it was a strong submission, uh, the representative of the turkish government started its uh, its argument by saying that the uh rule-based is on the point of collapse and that there are clear indications of violation of palestinian's rights to self-determination. uh, turkey said the representative strongly support uh the provisional measures issued by the court last month uh in the case filed by south africa. let's remind you that the the south africa accused israel of committing genocide. uh in in gaza also uh the turkish representative said that the conflict didn't start to october seven but dates back to last century and that israel is suffocating uh the palestinian with its occupation and it's basically it's made them uh dependent uh on
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israel's providing uh food and resources uh livelihood he said have been confiscated and uh palestinian. people uh need emancipation and dignity, he also focused on the sanctity of uh uh of jerusalem or kuds saying that as we approach the holy month of ramadan, it is important that the court issues an opinion which also respect the sanctity of the uh holy place in jerusalems. and uh when do we expect this to actually end and will there be a statement at the end given? no, look uh, the the advisar opinion will be uh issued uh in about six months and uh it goes without saying that the court uh doesn't have an
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enforcing arm so um the the the the the opinion is non-binding but we show that even in the case of the uh uh in the case submitted by south africa, israel is not observing the the the the the basically the opinion released by the court. 'there is no enforcement enforcement arm and israel is not abiding to the ruling by by the court. thank you very much for that max there are reporting from the heg. the government of the prime minister of the palestinian authority has stepped down. the premier mohammed shataya says that this is in the wake of the developments related to the israely aggression against the gaza strip and the recent escalations of the occupied west bank and alqs. corresponding'. joined us earlier for comments, there have been rumors that uh
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has resigned, that the palestinian cabinet has resigned, but every time the palestinian prime minister had statements and said that it's not the true, but what happened this morning that palestinian prime minister headed the the the meeting of the palestinian. government and he said that he had submitted the cabinet resignation to palestinian president abbas, it's in the hands of palestinian president mahmoud abbas and he is the one to decide whether to accept the resignation of the palestinian cabinet or not, however this cabinet and it's the 18th government since his appointment was appointed in 2019. team, lot of challenges had been seen by this government, as they
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himself has said, as you have said, also today revealed that the decision to resign came in the light of of the unprecedented escalation in the occupied west bank and al-quds and in addition to the genocidal war on the cause of resistance movement and there's military have been exchanging fire across southern lebanese border since the regime began its onslot on the gaza strip on october 7. now hizbillah says it is down to high-tech is really drown. correspon sala has given us the details. you have the hermes 450. it's not only used for reconnaissance purposes, it is used also to hit targets as well. in lebanon, it has been used by the israelis extensively and this is one. of its most sophisticated larger type of drones,
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hizballah of course in order to shoot it down, they used a surface to air missile has previously done this before, but this time it was perhaps the first time that way we can see it with the naked eye, people saw it fall down, there were even some amateur shots of the of that drone um basically in flames uh going down in the area of and that area it's not clear whether anyone was able to recover any parts of that room, but it is considered significant, especially since hazbullah had august of 2023 this play that they do have land to air missiles, they have the samsix, it was not clear whether hezballah was displaying it uh in one of their touris sites as a part as part of a war tactic, psychological tactic, some said it was only to boost morale to show that hezballah can deter the israel since the israelis have in the past decades always had supremacy in the air, but it seems that now has actually put
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it to the test, they are using it, and they have used it more than one instance, now we can see that it is very clear, has also said in their statement that they will continue to eye the skies of lebanon. it's time now for the news review of this bulletin: a us service member has set himself on fire outside of the israely embassy in washington dc and protest against 143 days of the regime's genocide in the gaza strep. quick caution few discretion is advised on the following images. i am an active duty member of the united states air force and i will no longer be complicit and geneside, i'm about to engage an extreme active protest,
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but compared to what people have been experiencing in palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it's not extreme at all. this is what our ruling class has decided will be normal. the video of the incident was posted on an american video streaming service. the incident lasted about a minute before law enforcement officers extinguished the flames. the man was an active. duty member of the u.s. air force. he is reportedly in critical condition. this is the second incident of his kind outside of an israely facility in the us since the start of the israely genocide in gaza. last week the us used a veto power for a third time to block resolution, calling for immediate cease fire in the gaza strip. john
