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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 29, 2024 10:30am-11:02am IRST

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the headlines iran successfully launches yet another domestically built research satellite into space. two major hospitals in northern gaz has stopped services due to fuel and of equipment shortages as israel's onslot takes its tool on the health sector and a german naval frigate mistakenly opens fire on an american mq9 reaper drone over the red sea. hello and welcome everybody uh it's 10:30 am here in the iranian capital tehran you're watching press tv's world news our top story for this half hour iran has launched yet another home grown satellite. as a country
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aims to bridge the gap with other nations and the race for space dominance. главное - подъём. контакт подъёма. двигатели центрального и боковых блоков пошли на режим. 10 секунд. 20 секунд. двигатели первый. of the new satellite parce one aboard soyuse launch vehicle was blasted off from a russian space space and successfully put into orbit 500 km above earth. the imaging and research satellite will provide set of remote sensing data that can be used in various fields including land forest, water monitoring and mining and energy transmission lines. the domestically made satellite weighs 150 kilograms. and is capable of capturing images
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of 95% of iranian territory. this is the second foreign launch of iranian satellite. last year iran launched khayam sunlight from the space launching pad in kazakhstan. iran is among the world's top 10 countries capable of developing and launching satellites. our correspondent farzaner asuron who's present at iran's base research institute during the satellite launch from a russian base told us more about the country's achievements in this field. actually this satellite is called pars one, it's an emerging satellite, it's a research one and uh actually it's a research measurement satellite and which is designed and constructed as i mentioned by the young scientists and unian scientists, and this
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launch was announced uh by iran's communication uh minister zarapur yesterday uh noting that uh this actually launch is in order to develop international interactions and to develop the uh international relations between the two countries between iran and uh russia and we know that this launch is um happening despite the unilateral with. sanctions and we know that this is not the actually the first time that iran uh has uh done such thing and has launched a satellite uh more than 11 times this uh actually uh proud moment uh has happened and last month what i can tell about uh the history of these kind of activities that iran has last month iran successfully put into orbit three home-gown satellites uh uh with a minimum of
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450 kilometers and maximum of 1,100 km above the earth's surface and as i can see people are still here and watching this uh proud moment and uh uh we're all proud. in iran, candidates vying for seats in parliament and the assembly of experts have wrapped up their election campaigns. millions of iranians will be heading to the polls on friday to cast their ballots for the 290 member parliament and 88 seat assembly of experts. iran's interior ministry says over 15,00 candidates are competing in the parliament. elections this year a record, since the victory of the islamic revolution in 1979, the iranian legislative body called madlis is elected for four-year term, hundreds of candidates are also in the fray for the assembly of experts, deliberative body elected for eight years in his recent speech, the leader of islamic
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revolution, called for a massive voter turn out for elections, which he described as the main pillar of the islamic republic. israel's onsot on the gaza strip is now in its 146th day as a regimes indiscriminate strikes kill more civilians in central and southern parts the territory. israeli air strikes kill these six palestinians in town near khanyunes. casualties were also reported following the israeli bombardment of a residential block in the saidat refugee camp in central gaza. meanwile gaza's health sector remains a main target for israely strikes he allowed hospital in northern gaza. has stopped its services due to severe shortage of fuel and medical supplies. camel hospital, which was the last hospital in service in northern gaza, has also stopped working after shutdown of its electric generator. the israeli genocide has so far killed nearly 30,000
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gazons leaving over 70, and 300 others injured. well, the us managed his rady. side of war continues to take innocent lives and leave a trail of destruction in the gaza, strip israel's bombing and shelling campaign since october the seventh has turned a large part of gaza into rubble. the spokesman for the gaza health ministry gives us details about the catastrophic situation in the besieg territory. the estimated casualties of the israeli aggression stand that approximately 30,000 martters and over 70,500 injuries. this points to a system. dramatic policy with israeli occupation of committing genocide in the gaza strip, further more this aligns with reports indicating the disappearance of 1000 individuals, 70% of these marters are children and women, in addition to nearly 10% of the marters being elderly, therefore the israeli occupation is
