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tv   Documentary Israels Mother 3  PRESSTV  March 7, 2024 3:02pm-3:31pm IRST

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it's obvious that we've come a long way to reach this. point, for years, generation after generation, we've been trying, and today we're on the verge of success, on the verge of achieving victory, our long weight is about to bear fruits.
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of the last time when i visited the king of jordan, he asked, why are you in such a hurry, and why do you insist so much, and you should be patient, i said, we've been waiting for 2,0 years. do you still believe that we are impatient? we might not remember all the 2000 years, but at least i for one can talk about the hardships and efforts me and my parents went through. i asked abdullah, do you remember all the days and seconds of the nabitians? do you remember all their sufferings? after the arrival of the romans?
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no, but it's obvious that you and fazel who want to establish a government in jordan and iraq today, remember your father's efforts. even if sharif hussein had not passed away in 1931, he could have talked about the dream that had been kept alive for 77 years to pass it to you. of
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it was these growing sufferings that let herzel to request the establishment of a home for jews, and only year before i was born, the first world jewish congress was formed in bussel, switzerland. the first candle was lit... and it was supposed to shine light to the dark corner of the world. i was less than 9 years old. i mean, it was in 1906, when my parents and shina and zipka, the other two daughters of the family arrived in the united states. shina was 17 years old and zipka was four years younger. than me, the us was a
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place that seemed to be the promised land for the whole world, my dad had gone to new york a year earlier and we spent that year in belorus. in 1906 we decided to join my dad in... milwaukee, wisconsin. at that time, the second wave of immigration to palestine, the promise land had begone. my father did not want to experience another displacement. many of our fellow jews tried to persuade him to go to palestine instead of the us, but there was still no government and law in that land.
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during the peak of communism, jewish communities were also being formed in the occupied territories. "the first caboots were formed by the efforts of the jews 10 years before i immigrated to palestine. these socialist villages were the ideal model of peaceful and blissful life in those days. everyone was working and everyone was getting the benefit, everyone as much as possible. i moved to caboot and started new life there. between 1920 and 1923 i was a cook and teacher. i thought by joining the hagana i would also defend the safety of my cherished kabuts, but could the communal village of
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golda and her friends see itself excluded from the rest of the jews who were exposed to dangers. at the same time. when the daughter the mabovic family was looking at her family photos, realized that the dispersion of jews was still the achilles hill for their survival, maybe they could all be gathered in palestine, the property of saint mary, but how many people could be housed in our kaboots? many jews in europe were still living in suffering, just like my sister. and parents, i thought a place should be provided to invite all the afflicted jews. among the arabs, isadin al-ghassam had started strange and complicated establishment, small groups
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of five people plus a leader. none of the fighters knew each other, they only knew the leader of the group and isadin. wonderful cycle of intelligence and operations he had started organizing and ideologically deepening his forces since many years ago, but in 1934 they made their military actions public in the mountainus areas of northern palestine. actually, they were giving us a hard time. it is clear that the palestinians had not remained idle during. during these years, britain had launched an organization called the palestine police in 1920 to maintain domestic order. the arab fighters knew that the organization would serve with the common interests of us, jews and britain.
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the palestinians wanted to stand against our rational wards. of course, nothing but violence was expected from creatures like them. they planned the biggest revolution, or as they called it intifada until that time. it was really massive and it is obvious that they were very strong. six months of nationwide strike and widespread resistance against the hagana and other jewish military groups had troubled britain as well.
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from 1941 to in 1947, war and blotched took the developments to irreversible stage. we had to make the international community understand that the world will never return to the past years. "there was a time when the jews had to stabilize the land they had captured, where we could no longer hope for full and complete support from the british. if the jews had taken a step back, everything they had achieved would go down the train. i told
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myself that in that unpleasant..." and dangerous situation, the daughter of the mabovic family should play a more important role. in 1944, my dad passed away in exile and without having the homeland and i wanted to do something astonding to keep his memory alive. my dear carpenter dad, my first memory from him goes back to the time when we were in kieve and he boarded up the door of the house out of fear for the rumor that the jews were being massacred. death in the us finally found the exact location of moshe the carpenter. on the eve of victory in 1947, i
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had to go to jordan a mission assigned by david bengoran to infiltrate the heart of the jordanian government in addition to get information from the arab armies that were being prepared. i had to do something that no one besides me could do. from all sides of this great war, the mission had reached the border of success or failure. a commission consisting of 11 countries in the united nations had. the netherlands, peru,
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guatemala, sweden and uruguay where the majority group of these negotiations, they had proposed the plan to divide palestine into two jewish and arab countries. for the jews, this plan was the beginning of victory, even if it was not victory itself, after all, the arabs were already here and had a country, but the jews had nowhere, they were displaced a nation scattered all over the world, even half of the country was better than nothing, but the palestinians were against it, for the... them even losing 10% their country meant failure. for this reason,
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the minority group of the negotiations, namely india, yugoslavia and iran, proposed the single country plan and holding a referendum. obviously, the jews after the illegal and forced migration that comprised 40% of the population in palestine would be the losers of the plan. that's why our law. bies did something to abort the minority groups plan. the majority group won the negotiation game and finally split palestine through resolution 181, one for the jews and one for the arabs. afghanistan, no, argentina, argentina, abstention. india, no. iran, no, iraq, no, lebanon, no, ukraine,
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yes, south africa, yes, soviet union, yes, united kingdom, abstain, the united states, yes, uruguay, yes, we have to turn our achievement from the paper to a reality on the ground. we are ready to do anything to win. this is where golda mabovic is now sitting, about to leave jordan after meeting the king, in the house of a british legionary officer in jordan, a mission to convince. not to accompany other arab countries in the formation of the salvation army.