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stepling is an author and commentator joining us from inderoy. norway we also have asia krishna swami, podcaster and journalist joining us from st. petersburg, welcome to you both, john stepling, this is obviously very horrific incident that has taken place, and it's quite telling that it's not just an ordinary person per se, i mean we're looking a us marine that has, i guess he has reached a point where he saw nothing was being done, so he's i'm guessing that he went ahead with the self-imilation, and i just realized that after he was burning. that he was saying free palestine uh, which is also another important factor to put into this to to basically display the frustration and anger that he feels. first of all, what's your impression of what has happened? well, there's a long history of of protest by self-imilation. think everybody remembers the buddhist monk
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in saigan 1963. this famous photograph by i malcolm brown uh and then after that several other monks um set themselves on fire in protest, there was a quaker who did the same thing, an american quaker, and and not too long ago in tunisia, there was an act of self-himolation in protest, vegetable pedaler had his cart taken away and that triggered a whole thing, these acts tend to to... trigger a shift in perception from the public, they do have an effect, the they are indellable statements, and what's interesting in this case, as you say of course is that it's a active us service member, but i think there is a general feeling out there on the street of of such revulsion, and and i feel that
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everybody feels that there is, there is a frustration that... continues to happen, that israeli settlers are blocking food from getting into gaza, relief supplies and having a party at the gate, and people are allowing this to happen, why is, why is that? i mean, you know, these people, these settlers could well and pretty easily be removed, i think, but the israelies have this sense of impunity, they they believe they are invulnerable. "and it comes from from washington protecting them for so long, and they continue to supply weapons to them and so for, so israel increasingly makes open statements of of, inciding genocide, statements about the the palestinians as vermon, as scum of the earth, as animals, a
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us assemblyman, andrew august said, yes, they should just all be killed. "this is a u.s. politician. i've never heard these kinds of statements set aloud in public for for public consumption. i... i mean, even the nazis refraine from saying stuff like this. it is remarkable, and so it, it is understandable, there are are psychological breakdowns occurring. we see this guy setting himself on fire because he can't take the..." guilt and shame of being complicit in it, it's on one level understandable, it's of course extreme and irrational on on most levels, but but this is the horror and revulsion that that everyone is feeling, i think, and and it is astonishing really, and in a hundred years, i think people will look back at this and
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wonder, why did nobody do anything, why is this continuing, you know, it because daily more and more deaths, children, dying, people starving, um, indeed, it's inexplicable, the the the question that comes about here ashra is first of all your impression obviously of what has happened, but the question that comes about is whether uh you have us officials who uh obviously know that this has happened, what they are thinking, whether they will do anything about it, especially uh the us president, but i'm guessing based on what john stepling said that you have a us law maker that has said that all the palestinians should be killed that that is the kind of mentality or approach they have. when it comes to palestinin lives. okay, um, can i quickly mention that recently, um, his family has confirmed aaron bushnell has died of his injuries? um, and yeah, um, from what i know. notice um the us newspapers, they have all tried their very best to kind of bury the lead, all of them new york times headline said a man set himself on fire in
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front of the israeli embassy, police say, and obviously there's a video so it's kind of a way to discredit it, and i think the us officials will also uh have the same attitude because yeah they have very in in america it seems like unless you are extremely pro, israel, it is impossible to have any sort of office, and so i have to agree with that, but the dep and the department of statement, and in their statement they actually mentioned how it is illegal for active duty members to engage in political protests as opposed to addressing the content of his protests and many, many newspapers in the us have done that, they buried the lead, they haven't mentioned that he said free palestine until about the last part. graph, so it's been about like, oh, why would he do this? it's a mystery kind of thing, and that is very disappointing, and and although i'm not very
