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of as well as target aerial surveillance space in the operagali region with 40 rockets, and this target being deeper inside the occupied territories this time. the attack was in of response to the monday israeli strike on the lebanyese city of balback that left two civilians dead. the resistance group has also shot down an israeli drone over southern lebanon. as well and israel have been engaged in clashes since the israeli regime launched its genocidal war on gaza early october. mean time true stocks are also ongoing. in the
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katatari capital over the genocidal war in gaza, so what's the future holding for gaza, what is the hezballah israeli conflict heading for? welcome to the spotlight, i'm your host najafi, and these are our guests in this edition of the program. elijah magneer, journalists and polica analyts is joining us from brussels. also with us will be marsman, journalist analyst and and host our press of stream program out of beirot, now let me welcome both my guests to the show, beginning with elijah, this genocidal war that the israeli regime has waged the elijah on gaza has impacted the region, it has kind of a spread, you know that resistance fighters have not been sitting id, they have been performing their own ritalation operations, now uh we're talking about the hezbollah in
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this episode more, hezbollah is one of them, and it seems that uh some analysts maintain that even if the war and gaza stops the tension between tel aviv and hisbollah could linger on, do you agree with that, and if so, where could that end up in? uh, thank you for having me, sure, i'm not sure that israel can afford to see the war continuing on the lebanese borders because of... hisbollah capability that has manifested in the last four and a half months and we have seen how hisbollah gradually used sophisticated missiles, drones, heavy rockets and prove the capability of selecting specific and precise military targets all along the 100 to 110 kilometers all along the lebanese borders.
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moreover, we have seen also drones going more than 90 kilometers inside palestine, the bypassing even ha, and we have seen how the hezbullah bombarded the golan hight, safad and other targets, showing that it can keep up with the israeli challenge. however, what has been introduced recently was the anti-air missiles that drove the israeli totally out of their balance when the drone the hermes 450 that can fly up to 20 thousand feet was down by the hizbullahi anti- air unit. this is why hizbullah is showing its military capability and is hiding even much more the hizbullah started the war and hizbullah is saying. that is ready to fit. israelis are
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only saying that they will continue if the diplomatic um mediation has failed or will fail in convincing hizbullah to stop the war. therefore it is always conditioned with an element that the israelis are making sure they offer it to the audience that they really don't want to engage in all-out war immediately and have a... this option even if they have instructed their people that the war will last until the beginning of the month of august. okay now of course there is this division among the israeli officials, we know about that, and we have some radical one of like the israely war minister ufgallan saying that there will be no decline in his words in israely action against hisbollar even if the seas fire is agreed upon in gaza and we'll talk about seas fire later in the show so uh do you share the same view uh as
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elijah? uh talking about um what is happening, especially what you are gallant said, i think we've heard yaf gallant say the same. thing and the first cease fire that i was announced in the war on gaza, i think it was the first after the first month and a half, and i think that it was not necessarily message towards his own people as much as it was some sort of message towards the internal lebanese society by trying to threaten them not to go back to their houses in the event that there was a season. fire uh announced because even if it's fire gets hold of lebanon as well after it gets hold of gaza uh the uh zianist israeli settlers will not go back to their settlements and the reason why is that they have made it clear that they will not go back even if sess fire is made
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with lebanon because they uh don't feel safe this is what they are saying so yuavgaland is trying somehow to uh keep also the lebanese border. out of uh, keeping the lebanese people out of the lebanese border as well, because he knows very well, even if the seasfire takes place, the israeli settlers are not going back, they are demanding a conclusive truth, some sort of a peace plan with lebanon, or else they will not return, and we have heard lot of issues, lot of issues being discussed about this matter over the fact that there are some political people being sent to intermediate in lebanon, especially from the united states of america, telling hisbollah that there might be some sort of a political solution that they might reach with designist entity, a political one rather than a military one, and hazbullah said that repeats what they keep saying,
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repeats what we heard hasan nasallah say since the beginning of the war on gaza up until now that hisbullah will stop when the war on gaza stops and say hasan nasallah in his last speech he made it clear that, "in the event of seasfire in gaza, hisbollah will stop fire, but if designist entity continues to fire, hisbollah will file equally in a deterned manner, the same manner that we have been seeing. yes, it has been escalating, but at very, very slow pace, but at the end of the day it is being confined to certain areas, to certain targets and not getting involved, for example with the capital or with major residential areas, despite the fact that zinis israel always bombards." resid the residential areas and claims that it is targeting depos when in reality and after the lebanese authorities investigate they find that they are either privately owned companies or residential areas where literal lebanese civilians were just living with their families there okay now uh elijah
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lebanese resistance fighters you have mainly targeted israeli military positions but you see that the israeli regime has targetted resident. areas in lebanon and causing the death of number of civilians there, so it's not only the gaza strip that you see, this is disregard is everywhere for civilian lives, no matter where, now you see this also noticeable in lebanon, because israel are careless about civilian lives, we have seen how little importance they give to the geneva convention and to the international laws in gaza, they have... done that in the past against lebanon, in the many previous wars. this is why it is not surprising when we see the israelis trying to target the uh lebanese civilians and trying to drag hisbullah into a wider war. this is something that hisbullah
