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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 2, 2024 3:30am-4:02am IRST

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of your headlines on press tv, millions of iranians have cast their. is to elect the in members of the country's parliament and the assembly of experts. the number of palestinin lives lost to the israeli onslot on the gaza of strip has topped 30,200 as deadly bombings continue unabated. and the world health organization says almost all the life lines in gaza have been cut and the health system in the besieg territory is more than on his need.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehran, thank you for joining us, now poll's close in iran's key elections for the... parliament and the assembly of experts after voting hours were extended three times. the process of vote counting has already started and it is expected that the final results will be released on saturday. in the elections, 290 parliamentary seats are off for grabs. those elected will serve for four years in the parliament. voters also cast their ballots for 88 seats in the assembly of experts where experts are elected for eight years. more than 61 million people were eligible. to vote of
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in both elections. iranian voters have expressed their unwavering support for the islamic revolution by actively participating in the ongoing elections. iranians say they deeply believe in the power of their collective voice and the democratic processes in the islamic republic. let's sickly listen to what they had to say. with our votes we want to show that despite problems and deficiencies in the country's governance, the of people are whole-heartedly supporting the revolution, their national interests and their country. we have to fulfill our duty to the extent we can. yes, there are many problems, too many problems. we're sad and we voice our criticism as much as we can, godwilling, those responsible would think about them, and probably many of...
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and as you can see in midday we see such great crowds here and this shows that people
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deem it important to use their right, the future of the country is important to them, the future of themselves and their children are important to them, thank god that there's been no problem since the beginning of voting and everything has been smooth and facilitated and people are casting their ballots in the two elect parliamentary elections and the assembly of experts elections since the morning we've been over seen
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so if there is any potential irregularity. they could document it for us. religious minorities in iran are also casting their ballots alongside their fellow countrymen in the nation's legislative and assembly of experts elections. the archbishop of tehran says elections are the sign of stability in any country. usually elections taking place any place. "it is a sign of that country's stability, and now in iran, when the election the parliament is going on peacefully, rightly, this is a sign of the iranian
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society's well being. therefore, it is important to..." to participate in the election, election, as i said, it's a sign of sound society, and thanks god that in iran, the election that is taking place, it's a sign of the sound of society. in iran, over the gaza and israel's genocidal campaign
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continues with scores of palestinians killed and hundreds more injured in just 24 hours. in the latest attacks, israeli forces targeted alzheitung neighborhood in gaza city and entered the besieg strip, killing several civilians and leaving many others injured. the regime's forces also launched strikes on the southern cities of rafah and khan yunis. israeli attacks have also been claiming the lives of captives held in gaza. the palestinian resistance move in hamas says seven capters were killed as a result of the recent israeli attacks including three who were shot dead. the death toll from the israel on gaza since october the 7th has now surpassed 30,200. more than 71,00 have also been injured. according to gaza's health ministry, at least 13 children have stoffed to the has starved to death in the beseeg territory in recent days. the world health organization described this as very sad threshold. a very sad threshold, similar sad
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as the 30 thousand deaths we reached all over gaza and similar like those, these are official records and as you all point out exactly the the unofficial numbers can unfortunately expected to be higher um and once we see them once we see them registered in hospitals once we see them registered uh officially it's already further down the line the the system in gaza is what we said it many times it's its knees is more than its knees the fresh water supply has been cut off since immediately after 7 october the electricity has been cut. since immediately after the horroring attacks of the 7 of october, all the lifelines in gaza have more or less been cut, so and all this leads to a desperate situation as we saw yesterday in in the unfortunate, horrifying incidents where
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hundreds of people got killed, while there is a uns, while while the secret general mentioned exactly that the investigation should show what the real causes, but that's not even right now, important is that people are so desperate for food, for fresh water, for any supplies that they risk their lives in getting any food, any supplies to support their children, to support themselves, this is the real drama, this is the real catastrophe here, that's food and supplies are so scars that we see these situations coming up and the food supplies have been cut off deliberate. let's not forget that, we saw pictures from alsiifa where victims of the attacks of the of the horrifying situation yesterday of the killings were lying next each other on the floor awaiting any type of treatment. um, this is the real drama here, and that is why despite to the calls now that
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this may delay the ceasefire, this just underlines more and more that we need an urgent, urgent cease fire now, if not now, when then. since israel launched this genocidal war on gaza early october, it has spared no one and no place including homes, hospitals, schools and mosks, an act of defiance and resistance, palestinians in the southern city of rafah have been holding friday prayers of the ruins of one such mosk called al-faruk. let see listen to what some them had to say. this is an ideological war that affects many mosks and hospitals. why destroy in bomb houses of god? what is the fault of the children who are orpened in the face of this destruction and organized terrorism, covered by official international endorsement from states and from the west. these masks refuse to be silenced and the call to prayer will continue to resound,