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carrying out a clear process of executing families, there are thousands of families that have been completely annihilated, they are 30,00 marters. "i don't know what the israelis want from us and why they killed this number. it is a genocide, a genocide of the palestinian people. this is what i see, a genocide, who bombs a tower on civilian residents, including women and children. we've never witnessed such number before. i'm 52 years old and i've lived through many wars, including the 82 war which we heard about when we were young, as well as the first and second into phasas. the number of 30,00 murders. has never been reached in such a short period, four months, five months, the interfaza lasted for years, yet this number wasn't reached nor was the number of injuries, the goal here is killing, not just displacement, but murder and extermination, this has become a genocide unlike anything
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we've ever seen, everyone is suffering inside these towns, we're dying slowly in addition to high cost of living and the people enduring pain, we are suffering greatly, we have been displaced about 100 times. this just in uh lebanon's islamic resistance says that it is targeted israeli military site in jalal alam and uh southern lebanon we're going to keep you posted on the details of that story and much more as we get it for you right here on press tv continuing with the news the israeli regime is using starvation as a weapon against palestinians and its genocidal war on the gaza strip now palestinian health officials see six children have died to severe malnutrition and dehydration in northern gaza, according to medical sources, four infants in camalaan hospital and two others in alshifa medical complex have died of malnutrition. seven other infants at camalad one hospital are in critical condition. last week the global
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nutrition cluster documented a steep rise and malnutrition among children as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women in gaza. nearly 21 weeks of israeli military aggression has made food and safe water incredibly scarce compromising women and children's nutrition and causing a surge of acute malnutrition. the un humanitarian office says the entire population of gaza faces the crisis or worse levels of and security, israel's relentless bombings of the gaza strip and an obstacle taid delivery have left palestinians without food and other essentials. the un has also warned that a quarter of gaza's population is just a step away from famine, the lack of food is forced a displaced family eat cactus leaves to survive. let's take a listen to their horroring narratives. today we are living in famon, we have exhausted everything, there is nothing left eat, we used to eat a plant
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called mallow, it no longer exists, there used to be carrot and that is gone, there is nothing left in the markets, so we resorted to the last option, the cactus, we eat cactus even with it sorns, we even feed the young children cactus, a little girl is eating cactus instead of milk, instead of meat instead of eggs, today we can still find cactus, in a week the cactus will no longer be available and we will leave on nothing, we will become dead, i in approximately one month and i have a photo, have lost some 30 kilograms this month, one month, i have lost 30 kilograms, why? because there is no food, this is our food now in the northern casa strip, there is nothing else, everything is gone, there is nothing left. there is nothing, i have newborn babies, what should i feed them? they have become anemic, they have
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contracted due to lack of food and nutrition, so now we are eating cactus, i also ate from it, i ate cactus, i had cactus for lunch, we thank god there is nothing left for us eat, palestinian fighters keep putting stiff resistance to israely forces and gases fighting on the ground rages on. the military wing of the hamas resistance movement says it is targeted a group of israeli soldiers in gaza city with mortars, the kassamb brigade says it also shelled israelly armored vehicles there. meanwhile fighting continued in the southern city of hannines where the palestinian islamic jihad movement says its fighters hit an israeli markava tank as well as a military bull. israel has so far confirmed the killing of 243 of its troopers since the regime launched a ground invasion
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of gaza in late october. palestinian groups say the regime is intentionally hiding the real number of casualties among its forces to avoid the israeli public anger. and a german naval frigate taking part in a european mission in the red sea has mistakenly opened fire on an american mq9 reaper drone nearly shooting it down. according to german media, the frigate fired two missiles at the drone. but both crashed into the sea because of a technical defect. germany's defense ministry has confirmed the incident which took place on monday. it said the friget open fire after efforts to identify an unknown drone were unsuccessful and none of germany's allies reported a drone in the area. the frigate was deployed to the red c as part of an eu mission to allegedly secure international shipping from attacks by yemen's army. during past months yemen's armed forces have launched numerous attacks on israel linked ships and support. the palestinian people in gaza. iraq is moving forward to and the us
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led international coalition mission in the country. the growing anti-us sentiment in the nation has led the government to push the coalition for a timetable for the withdrawal of its troops from iraq. salim has the report from baghdad. as a result of a broad consensus in iraq to end the presence of us led international coalition forces from the country. both the iraqi nation and government made it crystal clear that these military forces are no longer needed. iraqi national security advisor khasim stated that all political factions in the country have agreed on the need to end the presence of us-led military coalition proportedly formed to fight terrorist group. today we're witnessing the negotiation with the international coalition forces and honestly what makes us the iraqi people exasperated is the insistance by the u.s. to keep its troops on our land to have an intervention in the military scene of iraq and neighboring syria.
