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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 28, 2024 4:30am-5:03am IRST

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your headlines here on press tv, well senior un official warns at least a quarter of gaza's population. is just a step away from famin amid israel's genocide in the territory. un says israeli forces are targeting eight convoys in gaza, as they try to systematically block aid access to people in need. and tehran slams germany's anti-iran of rights allegations as feudal effort to hide berlin's support for israeli occupation and of the regime's genocide in gaza.
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hello everyone, it's 3 am in the besieg gaza strip and you're watching press tv world news, our top story is really massacre palestinians in gaza continues to unfold as the regime pounds blockated. territory with air strikes and artillery, latest strikes, the regime bombed residential building in der abalah that's in central gaza killing at least two kids. similar strike in the area also left woman dead and many others injured. the regime also far heavy artillery toward areas in southern and central gaza. the of overall death tool now stands in nearly 29,900 since onslot began back on the 7th of october. this while international aid agencies. are raising the alarm about the of
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humanitarian situation in gaza with the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs saying a quarter of the gaza population is just a step away from famon. in december it was projected that the entire population of 2.2 million people in gaza would face high levels of acute food insecurity. by february 2024, the highest share of people facing this level of food in security ever recorded worldwide, and here we of are at the end of february with at least 57600 people in gaza, one quarter of the population, one step away from famin, with one and six children under two years of age in northern gaza suffering from acute malnutrition and wasting. and practically the
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entire population of gaza are left to rely on wowfully inadequate humanitarian food assistance to survive. the world food programs also warned of what it calls inevitable widespread starvation in gaza. the wfp says fammon is eminent in northern gaza where no humanitarian groups been able to provide aid since late january. agency says it's ready to swiftly expand and scale up operations if their... is seizfire that takes shape. the un says really forces are systematically blocking access to people in need in gaza, complicating the task of delivering aid to the besieg territory. spokesperson for the un humanitarian agency securing out medical evacuations and aid deliveries in northern gaza has become impossible, yet and lark said humanitarian operations are also becoming extremely difficult. in uh the south, the humanitarian
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agencies delivering to gaza, say even convoys cleared by israeli authorities are repeatedly blocked or they come under fire, according to the world health organization, all planned eight convoys to northern gaza have been denied access by israeli authorities in recent weeks. us, israely genocide campaign in gaza. has displaced some 1.7 million people throughout the besieged enclave and pressv has spoken to some of those who recount the trauma they've gone through as a result of this war. we fled gaza city because of hunger, we ate animal food, grasses, and plant leaves. we had meal every two days. our home was destroyed by israeli warplanes. my mother and brother were killed at home and we were pulled out from under the rob. as we
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were heading to the south, the israeli forces stopped us for 5 hours under the sun, the tanks were moving around us. and firing close to us, there was an old woman, she was riding a donkey car, they forced her to get out of the card, although she said she's a diabetic, patient and can't walk, they kidnapped the man there and stripped and humiliated them, i was displaced from gazah city alongside my daughter and my husband who was later killed in an israeli attack, i was sitting in the tent when all of sudden they told me that your siblings are here, the first thing they asked for was something eat as they didn't eat for... several days, they told me a flow bag cost $100 inside gaza, and the people there have nothing eat but animal food, palestinians have demonstrated several areas the occupied west bank following call by palestinian factions to declare tuesday a day
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of rage, they protested israeli aggression against gaza and supported palestinian prisoners in the regime's jails. palestinians have taken to the... streats across the occupied west bank to protest against the israeli genocide on the gaza strip as it nears 150 days. despite the bad weather and heavy rain, protesters roamed the streets of ramanlah chanting for gaza and demanding an end to israel's war on the beside this trip. people here say that israel is using the war on gaza escalate its military measures in the west bank. despite the israeli non-stop crimes against our people and attempts to break their will, the palestinians there. gaza are steadfast and the resistance is still fighting, wherever the palestinians are, they are facing the israeli illegal plans and violence and the killing that is everywhere, settlement expansion, judaization attempts and now the israeli plans of eviction and attempts to break the resistance in gaza, the all palestinians are embracing.
