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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 27, 2024 6:30am-7:03am IRST

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of your press of your headlines: israely forces kill scores, more palestinians in gaza, including people waiting for aid as the regime's genocide enters its 144th day. meanwile hamas says israel stalling seizfire talks and using negotiations as cover to continue its war of starvation against the people of gaza and the un chief warns israel's invasion of rafa will put final nail in the coffin of a programs for the gazzo's trip.
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hello everyone, it's 5 am in the besieg gauza strip, you're watching press tv world news. now in gaza, it's day 144 of israel's onslot which is left a trail of death and destruction. israeli forces live fire have killed at least dozen palestinian civilians including four, people waiting for aid west of gaza city and scores more also killed and wounded in a drone strike in the central nuseerat refugee camp to the south and in rafa, at least three people, including mother and child were killed in an israeli air strike that targeted a home. gazan officials also say attacks have destroyed the strips communications and control systems. meanwhile, the palestinian red crecent has announced the complete suspension of its
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medical missions in gaza for 48 hours, the prc said israel's failed to ensure the safety of its crews and the wounded. in gaza, the regimes have been continuing its genocidal campaign, which has claimed the lives now of nearly 30,00 palestinians in over 140 days. earlier, we spoke to our correspondent in the central city of dira ballah muty. for an update, the israeli occupation forces committed at least 10 appalling massacers over the last 24 hours, acclaiming the lives of 90 palestinian civilians and injuring at least 142 balestian civilians. these numbers are rising incrementally with the continuous and the seasless israeli air strikes and attacks that are still hitting more areas of gaza strip. the ladies attack took a place
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here in the central area of gaza strip actually targeted a residental building in al refugee camp and the central area of gaza strip where at least two palestinian civilians were killed over that attack while uh the israeli artillery actually targeted and unra school which is taken shelter by the palestinian civilians and the displaced palestinians uh dozens of the palestinian casualties were approached uh to the alaxa marters hospital as we are standing here right now and the meantime the israeli artillary maintained and renewed uh it's it's shelling to the eastern bars of deril balah city uh targeting the residental areas and residental buildings in that area we can hear the explosions of those attacks uh from where where we are standing right now uh and in the meantime the when it comes to gaza city according to the latest news that the israeli
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occupation forces targeted once again the palestinian civilians who were gathering near a nabulsi roundabout in the western part of gaza city. they were waiting for the humanitarian uh convoys to reach gaza city. now the leader of the palestinian resistance movement hamas has slamed what he's calling israel's war of starvation against gazans. he says regimes now stalling cefire negotiations. to prolong this war. ismal hanye made the remarks following a meeting with qatar's amir, sheikh tamim bin hamed al fani. hanya said that palestinians will not allow the regime to use fire talks as cover for its campaign of starvation against palestinians. separately hamas lamed the us for supporting the israeli uh war of starvation said the international community's inability to stop it is a disgrace to humanity. hamas added that misleading
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statements by us officials about the humanitarian situation in gaza will not absolve washington of its responsibility for the situation. and israeli invasion of gaza, southern city of rafa, looms larger, international warnings of its consequences grow louder and more ominous, and now the un chief says any such offensive will completely end the un assistance programs in the besieg territory. rafa is the core of the humanitarian aid operation and unra is the backbone of that. efforts and all all israeli offensive on the city would not only be terrifying for more than million palestinian civilians sheltering there, it would put the final nail in the coffin of our aid programs. speaking before the un human rights council
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in geneva, said even now humanitarian aid in gaza is completely insufficient. he added international humanitarian law remains under attack in gaza, and he also repeated his call for sease far. the un chief said the catastrophic situation also shows the ineffectiveness of the security council and underlines the need for serious reform. gutieres stressed council's lack of unity on israel's onslot on gaza has in his words severely or perhaps fatally undermined its authority. the top. has wrapped up public hearings on israel's decades-long occupation of palestine, the most participant nations and organizations strongly condemned the brutal policies and practices carried out by the israeli regime in occupied palestinian territories for five decades. maxilli
