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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 7, 2024 8:30pm-8:59pm IRST

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of the headlines this hour, dozens more palestinians have fallen victim to the ongoing us israely genocide in gaza, raising the total deaththoll from the aggression to nearly 31,000. the resistance moment. emphasizes that israel is hindering all efforts by mediators to finalize the ceasefire agreements in the gaza strip. and yemen leader stresses that the naval operations of the red sea and the arabian sea will never stop unless the genocide and sieged on gaza comes to an end.
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well welcome to our studios here in the capital tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. more than five months into the israeli genocidal war on the gaza strip. the regime's incessents air strikes and shelling keep claiming innocent lives in the besieg territory. according to the gaza health ministry, over 80 people were killed and 140 others injured since wednesday. several palestinians lost their lives after the regime's troopers once again. open fire on crowds waiting for eight trucks in the west of gaza city, in the north of gaza city, aerial raid, excuse me, a mosk and the jabalia refugee camp also claim lives, meanwile malnutrition and dehydration persist inflicting severe consequences on the palestinians. gaza's medical sources say that the number of people who died from malnutrition and dehydration has surged to 20, more than 30,800 gozins, most of them women and... have been killed since israel
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launched this war early october. israel has largely destroyed a vital civilian infrastructure in the gaza strip as the months long war in the beseest territory rages on. now with the collapse of basic urban services, fears are growing of the spread of deadly diseases and epidemics among the local populations (urb palestinians). musaba has more from derobala. as the war on gaza continues andabated, israel is pressing ahead with its systematic move to dehumanize the entire population of the gaza strip and destroy all aspects of life in the besege territory. piles of rubbish and solid waste of are now normal scene in gaza's streets after israeli forces targeted all parts of civil life in gaza, including the municipalities where dozens of the crews were killed, wasted storages and all related equipment including
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waste collection vehicles were also destroyed in the war and completely paralyzed israeli forces targeted several vehicles used to remove the rubbish, as you can see over there, this left was paralyzed in handling the tremendous amounts of the rubbish left by the displaced people crammed in the central area. we demanded all international bodies help by providing us with the needed equipment and vehicles. not only did the deliberates israely attacks against the municipalities caused this crisis, but israeli prevention of delivery of fuel. needed to operate the vehicles and equipment was in the problem, this caused rubbish and wastes to pile up on the streets and in shelters. this is a big problem, we have been suffering from since the beginning of the war on gaza, the rubbish is scattered everywhere in the vicinity of the hospital, which causes a lot of diseases for people, particularly the children. infectious diseases are raveging palestinians in war torn gaza as the health system collapsed by the war and their condition. and discurssy of food and clean
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water have set of a public health crisis. the gaza health ministry alongside many international organizations has called for into the catastrophe that is rooming in terms of the infectious diseases that began to spread a wider scale among the displaced palestinians. hundreds of thousands of those people, mostly women and children were now diagnosed with contagious diseases like hepatitis and intestinal diseases. more than 150. the days of this war led to mass displacement of the people who crammed in the evacuation centers without having a real access to the hygiene and cleanness. this caused lot of infectious diseases, particularly among the children, needless to mention the several shortage of the medical supplies and assistance atmit the overwhelming number of injuries inflicted by the israely attacks. months long incissant israeli bombardments have but the fast
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majority of the health facilities out of service, this as limited sanitation facilities and overcrowding shilters are causing the spread of disease and keeping gases from recovering. it's another dark side the deep catastrophe that is still afflicts the palestinian people as a result of the ongoing apocalyptic israeli genocide in the gaza strip while the outcies of the palestinian civilians are still unanswered and immuted by the american veto. press tv, the central area of gaza strip. palestinians continue to resist against the invading israeli forces as the regime keeps its onslot on. visiest territory, in the latest operations, palestini resistance groups targeted israeli military vehicles in the al-zetu neighborhood south of gaza city, inflicting losses on the enemy. the resistance fighters have also targeted an israeli morkava tank in eastern jabalia. the israeli military is confirmed one of his soldiers has been killed and 13 more have
