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tv   Palestine Declassified Church of England Zionists  PRESSTV  March 6, 2024 11:02am-11:30am IRST

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level one, you're watching ball here from, i'm your host. this is for palestine. gaza, this is for the child that is searching for renal. this is not just a war over stolen land. why do you think little boys are going stones at tanks and we'll never really know how many people are dead? they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed. israel is a terror state and terrorists that terrorize. how many more resolutions have to be violated, how many more children have to be annihilated. this is not a war, it is systematic genocide, but wherever they tried?
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hello, i'm chris williamson and you're of watching palestine declassified with the only weekly tv show that's dedicated to investigating and exposing the israeli regime's global war against solidarity with the illegally occupied people of palestine. in this week's show we'll be asking why the archbishop of canterbury see. used to be in thraw designist extremists. the church of england used to be referred to as the british conservative party at prayer, but justin welby's leadership of the church has gone even further. he's positioned it as an adjunct to the genocidal zionist regime. welby is effectively putting the church at the service of benjamin netanyahu, as latifer will explain in this report. the archbishop of canterbury, justin welby recently cancelled plans to meet luther. and pastor
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munder ishak from the illegally occupied west bank town of bethlehem. he reportedly said he could not meet him if he shared a platform with the former labor leader jeremy corbin a pro-palestinian rally. ishark, the pastor of the christmas evangelical lutheran church in bethlehem in his christmas sermon said that if jesus christ was born today, it would have been under the rubble. recordings of the speech and nativity display were seen all over the world. on social and conventional media. ishark said, it's shameful. it's not my type of christianity, not to be willing to meet another pastor because you do not want to explain why you met him. the archbishop is of said to have been concerned about the alleged huge increase in anti-semitism since october in the uk, reportedly, fearing it would have caused huge problems for the jewish community, if the two matt. mention of corbin and the alleged rise of anti-semitism. are
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clues that welby is paroting zianist talking points. it comes as little surprised then to learn he is involved with the lobby group with close relationships with the zionist regime itself. he is president of the council of christians and jews, an organization set up in the 1940s. according to its own reports, the council takes people tours of occupied palestine to illegal israeli settlements and meeting with israeli government officials. the group has been a zionist front since. 1980s, at least it was then that veteran zionist activist sir sigmund sternberg, who died in 2016, got involved. sternberg was also involved in creating the three faiths forum in 1997 in order to include muslims in interfaith dialogue. in reality, this was about penetrating muslim communities and turning them away from criticism of zionism. as the official biographer of the ccj and the co-founder of the three faiths forum.
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reverend marcus baby brook candidly admitted. with the growing importance of the muslim community, the festering wounds in israel and palestine and the growth of extremism. muslim, jewish and christian dialogue has a special importance. today, the ccj also works with the united jewish israel appeal, which also involves itself taking students on trips to illegal israeli settlements as a part of the racist so-called birthright program. the head of israel. engagement at the ujia, robin moss, described the ccj as carrying out pioneering work. the director of the well be group was until recently elizabeth harris swazenko, who worked for the israeli government funded abraham initiatives at the same time. the abraham initiatives claim to exist to increase synergy between uk and israeli bodies and agencies. justin welby is, in other words, deeply. embedded in the
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promotion of the genocidal ideology of zionism. joining me in the studio as usual is our resident expert david miller. david's an academic and a former. professor at bristol university and is now a non-resident senior research fellow at the center of islam and global affairs at istanbul zayam university. he's also a co-director of the lobby and watch dog spinwatch and is a leading british scholarly critic of israel. and i'm pleased to welcome back the reverend dr. stephen seiser again as our guest contributor today. who joins us via skype. steven is a long-standing human rights campaigner and an outspoken supporter of the palestinian people. he's been targeted by the israel lobby who raised vicious and vicuperative. campaign against him over many years. indeed, the archbishop of cantery, who's one of the subjects of today's show, even joined in the attacks with an entirely unwarranted and gratuitous statement about reverend cesar. steven is member of various pro-palestinian groups and he's the founder and director of the peacemaker trust. he's also written
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several books including in the footsteps of jesus and the apostles, christian zanism, roadmapgedden and zion's christian soldiers. welcome to the show. steve. you wrote a ph.d. thesis and indeed a book on christian zionism. i mean, i wonder whether you could explain what it is, and white existed before the creation of the jewish zianist movement. indeed, thank you for inviting me on the show. christian zionism as a movement preceded jewish zionism about at least 50 years. it was actually 1799 when napoleon became the first world ruler who promised the jews. homeland because he wanted the jewish bankers for example to support his campaign, his colonial experiments and and help him defeat the british. he was unable to do that, but his um failed attempt caught the attention of political and religious leaders
