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tv   Hidden Files Interview with Tala Abdulrahman  PRESSTV  March 7, 2024 10:00am-10:14am IRST

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but i want to say that the interrogation is inhuman. allah, the almighty said in the quran, indeed, we have dignified the children of adam, so it doesn't make sense that another child of adam comes and breach your freedom and attack you and your ideas and religion and doctrine. that's kind of insane, but as i have said, palestine is precious. palestine is the heart of the arab and muslim world, and whatever sacrifices we make, they will remain. well, according to human rights groups, more than 8,000 palestinians are currently lodged in israeli jails. can you share more specific details about the total number of detainees, including those arrested since october, the 7th. unfortunately there
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is false information even among the human rights groups, the red cross etc. but as a person who is in charge of that file, i will give you the accurate figures. before october 7th, some 5,200 detainees were impresent, including about 450 children and minors under the age of 18 and 35 women. the rest of the detainees were men, but after october 7th, the occupation authorities. launched a crazy, brutal campaign against palestinians, arresting members of the legislative council, engineers, doctors, university students, general public, former prisoners, women and children. now, the number of palestinians held in israeli jails exceeds 12,000. that means 7,000 more palestinians have been detained since october 7th. that's kind of insane, because about 7,00 people were detained during just four months. between 700
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and 800 people are also reported missing and their whereabouts are unknown, so we're talking about huge number of detainees and prisoners. these were the actual figures of palestinian detaines held in israeli jails. we often come across horrifying stories of systematic torture inside israeli jails, inmates electrocuted, deprived the... food and sleep, denied medical care, handcuffed and assaulted and even sexual abuse. does the apartite regime used torture as a weapon of war against palestinians? i have been in detained 10 times since the first into father or uprising in. 1987, i was detained and
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released 10 times, so i have lot of experience and have lot to say about what takes place during the interrogations, and about the horrifying stories i heard from my fellow detainees. regarding torture, i have said that the torture starts from the moment of arrest and continues until the end of the interrogation. during the interrogation, all inhuman techniques are used such as stripping the detainees of his clothes. with the interrogator mocking him or flirting with him as a kind of assault, but honestly, no sexual assault takes place, and i haven't heard something about that. the individual, however, could be threatened with sexual assault, the wives or sisters of some of the detainees were also detained and brought to the interrogation. there the men were threatened with subjecting their wives or sisters to sexual abuse if they refused to make a confession. this is a method to force
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the detenees to speak and make a confession. some of the detenees break down and speak up as they want their wives, sisters or mothers to return home, and subsequently the interrogator gets what he wants. sometimes it is the detainees who threatened the interrogators, that if their wives or sisters were not freeed, they would witness unprecedented things. these strong men instilled fear in the regime's authorities that later release the... was women who were used as tools to exert pressure on their husbands or brothers who were being interrogated. regarding the other techniques, i personally spent a week, seven days sitting a chair with my hands cuffed behind my back and my face covered. i spent seven days without sleep and without food during the fasting month of ramadan. they were giving us just one meal every two or three days. when i was asking for water, they were... was
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spilling water on the floor, so if you wanted to drink water, you had to drink the water spilled on the floor. these were among the interrogation techniques. there were other techniques that depended on the case. or the method adopted by the interrogator, there was the good guy, bad guy technique, where one interrogator speaks nicely, kindly asking the detainee whether he has a wife and children and speaks about releasing him and giving him money in order to encourage him to speak up. in return, there was an aggressive interrogator who was beating, insulting and spitting on the detaining and doing everything you can imagine. what's currently happening in israeli jails is: is harsher than what happened in the us detention centers of abu ghraib and guantanamo bay. i can say that they all learn from the same source, how to torture and humiliate the people. there are many methods of torture in jails that require several interviews in order to address them, as each person and
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each charge has a certain method. sometimes interrogations result in deaths. in israeli jails, more than five were killed. to torture, they were suffocated while being handcuffed, they put a piece of cloth on the mouth of the detaine, the detainee could be suffering from a disease, and the interrogator doesn't know that, and subsequently, such techniques could result in his death. some people died during the interrogations. when i was in the tolkarm central prison, one of the detaines who was sitting next to me during the interrogation, was martered. he died, due to torture, then there are many methods of torture, sometimes they even resort to israel's supreme court to obtain a license to torture ruling, because the interrogator doesn't want to bear the responsibility of that severe torture, and