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iraqi prime minister muhammad sudani stated that the western alliance mission will end at the baghdad government's official request. he also said that the government is setting a date for the start of bilateral committee talks which includes representatives of the military coalition to put arrangements to and the presence of international coalition forces in iraq permanently. we have. relected more than 100 signatures and prepared the legal draft to end the international coalition mission in iraq, and we pledge before god to our people that we will enact the law to expel the foreign forces from our land. the demands to end us military presence in iraq are not new after washington's assassination of top iraqi and iranian anti-terror commanders general qasim sulaymani and abu mahdi muhandis four years ago, iraqi parliament voted to expel foreign forces who can endanger security and stability in iraq and jeopardize civil peace. following the recent attacks on anti-terror
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forces and the continued violations on the country's sovereignty, the iraqi nation and government are not. determined to end the presence of four military forces to prevent any further escalations that can endanger the stability and security of iraq. muslim salim press tv, baghdad. also, south korean civil groups this week demand and end to massive us south korea war games called freedom shield, which are scheduled to begin on march the 4th and run through march 14th. they argue that the intensification of this year's us south korea drills will. further heighten uh tension and increase the risk of conflict with the dprk. for press cb correspondent frank smith reports from the south korean capital so. the us and south korea wednesday announced they will conduct large-scale joint military drills beginning next week to run for 11 days. the us said the drills are
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routine. these exercises, they're nothing do. these are the same exercises that we've been doing for. decades. the drills have previously been suspended to improve relations with the dprk, but current southgreen president has resumed the drills as part of a hardline policy against pyongyang, which is opposed by many south koreans. administration and the u.s. south korea, japan alliance must immediately cease all hostile military actions on and around the korean peninsula and resume the korean peninsula peace process by with. drawing its hostile policy toward north korea. activists war military exercises can also generate miscalculations in accidents. isn't military training itself preparing for war because we are aware of the danger that may occur. we are opposed to military training because such training conducted in our country could lead to a crisis that could even lead to a war if we make a mistake. south korea had at least
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two missile failures under president new with one rocket crashing near a residential. much the south green public appears not to worry about the dprk and the security risk the provocative us south korea drills involve, but it is there in the back of everyone's minds. this feeling of risk of conflict with the dprk even causes south korean stocks to be undervalued, so-called korea discount. in the past two years, especially the us and south korea have increased the number. and scale of weapons deployed to the korean peninsula, including nuclear capable planes and ships. activists call for dialogue. hostile policies against north korea and armed protest only deep in the vicious cycle and can never be solution. peace through force is fiction. negotiations and improved relations for peaceful coexistence are the
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only realistic and correct ways to resolve the issue. the us has said it will negotiate with. without conditions, yet stipulating us led un sanctions over the dprk's nuclear and missile programs must remain. frank smith, press tv, soul. and a virtual exhibition dubbed iran and 100 years of multilateralism has opened in geneva highlighting iran's efforts as an active member of international organizations of the past century. has more celebrating iran's efforts and the evolution. of its multilateral cooperation over the past century, the virtual exhibition of images, documents and videos entitled iran in 100 years of multilateralism, looks at key milestones and achievements of iran as an active member in international organizations, illustrating them with rarely seen historical
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photos, documents and contemporary visuals. the idea of setting up exhibition like this one was proposed about seven months ago, the main objective was to create a reliable source for research purposes. however, when we started collecting information and documents, we realized that the role that iran has played in international organizations has been so significant that it deserves to be presented to the public. this is also in line with around president ibrahim risy's approach. multilateral. ism is very important, it is the only way to circumvent us sanctions. our people should be united and i'm pleased to see that iran is promoting multilateralism. bricks is a symbol of this new policy giving the global south. voice. this comes as the foreign minister has just wrapped up two-day trip to geneva, packed with bilateral meetings, not only with his
