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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 7, 2024 2:30pm-3:03pm IRST

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the headlines dozens more palestinians fall victim to ongoing israeli strikes on gaza raising the total death tool from the aggression to near the 31. china says a deadly israel on gaza is a tragic. for human kind and a disgrace for civilization, calling of for immediate ceasefire. and us military confirms a missile attack a commercial ship in the gulf of aden as the eemeny army continues to target israeli-bound vessels.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 2:30 p.m. here in the iranian capital tehran, you're watching press tv's world news, our top story more than five months into the israeli genocidal war on the gaza strip, the regime's incessent air strikes and shelling keep claiming innocent lives in a bessieg territory. according to the gaza health ministry, over 80 people were killed and 140 others injured since wednesday, several palestinians lost their lives after the regime's troopers once again open f... on crowds waiting for eight trucks in the west of gaza city, in the north of gaza city, aerial raid a mosk in the jabalie refugee camp also claimed lives, meanwile mount nutrition and dehydration persist inflicting severe consequences on the palestinian population. gaz's medical sources say the number of people died from malnutrition and dehydration has surged to 20, more than 30,800 gazons, most of them, women and children, have been killed since israel launched its war early october of last year.
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jamie mcgoldrick, un humanitarian coordinator for the occupied palestinian territory is warned of serious secute malnutrition in northern parts of gaza. he says un will assess on thursday how it can use an israeli military controlled road to deliver more humanitarian aid to desperate palestinians. hunger has reached catastrophic levels. and especially in the north of gaza which we haven't served for for weeks and yesterday's convoy attempt was again disrupted because of the the ransacking of that and the insecurity. the children are now as we see in the the images on the media who are dying of hunger related diseases, and in order to prevent that from happening, we have to have of a plan that allows us to you know prevent famin, we need to significantly scale up the humanitarian assistance in there, and that would be that you know we have to use this
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military road, this fence road at the side on the eastern side to allow material to come from the crossing point at karam shalom and rafa all the way up to the north and into the north, this road runs parallel to the the edge of gaza strip is on the eastern side and it's road that the military use to use their own um you supply lines and deliver you know moving in, they have another crossing points into uh below carni is a place called berry which is the crossing point they'll probably use, "the idea would be that um uh that you get the the trucks scanned and there'll be 14 or 15 trucks from wfp who will be scanned, they go outside onto the roads and then they enter into this route, i think it's called route 93 or 96 and then you go north on that road, there is no traffic on that road other than military traffic, and we have to get up at least 300 trucks a day, right now we're lucky if we're getting about 150, and so to to address those issues properly." we have to
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do that, and these other options like airdrops, these are helpful, but these are not going to address the significant needs which can only be done by by road transport, and that's something we have to do, and is when you get a time at ramadan coming up it pulls into focus, how desperate people find themselves in, so i think people are looking for a way to get back to something normal, something more stable and something more certain, and hopefully that will happen in the near future, and hopefully that we get some sort of pause which will allow us to stabilize people's health, peoplize people's food. jaf aramini joined us with his take on the humanitarian catastrophe in gaz, especially starvation that is being used as a weapon by the israeli regime against palestinians. since the beginning of this latest war against the palestinian people, they are very open about it. no food, water,
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no medicine, no fuel, no electricity, nothing will go into gaza, which is the call and open call for genocide, and every single country... in the world is still saying israel has a right to defend itself, even when israel killed 119 people last week who were cuewing for food out of starvation and first, the united states still use their veto at the security council to condemn this feeling of palestinians in cold blood because the language, they were not happy with the language that was used in top of that, the so-called civilized western parts, when they talk about gaza, palestine and the israelis,
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the are their main concern is always the release of the israeli hostages, no talk of the palestinian hostages and prisoners who are languishing in israeli jazz for years without charge, and while america is at the helm, israel will continue to get away with murder, because starvation, using food and water and medicine as open of war is a war crime and a crime against humanity. the chinese foreign minister says is: country supports the full un membership of a palestinian state, urging other members of the security council to refrain from creating any obstacle to the issue. china firmly supports the just cause of the palestinian people to restore their legitimate national
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rights and has always been committed to a comprehensive and lasting solution to the palestinian issue. we support palestine's membership as full united nations member state and call on certain security council members not to set obstacles to this. wangy also called the ongoing deadly israel on gas a tragedy for humankind and a disgrace for civilization. he reiterated beijing's calls for immediate cease fire saying there are no justifications for continuation of war and no excuses for the killing of civilians. the top chinese diplomats said that historical injustice is suffered by the palestini people cannot cont for generations without being corrected, beijing has always been sympathetic to the palestinian cause and supportive of two-state solution. a palestinian delegation is in new york to meet with un chief and the president of the
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security council to highlight gaza's catastrophic conditions. two medics accomanying the group recount their horing experience and loss of their family members during a press are held alongside the palestinian envoy to the un. let's take a listen, you guys heard that in tvs and everything, but honestly we lived every single day for 13 days in gaza and it wasn't easy, uh, we saw all what you're going to hear this, i saw it in my eyes and i've treated patients and i cried every single day, and thank god that i came back here to at least be their voice, not my voice, their voice, i'm a maxel of surgeon, i lived in a state, i volunteer law mission so i joined a mission uh recently to the european hospital in gaza, i stayed there for two weeks, we lived at the hospital, we treated a lot of patients, we as a group we treated more than 200 patients, myself i treated 16 surgeries uh, it's not the surgeries you've done, it's