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in britain, between them began to speculate about britain's role in in bringing the jews back to the land of palest. in fulfillment of prophecy and and and this coincided with britain's strategic interest in controlling the bridge between its colonies and africa, asia and and so on, so it preceded jewish sionism and it underwrote jewish sionism, the early christian zionists, people like lord schaffsby and and others, william heschler and others facilitated the early zionists like theodore hutzal to get hearing ah among political and religious leaders right across europe, so in a sense um netanyahu was not wrong when he said recently um that um zionism would not have existed without
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christian zionis support. yeah, well david, i mean the uh council of christians and jews appears to be mr. zianis. supporting interfaith organization, doesn't it? well, yes it is, and we've of course uh previously discussed her zionist role in into faith organizations, this is an organization that's been there since the 1940s and as you saw in the the film there, one of the things that's interesting about it is that it was reinvigorated in the 1980s by guy called sir sigmund sternberg who is key science lobbist creator of number of different s lobby groups and he also of course set up the the three forum and the forum for the discussion of israel and palestine, which we might talk about more later, so this is aasiness lobby group, but it you poses as being an organization which brings together christians and jews to think about how they might have a cooperation etc. but of course the real agenda is to make sure uh that they push back
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against antizionism and criticism of israel. well stephen, the the lutheran pastor from bethlehem was responsible for that famous scene of jesus in... the rubble at christmas last year, wasn't he? i wonder whether you could uh tell us about the christian churches in palestine and their relationship with the occupation. the christian churches have been in palestine from 200 years ago. the early followers of jesus were jews and they welcomed in gentile believers and follows of jesus. so the church has been there um initially persecuted by the romans and by the. jewish leaders, but then under constantine 325, the roman empire gets converted to christianity nominally, and so you find churches in gaza, in jerusalem, bethlehem, all of the important sites associated with the life of jesus, trace
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their origins to to churches that have existed there for at least 15, 1600 years, and they survived the um, the crusades and the uh the islamic rule as much as the ottoman, so they've been there a very long time, they are indigenous, they are palestinians and and they have had a strategic... role in being a bridge between jews and muslims for centuries. yes, david, the um the council for um christians and jews has been involved in setting up um other apparent zianist fronts hasn't it? i mean like the what is it, the the three faiths forum and the forum for discussion of israel and palestine. yes, so the three faith forums now called the faith and belief forum, it's set up in order to... bring muslims into the the interface conversation, but of course the the founder of as we saw in the film there,
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is pretty clear that uh, it was about tackling the growth of extremism, by which of course they mean muslim extremism, so it's about tackling muslims being involved in criticizing israel and criticizing british foreign policy, that's perfectly clear what what it's about, same with the forum for discussion of israel and palestine, it's there to have dialogue and mutual understanding by which of course it means a systematically undermining the idea that is racism, which of course as everybody now knows it is. so that that's the function of these organizations, he was also involved in a number of other uh zionist related organizations which is purely zionist organizations, so this is a series of organizations that were set up in order to undermine the possibility of criticism of israel, as of course with all science organizations, well stepen, mean what's your view on the on the council of christians and jews then? well really they are the council of christians for jews, never hear them criticize israel, but they are um, they exist
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to monitor and criticize christians who advocate for justice and peace for palestinians. it's ironic that even the board of deputies was antisignus till the 1940s, but today along with the council of christians for jews and many other organizations which on the surface uh ostensibly claim they exist to further. good relationships between jews and christians, in reality, as david has said, their agenda is to uh be apologies for zionism and the expansion of uh israel's control of the palestinian territories. well david, i mean amina referred to this character sir sigmund sternberg in her report, didn't she? i mean, just say a bit more about him, will you? so, i mean, he's one of these characters who her. 'who performs a role in the british elite, jewish zienist uh guy who's a kind of a
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policy entrepreneur and kind of cultural entrepreneur and they they create all these different organizations we've mentioned some the the ones they've created of course already and and part of the this this agenda especially the inter faith agenda is not just about doing zionism it's also about becoming part of the british establishment so for example the the the faith and belief forum is funded by the british government by the british state as are many other'. into faith and prozionist organizations, i think people would be surprised to hear that, millions and millions of pounds over the last 10 or so years have gone to zionist organizations under the guise of doing counter extremism work or interfaith work or or trying to get people to get on more and of course of course what that means what that's code for is trying to undermine the role of muslims and indeed other pro palestine campaigners and criticizing british foreign policy and being anti-w'. and indeed of of insisting on solidarity with the palestinians, yes indeed,