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is very conscientious about and this is why hisbullah is limiting always the fight and the war in support of gaza so the palestinian cause. is always in the center of attention and bringing back the israelies to the same rules of engagement and imposing the terrance on the israelis, even if sometimes what the israeli do is quite painful when they kill civilians that are supposed to be spared, but at the end of the day the world is dealing with the most immoral army in the world, and we have seen how the israelis are behaving. have behaved in the past and are behaving today in palestine, so i am not surprised for to see this behavior of the israelis and trying always to hit those who are the weakest in any war, right, and mar, lots of
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people have been displaced from both sides of the border, especially from the israeli side, thousands of people have been displaced in this exchange of fire between the two sides. and the iof and i remember chief warning the telaviv regime just recently, maybe a couple of weeks back that if they take further... steps and if they move toward further escalation uh will do something so that the you know israelis have to be actually forced to evacuate maybe two million israel close to the border so i want to ask you uh do you would you expect this in any way to turn into a full fledged war and if that happens who would be the loser at the end of today um that was i think the only option uh "this might end up being a full-fledged war is directly related to the preliminary results
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the us elections, it has nothing to do whatsoever with what the israelis want or can do, because if it's only about the israeli capability, it is definitely a no, the answer to your question would be no, but we have to look at it from a wider angle, if the biden administration is not going to be able to stop donald trump from..." turning to power, i think the us might go ahead and in order to try and use code 606 for their own country, which means stopping the elections because of major war that might take place that would end up having the united states of america get involved, then yes, the answer to your question would be yes, but at the moment reading what's happening looking at the regional politics, the international politics and the us politics and also diving into the... internal israeli politics when you see how the protests against netanyahu and the war cabinet in general is escalating, people
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are going back to the streets same as they did before the war, because if you remember they were in the streets for like 54 to 56 weeks trying to get rid of the netanyahu government because of the reform plans that they wanted to impose on their judicial system. now we are seeing a return to the protest not with the same intensity, but it is being said that in the event that is f. happens, we will see protest in the streets the same way we did before, so that's a more pressure on the israeli government to stop the war, so if it is only according to the variables that are found inside of the israeli entity, the answer is definitely not. okay, now let's now take a glance of the situation in the gaza strip and related developments there, kattery form ministry spokesman sari says that doha is optimistic that the deal on the seas fire will be achieved before ramadan. and also we have us president joe biden uh hoping that this will happen by next monday, but i'm also speaking
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of uh uh some big gaps to be bridged before a deal is reached uh, is deal around the corner in your opinion? i think the seas fire is something that everybody wants at the moment, but what benyamin netanyahu is trying to do is to bring a goat in a farm at the last moment. because he feels in a strong position and he feels by starving the population, by continuing the bombardment in gaza, even if he has not achieved any of the declared objectives at the beginning of the war, he can twist the arms of the palestinian resistance, because he doesn't care about the 136 israeli prisoners, so what he's trying to do is he's trying to accommodate the american at the same time the families of the prisoners by releasing a small number, there
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been a talk about 40 prisoners to be released in exchange of a certain number of palestinian prisoners that has not been agreed upon yet, but at the same time it is important to keep the muslims away from fighting during the month of ramadan that will end also by the beginning of the jewish feast. that would last for seven days on the 22nd of april, so this kind of combination, it is suitable for the israelis and for the palestinians to breathe a little bit and to have less bombardment a daily basis against the civilians, allow the civilians to go and see what happened to their beloved one or if they can find something still standing or perhaps have more humanitarian aid, because the israel has been violating the icj order
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and the international laws and committing war crimes and crimes against humanity by denying the population, the basic service, basic need to survive and denying them water, food and electricity, so for that i think it the problem are the details of the deal, and netanyahu is trying... to squeeze as much as possible, to give less concession and to offer himself as a good negotiator to his people, and at the same time time plan to continue the war on gaza after the seasfire now marwan, you know that natan has also threatened to launch this military assault on rafa, and you now what the situation is rafa like, more than million palestinians have been forced into displacement there and some them are being starved to death, another weapon that unfortunately israel is using,
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apart from all those us made weapons and all that that they are using against them, they're also being starved to death dying. some preventable diseases, so uh, netanyahu is just saying that the attack on rafa will happen, definitely, that's for sure, and a possible uh cease fire deal would only postpone it, so let's have your assessment of the situation, i think that he means it, and i think that the biden administration uh, despite the fact that they keep saying that they don't like it, they would see a catastrophe coming out of it, or that they have - many times asked the israeli entity not to harm any civilians while the arafah operation is underway, they did not tell the israeli entity, they're not allowed to initiate any sort of ground invasion or air invasion against rafah, which means that the united states of america actually gave the green light for such horrific operation that
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might end up in a second vase of the genocide that we witnessed before, and we are still... witnessing massacres that come out of this genocide, so i think that - if there is something that would stop nethaniahu, it would have to be some sort of internal pressure or elevated resistance coming from palestine and specific and the access of resistance by default, but if netanyahu is to break the ceasefire, which is also a possibility, because we saw how the the first part of the paris talks just went down the drain because... netanyahu felt like it and decided that he wants to finish off with khan units and probably start something in rafah but was then stopped by the americans for the sol purpose of uh approaching ramadan and what ramadan means the holy month of ramadan means for all muslims and especially the muslims of palestine who would go and pray in alaksa and not allowing them or continuing the genocide during the month would only