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a man of displaced people and the active refugee camp that i lived in, uh, people live in the tents, live in the floor, live in the wards, since the 7th of october... "my family members, over 150 of them have been murdered by israel's brutal assault on ghazza, either by israeli bombardment, snipers, or the cruel and ruthless denial of humanitarian aid, with no access to clean water, with food, equitable healthcare services, thousands more have been tormented with horrific injuries, forced starvation, trauma and displacement to evacuation camps and catastrophic living conditions. in december, one of our family members, sabri al-fadra, was murdered in his home by an israeli air strike with his nine young children. his unfortunate wife survived. she was eight months pregnant. she was displaced to an evacuation camp where she gave birth to her baby boy one month later in
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january, her child, her newborn infant died 20 days later from the cold and the harsh conditions in the camps. today none of us are here for condolences, we're not here for. apologies, we're here for immediate action, we have demonstrated that every minute signifies the loss of life, the starvation of a child, and so we need immediate and permanent, not temporary, permanent cease fire now. how designs come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation? how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build
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and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary. welcome back, us central commanders confirmed wednesday's missile attack a commercial ship by the mny army in the gulf of aden. sentcom said in a statement that three crew members were killed and four others wounded after barbados slag vessel true confidence was struck with anti-ship ballistic missiles. the amamini army has already taken responsibility saying the attack was in response to the american and british aggression against yemen. spokesman for the army yahya sadhi said the vessel owned by the us was targeted after it ignored multiple warnings. however, the ships. operators say the vessel was not american. yemani forces first launched their operations against uh israeli or israeli boundships in
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the red sea and solidarity with palestinians in the gaza strip recently, they've intensified their attacks on us and british ships and retaliation for the two countries aggression against yemen. vancouver based analyst khalid barrika joined us with his take on the yemini armies and israel and anti-us operations in the red sea in support of palestinians, let's take a listen, i think that united states, britain and their allies are failing miserably in term of the confrontation that it's happening in the red sea, particularly because of the yemani situation and the yemani clear position. first of all, the people of yemen are constantly in the streets by millions across. across yemen demanding the end of israeli genocide and war crimes against the
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palestinian people, giving a mandate to their armed forces to act and to be in assistance the palestinian people in order to stop these war crimes. in fact, some of the legal experts in international law here in canada and the united states believe that the yemani position is the only position that is in harmony with international law because of what israel is doing, israel is committing genocide and is the responsibility of the people and of states and of international community across the globe to stop this genocide and the people of yemen, the armed forces of yemen are acting accordingly. now the united states is in crisis also because their deterents is vanishing and the yemeny position is very clear and very committed to
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their goals and at the same time they don't pose any threats to international navigation. the yemeny position from day one has been that any ships that is trying to reach to palestine will be targeted and so after the aggression the united states and the britin aggression against the people of yemen, the uh yemen have all the right to defend itself against this aggression. the leader of iran's islamic revolution is called a newly elected members of the assembly of experts not to neglect the principles of islamic republican choosing new leader. said selecting the country's leader and monitoring his qualification is probably the biggest task of the iranian. society, he said the assembly of experts should take all islamic republic's principles into consideration in its future
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decisions, elsewhere in his remarks, ayatollah khamenei said the formation of each new parliament carries new hopes for the country, he also called on newly elected parliament members to avoid quarals that could please enemies. iran held parliament and assembly of expert elections on march the 1st, second round of voting will be held in april to determine the fate of something, excuse me of to. determine the fate of some remaining seats in the two bodies. the islamic republic of iran has long pursued a policy of deepening ties. with neighboring and regional states. russia is one of the countries that iran has boosted its cooperation within recent years. the two countries have close economic and political ties and are now eyeing the opportunities to further strengthening and broadening their ties. in recent years, iran and russia have significantly enhanced their cooperation in a
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wide range of fields. a key driving force behind the growth of bilateral relations between the two countries is forging new geoeconomic reality in one of the world's most strategic regions. both nations have been pursuing several objectives in this regard. they have been after establishing an independent monetary system, energy market and parallel supply chains outside the control of western regulatory frameworks to circumvent sanctions imposed in attempt to isolate them, and their efforts have yielded significant success in the field of trade, despite facing severe sanction. iran has managed to surpass the $2 billion dollar threshhold in exports to russia. iran's exports to russia predominantly consist of fruits, polymer products, vehicles, non-metal minerals and chemical products. similarly, russian exports to iran valued at the same amount, mainly comprise agricultural products. iranian officials have hailed the
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economic cooperation between the two nations as closer than ever. well. analyzing the export trend, we see acceptable growth in all sectors with iran's exports to russia witnessing notable increase in both volume and value. this progress not only contributes to the advancement of the two nations, but also lays the foundation for the development of other regional countries. the total value of annual bilateral trade between the two countries reached $4.9 billion dollars in 2023, according to iran official statistics: a russian economic delegation was in tehran in late february for the 17th round of their joint economic commission. both sides then pledged to boost trade tenfold over the coming years. press tv, tehran. the first international conference on family health is underway in tehran. the two-day event has