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shocked because many newspapers have a history of having extremely pro israel bias, so um, that is my impression is that it is getting lot of attention on twitter from the general public because it is a us serviceman, it is member of the military, and for him to do this, felt a very serious uh revoltion to what is going on in israel and palestine. all right, thank you so much. uh, yeah, you are, you are right that he has died, but what's more interesting about that is when i looked at the the google search on this, israely publication have said they have died, but the new york times reporting an hour ago didn't say that he has died, which is very interesting, but we're gonna have to leave it there. ashha krishna swami, podcaster and journalist, thank you, and john stepling author and commentator, thank you. with that we come to an end for this news review, thanks for tuning in,
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what else when the news thousands of pro- palestine demonstrators have taken to the streets of the spanish city of barcelona to demand immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip. and to call on the government to separatize with the israeli regime, today is the second day that protests have been held in more than 100 cities across the country to call for measures to stop complicity in the genocide that has been committed against palestinian people, we demand an end to arm sales to israel, report all those doing this demonstration and we should stop all institutional and economic relations with israel while the regime is being investigated by the international court of justice for
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genocide, we should stop having an arms trade with israel. the protesters were chanting anti-israel slogans while waving palestinian flags. similar demonstrations were also held in other cities, including the capital madrid in solidarity with palestinians. earlier the german city of nurenburg was the scene of pro- palestine... rallies as well, the protesters there also demanded immediate cease fire in gaza and an end to arm supplies to israel. anti-israel demonstrations were also held in austria. on sunday, rotterdam, the second largest city in the netherlands, hosted a demonstration in support of the palestinians dabbed hands off rafa, which sew the participation of thousands of people also from nearby towns of. villages, the organizers of the initiative, the rotterdam palestine coalition said the demonstration had been called to draw attention to new grave humanitarian crisis which could soon
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unfold in raffa, where 1.5 million displaced palestinians are sheltering, if israel will attack their western countries are not doing anything to stop israel activists argued, it's because they don't see or they did fall in the trap of the israeli by dehumanizing. the palestinian, so now they are not treating the palestinian as a human, and that's dehumanization process which israel did do, most people in the world that see this entity, this occupation, israel its reality that it's an occupation, it's an apart system and that the palestine are human, indigenous people who are fighting to get their land back. rotterdam has been one of the most active dutch cities in organizing initiatives against israel's genocide in gaza over the past. months, the netherlands has so far provided unconditional support to the israeli regime, not only did the dutch government abstained during the united nations vote a
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humanitarian. fire in gaza, but it is also supplying parts for the f-35 jet fighters with which israel has been bombing palestinian civilians. i feel like the dutch government has long always supported fascism in the whole world, imperialism, we have a long history of imperialism, and we also have a long history of supporting israel uh for the same reasons, i think that germany has them, lot of people of older generations, they are imprinted with this idea. that we should be behind israel, and um, we are slowly changing it. the netherlands is playing an important role regarding the israeli occupation and crimes against palestinians, because it is home to the international court of justice, the court based in the hague has been asked by the united nations to deliver an advisory opinion on the legal consequences of the more than five decade long israel's occupation of palestinian territories, hearing sessions are
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scheduled to and... monday max chivili press tv rotterdam and with that we come to an end for this additional world news. thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now. this week on expose, the israeli entity assault on rafah was depicted as successful rescue operation, masking its true nature as a direct attack on one of the few remaining safe zones for palestinian civilians in gaza. within zianist israeli media circles, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been accused of deceat regarding his claims of targeting hamas and freeing all hostages. moreover, a
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staggering 90. 7% of arab respondents reported experiencing psychological distress during the gaza conflict with 92% expressing the belief that the palestinian cause is not solarly a concern for palestinians but for all arabs. expos a, the truth is just a revelation away.
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يلا نلعب يا الله يلا نلعب يا الله يايايا.
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خليها تجي على الخيمه خليها الخيمه تجي تيجي الخيمه. wann, wenn nicht jetzt ist es an der zeit, eine rote linie zu ziehen, verdammt noch mal.
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tonight on expose, the israeli occupation forces attack on rafah was presented. to the world as successful rescue operation, when in reality it was a blatant attack on the last safe haven for palestinian civilians in gaza. now zianists israely media accused their prime minister benjamin netanyahu of lying to the world when he speaks about