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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 6, 2024 10:30am-11:03am IRST

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the headlines us rathy genocide in gaza continues for the 152nd day with death tool surpassing 30,600 mostly women and children. israeli occupation forces conduct raids on several areas of the west bank, targeting palestinian homes and detaining number of individuals. and also, in our headlines, former us president donald trump secures victories across 12 states in uh republican primaries on super tuesday further strengthening his position and the race for the white house. hello and welcome everybody,
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it's 10:30 am here in the iranian capital tehran, you're watching press tv's world news, our top story for this half hour is israel's genocidal war on the gaza strip enters at six month, more civilians fall victim to the regime's ongoing strikes on the besieg territory, starting with the north where an israeli bombing of the alzeitu neighborhood in the gaza city is killed to palestidians and injured several others. the city has also witnessed another attack on palestinians cueing for aid deliveries leaving several of them seriously injured. in the central gaza six civilians, including a journalist working for the alaksa channel were killed in the israeli bombardment of deral balo. the number of journalists killed since the start of israel's genocidal war now stands at 133. to the south, reports say israel has cut internet access in large areas in raffa. the death toll from the israeli onslot on gaza since early october has now surpassed 3000. 600, the majority of them
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women and children. press tvs joins us now from dar albella in central gaza with more updates on the ground as the israeli genocidal onslot continues in gaza. yes bardia, actually the israeli accubition forces continued and maintained there. air strikes and incursions against several areas of gaza strip but let's begin from their balah here in the central area of gaza strip as the israeli incubation war planes targeted several horizontal buildings in the southern part of the city claiming the lives of nine palestinian civilians mostly women and children including the palestinian journalist muhammad salam working at alaqsa channel here in the gaza strip according to gaza government media office that the number of the palestinian journal 'who have been killed
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since the beginning of this onslot on gaza has risen to 133 palestinan journalists in the meantime the israeli incubation forces continued their artillery attacks against the northern b of an nusirirat refugee camp and al-muhraga neighborhood located in the northern part of the central area of gaza strip intense israeli artillery shilling reach that area a mid fear clashes erupted between the palestina civilians and the palestina resistance and the israeli incubation for'. when it comes to khanuni city, the israeli artillery renewed its shilling towards the northern part of khanuni city, particularly hammed city in that area heavy bombardments reach that area, in the meantime when it comes to rafa city, the israeli war blins renewed their strikes and encourages against the region and the area adjacent to the egyptian borders to the far south of the city and in gaza city as the two neighborhood was subjected to heavy bombard.
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ments of the israeli artillery as well, heavy bombardments reached zaitoon neighborhood, particularly the southern part of a zait neighborhood, all these strikes and encisions are taking place amid the catastrophic humanitarian conditions that are still hitting the entire areas of gaza strip, particularly the northern part and gaza city, we are talking about 2.3 million palestinian civilians are still crammed inside gaz city, they are deprived and denied of their of... their access to the basic humanitarian needs and necessities, they are perishing, particularly when it comes to the palestinian its children, over to you bardia. all right, thanks lot. joining us from dera balon central gaza. moving on now, human rights experts accuse israel of intentionally starving the palestinians in the gauza strip. they say the regime attacks humanitarian convoys and civilian seeking such aid. the un experts said israel has opened fire on humanitarian aid convoys on several. despite
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the fact that the convoys shared their coordinates with the regime. the report also mentions that israel is intercepting deliveries at checkpoints, bombing humanitarian convoys and at civilians seeking assistance on the 29th of february israeli troops fired on crowds of palestinians at an aid center in gaza city, killing at least 112 people and injuring hundreds more. the experts called on telavive tandit's campaign of starvation and targeting of civilians. meanwhile, a senior un official says the international community must flood gaza with aid in order to prevent further loss of life from starvation in the blockated territory. now... children starting, as the doctors are are telling our colleagues to die from starvation, that should be um alarm like other. if not now, when is the time to pull the stops, break the glass, flood gaza with
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the aid that it needs. so that is what we need to see happen. the remarks come as international organizations continue to express growing concern over high levels of malnutrition in the gaza strip. who says that in northern gaza one and six children under the age of two are acutely malnourished. unicef has also warned about quote extremely high malnutrition rates for children under the age of five in the northern part of gaza. meanwhile the un food agency says it is paused its sate deliveries to the war toron strip since february the 20th. the world food program said the decision is due to the continuous return of its. convoys by the israeli regime from the north, which is on the brink of complete famon. israeli forces have carried out fresh raids across the occupied west bank cities, abducting several palestinians earlier our correspondent in romdel updated us on israeli raids that are