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also, amongst the demands of the palestinian protesters is to show the light to the suffering of the thousands of prisoners incarcerated in israeli jails under inhumane condition. in addition to the fact that the israeli regime is using the illegal administrative detention that allows it to keep palestinians behind bars without charge or trial. prisoners are being held under a disastrous situation in israeli jails. 7,300 were detained from the west bank and over 20 from the gaza strip since the 7th of october. and we should not forget that over 4,000 have already been in prisoned before. so we're talking today. about over 11,500 prisoners who are being tortured, humiliated and maltreated. hundreds are in serious health condition and they're facing slow death. with all ours are focused on the gaza strip, israeli regime continues stepping up its
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violence here in the occupied west bank. the israeli forces shot dead four palestinians in separate incidents in al fara refugee camp and to bos town northeast nablis and at masmuria. at checkpoint near bet lahim, bringing the number of palestinians killed in the west bank since the start of the war on gaza to 411. protesters today are stressing that no one is getting used to the israeli genocide in the besieged gaza ship at the time on the regimes atrocities against palestinians in the occupied west bank are on the rise. they say this is the least they can do to express their anger to express their support to their fellow palestinians in gaza and to show them that they are not. bipartisan group of us senators of slam president joe biden's handling of the yemani army's attacks against israely link vessels in the red sea. virginia senator tim cane said the only way to reestablish peace in the
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region of west asia is through humanitarian truce in gaza. kain's stress ramping up attacks against the yemini army is pointless and will only escalate ongoing tensions. senators also questioned joe biden's authority in conducting military action against the arab country. they said, according to the us constitution, biden had no legal right to initiate any act of war against yemen, and should first have sought congressional approval. yemani forces have targeted over two dozen israeli linked vessels in the red sea since israel began its genocide in gaza, on the 7th of october, us has conducted extensive air strikes against the country's major city. in response, sover says operations will continue until israel stops its onslot on gaza and lifts its siege. iran's foreign minister has called for creation of a un fact finding mission to
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probe israely war crimes in gaza, saying the world body as risk of being discredited for inaction. the iranian minister made the remarks in a meeting with the un rights chief volkler turk in geneva, he said, "un rights council can move to probe israely war crimes and then prosecute criminals." iranian minister said systematic violations of human rights in gaza have caused the cat. catastrophe of the century, the un rights chief found that he will keep up efforts to help ease the humanitarian crisis in gaza and promote peace stressing the need for a political solution to end the war. and earlier press tv's gisu misha ahmady joined us to brief us on emmy abdullah hyan's meetings in geneva. it has actually been a trip jam pack. with meetings um since we arrived in geneva, the foreign minister has
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held lots of bilateral meetings accounting up until now 12 bilateral meetings were held uh in the room that i'm standing right now, the farm minister uh did address three different sessions, as you mentioned, one of them was the high-level meeting of the human rights council, yesterday there was a disarmament meeting and also a sideline event. where representatives that was from um almost all the countries around the world were present there rallying support for palestine, the people in gaza and of course demanding immediate ceasefire and the iranian farm minister was one of the uh the first speakers to address that session and also there was the saudi arabian foreign minister the farm minister of egypt and it was interesting to see these countries also coming together in order to form a united front demanding for
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immediate cease fire and of course to alleviate the situation of the palestinians, so considering the fact that the foreign minister has also held meetings with the head the icrc, with antonio gutieresh himself, the un secretary general, and of course today with the high commissioner of human rights, well this... definitely means something and that last meeting in particular uh media was not allowed to attend, but uh by the looks of things and the way these meetings are going on uh, we are very hopeful that some kind of concrete action in support of palestinians will come out of it. iran once again condemns israel's frequent attacks on syrian civilians and infrastructure as blame violation of international law, the ongoing israeli
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missile attack on civilians and civilian infrastructure further complicate the situation in syria, interrupt humanitarian activities and disrupt humanitarian accesses, we strongly condemn the israeli regime for such blatant violations. europan was addressing un security council. meeting a situation in west asia, he lambassed the presence of foreign forces in syria saying they exploit the country as safe haven to carry out their heinous acts of terrorism. he further censured the west unilateral sanctions against syria, which he said only hinders access the most needed humanitarian aid. anti-iran slams, germany is anti-iran comment. at the un human rights council as feudal attempt to cover up berlin's support for the israeli regime's ongoing bloodshed in
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gaza. iranian foreign ministry spokesperson naser canani also censured berlin's indifference to israel's gross violations of human rights. he said that germany's claim to defend human rights is bitter irony given country's notorious record of all out support for human rights violators such as the regime of former iraqi dictator saddam hussein during eight years of war against iran. keanany said german authorities only use human rights as a tool to interfere in other countries domestic matters, at the same time while boosting their economy by scaling of arms sales to war zones. the iranian official noted the disastrous conditions in gaza and the west bank and alarming situation of palestinians in rafa is clear proof of the failure of such false claiments.
