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tv   Iran Tech Neutron Radiography  PRESSTV  February 29, 2024 9:15pm-9:31pm IRST

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millions of dollars of funding from fracking billionaires, the wilks brothers. the wilks brothers also fund the liberty council, which has a stand with israel campaign where they host netanyahu as a speaker. today, the chief operating officer of the daily wire is john lewis. he is a former intelligence analyst in the us marine core. the daily wire also employed former us military intelligence officer wesley schmitt in customer service. analytics, also the daily wire is funded by cape technologies, whose ceo is israeli intelligence, dovde van unit veteran idol elkman. ben shapiro is another astroturfed racist in the same vein as douglas murray, dispatch to wage psychological warfare to aid the zinus entity and its genocidal war against palestinians and the people of the region. david, i mean talking about ben shapiro there, i mean. what did he actually
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say about the activist rachel cory who was was killed by a zinist thug few years ago, made some offensive comments didn't he about that? he said that she was one of the greatest idiots of the time and uh of course rachel cory is a iconic figure, i mean is that famous video of her as young child talking about wanting to make the world better and then of course she was murdered by the designs, we did a show on her, yes some months ago now, i mean it's just foul and beyond compare, it's a non-violent activist to... was who was essentially murdered by the ziners for nothing and that that's the kind of the that's the level of the debate that we get from someone like bench pero no indeed i think it was subsequently asked if he if he stood by those words and um he kind of doubled down i believe you know yes i mean it's it's fail he's quite a revolting character but anyway jason mean tell us about rachel cory's case will you and and why it's been deemed so offensive but's words have been deemed so offensive? almost you know
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makes you choke i from motion when you talk about rachel cory, i mean as david said she was um somebody who was basically passively standing up against the the israeli regime um to keep her cut a long story short in effect she was she was run over by bulldozer um and the the israeli state claimed that the israeli driver of the buldoza didn't... see her, um, it was the parents then appealed to, unfortunately was the only place that they could go to was the israeli courts arguing that a full extensive investigation was never took place and the decisions were very quickly made about who was responsible, because the israeli state effectively blamed rachel for the outcome, and when it went to the supreme courts and they found in favor of the israeli states and then they appealed it.
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parents appealed it and again the supreme court found in favor of the israeli state, so we've never had a full investigation, we've never been able to identify exactly what happened, and it's led to people being suggest, offering suggestions as to what took place from both sides, which never have happened, because there should have been as a clear investigation that found out exactly who was responsible and why? david, this... character ben shapiro's position at the the david horowitz freedom center was funded by a director of the charity that funds the israeli military, just say a word to will you about this organization, the so-called friends of the idf, well let's remember that the david horivit center is one of the key islamophobic think tanks in the us, part of the what's been called the islamophobic network, of course largely funded by scientists, and unsurprisingly they these the people who fund this. organization, also f
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the friends of the israel defense forces, which of course uh is the us equivalent of the organization we looked at on the show a little while ago, the association for the wellbeing of israel's soldiers, and they send millions of dollars every year to directly to of to the so-called israel defense forces and and that that's that's part of the whole the whole problem with this is that embedded in us culture like there is in uk culture. "there's a massive support for genocide in in palestine and there's there needs to be effective action taken against these kinds of organizations, it's a 5013c non-profit and it it should be closed down there should be no space in us public culture for such an organization indeed. well jason, i mean do you find propagandists like shapiro and amurry actually get lot of traction or indeed any traction with with young people in this country? i think it's..." quite a complicated
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discussion this chris, um, the right, as david has pointed out, have far more resources - and because they have far more resources, they can utilize social media and they can utilize. the different outputs that that exist. also, we tend to live in a society, unfortunately now post-ductory certainly where the level of critical thinking, the level of understanding operates within a very much consumerist society, and also operates within society in which social media obviously has become very much norm, and therefore the attention spans of people, generally, not just young people. um is very much not about being an analytical evaluative, but it's about passing through very, very quickly different different types of stories, so if you're being bombarded by the right-wing voices as opposed to alternative voices, they're the ones that obviously by your your consciousness. um, so