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taking place almost a daily basis. the israels are arresting people from all works of life, including women and children and even palestinian former prisoners who had been recently released in the latest swap deal that was accepted between the resistance groups and israel and at the same time the israelies are detaining former prisoners this morning the israelas raided they raided also bitonia al khalil the village of kufrin near ramal according to the recent statistics from the palestinian prisoners commission, 15 palestinians had been detained this morning and the number could be even more than 15 and this means the number of palestinians who
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have been detained since the 7th of october is today over 7,430 palestinians, the israel continue to claim that the main aim of the non-stop israeli operations across the occupied westbank is in in order to prevent people from being engaged in any form of resistance, even if these are peaceful demonstrations, different forms of activity. the islamic resistance in iraq says has launched a new attack against israeli targets in the occupied territories in support of the... palestinian people in gaza. the iraqi resistance says it targeted the power station at israel's high fireport using drones. it added the operation was carried out in response to israel's massacre of palestinian civilians including women and children. in gaza, the isomic resistance in iraq has carried out number of attacks on israeli
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targets in recent months. last week the group launched a drone attack a chemical facility in the israeli port of haifa. the resistance group has also struck major american military bases in syria and iraq anger. over the us support for israel's genocide in gaza. the mni army says it is carried out fresh operations against us targets in the red sea. in a statement, the emmy armed forces said it targeted two american warships with number of drones and missiles in the strategic waterway. the statement also said the attacks were in response earlier air strikes by the us and the uk on yemen, and also in solidarity with palestinians in gaza. yemeny forces have targeted over two dozen. israeli un or israeli bound vessels in the red sea since the beginning of the israeli genocidal war in gaza, santa says its operations will continue until the regime stops its ensaut on gaz and ends the siege on the palestinian territory. after days of pose in yemen's
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naval operations, the spokesman for the yemeni army announced the successful targeting of an israeli ship in the arabian sea with multiple missiles. he said that the attack followed the drone. missile strikes against us warships in the red sea. the naval forces of the yemeny armed forces launched attack on the israeli ship at msc sky sailing in the arabian sea with number of appropriate naval missiles. the missiles hit the vessel an accurate and direct manner. the operation came only hours after yemen's armed forces targeted number of enemy american warships in the red sea with number of bullistic missiles and drones. experts say this operation sint a message to the us and uk that yemen's armed forces are still capable of targeting israeli bound vessels in the regional waters despite their aggression. against yemen, they believe that the yemani army has not used its new weapons yet, which will be another challenge
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for the western powers. yes sir, there is operations and the targeting of the israeli ship and the american warships is message that the yemeni armed forces will continue their operations against the enemy. no matter what the americans do, whether political or military moves, we will continue with our strategic. options until the aggression against our brothers in gaza stops. the yemani army will carry out more strikes and still has big surprises for the enemy in the coming days, unless the enemy stops the brutal aggression against gaza. on saturday, the british cargo ship ruby mar, which had been targeted by the yemani army last month, sank in the red sea. the sinking of the ruby mar has raised concerns about the potential ecological damage to the red sea and its coral reefs as it was. carrying more than 41 tons of fertilizer and had leaked oil for several days after the attack. yemy officials
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all the us and uk fully responsible for any pollution resulting from the sinking of the british ship. they assert that washington is the one militarizing the red sea supporting the israeli war on gaza and depriving palestinians of humanitarian aid, which are the main reasons for yemeni naval operations. reporting for press tv abdullatif al washali sana. in this week's show, we'll be asking why the archbishop of canterbury seems to be in thraw to zyanist extremists. the church of england used to be referred to as the british conservative party at prayer, but justin welby's leadership of the church has gone even further. he's positioned it as an adjunct to the genocidal zionish regime. at christian zionism as a movement preceded jewish. sign is about at least 50 years, millions and millions of pounds over the last 10 or so years have gone to zionist
