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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:03pm IRST

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the headlines, of the us's radio genocide in gaza continues for the 152nd day with the death tools surpassing 30,700 mostly women and children. the hamos resistance movent asserts that any ceasefire agreement must effectively prevent. all kinds of israeli crimes against the palestinian people. former us president donald trump secures victories across 13 states in republican primaries on super tuesday further strengthening his position in the race for the white house. hello of
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and welcome everybody, it's 2:30 p.m. here in the iranian capital centran, watching press tv's world news. our top story for this half hour is israel's genocidal war. on the gaza strip enters its 152nd day, more civilians fall victim to the regime's air strikes on the besieg territory over the past 24 hours and israeli bombing of al zeitun neighborhood in gaza city left two palestinians dead and several more injured. the city has witnessed another attack on uh the people waiting for aid resulting in the injury of several of them. in central gaza, six civilians, including a journalist working for the alaas tv were killed in the attacks on homes and der albala. to the south, 25 bodies have been recovered from under the rubble in different areas of the city of hanunes. meanwhile, the world food program reported that the israeli army denied the entry of aid convoy to famon striken northern gaza. the death tool from the israeli onslot on gaza since early october has now surpassed 30,700 with majority of them being women and children.
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the organization of islamic cooperation has held an extraordinary foreign ministerial meeting in the saudi city of jedda to discuss the israeli occupation of palestine. gaza was the focus of the talks to the final oic statement calling for immediate and unconditional and to the depy israeli aggression against the bessieg territory. the oic calls for an immediate and unconditional cease fire and succession of the all-out aggression against the palestinian people in. gaza's trip, the provision of unimpeded and adequate humanitarian medical and relief aid, the provision of water and electricity and the opening of humanitarian corridors to deliver urgent aid to the gaza strip. the statement from the 57 member block also warned about the dangerous consequences of continuing israeli genocide, and ethnic cleansing of palestinians in gaza called on the un security council to take urgent
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measures to stop israeli atrocities in gaza as well as the rest of the occupied palestinian territories. the oic categorically rejected any attempt to forceively transfer the palestinian people from their ancestral land, it said that peace can only be achieved when the israeli occupation comes to an end. the oic affirms that peace, security and stability in the... region can only be achieved by ending the israeli colonial occupation and all its illegal policies and criminal practices against the palestinian people, and calls on all countries and international institutions to take practical steps that lead to empowering the palestinian people with their inalienable rights, specifically their right to self-determination, independence and return on the basis of international law and international legitimacy resolutions, and to confront all steps that undermine these
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rights, the oic also depported some countries for claiming to be the defenders of human rights, while at the same time supporting the ongoing aggression against palestinians and granting impunity to the israeli regime. the organization did not single out a country, but the us is known for its strong political and military support to the israeli regime since it launched a genocidal war on gaza back in october tuesday's foreign ministerial meeting of ic was held at the request of iran of and several other members. the united states is piling up pressure on the palestinian resistance movement, hamas to accept a temporary cease fire with israel. this is yet another attempt by washington to back the regime after proving it, or rather providing it with weapons and money to launch this genocidal war on the gauza strip. the hostly deal is in the hand. of hamas right now,
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okay, because there been an offer, rational offer, israelies have agreed to it, and uh, wait to see what the hamas does. biden also claimed that the tel aviv regime has presented a rational offer on the establishment of a cease fire. he also talked about israely captives held in gaza, but failed to mention thousands of palestinians languishing in his the regime's jails for months and years without trial or charges. the us president made the remarks as egyptian and gatali mediators are trying to find ways to hammer out deal before the holy month of ramadan. the united states has already vetoed three un resolutions on the gaza's cease fire and supplied tel aviv with military and finance. support for the gaza war mus underline that the security of palestinians will not be ensured unless a permanent cease fire takes hold. in the past two days, hamas presented its position on the proposal by