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it's it's a difficult question, because ultimately young people as well when they come to to have an opportunity the ballot box or one of the lowest groups. terms turn out so you don't actually get to see who they vote for, but then of course current climate means that if you vote the conservatives off you vote for is labor that doesn't really give you picture either um so i was say the potential is there for us yes for young people to be captured by certain people have access to multimedia channels across across the board um because of their resources and because also they are offering. simplistic answer, they are offering an emotive answer as opposed to much more complicated answer that the left provide given that these do need complicated, no indeed, although just in terms of the influence on young people uh
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that obviously the got a lot of resources that that you've identified that that they deploy to try to dupe young people i suppose and the population in in general, but just looking at the uh the uh the turnout at the uh pro- palestinian marches around the country, lot of young people taking part is so it's maybe not cutting through maybe as much as they perhaps were doing in the past, do you think? well we certainly hope that's the case, chris, we certainly hope that's the case, um, but until they're given the the democratic freedoms in order to repel their narrative forward, unfortunately it it just just it's demonstrations where young people, especially from urban. areas yeah um are are congregating um but we need to give them so much more empowerment and so much more space well david mean what steps do you think should be taken to hold the venue accountable that that did eventually host murry's event well so the venue was uh st john's wood
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synagogue so and that's obviously a place of worship for jewish people uh and the st john's wood synagogue is part of what's called the united synago. which is the largest synagogue movement of five or six that exists in the uk. now until december last year its website, the united synagogue had that it was a zianist organization, seems to have removed the epithet zionist from its website, although of course there are number of zionist organizations which are registered to the same address as the organization as itself, so this is a zionist synagogue movement, and so we shouldn't be surprised that they would host an islamophobe like dagosmani, but it also means of course that this is a charity and is... vulnerable to complaints to the charity commission, the united synagogues a charity and st. john's wood synagogue itself is a charity, vulnerable to complaints to the charity commission about putting on and platforming racists and that's what we should be doing with all these organizations, they these organizations should be given the opportunity to see, we have seen the error of our ways,
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we no longer sign up designism and genocide and we will remove ourselves and resign from the signist movement, then then that that makes it plain that that they're just there to represent, you have any complaints have been made? about this about this particular one, not as far as i'm aware, no right, right? okay, well um, finally then, jason, and and briefly buse we're almost acted, why do you think these propagandists get so much mainstream support? um, their backgrounds, they come from similar backgrounds in terms the public school networks in terms of the top universities, so it's it's very much, you know, in terms of obviously the power of lobbists, they very much again are going more right with. pro-capitalist, they have much more money behind them so they get their voices heard. you also got tufton street, which is basically a street full of right-wing think tanks. yeah, um, the the very wealthy owners of of our media are of course generally right-wing and as i say,
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billionaires and powerful and influential, and also advertising, the competition for advertising across the media means that right? "the narrative is kept relatively simplistic, yeah, and as i said before, the right-wing voices tend to be more simplistic in their and of course and and the zins influence on those on those voices too, but unfortunately uh uh..." we're going to have to leave it there because we are out of time again, so let me thank our guest jason kridland and of course our residence expert professor david miller. palestine classified we'll be back next week with more forensic investigations and analysis. in the meantime, please share today's program on your social media platforms to help us continue growing our audience and countering the disinformation turned out by the corporate media. and remember, you can follow the show on facebook, twitter and telegram where we post regular clips and updates. so until next time, this is chris williamson, saying bye for now.
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information about palestine abounds on social networks, many times without context. they do not allow us to go deeper and understand all the dimensions of a catastrophe that is dragging on for centuries. daniel hardway, chilean mayor of palestinian origin, opens a window to palestine to understand in depth the present cause of the palestinian people exploring it. history and future prospects,
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do not miss a window to palestine.
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palestine has risen from the ashes, the nation has gone a long way in its struggle against the occupation regime of israel. from throwing stones to flying drones, but who can deny iran's decades long support in this arduous journey?
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the headlines this hour 146 days of the ongoing us israel genocide in gaza. fresh israeli massacre kills more than 110 palestinians. and injures hundreds of others. geman leader stresses that his country's army has successfully managed to bar all israeli linked vessels from crossing into the red sea. and iran successfully launches yet another domestically built research satellite into space.