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been injured during the clashes with palestinians. israel says 247 of his troops have been killed since the beginning of the ground invasion into gaza. palestinians however say that israel highs the real number of his. casualties to prevent public anger. hamas resistance movement as israel has thorted all efforts by mediators to reach a ceasefire agreements in the gaza strip. a senior hamas official said that israel has rejected to end its onslot on the besiest trip to ensure aid entrance and return of displaced palestinians. the himas delegation left cairo without achieving a breakthrough in negotiations. says the talks are set to resume next week, envoys from the us, qatar and hamas were involved in talks for ceasefire agreements. the parties are scrambling to reach an agreement before the muslim holy month of ramadan that begins on march 10. the emmy army has launched yet
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another attack a us vessel in the golf of vaden. us officials say that at least three crew members have been killed in the attack. has more from sana. hours after targeting to american destroyers in the red sea and at the same location where the sunken british ship brobi mar was attacked, the spokesman for the yemani army stated that they had successfully targeted the american cargo ship to confidence and the gulf of aiden with naval missiles causing the ship to catch fire. the naval forces of the yemani armed forces carried out the targeting operation against the... american ship in the gulf of asian with number of suitable naval missiles. the hit was accurate thanks to god which led to the fire breaking out on it. the targeting operation came after the ship's crew rejected warning messages from the yemeni naval forces. official suggest that the us acclaims the loss of lives come within the western narrative and could be fabrication to justify
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larger aggression against sona and to garder international support against sem naval operations. mares 2015. since 2015 we have been facing the american back. the aggression and in all our military operations we have not targeted any civilians and this is an honorable history for our armed forces. regarding the deaths of civilians in the attack on the american ship, this news comes within the american narrative. this news may be fabricated escalate attacks against yemani territory. we are prepared for confrontation in all its forms and our naval operations will escalate whenever the western attack escalates, whether against our brothers in gaza or against yemeni territory. us officials reported that three of the ships crew members were killed while others were critically injured. observers state that the yemani army's latest operation substantiates that the threats of escalating naval operations were not mere media propaganda. moreover, they assert that the yemani army
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has already begun deploying unexpected weaponry, catching the us navy of guard and leading to the failure to protect is vessels. press tv sona. it's time now for the news review of this bulletin. the leader of the movement warns israel and his allies are further economic loss as a result of yemen's naval operations in the red sea if the genocide in gaza continues. "the more they increase their mobilization in the red sea and the arabian sea, the more they get involved in the aggression, the more it costs them economically, there's a cost for this, economically, and on the other hand, how it
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impacts their economies back home, so they have no choice, but to end the crimes of aggression and the sea jungles, we will continue to develop." our military capabilities with god's help, and there are important results being achieved astonishing advancements which allow for unique operation. and shocking operations to be carried out, operations will to shock the enemy, for this reason i say to the israeli enemy and the americans and british to all the enemies that what aways you is more, he stress that the upcoming operations will be greater in scale and in impact. then leader also slammed the us for his complicity in the israel on gaza. he said that the u.s. delivers aid to the war turn strip in attempt to whitewash his primary role in enabling the genocide of... he said that israel's
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atrocities are aimed at compensating for the regime's failure and achieving it stated goals. the leaderola also called on the islamic countries to go beyond mere condemnation and to take practical steps to end the aggression on gaza. he added that a concerted boycott campaign by muslim nations could have rendered the regime totally bankrupt within months. kim sharif is the yemini activist and lawyer joining us from london, also steve bell is an activist from stop the war coalition who joins us from comventry over in the uk. welcome to you both kim sheriff as with you, it's good to see you, when you take a look at what yemen is doing, it's quite incredible uh to the extent that they are uh they have gone in solidarity with the palestinians, because really nobody else has done what they have done in the capacity that have executed their operations, putting their... whole nation at risk from the us and the uk in uh one sense, but uh
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standing in solidarity with the palestinians uh to see if they can stop this genocide. what are your thoughts on it? kimif are you with us? sorry kim sharif, we have an audio problem but we're going to try to get that fixed so we can come back. to you, let me go to you steve bell. steve bell, uh, some of the statements made there by the, um, ancerla movement leader uh was quite um, insightful in one regard his comparison to the amount of uh us uh food that was air drops uh, which was uh about 38,00 of those parcels and he compared that to the monumental and uh gigantic military aid that the us has provided uh israel. and he said that when it comes to the food they're stingy, but when it comes to military aid, they go all out. do