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qatari and egyptian mediators at the end of last week. we reaffirmed our conditions for a ceasefire, a full pull out from the gaza's trip, the return of the displaced to the area. as they left, providing adequate relief and medical aid, and launching the reconstruction process. israel is reportedly against the withdrawal of its forces and the return of palestinian refugees to the northern part of the gaza strip. uh, in december, fighting was paused in humanitarian aid was allowed into gaza's part of a week's long ceasefire. it also saw an exchange of 240 palestinian abducties with 105 israeli captives. hamas has said, time and again that any prisoner exchange deal is out of question unless its conditions for a ceasefire are met. to discuss uh the gaza cease fire, we were joined by our guests earlier in our news review program. let's see what they had to say about the issue. joining us on this
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edition of the news review, we have professor of international relations at lebanese university, mr. jamal wakim, who's joining us from the lebanese capital, beirot, also from cydia morocco, we have political commentator kevin barrett. gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's start off with mr. wakiem. uh, we were listening to the comments by us president joe biden who claims that the israelies have uh uh put forth uh rational offer. i want to get uh your thoughts on that, how do you read into those comments? by the us president and the main question here is uh, can the israelis even be trusted uh in such a situation? well, of course biden is supporting israel ever since it launched its aggression against gaza, and he's supporting
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also all political stances and initiatives, he wants israel to be victorious in this aggression against the resistance. in the gaza strip and that's why he is endorsing all conditions and prerequisites for such an objective to be achieved. this is how we can understand biden's comments in this regard. of course israel cannot be trusted and throughout the the arab israeli struggle it was only checked by power and by force not not by any negotiations or any agreement, so that's why i believe that these conditions that are put on the table by israel are not acceptable to the resistance in gaza, and this will drag on the the conflict in the
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gaza strip, leading to more and more civilians to get killed by the israeli army. mr. kevin barret. "i want to get your thoughts as well, do you agree with our guest in beirot that these conditions that are being being putting forth by the israelis in washington are not acceptable? why is that? and do you also see that uh washington and the tel aviv regime they just keep kicking the ball down further further down the field? yeah, i think he's right, that is that the israelis are looking for kind of so-called temporary ceasefire uh which were..." for all their hostages to be released, and then they after that cease fire is over, they would be free to continue committing genocide and pulverizing the gaza without any kind of restraint, obviously that's a non-starter,
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the only way that the palestinian resistance can reasonably be expected to release all the israelis in its custody is: if there is going to be a permanent cease fire, not a temporary, and that's that's the sticking point here, it seems and the americans unfortunately are seeking. an israeli victory, they are on the side of the zionists, byden's administration is surrounded by zionists and they don't want to see their side lose. they also have political problems though, because biden will very likely lose the next presidential election if there hasn't been some kind of durable peace. now what what he would like to see, suppose would be some sort of imaginary israeli victory, but there's no such thing, that can't happen, there's there's no perspective path. to the israelis defeating hamas uh and getting their people back alive, it can't the
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that that's not going to happen an israeli victory scenario, but they have these delusions, met yahu does, because if all the other alternatives involved netanyahu leaving power and very likely entering prison, and then the americans are really just hostages the vasigns and so they entertain these lunatic fantasies. uh ultimately the americans are going to... have to put pressure on the zionists to accept some kind of permanent sessation to this genicide uh that's the only reasonable way this can end and that's the only way that biden can preserve his chances of being reelected. ground thanks to my guest professor jamil wakeem joining us from the lebanese capital bay and also political commentator kevin barret joining us from sydia, morocco. that's wrap uh for this edition of the news review, but stick around there's plenty more to come here on press tv. moving on, the islamic
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resistance in iraq says it has launched a new attack against israeli targets in the occupied territories in support of the palestinian people in gaza. the iraqi resistant says that it targeted the power station at israel's haifa airport using drones. it added the operation was carried out in response to israel's massacre of palestinian civilians including women and... in gaza. the azomic resistance in iraq has carried out number of attacks on israeli targets in recent months. last week the group launched a drone attack a chemical facility in the israeli port of hyfa. the resistance group has also struck major american military bases in syria and iraq made anger over the us support for israel's genocide in gaza. how design is. come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation, how do they form their secret