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organizations under the guise of doing counter extremism work. welcome back, you're watching press tv's world news to the united states, where it's a joyous occasion for for. president donald trump, who's increased his lead further on super tuesday. this is the day when the outcome of democratic and republican primaries in 15 states and one territory typically shapes the race for the white house. addressing his supporters in florida, trump hailed his wins as unprecedented. thank you very much, they call it super tuesday for a reason. this is a big one, and they tell me the pundits. and otherwise that there's never been one like this, there's never been anything so conclusive, this was an amazing, an amazing
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night, an amazing day, it's been an incredible period of time in our country's history, it's been sad in so many ways, but i think it's going to be inspiring because we're going to do something that frankly nobody's been able to do for a long time. trump so republican challenger nikki haley is far behind as she is one only in vermont. trump has won at least 890 delegates to date, while haley has secured fewer than 70, that despite the foreign president, facing number of lawsuits and the democratic camp incoming president joe biden is cruising toward nomination as he swept in all 15 states on super tuesday. biden remains the front runner for democrats as he faces no real challenger within the party. he gears up for a likely rematch with trump in november. meanwhile, biden said in a statement that second trump. term would be a return to quote chaos, division and darkness. early we spoke to
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gloria la rev activist and political analyst from san francisco, she told us what most americans are shocked to see that trump and biden are competing for the presidency again, despite achieving nothing while in the white house. the sentiment among many people is one of disgust and... basically shock that it could be the same two candidates who have had proven records of doing nothing to help the people of the united states and instead carrying out war. on biden's part, the war in ukraine funding by hundreds of billions of dollars and then financing tripling the amount of aid, military aid to the genocide that israel is carrying out and biden buying time for israel in its attack on the palestinian people, but on the other hand,
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let's remember that in 2020 september was the abraham accords which... trump was behind in which it was normalizing the relationship of israel with several arab countries, including uae, bahrain, morocco, and eventually saudi arabia, that was only stopped recently or paralyzed for a time by the resistance that began with the al-a flood of october 7, but the choice is really very, very dire, and that's why actually... there are several third party candidates who have arisen who are getting quite um interest in the us public. of course they will not get the kind of publicity national television that trump and biden will get. well in the uk government ministers are considering expanding the
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definition of extremism and banning members of parliament from engaging with protest groups among them pro- palestine. organizers, human rights campaigners say the move is insult to democracy reports. the right to speak out, to protest, the very fabric of democratic rights once again under attack in the uk, as the government updates its definition of extremism and is about to introduce a potential ban on parliamentarians joining protests. recommendations from the government's advisor and political violence, john woodcock, also known as lord walney, was a former chair of labor friends of israel, call and leaders of the mainstream political parties to instruct their mps to employ a zero tolerance approach to groups that use disruptive tactics or failed to stop, hate onmarches. in the crosshairs, climate
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activist groups, such as extension rebellion and palestine solidarity campaign, have organized the enorm'. peaceful mobilizations for gaza since october last year, this is affront to democracy and an indication of a weak and decaying governmentts descent into authoritarianism, it totally out of touch with the british people and actually very much out of keeping with the british values that they claim to champion. ahead of walne's recommendations and after the by-election in rotschdale greater manchester that handed pro-palestine campaigner george. a thumping victory, a speech by the prime minister vilifying the pro-palestinian protests demanding a ceasefire in gaza. in recent weeks and we have seen a shocking increase in extremist disruption and criminality. what started as protests on our streets has descended into intimidation, threats and planned acts of violence. kritics say
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comments like those about peaceful demonstrations are a threat to the long tradition of freedom of protest. an expression in the country, his assertions are totally false, i mean the claims of increase in anti-semitism of extremism, there is no evidence for that, i mean this is just pure invention and another indication frankly of how weak this government really is, to have a special address to the nation as if there was some sort of state of emergency, i'm some people that spoke to me thought that that we declared war on russia, what it was was - george gallaway, the leader of the workers party... getting elected as member of parliament, mean that should be celebrated, not not attacked in that way, it's just absolutely ridiculous. the new changes are yet to be announced and legislated, but the political temperature is rapidly rising in the uk. in its 2024 world report, human rights watch says that the uk government's practices and policies have severely curtailed domestic human rights protections.