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you think that's a valid comparison? absolutely so. mean, prior to the war, there was 500 lories per day entering gaza, the airdrops represent a few lorries, so the it is cosmetic to suggest that the airdrops are somehow alleviating the... problems of the palestinian people, it is um completely um irrelevant and the only way um that the um actual humanitarian needs of the palestinians can be met is through a cease fire and a return at least to pre-war levels of access. okay, let me see, do we have kim sharif now? kim shariff, can you hear me? one, two, three, four, five, yes, do you, do you hear my voice? i can hear you, i don't know if you
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can hear me, yes, yes, we have your voice, great, did you hear my first question, if you heard my first question, go ahead, go ahead, yes, yes, i, i did, i did, there is a compelling humanitarian duty to interfere and and stop and and importness blockade against the zionist regime, because it is systematically exterminating a group of people. ethnically cleansing them and committing the uh supreme crime under the international rules of law and that's genocide uh the court the icj has confirmed that there is a primer to answer um the south africans have made the further application for emergency order to stop this genocide the genocide is just so harrowing is unbelievable we don't have any uh comparison to it in recent history apart from what has happened to yemen itself one of the reasons what why the yemenes have stood up is because they're had themselves experienced the same kind of uh weaponizing salvation as a weapon of war,
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they've had shiploads of food and medicine and and things like that being diverted from yemen into saudi arabia, which which was using that as a way to uh starve the yemani people and thousands and thousands died as a result of malnutrition and lack of medicine and lots of preventable diseases as direct result of the illegal blockage imposed on yemen by uh the coalition uh enforced by the american and british regimes and so yemen knows what it is to be uh subjected to uh hunger and they are seeing what's happening to their brothers in in palestine and "they can't stand by and do nothing, and in essence yemen is actually being an honourable nation, reclaiming its sovereignty and asserting that the international rules of law must be appealed to strictly in a case like this, because it involves very, very serious crime, crime of genocide is very serious not only to the ones who are committing it, but also
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those who are aiding and abeting it, so i can see why the yemenis have moved and did what they did. it is unfortunate that the american uh..." regime is seeking to engage other countries uh changing ownership of ships overnight, using uh legal technicalities to go around it to try and engage as many countries as possible to uh continue its illegal aggression against yemen and but that isn't going to work because yeminies are steadfast on their position, they are upholding the law and they uh will continue to do so. steve bell, the picture that's being painted by the us, by the uk and their allies is totally different than what our guest just talked about in terms. what yemen is doing uh that they're the ones that are the misfits or the bad guys and the disrupting uh world trade uh people go on bloomberg and say you know the ruining uh income that's being made and they're not realizing the scale of the genocide and the devastation uh that's taking place in the gaza strip uh which camp are you in? do you do you think that the yemenes are justified in doing what they're doing? oh most
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certainly it's an attempt to prevent um uh genocide and the action by the united states and british uh government is attempt to ensure that israel is in a position to continue with its war. however, we have to note that the action by the yemen armed forces and the yemen government is being very, very effective. the imf um registered that there has been 75% increase in shipping cargos. around the cape of good hope in mid-february, at the same time there was a 55% reduction in shipping volumes through uh the sewis canal, so this humane action by the uh yemeni uh forces is having an impact, that is why um the um us and british governments
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are insisting upon continuing armed action against the uh yemani people, i understand there were strikes in haudeda um today in response to the action um against the american vessel, however, what is certain is that the current line of the us and british government will not be successful, even in their own terms, um, joe biden said, after the second round of air strikes on yemen, um, are these - dropping the hoothies, no, are they are the air strikes going to continue? yes, so quite pointlessly, rather than address the root to resolving these problems, which is a ceasefire um for the palestinians instead they're pursuing a policy which they know is failing, but which they believe
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maintains their reputation um somehow. okay, thank you very much, we're just fresh out of time for this uh news review. but thank you steve bell activist at stop the war coalition and thank you kim shariff yemini activist and lawyer. with that we come to an end for this news review. italy has refused to confirm an israeli ambassador due to his settler leadership past amit growing global condemnation. the occupation of the palestinian territories, the long timeime mayor of a large occupied west bank settlement and settler leader, benny kashial was chosen to be israel's next ambassador to rome in july, but the italian president sergio matarella refused to approve kashriel's appointment. this is israel is under fire over his prolonged occupation of palestinian land with an ongoing case of the international court of justice. in addition
