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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 7, 2024 5:30pm-6:02pm IRST

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of interaction with such issues, we're not saying we're against this in sports, but we're talking about the level of interaction, the level of interaction which reflects the level of maturity of the peoples, just like we saw the faith in the faces of our people in their sense of responsibility, we also saw maturity and wisdom in the level of mature vigilant interaction with the causes with the... this is the people, this is our al storm until today, people, so the operations which which were carried out in support since the beginning of out, whether it be via drones or missiles, 96 now 96 operations which have been carried operations with 403 ballistic winged. and
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drones and during this time 61 ships were hit, of course striking the ships in the sea is a complicated operation, it is not simple, for this reason for the enemies is confusing, first of all ships as they move in the sea and rather take themselves to location whereby they'd be at the furthest distance from the yemani coastline and some are originally far away a far distance, like the ships which are targeted in the arabian sea. there are provinces which are occupied which separate between the missile forces and the coastlines over there. for example, the operations taking place in the gulf of aden. in the red sea itself, the ships are at the furthest distance possible from the coastline of the province of hudaida. so their distance
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and their movement and the maneuvering of these ships and their attempts to maneuver by resorting to technical means by turning off for example certain devices to identify and then the disinformation trying to give this information, all of this has been overcome, and striking these ships as they are moving in the sea, identifying them and targeting them and hitting them accurately, and by using ballistic missiles, for the first time we are seeing ships targeted by ballistic missiles, all of this is a real achievement, it is also an achievement technically wise, industrially wise, and it's also tactical achievement, and the americans know this, and they confess to this: "there are statements
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from american military figures who expressed their astonishment and also admitted that this is considered a real achievement, and indeed they didn't expect it, so technically wise, and also tactically, it is a great operation and it is an impact. operation to target a ship, targeting a ship is more than just targeting a military vehicle on land, there's a very big difference when you target a tank or compared to targeting destroyer or a ship in the sea, this is of great importance and also is the enemies take note of it, how they view us targeted, including
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destroyers, 96 operations, the missiles and of drones 403 between missiles and drones, shooting down warplanes from the from the enemy, we spoke about the number of ships, we targeted, the operations carried out in the arabian and red sea, 64 operations, the operations towards occupied palestine, 32 operations via ballistic and winged missiles, the supportive operations during this week only, with god's help we carried out eight operations, whereby we targeted seven ships in the red sea and the arabian sea and the gulf of aden and babel mandab with 19 missiles and drones, first and foremost we had the targeting. the american and israeli
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ships, which led to them erupting in flames and the crews of these ships evacuating them, this took place between friday and thursday, today, this number, which does have an impact and which is rising, whereby new weapons are also used, which the americans and the british are surprised with, and they are incapable of limiting these operations. despite their attempts to prevent these operations or to limit these operations, they have failed, they have completely failed. they are also trying to spread some false information and we'll resort to this later on when it comes to the protests and the marches and the activities which is a fundamental part of the stands, it complements the
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military operations, it supports the military operations, and it is of great significance, the marches and the protests. reached 2,539, the activities, also in the tens of thousands, the popular stances, the social activities, 67, 151 popular activities, these students strikes, for example in the universities and schools, 100 and 48,29 student strikes in the schools and universities, 40, 966 evening occasions or activities, these activities are all in support of the palestinian people in gaza,
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also objecting or supporting the palestinians in the midst of the injustice they suffer from the female activities, which is very important and is a fundamental part of the stance of our beloved people. whether be the you're witnessing in the protests and in the marches, those who are old, those who are men or women, the elderly and the young, present in the squares, despite their age, their present with their gray hairs, they participate with honor, they're not looking for justifications or excuses to stay at home, you're witnessing the children who come out, this is an honor for this people to interact at this level from all people, old, young, men, women, the free, faithful women,
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the female activities, the number of activities, female activities, 2,422, female stances and we also have other central activities about 1222 and also tens of thousands of female seminars and also more convoy convoys tens of those so we have activities which are unprecedented in any people or in any country. they are not saying this in order to minimize any efforts in any other country, but in order to set things straight, and also to salute and to motivate and to encourage everyone to take the necessary action, which is at the appropriate
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level of responsibility and meets the level of injustice being done against the palestinian people, when it comes to the protests and the marches over a period of. only two weeks of protests and marches, 358 marches, we have the popular stances and organizations 5,372, meaning that there is also more and more popular action, the student gatherings in the universities, 6,239, the evening gatherings, also over 10,00, this action has taken place over a period of two weeks only. the positive aspect of this popular action is that it is at this wide spread level and with this great level