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and i guess sort of uh, you know, drawing veil over or or creating excuse for you, israeli oppression of the palestinian people, it seems, well of course that i mean that's the the agenda, but what's i think what's most interesting about it is the role of the british state in directly contributing to zionist organizations, which i think people wouldn't really understand if he didn't know, no indeed, well we'll come back to the discussion after our second report that looks at "the failure of the anti-war movement and the palestine solidarity campaign to properly scrutinize the impact of the zionist lobby in britain and america. the conduct of justin welby is obviously explained best in terms of his connections to the zinist movement, but some key elements in the anti-war movement and the palestine solidarity movement want us to turn our attention away from the zionists currently committing the worst genocide since that of the nazis." instead we should look at us imperialism or the british establishment,
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the result of this, whatever the intentions will be demobilization, demoralization and defeat. for these forces, the most important analytical tool for understanding palestine is not zionism, but imperialism. wellby, says kevin ovendon, in response to post on x by the rapper loki, is tory, a former oil industry executive, right-winger in theology and politics. according to ovendon, i think you're making a mistake by trying to advance these conjectures. wellby is a tool of the british establishment, not of tel aviv. and those are not the same things. welby's motivations are read off from a theoretical proposition that the tale does not wag the dog. if the evidence contradicts this, it becomes conjecture. in very telling comment, often even dismisses the evidence cited by luki as primitive, a substitution for analysis. analysis here takes on the
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magisterial garb of the civilized intellectual, looking down on the uncooth primitive. evidence-based activist. this is done, let us be clear, on the basis of prior theory alone, and it will no longer do. but if theories are not open to empirical critique or refutation, their ability to understand the world declines precipitously, and what are the strategic implications of this theoreticism for the movement? presumably that we campaign against the conservative party in oil industry and imperialism. and we ignore the zionist, certainly much of the leadership of stopped the war uses the term zionism now and again, but it has been actively discouraged by them, and they certainly don't analyze the dynamics the zionist movement in the uk and the us and its manifestly hugely damaging penetration of british and american political life, they
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prefer to see the power of the israel lobby as a myth. yes, we must intensify pressure on the... us and the uk government and useful research is being done on spy flights, training of israel military, israeli arms firms and more, but in order to be effective, we also need to strike at the heart of the zionist movement, its supply lines, its financial and ideological support mechanisms, we need to cut off its life support given by the zionist movement and its agents, assets and front groups. this is why we need to talk about zionism. disrupt it now and move to a thorough process of designization as soon as possible. david, there seems to be a marked reluctance in in sections of the left to use the z word (i, zionism, mean, what's that all about, do you think? well, if you recall uh during the corbin leadership) there was a
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moment where john landsman who was who was sort of seen as an anti-zionist in the in the past, at least the leader of momentum. and of course he since of course joined the jlm which makes him a zion that's right and he was saying we shouldn't use ionism, it's a complicated word, people don't understand it, it's used badly, it's means that you you sometimes trip over into antisemitism by mistake uh and and and that's that was something that that that section of the left uh was promoting the idea that we shouldn't talk about zionism, but you wouldn't really necessarily expect other sections in the left associated with stop the war or with the palestine solidarity camp. to do the same, but actually the they have the same position, that actually, you can mention sionism, but you shouldn't talk about it too much, you shouldn't certainly say that zionism has power or any significant power or or you shouldn't really even investigate zinanism directly as a subject of inquiry, that's um common to many of the leaders of stop the war coming from revolutionary socialist backgrounds, not from the labor left, but
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from from much further to left, and so that that's a real problem on the left, instead what they do is they say, oh this is this is to do with imperialism. yes and and and you say how do you no and they say well that that's that's obviously that's the case the tail doesn't like the dog us imperialism is in charge they cannot be any power for this which is of any significance turn your gaze away and of course that means that they don't have any analysis there's no analysis of zinanism it's raw and instead what they say is it's a myth and that's not good enough yes i mean even the chakrabati shami chakravati review that jeremy corbin uh set up talked about sort of avoiding that term didn't it that's right well. shami of course is is a who are avowed revolutionary socialists and bit of liberal, but these are people who are come from revolutionary socialist tradition, nevertheless they themselves talk about a different, yeah well, but stephen, i wonder whether you could tell us about the british christian signist group known as the christian friends of israel then? yes, cfi is
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one of number of christian organizations who believe that the bible mandates the... the jews to the land, therefore the land is theirs, jerusalem is their capital, and the temple is going to be rebuilt, and so they in a sense are part of the zionist, they are in fact part of the zionist lobby attempting to influence christians, to support israel and and the zionist agenda, they have in a sense substituted jesus, israel for jesus, and because of their theological convictions they... actively lobby politicians, church leaders on behalf of israel, supporting the settlement program, the are returning jews to the land, campaigning for the embassies to be... moved to jerusalem, challenging attempts to to introduce two state solution, demonizing the palestinians, they're really