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to that, the regime faces global backlash over his genocidal war on the gaza strip with. protest being held across the globe every week. protesters in the eu and several countries that back israel have also taken to the streets demanding immediate action against israel and the lasting cease fire in gaza. the leader of iran's islamic revolution says that arrogant powers commit oppression, aggression and genocide, wearing a disguise of democracy and human rights. made the remark during a meeting with iran's newly elected members, the country's assembly of experts. khamenei said that events in gaza are a clear example of oppression by the arrogant powers and that iran opposes that. he also condemned the west support for israely atrocity. and said it is against any logic and human conscience. itaminine explained that iran has no conflict with governments, countries and nations, but it
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poses oppression and aggression. the iraning leader emphasized that this country will always stand at the forefront of the battle against global arrogance. the islamic republic of iran has long pursued a policy of deepening ties with neighboring and regional states. russia is one of the countries that iran has boosted its cooperation with in recent years. the two have close economic and political ties and are now eyeing the opportunities in order to further strengthen and broughten their ties. in recent years, iran and russia have significantly enhanced their cooperation in a wide range of fields, key driving force behind the growth of bilateral relations between the two countries is forging new geo-economic reality in one of the world's... most strategic regions. both nations have been pursuing several objectives in this regard. they have been after establishing an independent monetary system,
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energy market and parallel supply chains outside the control of western regulatory frameworks to circumvent sanctions imposed in attempt to isolate them, and their efforts have yielded significant success. in the field of trade, despite facing severe sanctions, iran has managed to surpass the 2 billion. dollar threshhold in exports to russia. iran's exports to russia predominantly consist of fruits, polymer products, vehicles, non-metal minerals and chemical products. similarly, russian exports to iran valued at the same amount, mainly comprise agricultural products. iranian officials have hailed the economic cooperation between the two nations as closer than ever. analyzing the export trend, we see. acceptable growth in all sectors with iran's exports to russia witnessing notable increase in both volume and value. this progress not only contributes to the
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advancement of the two nations, but also lays the foundation for the development of other regional countries. the total value of annual bilateral trade between the two countries reached $4.9 billion dollars in 2023, according to iran's official statistics. a russian economic delegation. was in tehran in late february for the 17th round of their joint economic commission. both sides then pledged to boost trade tenfold over the coming years. press tv, tehran. russia has summoned the us ambassador, protest against what are called american interference in kremlin's domestic affairs. the kremlin has accused washington of funding quote anti-russia groups in order to spread disinformation on the country's upcoming presidential election to be held in march. 15th to the 17th, the russian foreign ministry said in a statement the moscow will suppress any subversive actions or military operation by the us that might target the
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election in russia, added that retaliatory measures could include expelling the us embassy officials involved in such actions. russia and the us have expelled dozens of each other's diplomats in recent years as the relations between the two world powers have decreased to the lowest level in decades. and that does it with this additional world news, thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now. when i first heard that in this week's
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episode of irowantech we're going to be going into a radiator manufacturing facility, i wasn't super excited at first, but now i have to say i didn't know uh the surprising amount of nuance that goes into manufacturing these radiators, so join me as i venture deep into this facility in this week's episode.
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les than two weeks after launching its gen. side on the gaza strip, the israeli military committed one of the most heinous atrocities in modern history. back on october 18th, huge blast rocked the al-ahli hospital compound in gaza, which was packed with thousands of palestinians seeking shelter from the israeli strikes. according to palestinian health officials, more than 470. people were killed in that incident, most of the victims were defenseless civilians with taken shelter at the hospital and its surrounding areas. at the time they had no idea that the israeli regime might target hospitals. hospitals and clinics have special protections under international law, and the deliberate targeting of these facilities is a clear violation of these principles.