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growing louder. despite this occupier and their arrogance, we must uphold god's rituals and continue to hold friday prayers in this place. our message to the entire islamic nation is to look at the condition of muslims and the estate of the mosks in the gaza strip. the occupation may have destroyed nearly 500 mosks or more, now out of 1,250 mosks in. the gaza strip almost half have been destroyed by the occupation. our message to the islamic and arab nations is that they must include these masks in their future plans so that we can rebuild the houses of god and hold prayers friday prayers and congregational prayers in them and tease the enemies to establish masks again. we pray in this place because i opened my eyes to this mask since i was young. at the age of six i used to pray in this mosk, we residence at this area. the mosk is not even 200 meters from my house and we have prayed in it all
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our lives even when it was bombed. it is not enough for them to destroy the moral of the palestinian people, demolish homes, kill people and wipe out entire families. but this is not just the goal of the israeli aggression of masks, rather the goal is to prevent desperad religion and islamic awareness among the people. united. nation says many of the victims of the deadly food convoy incident in gaza city had gunshot wounds despite israely claims that the incident was stamped. the spokesman for the un secretary general says the gunshot wounds has been confirmed by a un team during visit to al-shifa hospital where many of the victims were taken. stefan dujar comments echo those by the director of alada hospital in jabalya. muhammad salha earlier said one 142 out of the 176 of the victims of the thursday incident taken to the hospital had
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gunshot wounds. ewitnesses also say israeli soldiers opened fire on starving palestinians who were waiting for the aid. the attack left 112 people dead and hundreds of others wounded. intense battles are also continuing on the ground in gaza with palestinian resistance fighting. repelling attacks by israeli forces. the military wing of the islamic jihad has released a new video showing his fighters clashing with israeli soldiers in and around al-zeito neighborhood in gaza city. the algos brigades also launched mortor shells at the gathering of the regime soldiers in northern gaza and near ars crossing. also in the north the mujahidin brigades his america tank with missiles. the resistance groups also said they have shot down an israeli drone in the southeastern part of the gaza. strip. tel aviv says a total of 242 israeli soldiers have been
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killed since the ground fighting began in gaza in late october. palestinian resistance groups, however, say israel is concealing the actual number, which is much higher. israeli forces have abducted at least one palestinian worshipper trying to enter the alaxa moss compound for friday prayers. the regime's forces also denied other palestinian worshippers access. the holy site, however, the palestinians performed prayers near the compound. israel frequently limits palestinians access to the holy site on the various pretexts. it also repeatedly launches violent raids there. the regime plans to impose more excess restrictions during the upcoming holy fasting month of ramadan. palestinian resistance movements have repeatedly stumed the regime's restrictions on the access to the alaska mosk. they say the israely provocations and descecrations of islamic. sanctities were one of the main reasons for operation alaxa flood against the regime on october the 7th. meanwhile daily
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clashes are continuing along lebanon's southern border between the resistance movement hezbollah and israel in the latest such attacks hezbulah says it has carried out significant operations against several israeli targets. our correspondent mariam salah joined us earlier from beirot. hyper drone, or that they do have the parts that was done in the middle of the night. they said that they have taken it down uh in over the valley of alazi uh that is considered of course part of hazbullah's new strategy have taken down uh the drones that are constantly hovering over the heads of the people in south lebanon even reaching areas of uh beirout and even northern lebanon now other of course operations have been very significant today we had an extensive
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targeting of israeli soldiers they uh hizbillah declared and has confirmed that they have targeted sold. ramim ramim actually and also in the vicinity of almanada post and that bar specifically is one of the very few times also specifies that they know there was casualties whether soldiers were either killed or wounded, does not usually say that since they could not really independently directly verify that, but in this instances is one of the very few times says in their statements that this ation lead definitely to scores of israeli soldiers killed or wounded, we also had another significant operation, hizbullah used khamikazi drone to target a group of soldiers with actually hizbullah said that they targeted infantry that was preparing to go and be deployed in certain area in the settlement of mayon and this is
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the first time i think that we have a targeting in that area specifically. also targeted the settlement of al baghdadi post specifically also and so in addition to those hazballah operations the israelis continue with their shelling, we had very heavy shelling actually in the towns of ramya and bait leaf and today also we had a funeral for two civilians, a man and his wife in their 60s, they were laid to rest today and they were killed yesterday by israeli strike in the town of kafra. people have once again taken to the streets across yemen and a show of support for palestinians in the gaza strip. there will be more painful operations
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coming because i believe that the yemeni army's strategy is a gradual one. it doesn't start with its biggest, it starts from zero. until it reaches 100%, and the hits that the american enemy has witnessed is only a start the termination of its fleet in the red sea. america is terrorism, turiny and crime. america is the sponsor of terrorism and supports the famon of children in gaza with vetos. we are telling them, we will veto you by striking you in the red sea and arab sea. in the city of saad. slogans against israel and its main supporter, the us. the protest has holding rally on fridays since israel launched this genocidal war early october. they helped pictures of their leaders in a show of support for their pro-palestine operations. those operations have targeted israely linked vessels in the red sea an effort to pressure the regime to stop his