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reports. a monday, the hague based the international court of justice heard the final day of submissions on the legal. consequences of the israeli occupation of the palestinian territories since 1967. over the six days of the public hearings, 52 nations and the organization of islamic cooperation, the arab league and african union, presented the arguments to the court. the first to speak on the final day of the icj hearings was the turkish representative who joined a large number of nations condemning israel's decades long brutal policies in the palestinian territories. ankara pointed the finger at those nations which won't stop supporting tel aviv despite 30,000 innocent people have been killed in the gaza's trip. those who should do it are are well known, the israeli supporters in the security council, it is their responsibility. indeed,
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most of the international community is against is aware of this injustice and is trying to do something. palestinian represent. atives opened the proceedings of monday last week by accusing israel of having subjected palestinians to decades of discrimination, leaving them with the choice of displacement, subjugation or death. two days later, the uk asked the court not to offer an opinion at all on the legal consequences of israel's occupation. unfortunately the uk came with the political arguments and here, we are in a legal body, unfortunately their legal argument was very weak and we believe that the court will... dismiss it, the israeli practices and measures and its presence in the palestinian territory is unlawful and unlawfulness should have consequences. this icj case was prompted by the un general assembly in december 2022, and it is different from another icj case filed by south africa which has accused
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israel of genocide in gaza. outside the court, activists showed the support to beseeged palestinians during all days of proceedings. there's also another excuse for the other countries to say, well, we are not complying with this um legal system that we uh all agreed on. i'm here to to just show the support, to uh to say to the whole world that the genocide should stop, and this is the only way actually to to uh to support our people in in palestine in gaza. the court is expected to issue its advisory opinion on israel's occupation of the palestinian territories within six months despite. having no binding force, the court's opinions nevertheless carry great legal weight and moral authority. however, it must be said the icj has no enforcement arm. max chivi, press tv, the hague. a us service member set
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himself on fire outside the israely embassy in the us capital, in protests against 143 days of the israeli regime's genocide in gaza. and now vier discretion is advised in these following images: active duty member of the united states air force. "and i will no longer be complicit in genocide. i'm about to engage in an extreme active protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it's not extreme at all. this is what our ruling class has decided will be normal."
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now the video of this incident was posted on an american video streaming services incident lasts about a minute before law enforcement officers are able to extinguish the flames, the man was an active duty member of the us air force. the pentagon has confirmed. that his past is second incident of its kind outside an israely facility in the us since start of israel's campaign of genocide in gaza. last week us veto power for a third time to block a un resolution calling for immedia seesfire in gaza. this week on expos a the israeli entity assault on rafah was depicted as successful. operation, masking its true nature as a direct attack on one of the few remaining safe zones for palestinian
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civilians in gaza. within cinianist israeli media circles, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been accused of deceat regarding his claims of targeting hamas and freeing all hostages. moreover, a staggering 97% of arab respondents reported experiencing psychological distress during the gaza conflict with 92% expressing the belief. believe that the palestinian cause is not solarly a concern for palestinians, but for all arabs. expose, the truth is just a revelation away. welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv world news. hundreds of protesters hit the streets of calgary condemning. israel's campaign of genocide in gaza and also calling for immediate seas far.