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counterparts from different countries from around the world, discussing issues of bilateral concern, but also with high ranking officials in the united nations, including un secretary general antonio gutieresh, the high commissioner for human rights and president the international committee of the red cross. icrc, all in line with rallying support for palestinians under constant israeli attacks. i'm here in geneva to reiterate iran's stance on the current developments. our government's policy is based on creating a network of cooperation and promoting multilateralism, because we believe this is the best way to overcome the challenges that we are facing. meanwhile, iran's foreign minister used the opportunity to draw attention to israel's long history of unlawful behavior during the un conference on disarmament. the iranian
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foreign minister called on the international community to demand the immediate nuclear disarmament of the israeli regime, and the special high-level meeting held on the sidelines of the 55th session of the un human rights council on the dire humanitarian situation in gaza. once again highlighted iran's role as a country that prioritizes multilateral cooperation. kisum shah ahmadi, press tv, geneva. that's a wrap for now, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv. bye everybody. the sun shown to announced the beginning of new day. it was the 13th day of the war on
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the gaza's rap. look at the missile. what did we do to deserve being hit by this? the army bombed the children on the beach and destroyed our houses. they killed children, men. women and old men, i have other place to go, so now my children and i are homeless. it is the israelis habit from ages, they say that children fire rockets. this week on expose, western broadcast media inactively assert that zionist war planes targeted hisbullah weapons depots in southern
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lebanon, whereas they actually struck residential areas. zionist mainstream media miss leadingly report that iran warned hezbulah against provoking a full-scale war with zinus israel, whereas the truth is, us media openly disclosed that a widespread israeli entity campaign against hisbullah is currently undesirable. for the us, and a recent survey indicated that 90% of lebanese citizens squarely placed a blame on the united states of america for zianis israel's ongoing assaults on lebanon and the gaza strip. expose, the truth is just a revelation away.
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housewife and number of other individuals who have refused to abandon their homeland will tell you the answer. this is my land and my country, it is not only the 1948 or 1967 borders from the sea to the river. i am not ready to let go of a centimeter. israel is here like any f by
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the... support of the europe, by the support the united states, that's why they separate the land, well i was at the babbo shams protest last week and i myself had a my head banged against the bus by soldier. this is historical palestine.
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por favor do verdadeiro centro com os o legado da última onda de formalização com fala do ministro fernando das duas forças tarefas propostas pelo presidente que as senhoras e os senhores estão.
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"we must not become part of south africa's problem, we must remain part of their solution. we must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions, our favorites in south africa. damn it, we have favorites in south africa." "the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime. we have favorites. i also want to say word about the situation in israel. the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes. more than one thous, 1,000 innocent lives lost including at least 27 americans. these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil, the symptom be..." beginning, the united states, make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united states stands with israel.
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tonight, on expose, western and israeli entity broadcast media falsely claim that cionist israeli warplanes targeted weapon day post belonging to hisbullah in south lebanon when in reality they targeted residential areas. now zinist mainstream media deceitfully claim that the islamic republic of iran cautioned hizbullah not to spark full-scale war with zionist. israel, when in reality, us media openly reported that a large-scale israeli entity campaign against hezbulah is the last thing the us wants right now, and an opinion poll revealed that 90% of the lebanese hold the united states of america fully.