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at the forefront along with bridges for peace, the international christian embassy, christians united for israel, there are a coalition of christian organizations, which means that zionism today is primarily a christian herocy, nine out of 10 zionus are christians, they are naive, they are ignorant of what the bible actually. says um, but they are causing immense damage to not only the indigenous church, but our hopes for justice and peace and reconciliation in palestine. yeah, so david, i mean this this and reluctance to uh, discuss zinanism, i mean, i mean, that leads to an avoidance, doesn't it, of looking at the at the activities of of zinis, i mean, i mean, you were talking your previous there about this over concentration on the crimes of... imperialism do you think that explains it or is there something else going on? i think that's right, mean if you look at the um the analysis that that that comes out from from many people uh from the
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leadership of stop the war, it's always about saying looking imperialisms we have to look and they say you know the the the the main enemies at home and of course that's a brilliant uh dictim for uh for for understanding what people in britain can do about things and yeah the main enemy is at home but 'our government is complicit and we should be uh holding it to account, but the the other part of the enemy that's a home, which there's never mentioned is is of course zionism, the zionist movement is in this country, it's directly supporting uh genocide by sending funds to the idf and by promoting ideologically the the whole genocide and and there's no discussion of that, of course if we if we are to defeat zionis and to defeat the genocide we have to directly take on the zionists in addition to directly taking on the british government'. and that's a real problem i think for the weft for for the strategy of of the antiwm and it means that what happens is you get diluted and diluted into simply calling for a ceasefire rather
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than focusing on the real problem which we face which is which is the the genocide. do you think it's a fear of being labeled an anti-semite? it is but there's something deeper than that i think and that and that is that actually that for the for the whole of the last 75 years really there's been significant z influence on the anti-racist movement, the anti-fascist movement and indeed the anti-war movement, and that that's been the the influence which is which is meant that they take positions where they they start to worry about, if you us word, ooh, i'm not sure we're going with that, and that is a mistake, and and we need to be exposing that mistake and moving past it. yeah, well um, stephen, i wonder whether you might say what you think about justin welby's association with the council of christians and jews, i mean is a relevant issue do you think in this controversy? "it is, i'm i'm deeply saddend by the archbishop's uh track record with with regard to israel and zionism, there was a time when he thought he
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had jewish roots, that his father was jewish, so um, perhaps that was part of the romantic notion that somehow he was linked to the jewish people, um, the clearly the board of deputies and the chief rabbi have nurtured a close relationship with him and..." pressure on him, um, the adoption of the ihra definition of anti-semitism by the archbishops and bishops without any consultation at general sinod was clearly imposed on the church, and and that's why we've seen a conflation between anti-sianism and anti-semitism and the dilution of of antisemitism, which is racism and it must be opposed, but criticizing israel for racism and... party is not anti-semitic, his track record is is lamentable, you'll be well aware of his intervention a week before the last general election, when he sided with the
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chief rabi condemning jeremy corbin, that was conduct unbecoming, clergyman um should stay out of party politics, um, every general election, local election, i used to urge my congregation to vote, but i never told them what to vote, and i never told them what i voted. but um justin welby intervened, that was affalling, and then more recently is refused to meet with jeff halper from the israeli committee against house demolitions, clearly the wrong kind of jew, and then he wouldn't meet with monther isaac, the palestinian, the wrong kind of christian. he's clearly coming under lot of influence from design lobby and he seems to be content with being part of that lobby, he refused. to use the word apartite, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and therefore he is complicit with the appalling events we've seen in gaza
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recently, yeah, sad state of affairs for the most senior uh churchman in the church of england, the established church to be taking the positions that he has, but thank you stephen for your contributions, i'm afraid we are out of time again today, so let me thank the reverend dr. stephen seiser for joining us today, and of course our resident expert professor david miller, palestine classified, we'll be back next week with more forensic investigations and analysis and in the meantime, please share today's program on your social media platforms to help us continue growing our audience and countering the disinformation turned out by the corporate media and remember you can follow the show on facebook, twitter and telegram where we post regular clips and updates, so until next time, this is chris williamson saying bye for now.
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sheikh talal abdurrahman shirim, a former prisoner in israeli regime prisons. dealing with the situation in pales. and talking to someone who understands and knows the zionist regime very well. freedom is priceless and must. the palestinian detainee suffers two pains: the first pain when his house is rated by the occupations army. the second suffering that the prisoner will endure begins when he is placed in the army troops vehicle. we hope that the blood that was shed in gaza was not
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in vain and that they will... عباد الله وحدوا الله نلت السعاده يا حسين قدمنا الشهداء ولا نصر اعمل.