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others say the country is at risk of turning into a police state, masquerating as democracy. "the question now is, how deep will those erosions go and will the mps in the building behind me allow them to continue? press tv, london. million has held a national moot court to simulate taking proceedings against enforcers of unilateral sanctions against the country, especially with regards to pharmaceutical and medical supply, simon reports on that." iran has held a final round of national mood court to stimulate taking proceedings against enforcers of unilateral sanctions and those who comply with them. the session was held by one's institute of. judiciary in cooperation with the country's high council for human rights in tehran. speaking at the event, the secretary of iran's high council for human rights khasem said that sanctions were
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considered weapons of war and even more destructive than a war due to their substantial impacts and being a collective punishment against the targeted country's people. undeniable rights cannot be ignored in sanctions and implementing global peace and security cannot be possible without taking such rights into consideration, the legality of the legitimacy of sanctions is an important issue that the security council must consider in the discussion of imposing sanctions. meanwile, the international community has not yet accepted the legitimacy of unilateral sanctions. alena duhan, un special reporter on the negative impact of unilateral coersive measures on the enjoyment of human rights also delivered a speech at the session via video conference. in this situation. of iran the most absurd cases refer to the impossibility to deliver bandages for ev patients from the only monopolist producer in sweden and similarly
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impossibility to delete the to deliver the medicine necessary for talecemia patients, patients suffering from some sort of autis state as well as some sort of psychological and physical diseases especially if we are talking about the real ones or the most severe ones, as a result, these are patients which are not directly designated by any type of sanctions which are deprived of any possibility of access to health care system while speaking at the session, iran's deputy foreign minister ali barhari kenni said sanctions were the biggest crimes against humanity and were a collective punishment and proof that those who pursue and promote unilateralism do not respect human. iran is among the countries under the us cruel sanctions, which is making efforts to restore the country's rights as a national duty.
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sanctions arise from the international behavior and phenomena and they disturb the future security and instability of the world. for a country which imposes sanctions, international law or human rights are not important. iran has been under us sanctions for the past four decades. the sanctions intensified following the us unilateral withdrawal from a 2000. 15 nuclear deal in may 2018, formally known as the joint comprehensive plan of action. iranian authorities have repeatedly blame the use sanctions for shortage of medicines that treat special diseases like cancer. health officials have warned that the harm caused by us sanctions on iran's access to pharmaceutical supplies may even get worse in the future. someone press tv, taiwan. iranians of marked national tree. financing day every year just before the iranian new year, millions of people in the country plant treats to promote greenery developments and welcome the spring for now shooting reports from tehron. is one of the important actions
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in preserving the natural resources, enriching forests, creating forest parks in order to preserve the environment. march 5th marks arbor day or national tree planting day in iran, on this day which is celebrated to promote. the development and preservation of greenery across the country, iranians plant trees or saplings and encourage others to do so. in december, the iranian government announced the launch of a project to plant 1 billion trees across the country in four years time. according to officials, the project, which can significantly lead to preserving the environment is in accordance with international treaties. iran is one of the main members. the united nations convention to combat desertification, iran has done significant effort to prevent land degradation during the last 25 years. this convention is a good opportunity for us to
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enhance our cooperation with the region's countries, including iraq, turkmenistan, afghanistan, pakistan in the stabilizing of quick sands and control of dust centers. the goals of the 1 billion tree planting project in iran include revitalizing natural jungles increasing. urban green space, encountering sand storms as the country's climate is mainly arid, we started the project of planting one billion trees from december 2, people from all works of life have been participating in planting the trees. we have also done actions in preserving the natural resources, including watershedding, which can lead to developing the green areas and preventing soil erosion. planting these trees can't during the world economic forum of davas in 2020 planting one trillion trees on earth was recommended the positive. mental
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effect of what we're doing today in iran can definitely spread to neighboring countries, it can even affect the persian gulf countries. more than 30 million seedlings and seeds have been planted in the whole country in the last three months. in addition, 116 million sidlings have been produced in the public sector and 121 million sidlings in the private sector. press tv, tehran. that's a wrap for now, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv, see you soon, how designists come from across the world
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to... palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation, how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this. this documentary.
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all muslims share the same rituals during the holy month of ramadan, a common practice that can create unit among them across the globe.
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میگن چون گناهان را می سوزانند ماه مبارک رمضان یکی از ماه های پرفضیلته خداوند متعال اون ماهو برای خودش قرار داده یعنی میگه تمام چیزها برای بنده خودم تنها ماه مبارک رمضان برای خود من. last year iran's president ibrahim raisi visited three african countries, kenya, uganda and zimbabwe. president raisi witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation agreements in economic, scientific and educational sectors among others and in this regard, iran has granted full scholarships to ugadan students to study in iranian universities.
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المذكرت بثارنا ام س عباد الله وحدوا الله للت السعاده تاني يا حسين قدمنا الشهداء ولالا نصر
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you always a terror state and terrorists that terrorize i'll testify my television televise i'm telling live how many more resolutions have to be violated how many more children have to be annihilated this is not a war it is systematic genocide but whatever they try.