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iran is preparing to hold two major elections this friday, nation will go to the polls to choose members of parliament and assembly of experts into separate elections, nearly 15,0 candidates are competing this year, a record number since victory of the islamic revolution, 45 years ago, reports from tehran. iranian people are preparing for the friday's elections in which they will vote. for their representatives in parliament and assembly of experts, thousands of candidates including women and the young generation are vying for the seats. nearly 15,000 candidates are running for the election. of these candidates 12% are women and 63% belong to the young generation, which includes young
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activists aged between 30 and 50 years old. islami also mentioned different political... all of the country's political spectrums including principalists, reformists and independents are among the candidates, a close contest is on the way among them in the country's different zones and cities. according to the law, the parties can support a list of candidates as well as introducing their intended candidates. in the meantime, 200 local channels have. the irib has launched 200 local channels and the candidates can use them for their campaigns as well as the radio and social media. nearly 40 elections have been held in iran since the 1979 islamic revolution, which is a symbol of people's power and presence in the country's
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sensitive occasions. iranians across the country will participate in the election. as they see choosing their representatives both in the parliament and assembly of experts as a duty to maintain the basis of religious democracy in their country.uri on press tvran. in our news review program we discussed significance that elections have had in iran since the victory of the islamic revolution. uh, you're watching press tv news, time now for the news review. all right, now time now to allow me to invite a couple of guests to ask for their insight in this issue, so let me invite masud chajara political commentator and also hamid glamzada political commentator both in tehran. welcome
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to the show, gentlemen. let's begin with this uh special uh status and significance. that elections have had in iran uh after the victory of the islamic revolution, the leader 40 elections have been held after the victory the islamic revolution, this is the 13th, i believe, the election for the parliament if i'm not mistaken, and first of all, what does this large number uh signif, and do you believe that this time around the elections that way have around the corner on friday, uh, are they kind of more important than the previous ones at this juncture? "well, i think every every election is important, but overall is the whole process, the fact that this has been going on for so long, and the fact that this has been established, the democracy, the religious democracy has been established in iraq, and it become part and
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puzzle of expectation of the people as a means of bringing change. moving forward, now excuse me, now the the important aspect is that all the opponents of iran which are initiated by the western powers, by the israelis, by the americans and you know the the pro so callalled show and so forth, they don't want democracy, they don't want democracy in iran, they don't want democracy in the whole region, and the... fact of the man is that the only democracy in the region ie in iran has come despite all the opposition by the american by the israelis and so forth. i mean, it's very clear and the the nature of the opposition to the to the islamic republic and you just have to look at
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the gatherings of the zionis supporting the genocide. "and you see the elements of the show supporters, elements of opposition and saying that they are in partnership with the genocidal establishment of thesignist state, so really these people have got no morality, no legitimacy, and indeed they want to destroy not just islamic republic but the empowerment of the people in iran, and i think..." not just iranians should celebrate this sort of opportunity and a position of the establishment of the... democracy, religious democracy in iran, but i think the whole region needs to celebrate it, because it shows that despite the the will of the
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united states and the west who want to keep dictatorships in place in the region and everywhere else, people do have the ability to rise up and empower themselves, and so every time i think people are not just voting for. their future, but they're actually voting for alternative to the dictatorship that surrounds this picture. okay, so much time, let me ask, ham another question, ham, we have one minute, if you could tell us about the turnout, it's been so large in iran uh all around, compared to some countries like the western let's say states claiments of human rights and democracy, maybe 30% tornado is a big one, when you uh look at the statistics in some european countries and else around. world, but in iran is always been much greater than that, why? because the islamic teachings actually and the basics of
