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tv   Documentary Israels Mother 2  PRESSTV  March 6, 2024 3:02pm-3:30pm IRST

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it's obvious that we've come a long way to reach. this point, for years, generation after generation, we've been trying, and today we're on the verge of success, on the verge of achieving victory, our long wait is about to bear fruits.
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the last time when i visited the king of jordan, he asked, why are you in such a hurry, and why do you insist so much, and you should be patient. i said, we've been waiting for 2000 years. do you still believe that we are impatient? we might not remember all the 20 years, but at least i for one can talk about the hardships and efforts me and my parents went through. i asked abdullah, do you remember all the days and seconds of the nabitians? do you remember all their suffering? rings after the arrival of the
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romans? no, but it's obvious that you and facehall who want to establish a government in jordan and iraq today, remember your father's efforts, even if sherif hussein had not passed away in 1931, he could have talked about the dream that had been kept alive for 77 years to pass it to you. of
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it was these growing sufferings that let herzel to request the establishment of a home for jews, and only year before i was born, the first world jewish congress was formed in bussel, switzerland, the first candle was... lit and it was supposed to shine light to the dark corner of the world. i was less than 9 years old. mean it was in 1906 when my parents and shina and zipka, the other two daughters of the family arrived in the united states. shino was 17 years old and zipca was 4 years. younger than me, the us was a place
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that seemed to be the promised land for the whole world, my dad had gone to new york a year earlier and we spent that year in belarus. in 1906 we decided to join my dad. in milwaukee, wisconsin. at that time, the second wave of immigration to palestine, the promised land had begone. my father did not want to experience another displacement. many of our fellow jews tried to persuade him to go to palestine instead of the us, but there was still no government and law in that land.
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i was still a teenager and i was considered an unofficial member, but i found the continuation of my dream in a group that might be... the first jewish labor party. in those days, i didn't even think that one day i would tell the jordanian king face to face that we've been running and falling down and waiting for 2 years, but that unofficial membership in the labor party was the beginning of my efforts with love. we did a lot of things in that party. back then, i was thinking exactly like the great austrian journalist theather hurzel, the founder of the jewish agency and the mastermind of the jewish estate manifesto. herzzel and his book for zionism for traditional jews is just like
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judah hanasi and his book mishna, the first section of the talmut. during the peak of communism. jewish communities were also being formed in the occupied territories. the first kabuts were formed by the efforts of the jews 10 years before i immigrated to palestine. these socialist villages were the ideal model of peaceful and blissful life in those days. everyone was working and everyone was getting the benefit. everyone. as much as possible, i moved to a kiboots and started new life there. hagana initially replaced the hashomer
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organization to be the jewish police in the lands under the british protectorid and act against the growing arab movements, but gradually... it grew taller and reached a more significant position. obviously, i didn't want to remain just socialist teacher and cook, so i became member of the hagana as well. between 1920 and 1923 i was a cook and
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teacher. i thought by joining the hagana, i would also defend the safety of my cherished kabuts, but could the comm... the communal village of gulda and her friends see itself excluded from the rest of the jews who were exposed to dangers. at the same time, when the daughter of the mabovic family was looking at her family photos realized that the dispersion of jews was still the achilles hill for their survival. maybe they could all be gathered in palestine, the property of... saint mary, but how many people could be housed in our cabuts? many jews in europe were still living in suffering, just like my sister and parents. i thought a place should
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be provided to invite all the afflicted jews. those years things had changed. idealistic jews were coming to palestine, the heavenly land, not only from russia and eastern europe, but also from germany and the us. it was obvious that the influx of incoming people to palestine, the canan of endless romances was so massive that the arabs did their best to stop the fourth wave of immigration with civil wars. what happened in 19? 29 and was called the al-burax uprising and bloodched, culminated near the wailing wall, next to the only remaining wall of hamikdash harishon, the first holy place
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built by prophet solomon, the place where muslims claim their prophet ascended to heaven from there, and the qibla of their prayers was initially... there, they say this is the only open path to heaven, and both christ and muhammad ascended to heaven through that way. in the fartest mosk, the al-aqsa mosk, which was built on the temple of solomon and next to the dome of the rock, the place of worshipping god, was drowned in blood. among the arabs, izadin al-ghassam had started strange and complicated establishment. small groups of five people plus a leader, none of the fighters knew each
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other, they only knew the leader of the group and izadin, wonderful cycle of intelligence and operations, he had started organizing and ideologically deepening his forces since many years ago, but in 1934, they made their military actions public in the mountainous areas of... northern palestine, actually they were giving us a hard time. of course, the hagana was not the only fighting force in the war. finally, according to international law, the land separated from the ottoman empire was under the god. guidance and control of britain, they had to fulfill their main duty, namely establishing
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law and order in the land under their guardianship. well, it is obvious that the britains were in harmony with us. in this way, following this... wave of jewish immigration and arab opposition, finally in 1935, sheikh izaddin al-ghassam and his fighters were killed by the british forces. however, i'm afraid that the spirit of that uncontrollable palestinian will reincarnate in the next generations and repeating his name will always frighten us. what's more, the british successfully attacked their headquarters with r equipment and helicopters. it's obvious that it would have been better to credit the hagana members for