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protesters weigh palestinian flags and held signs. israeli officials for all the massacers in gaza. rallies were also held in different cities throughout europe over the weekend, thousands of put out in streets, the spanish city of barcelona, calling for sease fire in gaza and also demanding that their government completely cut ties with the israeli regime. similar rallies were held in the german cities of nurenburg and berlin, as protesters urge authorities to end arm supplies to israel, mass organized protests
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have not been the only way of expression in support of palestinians and to draw attention to their plight in the austrian capital, vienna, pro-palestiny activists are trying other initiatives to spread their message (flash mobs). several such flash mobs have been held in vienna over the past week. the venues include train stations, malls and theaters. the participants say this means a protest is quick and easy to organize and also more effective than traditional methods. they say it puts pressure on the people and the government to take action. now pressed. spoke to some of them, we are trying to invent new
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forms of protest to remind the public opinion, the society here that there is a war and massacer going on in palest in palestine, the media here are omitting the the massacer, the cram of the israeli army, the people here don't know much or don't care, and we have got the feeling that this traditional manifestation demonstrations are getting ' are not effective anymore because people are getting used to the scene, so we are inventing new forms of protest, with flash mops, with surprise actions in stations, in public places where the people get reminded. and there's a war, there's a massacer going on, they have to do something about it. i am here because there is a 30,000 people, the are the are they are they are dying in in balasina and the silence of for for for the for the world, it's it's i don't believe it, so so much silent, but i am not silent, this man he will be the spark for the new revolution in in america in the world, okay,
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genocide happening in gaza, 30,000 people killed, israel kills people, children, women, every day and we have to do something, we have to go on the streets and say free palestine, palestine, this has to stop, palestine has to be free, free palestan. yeman has held a form on the results of his pro- palestine operations against israeli interests in the red sea. palestinian islamic jihad movement in yemen, says the country has a change the equation in the region following its retaliatory operations. abdul latif al... has more from sona. the yemany office of the presidency organized the first political forum to discuss the political, security and strategic implications and dimensions of the yemani pro- palestine operations in the red and arabian seas, political and legal experts, academics and researchers from yemen and abroad participated in the event. the red
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sea battle led by yemen in support of the palestinian people within the battle of the... flood goes beyond imposing a siege on the israeli entity and its interests in the region. yemen draws a new equation and new reality for the region. today the situation has changed and yemen is leading a battle that will have major effects in the region and liberate the region from american influence. participants underscored the importance of blustering yemen's naval operations which have proven effective in impacting the western economy and in particular that of israel and mid its genacider wall on gaza. they pointed out the significant decline in activity at israel's elat ports. certainly, the military operations in the red sea strongly affected the israeli economy, and this is acknowledged by the israelis themselves. the ports were disrupted, the prices significantly rose, and it let shipping and insurance costs for commercial ships also jump, and this was reflected in the stability of the prices of
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basic materials and commodities in the occupying entity. israeli industries were also greatly affected. and the losses were not limited to the economic level only, but included the strategic level to the point that many israeli projects were stopped, such as the neom project and other projects. since the onset of the israeli genocider war in gaza, the yemani armed forces have carried out dozens of naval operations against israeli linked vessels in the red sea and gulf of aden, imposing a blockade on israel's maritime navigation, yemen's defense minister, major general muhammad altifi has hailed naval. reprisal operations against israel, stressing that the era of hijemonic influence of the united states and its allies on international waters is over. experts believe that the ongoing naval operations are not only a show of solidarity with the oppressed people of palestine, but also move towards undermining us influence in the region. reporting, on the international day
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for palestinian journalists. syrian journalists have held a solidarity stand with their palestinian counterparts in damascus. for more details with our correspondents, ibrahim watti. the syrian journalists union organized a central solidarity stand in support of palestinian journalists at the general organization of radio and television building in damascus. the stand was in response to call from the international federation of journalists to observe a minute of. silence in morning for the journalist marters who were murdered by the israeli occupation since the beginning of its war on gaza at 12 p.m. all media workers across syria stod in silence for a minute holding signs condemning the blatant israeli aggression targeting palestinian journalists and demanding an end to the aggression on gaza and the west bank. this stand by syrian
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journalists and media professionals is an expression of our complete and absolute support for the palestinian journalist union. the arab journalists union and the international federation of journalists. it is call to document the israeli crimes against palestinian journalists. as other journalists in history have been killed in military confrontations like palestinian journalists have been. syrian journalists affirm that palestine is syria's central cause for which blood has been shed and sacrifices have been made. today's stand aims to shed light on the systematic targeting of palestinian journalists by the. israeli occupation, which has killed over 130 journalists since october the 7th. participants praised the courage and sacrifices of their palestinian colleagues who have replaced ink with their own blood in the pursuit. the just struggle and the honor their profession. these are the heroes who have been targeted by the occupation through assassination and bombardment because they
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have conveyed the truth about the massacres committed by the zionist enemy. today syrian journalists stand together in every newsroom in front of cameras and at their workplaces observing moment of silence here specifically in front of the syrian press. syria has sacrificed dozens of journalist marters on the path of truth during over 13 years of its war against the terrorism supported by the west and specifically israel. today syrian journalists affirmed their unwavering support for their palestinian brothers in their struggle against dionist terrorism. syrian journalists have gathered at this symbolic place in solidarity. with their palestinian counterparts who bravely resist the israeli aggression with their words and cameras. they have unequivocally confirmed that the truth will prefail and justice will triumph.