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the islamic republic is is based on educating people, empowering people and letting people to know more and be more political, so the islamic establishment wants people more political and more active in their own destiny and their own country and their own politics and everything. so it tries to let people speak, let the people vote and let people know and discuss, but on the other side of the story, the liberal democracy or let's say the capitalist capitalist liberal democracy is something that wants people inactive and they want just a group of elits to rule the countries and the rest of the people and the public be only serving those allies, so they don't want them to be aware the politics. don't want to be very well informed about anything, any political issues and such things, so that is the main difference and that's why the islamic republic insis on on people to turn out to
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participate in the voting, even if they don't accept the islamic republic, even if they are angry with for example with the government or some policies and some things, again the their destiny should be decided that the b pops and by the voting, which is democrating and correct way of using the vote of people. okay, appreciate the inside. masud shajar and the political commentators both in tehran. thank you. i should also thank our viewers for watching this episode of the news review on prece tv. welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news, anti-muslim hate speech more than doubled across india last year amit
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accusations of islamophobic tendencies against prime minister narendra modi's party, the bjp. a research group says the incidents mostly took place in states governed by the ruling hindu nationalist party. manowar zaman, how's your story? as india prepares for the world's largest elections in few months, a research group has recorded alarming spike in anti-muslim hate speech across the country. the us-based india hate lab said hate speech rose by 62% in the second half of 2023 in india compared to the first six months of the year. the states were most anti-muslim hate speeches were recorded on maharashtra, uttar pradesh and madhya pradesh. consider the biggest water bases. of prime minister narendra modi's hindu nationalist bharatiya janata party, other states governed by bjp were not immune either, it's actually all about the
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elections, as the ruling party want to retain the power, they don't want to lose this election, they are frustrating the largest muslim community and the minority has become easy tool, they are distracting people from actual crisis the country is facing and for them provoking the religious sentiments of the people. though hate speeches and targeting of muslims have become election winning issue, especially for large political parties like bjp. india lab says it compiled date of incidents reported by indian media and tracked online activity of hindu nationalist groups. in recent months, a similar research group, the hindutwa watch, was blocked in india by a controversial information technology act, critics accused the ruling party of failing to address. growing incidents of violence and hate campaigns against the muslim community. they alledge modi's ruling party of sigmatizing critics, using laws and enforcement agencies
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while distracting people from real issues facing the country, basically the present government who is at the center of the country, basically they don't have any issue related to the people, they don't have developmental agenda, so they think that to divide the country on on the basis of hindu and muslims and to popularize the hindus that that the best tool is hate speeches, unfortunately all the people those are giving head speaches, they are all related to. as the largest minority group in india, muslims have long been facing social, political and economic marginalization. rights groups say india's ruling party, bjp in recent years have also adopted various laws and policies that have legitimized violence against minorities. the groups alleged that mistreatment of muslims and other minority groups have grown exponentially under prime minister modi who assumed office in 2014 and
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is widely. to retain power after the 2024 elections. elections are usually a thrilling experience for any democracy which experts describe as a phase of transition for nation's future in the right direction. observers say in india, it's all about patronizing the majority by polarizing the voters and religion plays a key role. they say the ruling parties newly enacted laws related to the minorities are turning detrimental for india's secular credentials. munovar zaman, press tv, new delhi. and that's it for your latest on press tv. everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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palestine has risen from the ashes, the nation has gone a long way in its struggle against the occupation regime of israel, from throwing stones to flying drones. iran's decades long support in this arduous journey,
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the pres coverage of... assassination of bsimmani now entering its uh uh fourth day, we're looking at -
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last september, the 22nd shanghai cooperation. organization summit successfully concluded in the uzbek city of samarqand with a formal inclusion of iran as a permanent member of the organization. a major step for tehran the membership was however belittle by critics as a move of merely symbolic significance that would bring no benefits in the country's economic sectors given the security-based nature of the organization on the one hand and bevy of sanctions on the islamic republic of iran on the other hand. now, few months into iran's official membership in the sco, has the country had any improvement in its economy, or as predicted by some political pondants, was it useless for tehran in pragmatic terms.