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the honor, but in the end it wouldn't make much difference. the important thing was that the road to improve the situation should have been paved. the victory of britain and the jews, it supported against is... facilitated migration, so few years later, a quarter of million more jews entered the promised lands of herzel. imagine that you're moving towards your lover on the road. the familiar signs of her home make you excited, don't they? people welcomed immigration to palestine, the land of peace and oats and olives. for me, these are the coveted signs. now, the jewish
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population comprised 30% of the total population, the final victory seemed to be closer day by day, as if britain and the jewish immigrants were the compliments of prophet moses's promise. "the promised land was rising like the sun on the horizon. we had given up everything to reach the sunrise. it is clear that..." "the palestinians had not remained idle during these years. britain
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had launched an organization called the palestine police in 1920 to maintain domestic order. the arab fighters knew that the organization would serve with the common interests of us, jews and britain. the palestinians wanted to stand against our rational wards. of course, nothing..." but violence was expected from creatures like them, they planned the biggest revolution, or as they called it intifada until that time. it was really massive and it is obvious that they were very strong, six months of nationwide strike and widespread resistance against the hagana and other jewish military groups had troubled britain as well. they
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formed the peel commission in 1936. "the commission tried to propose a plan to establish peace. this is the gist of their plan, dividing palestine into two arab and jewish countries, but again the arabs did not agree. the jews wanted the country proportionate to the percentage of their population, but the palestinians said only about 6%." the land belong to the jews. they are narrow-minded, miseraly and selfish people, like the russians who drove us away, like the poles, germans, or the venicians, even the british, or our enemies at least in their hearts, like all non- jewish people in the world. they have been created like
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beasts. their most respectful name is gentile, the talmut is right about it. they did not agree to britain's plan, not because al quds was supposed to remain under the british control, but because of the percentage of land ownership. in that year, we were on the brink of victory, but we... did not achieve it, the palestinian resistance was about to turn the tables on us. in that year, walter rothchild, the jewish member of the british parliament, managed to persuade arthur james balfer, the british foreign minister, to declare the
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british kingdom's support for the formation the jewish state. balfer announced: disagreement in a letter. in a short letter he wrote: november the 2nd, 1917. dear lord rothchild, i am proud to state to you on behalf of his majesty, the king of great britain, that your request was sent to the cabinet of the british government and was accepted. his majesty. to the establishment of national home for the jews in palestine, and he is doing his best to make this happen. it is very obvious that the civil and religious rights of the non-jewish and native inhabitants of palestine should not be violated, nor should the legal and political
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needs of the countries in that region be violated. i would be grateful if you present... this is statement to the zionist association. the last part of the letter was not very important for us and the respected jewish agency. the important part was the principle of support. but now, in 1939, the pressure of the palestinians had become overwhelming. the cowardly britains, they published a famous state. statment known as the white book. it banned jewish immigration to palestine, the land of milk and honey for the next five years. it was a strange law, something contrary to all the years of immigration and hardship. did we face all those hardships to get here? how could we
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abide by such a law? even if your biggest supporter... had introduced the law. we had to defend our achievements after several years of displacement and homelessness. we all stood together side by side against going back.
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the hagana, ashtern and other jewish military groups continued the war not only with the palestinians, but with the british. for example, evelyn barker was like arabs. he was the commander and chief of the british armed forces, but he didn't seem to have any respect for the jews. maybe if we were in the holy land before the occupation of palestine, nothing could be done, but now the least they could do was to attack his house with hand grenades.
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after that, when the british did not retreat and did not realize their mistake, we had to bomb their headquarters. the king david hotel was demolished, so the... would realize that they should stay away from things like the white book. now the british should realized that their presence was no longer helpful. now they had to leave israel much faster than they entered palestine.
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and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors, but relatives. throughout ages, they have bolstered their ties from culture economy, and science and technology, and a myriad other fields. yet they have set the stage for bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two nations, and make the region an energy hub. iranian entrepreneurs, officials and business people have held an exhibition in the land of their relatives to pave the path for greater
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synergy. watch this documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighborly tires.
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"we must not become part of south africa's problem. we must remain part of their solution. we must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions. our favorites in south africa. damn it, we have favorites in south africa. the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime. we have favores. i also want to say a word about the situation in israel. the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes. more than 1,000, one.
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innocent lives lost, including at least 27 americans. these guys make, they make alkido look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil, i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united states stands with israel.
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first of the headlines this hour, the us israely genocide in gaza continues for the 152nd day with the death poll surpassing 30,700, mostly women and children, the mus resistance. asserts that any cease fire agreement must effectively prevent all kinds of israeli crimes against the palestinians. also the headlines, the former us president donald trump secures victories across 13 states in the republican primaries on super tuesday, further strengthening his position in the race for the white house.