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ibrahim wahdi, press tv, damascus. and now iran is gearing up for two key elections that will be held simultaneously on march the 1st. now people will be going to the polls friday to elect members of parliament and the assembly of experts. here's a report. iranian voters are due to head for polling stations on friday to pick new members of parliament and the assembly of experts. the iranian legislative body is called magless. members of parliament are elected in multi and single seat constituencies through direct public vote every four years. majlas has 290 members, five of them representing religious minor. ities, namely zorastrians, jews, assyrians and christians. according to the interior ministry, around 15,00 candidates
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have been approved to compete in the parliamentary elections this year, a record figure since the 1979 islamic revolution. in the assembly of experts elections, hundreds of candidates are vying for 88 seats. the body elects and oversees the activities of the leader of the islamic revolution.
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be tough since the number of candidates is unprecedented in the history of the islamic republic. most of the candidates, particularly in small constituencies, are reportedly doctors, engineers, civil servants and teachers who are not affiliated with any political group. the new parliament will convene in late may. voting in the islamic republic of iran is considered to manifest the people's power and their active presence on the scene. nearly. 40 elections have been held in iran since the victory of the islamic revolution. the friday vote will be the 12th parliamentary election and the sixth one on the assembly of experts. and that resist to
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the end of your press tv news bulletin everyone. thanks for tuning in and bye-bye for now.
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palestine has risen from the ashes, the
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nation has gone a long way in its struggle. against the occupation regime of israel from throwing stones to flying drones, but who can deny iran's decades long support in this arduous journey? named after the longest river in the world, it's now become the largest e-commerce company on the planet. it started as a
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bookseller at discount prices, but grew so much to sell almost everything through breaching rules of the game. watch and hear more about amazon in this documentary.
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a dumming report indicates that deaths from terrorism in africa have skyrocketed more than 10000 percent during the so-called us war on terror. the study by the africa center for strategic studies revealed that during 2002 and 2003 when the us just beginning its
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decades long war, total of just nine terrorist attacks were counted throughout all of africa, leading to only 23 casualties, but after two decades of us intervention in africa with the purported of helping the continent in counter terrorism. deaths from takfiri violence in africa increased to 23,32 last year, reaching a record level of lethal violence. an article published by the responsible state craft website notes that these findings contradict claims by the us military command in africa, afrikom, that it is thwarting terrorist threats on the continent and promoting security and stability. so what exactly are us troops doing in africa if they're not? fighting terrorists as they claim. hello, i'm mubarak kenya and this is africa today. this week we are focusing on an unprecedented absent of terrorism in africa. amid the presence of us troops across the continent. our experts will
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give us their incisive analysis on how the us has contributed to increased terrorist attacks in africa. you can be part of today's conversation by sending us your comments through our social media handle appearing on screen. us increased terrorism in africa. imperialist powers led by the united states have long viewed the african continent as a place for stealing valuable assets. the continent has huge chunk of the world's remaining mineral wealth and is home to major global oil and gas reserves. that is why the european powers and united states seek to control. these resources by deploying their military forces across the continent under the pretext of combatting terrorism. it is now becoming clear to all that the presence of us led western forces in africa is the...