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since year ago i gradually infiltrated the jordanian army and sent all the information to the organization under the leadership of dear and caring bangorian. now there is one step left to victory, the hagana had issued call for the jewish youth between the ages of 17 and 25 to join the army. we will put these days behind. we have to think about the future and make plans for it. after this mission we had to work harder to form a government. those who accompanied the jewish
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patriotism movement during the hard years now had to play their essential role in it. israel and its administration, the conflict that started during the 1920 naby musa riots would never end, the jews had run out of patience, now others had to pay for our 2000 years of patience and silence, there was no difference between young and old, men and women, children and... there was no difference between military personnel and civilians. the palestinians did not exist at all so they could not return. history is written by the victorys and the world has to believe our big lie. they have to keep going
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further away and stay away from us. from now on. historians should write, there was no palestinian arab land before 1948 when the jews became the absolute victors of the great game of the century. we deny everything. the romans, greeks, heroditus, babylonians, iranians and ottomans have said nonsense by using such a name in their conversations, correspondence. and maps, how could they come back when they didn't exist here at all? the bigger the lie, the easier it is to believe. those who decide to object what we say, will face more and more bullets, like the people in al-dawaiima in the south of al-khalil,
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where the lovely and hard-working zionists were able to finally kill... 455 arabs, while 170 of them were women and children. of course, they were not women, their correct name is shiksa as mentioned in the talmut, like the people in bella del sheikh, a large number of whom worked in the haifa oil refinery, and the soldiers of the zionist movement managed to punish them both in the refinery and in their village. for insisting on their wrong and old claim on their lands, like those 60 people in safsaf village who were killed at the beginning of hiram's awesome operation, like those killed in ananal zaichun, like all the previous ones and all the upcoming ones, like all organized
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terror operations by zionists throughout the world. what difference does it make how many arabs, muslims and christians are killed? we will cover the earth and even the seas from the niles to the euphrates in order to put an end to the homelessness of the zionists. it's
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obvious that no one will worry about these numbers. the elderly will soon die. and the youth will forget everything almost as soon. after all, according to ancient iranian doctors, the nature of soil is cold, and the dead and their survivors will soon forget the grief. now is the time for zionism to achieve victory any cost. in the following years, gulda mayor became the first ambassador of israel to the soviet union, the first minister of labor and the second minister of foreign affairs of israel. she was the female example of david bengorian
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and let the days full of violence and blood as the fourth prime minister of israel, woman who tried hard to deny and destroy palestine as much as her 2000-year-old anger and died at the age of 80. she's known in iran as a top gynecologist, but actually she's more of a political activist. pius and religious woman, a great wife and mom, and inspirational figure. she
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tells us about her bumpy ride before the revolution when she was a student, and also about the spiritual aspect of delivering babies. find out more about dr. tall label in this documentary. the rivers of mesopotamia are going through their most critical times. with the deaths of the tigris and the euphretes, what will the future hold for the people of iraq and syria?
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will the adas river end up the way the tigris and the euphretes did? the future for millions of people is tied to the freedom of captive called water. i believe that working together we can make history.
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یه افتخار داشتم که به عنوان اولین بانوی
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دریان. برد جمهوری اسلامی ایران و خاورمیانه وارد سیستم دریانبردی بشم کسی بهم کار نمیداد اوائل می شستم تو اسکله همه میومدن مسافراشونو میزدن منم وای میستادم که خلاصه یه نفرشون پایین کار بده به کار هرکس نیست که بخواد این کارا رو انجام بده بخواد این حکومت این دریا رو این شناوری دریا رو به دست بگیره.
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in the midst of the war between the arab and israel, june 8th, 1967, on identified attackers target a us navy warship in the mediterranean. operation, if i had about it, if i had so, what was it? i suggest we stop the interview here, what do you say? why you want it? the attack on the liberty was part of a covert operation by the cia and musad to destroy the power of arab military forces in the sixth-day war against israel. stay with press tv as we take a look at evidence from this operation and listen to eyewitness accounts.
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first tv headlines this hour, dozens more palestinians fall victims to ongoing israeli strikes on gaza, raising the total death doll from the aggression to nearly 31,000. china says the deadly israely onslot on gaza is a tragedy for humankind and a disgrace for civilization. for immediate ceasefire, also coming up, the us military confirms a missile attack a commercial ship in the gulf of aiden as the yemen army continues to target israely bound vessels.