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of momentum when it comes to the popular interaction and the presence number wise, the number of people, and what's also important, is the continuation to preserve this and to continue, because in the arab world, first and foremost, there's a problem which we referred to since day one of the israeli aggression. on gaza, which is the interaction at in the moment, and then calling down and no longer sensing responsibility and tiring, and the lack of interaction. this is very unfortunate situation which reflects a great level of weakness regarding the faith and vigilance and maturity and a motivation of a person. a person only acts at the moment. and then the images of the great pains and sufferings of the palestinian people and the
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injustice which is unprecedented, the sufferings of the palestinian people, it becomes something ordinary, it becomes an ordinary routine image. this reflects very low level of maturity and ethics and human. senses if one acts only at the moment and then that's it, so continuation and preservation, very important, it is of human and ethical and faithful importance which reflects and bears witness and reflects the human sentiments and ethics and values and alive conscience of a person and the high sense of responsibility and the maturity and the level. of vigilance, and this is something very important, and it is of great
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importance regarding the stands, because the enemy sees an opportunity in those who have this low level, those who take action at the beginning, no sooner then do they ignore and no longer take their or assume their responsibility, either they become in a state of despair or they lose. the sense of importance of what is taking place and being impacted of what is what is taking place and taking action, and what is taking place is no simple matter, it is a great issue, very horrific crimes and horrific tyrony, and the injustice of the palestinian people is unprecedented, and there's a great level of responsibility in light of this to continue and to preserve and to take escalated action, this is what really reflects. faith and vigilance and maturity and wisdom and reflects a sense of responsibility and bears
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witness to the sensor to how much of a sense of responsibility there is, mobilization which is of great significance, mobilization which includes a military training and also fighting readiness, although our beloved people, as we said in most previous speeches, are people of jihad and are armed and are ready to fight, however at the same time, "military training is important, military preparedness is very important and the training courses are continuing, and there are many results for these workshops or these training courses, more than 282,00 trainees during this period only, the military shows or exhibitions, 250,000." 602 military
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marches, this is when it comes to the fighting mobilization activities, and at the same time we have ongoing spending in this regard, when it comes to the americans and their aggression on our country in order to support the israeli enemy and to protect the israeli criminality. they are continuing and the american and british bombardment of our country during this week has reached 18 air raids and naval bombardment and thank god all of this has failed, it has no impact, the result of the aggression up until now one marty in the cause of god and six people wounded from amongst the civilians of course. the air raid in the naval bombardment reached 344 air raids and naval bombardment since the
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beginning of the american british aggression on our country to support the israeli enemy, this is the general figure, and they have all failed, first and foremost they will not limit the capabilities, we underscored that there is a correct, escalated approach, escalation in developing the military capabilities, so there are important results and astonishing results, thank god, and there's a big difference. in how rapidly we're making achievements over a period of eight years there were steps which were taken, they were very important, at the beginning of the american saudi aggression against our country, the range of the missile was around 40 or 45 km, then it reached more
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than 1ous kilometers, however during this period when it comes to the range and also the ability, the precision in hitting the target, and also the destructive capability, the americans are astonished, even with the strike which was launched yesterday, which targeted an american ship, there's a state of astonishment regarding the precision and also the destructive capability, the missiles also previously which the enemies themselves sensed. that they developed and they having an impact and they are succeeding in overcoming that their technical capabilities which are trying to use to counter the capabilities. the americans have failed in their aggression, they are failing in their aggression, they haven't achieved any results, whether it be in limiting the
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capabilities or ending the operations. the only way to stop the operations, the naval operation. escalation will be of no use, it will backfire against the enemies themselves, they are losing economically now, not only the israeli enemy, which is losing lot, great losses, and this is a blessing, thank god, but the americans also, as a result of them getting themselves involved. with the british getting involved in the aggression against our country for the sake of supporting the israeli enemy and protecting their criminality in gaza and also as part of their attempts so that the genocidal crimes against the people of gaza and the palestinian people in gazah and the women and children in gaza continue, they got themselves involved in the
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great economic losses, and also... it is backfiring against their economy and the results are increasing day by day, the more stubborn they are, the more the impact will be on their economies, and this is something which they confess to, and their statistics say this, their media outlets, their economic reports, companies talk about it, so they are losing, the more they continue and the more stubborn they are. the results, the military costs themselves, it's militarily costly for them, the more they increase their mobilization in the red sea and the arabian sea, the more they get involved in the aggression, the more it costs them economically, there's a cost for this economically, and on the other hand, how it
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impacts their economies back home? so they have no choice but to end the crimes of aggression and the sea junges, we will continue to develop our military capabilities with god's help, and there are important results being achieved astonishing advancements which allow for unique operations and shocking operations to be carried out, operations which will shock the enemy, for this reason i say to the israeli enemy and the americans and british to all the enemies that... what aways you is more, what aways you is more, with the full meaning the expression, for this reason, stop your aggression on gaza, stop the siege, and the siege on gaza, stop the genocidal crimes which you are committing against the palestinian people, stop or end the starvation of the palestinian people in gaza,