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army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these: and more questions in this documentary, welcome back, israeli forces have carried out fresh raids across the occupied west bank cities abducting several palestinians early our correspondent in romdel updated us on israeli raids that are taking place almost a daily basis. are arresting people from all walks of life, including women and children, and even
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palestinian former prisoners who had been recently released in the latest swap deal that was accepted between the resistance groups and israel, and at the same time the israels are detaining former prisoners, this morning the israels raided tulk, they raided also mitonia, khalil, the village of khufurin near ramallah, qalqilia, tulkaram and blahim. according to the recent statistics from the palestinian prisoners commission, 15 palestinians had been detained this morning, and the number could be even more than 15, and this means the number of palestinians since the 7th of october is today over 7,400. and 30 palestinians, the israels continue to claim that the main aim of the non-stop
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israeli operations across the occupied westbank is in in order to prevent people from being engaged in any form of resistance, even if these are peaceful demonstrations, different forms of activity. the lebanese resistance moving has wella says: it is precisely targeted building in the israeli settlement of avivim with appropriate weapons inflicting significant damage to it earlier our correspon give us an update on hezwel's retaliatory attacks. as well as also released some numbers actually and we're talking about 150 days since the beginning of the war uh they say there's at least 2 thousand israeli soldiers either killed or wounded as a result the continuous operations by hazballah there's also huge numbers of um rockets that were fired they talk about those numbers
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we're talking about here at least five kilometers uh from the border in the galili. that have been completely evacuated, you have also rocket fire reaching more than 23 kilometers within those settlements and that area, you have 43 settlements that were evacuated and at least 230,000 settlers of the israelis have been evacuated and have been displaced from that area since the beginning of the confrontations you have also hazbullah has mentioned that they have targeted and perhaps destroyed some 68% vehicles, 38 command centers and 283 fortifications, and of course there in addition to the espionage devices that they have also destroyed, the technology technological hardware for the israelis, we're talking about some 300 in addition to 500 and 70 res residence or settlements that are built in those settlements areas that were destroyed by hezballah, so you have very
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significant numbers for that were issued by hazballah, of course has said 200 israel soldiers. been killed or wonded since they cannot really verify how many were killed, but they have also said that any number that is given by the israeli um army is inaccurate and it is usually much more than what it is to the united states where it's a joyous occasion for former president donald trump who has increased his lead further on super tuesday. this is a day when the outcome of democratic and republican primaries in 15 states and one terror. typically shapes the race for the white house. addressing his supporters in florida, trump hailed his wins as unprecedented. thank you very much, they call it super tuesday for a reason. this is a big one. and they tell me the pundits and otherwise that there's never been one like this. there's never been anything so
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conclusive. this was an amazing, an amazing night, an amazing day. it's been. incredible period of time in our country's history, it's been sad in so many ways, but i think it's going to be inspiring because we're going to do something that frankly nobody's been able to do for a long time. trump soul republican challenger nikki haley is far behind as she is one only in vermont. trump has one at least 890 delegates to date while haley has secured fewer than 70, that despite the former president facing number of loss. suits in the democratic camp and coming president joe biden is cruising toward nomination as he swept in all 15 states on super tuesday biden remains a front runner for democrats as he faces no real challenger within the party, he gears up for a likely rematch with trump in november, meanwhile biden said in a statement that second trump term would be returned to quote chaos, division and darkness. early we
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spoke to gloria. activists and political analyst from san francisco, she told us that most americans are shocked to see trump and biden competing for the presidency again just by doing nothing while at the white house. the sentiment among many people is one of disgusted and basically shock that it could be the same two candidates who have had proven records of doing nothing to help the people of the united states and instead carrying out wars uh on biden's part, the war in ukraine funding by hundreds of billions of dollars and then financing, tripling the amount of aid, military aid to the genocide that israel is caring out, and biden buying time for israel in its attack on the palestinian people, but on the other hand,