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elevate and escalate the situation against the entire axis of resistance, but in case netanyahu decides to break... the ceasfire or wait till until the ceasfire, which supposedly according to uh certain sources coming from egypt and qatar that it would be around 45 to 50 days, if he's going to wait 45 to 50 days and then relaunch that attack on rafaah, i think the first thing that he would be doing is pushing the uh current displaced people, the refugeees raffah north either to gaza or northern than that, but under the condition that he's been st. several times right now, whether in the scientis media or elsewhere, that he will not allow men to go with the women and the children and the elderly, so i think what we saw in the northern part of gaza where the israeli entity occupation forces entered forcefully with merkava and what not to basically just incarcerate everyone there, including the paramedics and the doctors and
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nurses and everyone involved in helping directly helping the civilians will happen again. and rafah and he might take advantage of this 40 to 50 days truth to uh maybe let off some of the civilians who will either accept going back to the north under certain conditions or completely leaving into the sinai desert and either way it's a catastrophe it's a second neckba for the palestinian people okay elijah how do you look at this what's going to become of rafa? i don't think the uh israelis can afford not to oc by rafa, because benyamin netanyahu have said already that he has still four hamas battalion to deal with in the area of frafa, however he needs to look after the 1979 um camp david agreement with the egyptians, because he's not allowed to put more than four battalions on the borders with
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egypt, that will require a lot of effort, international effort. and pressure from the americans, nevertheless, the resistance can never be defeated, because we have seen how he claim to have occupied the north and occupied the middle, but occupying is something and controlling something else. the resistance is still bombarding the israeli settlement from the north, the israelis are still uh bombing the north with artillery and airplane, which means that this there is a still significant resistance in the north and he is still engaged in kanyunis, therefore everything he's saying is just to keep the battle as long as possible, allowing him to sort of... about his domestic affairs and make sure that there is no strong appetite for very early election where he is going to
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be accountable for all the mistakes that he did according to the israeli society on the 7th of october and also the corruption charges, therefore it is not a promenade that is going to go to rafah because the palestinian resistance is still strong, moreover the... national community, although they are finding excuses for israel, saying you need to displace 1.5 million internally displaced palestinians from rafah, it is not that easy to send an army operating on the ground with so many civilians around, even if he doesn't care a lot about civilians, so between what he's saying and what he can do, there is still a huge gap, and this is why this is fire. will allow him to reorganize himself or perhaps something new can be presented during the time of the sease fire when longer negotiation can be presented and
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available and that can relieve both sides. okay, that's all the time we have. let me thank my guests elia magnier, journalist and analyst in brussels, mar journalist, public analyst and my colleague at press tv in beirot. and thank you for watching this edition of the spot. i'll see you next time. a damming report indicates that deaths from terrorism in africa have skyrocketed more than 10000 percent during the so-called us war on terra. the study by the african center for strategic studies reveal. that during 2002 and 2003 when the us was just beginning its decades long war, total of just nine terrorist attacks were counted throughout all of africa, leading to only 23 casualties, but
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after two decades of us intervention in africa with a purported aim of helping the continent in counter terrorism, deaths from takfiri violence in africa increased to 23,322 last year reaching a record level of lethal violence, so what exactly are us troops doing in africa if they're not fighting terrorists as they claim.
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we must not become part of south africa's problem. we must remain part of their solution. we must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions, our favorites in south africa. damn it, we have favorites in south africa.
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the favorites in south africa are the people who are being. depressed by that ugly white regime, we have favorites. i also want to say a word about the situation in israel, the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes. more than one thous, 1,ous innocent lives lost including at least 27 americans. these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil. i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake of... about it, stands with israel. united states stands with israel.
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in this week's show we'll be shining light on the influence of an ultraasionist sect known as khad and the israeli intelligence agency shinbet has said that the vast majority of these people involved in these attacks are uh linked to um you know this extremist faction based in the yita uh settlement in particular there's actually a khabad linked uh yashiva jewish seminary in that settlement. in the case of palestinians, that the key question is, will they grow up to challenge us in the future? of course something which you can't tell about it, baby, but nevertheless, they can tell and they can tell that any palestinian baby is a threat to them in the future, and they can be engaged regardless of whether you're trying to kill their parents or not, you can just kill the babies by themselves and this is the depths of the horror of of the the philosophy and the ideas of this sex.
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you're press of headlines a senior un official warns, at least a quarter of gaza's population is just one step away from famine amid israel's genocide in the territory, us senator. questioned president joe biden's strategy to deal with yemen's anti-israely operations saying it is useless and not conforming to the country's constitution and tehran slams germany's anti-iran writes allegations as feudal effort to hide berlin's support for israeli occupation and genocide in gaza.