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genocide in gaza. the yemani protesters also voice support for the army's operations against the us and uk. ships in response to the ongoing air strikes on yemen, the air strikes began in the wake of yemani operations in the red sea, and now to the uk where veteran, pro-palestinian politician george galloway has won vote to become a new law maker following an election campaign dominated by israeli lobby groups. well you a genocide is not a small thing and the international court of justice has already sent israel for trial uh having concluded that there were was a plausible case for genocide uh being committed in the gaza strip, that's not a small thing, that doesn't happen every day, but the local politicians here in the council and the national
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politicians across the consensus of the front benchers want to... that it isn't happening, want to disguise that they are deeply involved in it, they're giving cover to it, and even given military uh collaboration with it. galloway who is left-wing politician, became the new law maker for the northern town of rochdale after running a pro-palestinian campaign. you won people's votes through criticizing the labor party and the governing politicians for supporting the israeli regime. the labour party which withdraws support. for its own candidate over anti-israely comments was beaten into fourth place. gallaway's victory comes as a growing support for palestine has brought people in the uk to the streets to condemn the israeli crime. times against the people of gaza, hundreds of thousands of rallied to condemn israel since the beginning of his genocidal war on gaza on october the 7th. as south
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koreans celebrate the 105th anniversary of independence from japan. however, many south koreans demonstrating his soul opposed the government's policy of patching up relations with tokyo. press tv's frank smith reports. amid cheers of hurray, south korean president yunsuk marked independence movement day to honor the past struggle to free the country from japanese rule, he called for south koreans to look forward. south korea and japan are marching toward the new world as we overcome the painful past. we share values such as freedom, human rights and law. we seek common good and have become partners that work together for peace and stability of the world. president. has sought to improve relations with japan and develop a trilateral alliance with the us, against the democratic people's republic of korea and china. on this
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day, 105 years ago, south koreans gathered at hundreds of locations across the country to proclaim independence. japanese colonial forces killed thousands, tens of thousands were jailed, including here at sode moon prison. japan would rule until the end of world war ii, an era of south korea. japan relations not easily overcome. many south koreans suggest japan must show remorse for its past and direct compensation before relations between the two states can improve. they decry un's pro-japanese pro-us foreign policy. the south korean government has continued to disregard the hard one ruling for the victims of japanese military sexual slavery against japan, selling off the rights the victims of force labor in the name of improving relations with japan, it obays the us and obeys japan, enters the framework of the us japan alliance, disregarding the peace
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process on the korean peninsula, and putting the entire korean peninsula on the verge of war. even many young south koreans recognize the need for japanese contrition. we have to resolve the past in order to move forward. the comfort women issue has not yet been resolved and some people are still alive, so it seems like it's not over yet. when a soul high court last november ruled that japan must compensate the victims of its colonial rule, tokyo protested but did not appeal. frank smith press tv. soul. and with that we come to the end of this bulletin. thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye.
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the sun shown to announce the beginning of new day. it was the 13th day of the war on the gaza's rap. look at the missile. what did we do to deserve being hit by this? the army bombed the children on. beach and destroyed our houses, they killed children, men, women, and old men. i have other place to go, so now my children and i are homeless. it is the israel's habit from ages, they say that children fire rockets.
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لحظه تاریخی سپردن آراءِ حضرت.
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the sun shown to announce the beginning of new day. it was the 13th day of the war on the gaza's. trip on the 20th of july 2014, the 28th of ramadan, the fasting month for muslims. abu ramadan yasin and his family were at the sheltering school for those who were displaced from their homes. they got back to the house from the school in elzatu neighborhood, south of gaza city.
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the situation is forced on us, i shall remind you of what i said a while ago, no giving up, no despair, and no devastation. we will say goodbye to our marters, build our homes, plant trees in our streets, we will send our marters to heaven, whether they are children, old men or young, we will send them to heaven, then come back to resistance, this is the equation, why should you hear or watch the news, our families and children are being killed, "know about the houses and the numbers of marters, and the children who are dying, those are our children, hearts, eyes, brothers and families. we should see the fighters who defend us and defend our grace and dignity. we have been watching tv for 13
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days, we watch the massacers, the killing and the bombardments, they kill children, men, women, and old men, they kill people when they go anywhere either to..." do not allow anybody to use this logic to say that we can live peacefully with zionists. what should be done with those who say this, or those who want us to live next to them? there is water or power supply, we cannot live like the rest of humans, and there is war, destruction, killed and... people in the streets, the army bombed the children on the beach and destroyed our houses. allah is sufficient for us against the arab cont
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