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let's remember that in 2020 september was the abraham accords which... trump was behind in which it was normalizing the relationship of israel with several arab countries, including uae, bahrain, morocco, and eventually saudi arabia, that was only stopped recently or paralyzed for a time by the resistance that began with the al-a flood of october 7, but the choice is really very, very dire, and that's why... actually, there are several third party candidates who have arisen who are getting quite interest in the us public, of course they will not get the kind of public. national television that trump and biden will get in the uk government ministers are considering expanding the definition of
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extremism and banning members of parliament from engaging with protest groups among them pro-palestine march organizers. human rights campaigners say the move is insult to democracy reports. the right to speak out to protest. very fabric of democratic rights once again under attack in the uk as the government updates its definition of extremism and is about to introduce a potential ban on parliamentarians joining protests. recommendations from the government's advisor on political violence, john woodcock, also known as lord walney, was a former chair of labor friends of israel, call and leaders of the mainstream political parties to instruct their mps to employ a zero tolerance approach. to groups that use disruptive tactics or fail to stop quote "hate on marches" in the crosshairs, climate activist groups such as extinsion rebellion
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and palestine solidarity campaign who have organized the enormous peaceful mobilizations for gaza since october last year. this is affront to democracy and an indication of a weaken decaying governmentts descent into authoritarianism, it totally out of touch with the... british people and actually very much out of keeping with the british values that they claim to champion. ahead of walney's recommendations, and after the by-election in rochedale greater manchester that handed pro-palestine campaigner george galloway, a thumping victory, a speech by the prime minister vilifying the pro-palestinian protests demanding a cease fire in gaza. in recent weeks and months we have seen a shocking increase in extremist disruption and criminality. "what started as protests on our street has descended into intimidation, threats and planned acts of violence. critics say comments like those about peaceful
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demonstrations are a threat to the long tradition of freedom of protest and expression in the country. his assertions are totally false, i mean the claims of increase in antisemitism of extremism. there is no evidence for that, i mean this is just pure invention and another indication frankly of how..." weak this government really is to have a special um address to the nation as if there was some sort of state of emergency and some people that spoke to me thought that that we declared war on russia, what it was was uh george galloway, the leader of the workers party getting elected as member of parliament, i mean that should be celebrated, not not attacked in that way, it's just absolutely ridiculous. the new changes are yet to be announced and legislated, but the political temperature is rapidly rising in the uk. in its 2024 world report, human rights watch says that the uk government's practices and policies have severely curtailed domestic human rights protections.
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others say the country is at risk of turning into a police state maskerading as democracy. the question now is, how deep will those erosions go and will the mps in the building behind me allow them to continue? sid buriza press tv, london. that's a rap for now, but stick around, we've got plenty more to come here on press tv. bye everybody. "the rivers of mesopotamia are going through their most critical times, with the deaths of
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the tigris and the euphretes, what will the future hold for the people of iraq and syria? will the arab? river end up the way the tigris and the euphretes did, the future for millions of people is tied to the freedom of captive called water.
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in the midst of the war between the arab and israel, june 8th, 1967, unidentified attackers target a us navy warship in the mediterranean. if heard about it, if i had
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so, what was it, i suggest we stop the interview here, what do you say, why you wanted? the attack on the liberty was part of a covert operation by the cia and musad to destroy the power of arab military forces in the 6-day war against israel. stay with press tv as we take a look at evidence from this operation and listen to i-witness accounts.
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i believe that working together we can make history.
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it's obvious that we've come a long way to reach this point, for years, generation after generation, we've been trying, and today we're on the verge of success, on the verge of achieving victory, our long way. it is about to bear fruits.