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wants the court to be responsible instead if that detainee dies, so they obtain a decision from the court and set the detane down and shake him for a long period of time, and that's subsequently inflicts a brain injury on him that leaves him either dead or mentally ill. some people died because of that method of heinous torture. what people watch on tv is nothing compared to what actually happens. you saw how they stripped scores, hundreds and thousands of people of their clothes in front of cameras. omit freezing temperatures, let alone what happens behind closed doors. they strip people of their clothes and put them a wet floor and turn on, air conditioners, switching back and forth from cooling to heating. during one to two days, those detainees fall ill due to that method of torture. all these methods were aimed at pressing the detanie to forcibly admit to something. there are methods that are less heinous, but still
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heinous, such as imprisoning the individual a certain room with people portrayed as honorable palestinian detainees and fighters, but in fact they are spies who work for the israeli regime and deceive the detinie to obtain information from him. there are other soft techniques such as providing the detini with the most delicious food. while the detini is hungry, the interrogator brings delicious food and begins eating and asks the detinie if he wants to share him the food, saying, "how are you?" here you are. if the dete aate, he will also be offered coffee. that's another method to obtain confession from the weak people, but the real fighters refused eat or drink anything. no matter how much i spoke about methods of torture, they still exceed the imagination, and what we currently see is just part of the suffering
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that palestinian detenees are grappling with in israeli jails. that was concerning the interrogation phase. in the next stage, and after a forced confession. there he sees his fellow detenees and begins a new life compatible with the prison's laws which are set by the regime's authorities who place each four or five people in a two by two or two by the meter room. there are also larger rooms such as 10 by f meter rooms in which 30 to 40 prisoners are placed. then the prisoners are diverse. that was what i had to say in brief about the issue of the torture of detanees. i mean it's so unbelievable and uh so heartbreaking hearing what the prisoners go through because of the zinist
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regime. and recently a statement by the palestinian prisoners club said detainees are being denied medical care not transferred to clinics or hospitals in case of medical emergency. is it become? while we are in a state of war, all the laws have changed, despite its ugliness, the occupation ultimately adheres to the law of the international committee of the red cross, or some international and human rights bodies in order to appear democratic and civilized, but all the masks have fallen amid the ongoing war. there is no democracy, there are no human rights, no humanity in the israeli regime. dealings, so we see it innovating new torture techniques for the sake of deterrents, the regime used to insults to
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obtain forced confession, but now and emit the war, the regime aims at pressing the resistance, the regime uses the scenes of the arrest of women and children in order to press the resistance to submit to its demands, then they want to obtain what they fail to obtain through weapons and explosives and through murders and physical assaults by pressuring the fighters when they witnessed the mistreatment of their women, children and people, that is means of pressure and a dirty war. any war has its own means such as means of destruction, such as bombs and weapons of mass destruction, but the other means is to torture the civilians who are not involved in any operations in order to press the fighters to give up and raise the white flag. the more dirty method is that occupation deprives people from food and water. in northern gaza we have famine in every sense of the word. there is no edible thing there. there are
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more than 60 thousand pregnant women who have nothing eat. how will their fetuses be nourished? dozens of fetuses die in their mother's wombs, and those were born alive find no milk or drink. the babies have nothing eat and subsequently die. there are cases of child deaths due to malnourishment. in prisons, we knew the meaning of hunger. because we went on hunger strikes to restore our rights that the prison's authorities deprived us from, or to protest against punitive measures adopted against us. sometimes we didn't eat anything for a month or two months, so we felt pains including in the head and the knee and grapple with weakness. after two to three weeks, the hunger striker becomes unable to stand up and walk, and instead remains in bed. thus, hunger leaves people collapsed. "the case now is not concerning number of hunger strikers in prisons, but concerning an entire nation
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that is suffering. more than 700 thousand people in gaza have no food. israel also destroys medical facilities such as hospitals and medicines. there are no medicines in gaza. there are 10,00 cancer patients in gaza and they have no medication and are dying slowly. regarding the normal cases, we have over 350,00 patients who don't even have..." access to panadol tablet for the headache, let alone those whose legs or hands have been amputated, how will they be treated? many of them see their bodies decomposed, and when a decomposed part of their body is amputated, another part begins to decompose, so they cut the other part off after a week or so on. someone told me that he buried his father in three phases, as his father's hand and leg were cut off during a strike on their house, so the son took them and buried them und... the ground, later that same family was targeted in another strike that amputated.