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what aways you is more, there are very, very important indicators in this regard, but as we said last week, we leave the room for action and then we'll comment on it, and the enemy and friend and our beloved people will see the level of those results and the achievements of strategic importance, which makes our country with its capabilities puts it within the category of the very rare number of countries or the very limited number of countries in. i call on our beloved people, to our beloved people who are present in the squares, are present with your faith and your vigilance and your dignity. with your religion, with your ethics, with your values, i call on you, call, holy call, the call from the quran, the call of, the call of
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the oppressed palestinian people who are suffering from starvation and oppression, i call on you to come out in the millions tomorrow, godwilling in sana and in the sabine square and in the provinces and in the other squares, in accordance with the measures put in place. to our people, to our beloved people, your participation is part of your jihad, your participation reflects your your loyalty, your values, your ethics, your humanity, you are people of faith and loyal and of loyalty, people of manhood, so for this reason i expect you to come out tomorrow, just like you did in the past weeks in the millions, the millions indeed, this participation will reflect your honor, your high moral, which has frustrated the enemy
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and made the enemy go into a state of despair and made the enemy feel defeated in confronting this determination, this moral, this steadfastness, this sense of responsibility, this great interest, this participation, we hope god willing that tomorrow we will see what we witnessed over the past weeks a large million turnout, a turnout which makes the faithful happy, which reflects real solidarity with the palestinian people, and at the same time reflects steadfastness and reflects the continued approach which the enemy believes or... pins his hopes on coming to an end. okay, live from uh the uh venue of which he is addressing uh the world is abdul malik al-huthi uh the uh leader of the yemani
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movement there. he uh called at the end there for million man march and solidarity for the palestinians. uh customary to what he has done for the past uh few times that we have gone a weekly basis and people in yemen have come out uh to to their word. um he talked about the joint israeli-american aggression that's happening on the palestinians. crimes of genocide are taking place by all different means, massacres, by american bombs and banned weapons and also how mass starvation is being used against the women, children and the elderly, destroying medical capabilities, is one sign of it, in open criminality, as he called it, uh, practicing lives in front of the whole world, in front of organizations that focus on human rights, this genocide is taking place, um, me uh, talked about how there's minimal trucks that come in to bring aid to the palestinians and when they do they kill them, uh while they gather for food uh he cited some numbers as he usually does 2,780 massacers he said have taken place this week, it intensified in the number of
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massacers where he said seven massacres uh as ratio was happening every 24 hours last sunday reach 13 and uh the americans are generous he said and providing tens of thousands of bombs to the israeli regime yet so little food was airdropped to the palestinians in gaza and then he talks about the um operations that are happening against the us and uk and overall the israeli linked vessels. he talked about 96 operations with over 400 ballistic missiles in which 61 ships were hit, made a reference to the us flagged carrier that was hit yesterday, i shouldn't say carrier, it was a ship um and he said that this is important, he said new weapons are being used against the us and uk and israel linked ships in the red and the arabian says, just some of the highlights there from abdul malik al huthi's speech, leader of the ansalo move. thanks so much for tuning in, this bye-bye for now. in the
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streets of the gaza strip, which was suffocating under wave of profound sadness, hopes of getting a loaf of bread turned into funeral processions and sorrow. on the morning that followed the dreadful flower massacre, families buried their hungry, martered children. as arab aircrafts didn't hesitate to replay the same aerial drop theater, dropping the packages this time inside zionist israeli settlements of the gaza enclave. is there anything more humiliating and denigrating against a genocide stricken and starved people? if aid was the real reason behind the shared, then same people who wanted to help should have opened the rafah border, allowing a trucks into gaza and handing them over to international or local entities responsible for distributing them to the starving people. bait in the form. of aid in gaza this week on the media stream.
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how designs come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation? how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how do they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary. operation took israel off guard. playing the
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victim, the... regime called it an unprovoked attack, but did hamas really attack the regime out of the blue with no good reason? stripped of life soon unpressed tv.
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hey siri, call mark early.
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on friday march 1, arab aircrafts conducted an airdrop of aid in the northern areas of the gaza strip. for the first time, however, the hopes of that evening ended with men returning empty-handed, contrary to the desires of families, yet at least they returned unharmed, unlike the hundreds gun down by zionist israel while trying to get to the eight packages. the first planes appeared in the sky over zabalia camp in the northern part of the strip and began dropping eight shipments over it. however, the winds did not favor the thousands of displaced people who raised their heads to the sky, anticipating the drop of... relief materials among them, but it ended up landing actually on the beach. during the journey from the heart of jabalya to the northern outskirts to obtain as much aid as possible, tens of thousands of locals marched on foot covering