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turned into an opportunity for participating countries to familiarize themselves with iran's national health program described by the w ho as successful model, he has the details, health diplomacy in full swing, iran's successful national family health program and referral system, detailed for healthcare officials from 14 countries as they take part in panel discussions on the second day of the first international conference on family health, dubbed pac for uac, in other words, elaborating on how primary healthcare can be oriented to provide universal health coverage. well, i think iran has lot of uh, what i might call demonstration projects, it has lot to demonstrate and show, not only at the gross level of of the health pop of the population, but individual efforts in primary care and how primary care can move forward, and i
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think that one can also say that iran is... humble enough to say that they have more to accomplish and that's that's a model for other countries basically everything from the day one up to now it's interesting because lot is being learned from irani what they are doing actually what they are trying to do especially on health care is so interesting that uh iran is moving with the technology i came to know that more than 90% of physicians or healthcare practice. so that is a great sign and i could actually very hopeful by adding th small small components one day is very soon we will have a complete digital health ecosystem going back to back to countries to our countries we can implement some of the recommendations and we can take
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also with us some experience from the other countries at the same time we share our experience what we are good in and present it in these conferences. that is why this conference can be considered an essential step for achieving the who sustainable development goals or in short 2030 sdgs. iran is the first country in the region to start healthy cities in 1991 in three settlements in tehran. i think the movement is very well taken in iran and we are. close to 2030 and achieving sdg, this will be an opportunity to have all the sectors, including the community to work under one vision which is health and well being. i think... iran they develop too much in the health sector and uh we try to cooperate with with iran to in the health sector and we appreciated that the minister
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of of iran uh attend a conference in katal last week. the success of iran's uac plan, which relies greatly its well-functioning pac network as demonstrated in this international conference can pave the way for stronger bilateral relations. with participating countries. the participants of this conference are impressed with the level of development of iran's healthcare sector, and they're hoping that their bilateral relations with iran will allow them to achieve similar goals. gisum shahmi press tv, tehran. the latest polls are showing that radical right parties are poised to secure the top position in several european countries. at the next eu elections in june. many have lost faith in the european union and its ability to work. for the common good of all europeans a correspondent max sheeley reports from rome. according to the latest european council on
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foreign relations think tanks forecast for the 2024 european parliament elections, there will be major shift to the right in many member states in the june vote. the forecast also indicates that populist radical right parties are likely to gain votes and seats across the european union. while central left and green parties will be losing votes and seats, far right formations are poised to secure the top position in nine countries, including austria, france, italy and poland. the risk that right and far right formation will change the face of the eu at the next elections in june is dramatically high. domestic and foreign policy choices will be definitely. affected, this can be explained by looking at the policies in favor of the multinational and of the united states that have been adopted so far by the eu
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leadership, policies that go against the very interest of the europeans, some analysts argue that increasing number of eu citizens hold brussels accountable for sing food costs, economic stagnation and deteriorating living standards the old continent, the european union has failed in many ways to deliver its promises. europeans wealth has been gravely turnished by more than two decades of tough fiscal measures and wild privatization and outsourcing policies which have resulted in widespread company closures and massive layoffs. the uk us sexis has been dictating the line and practically all political parties across the... eu from left to right have shifted ideologies and allegences with the goal of remaining as close as possible to that line. the result is
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that the cu is anti-people entity, it wages law fair against its own people (eu citizens money) is used to fund wars and the purchase of weapons and not to support livelihoods. eu officials have recently unveiled plans to boost defense production by promoting joint. military purchases of european produced arms among the member states from february 2022 to june 2023. eu states spent more than 100 billion euros on defense acquisitions with the us alone, accounting for more than 60%. in 2022, more than 95 million people in the european union or 22% of the population were at risk of poverty or social exclusion. max chively press tv. and that's a rap for now, but stay tuned, there's plenty more to come here on pressed to me.
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operation took israel off guard, playing the victim, the regime called it an unprovoked attack. but did hamas really attack the regime out of the blue with no good reason? gaza stripped
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of life soon unpressed tv.
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iran has come a long way to gain independence in the defense industry since the 19. 1979 islamic revolution. it's warships, speed boats, missiles and drones among many items in its arsenal have caught many countries in the world by surprise, but as military experts in top brass say, this is only a
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tiny. fraction of iran's capabilities that have been unveiled thus far. watch for the details in this documentary.
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hey siri, call mark early.
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thank you.
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it's obvious that we've come a long way to reach this point, for years, generation after generation, we've been trying, and today we're on the verge of success, on the verge of achieving victory, our long way to... is about to bear fruits.