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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  March 8, 2024 2:02am-2:31am IRST

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hello, welcome to the spotlight. i'm kaviy. what's happening in the gaza strip is reminiscent to the starved yemeni children, a war that was backed and supported by the us. in the gaza strip palestinians are. of
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hunger, especially children in the northern part of the gaza strip. 500 thousand palestinians are fighting for their lives from starvation. there now is no doubt that israel backed by the us, is using food as a weapon of war, war crime in itself. in this edition of the spotlight we will look at how systematically israel is ethnically cleansing palestinians even though there is a cease fire agreement that is being discussed, although chances of that is very thin. first let me interduce our guests for this edition of the spotlight. is a professor of political science at al-azhar university who joins us from cairo. also joining us daniel shaw academic and commentator who joins us from new york. gentlemen, welcome. it's another grim day for the palestinians in the gaza strip uh, but we're looking at uh the starvation factor here. 2.4 million palestinians roughly. i'm going to start with you first. of which 500 thousand are fighting
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for their lives due to starvation. uh, the food in security obviously engulfes the entire population. undra has said has not been able to deliver food in over a month. there is eight going in, but not only does it not reach the palestinians, when it does, they get killed as in the process. uh, do you think that israel is using food as a weapon, which is a war crime in itself against the palestinian population? well, good evening. uh, the quick answer to your question is yes. "this is what israel has been doing for the past five months, especially against the palestinians who are stuck and trapped in the north of gaza who did not leave at the beginning of this war five months ago, and now they are very much trapped and stuck in the north of gaza, and very much israel doesn't allow humanitarian assistance and food to reach to the north of the gaza strip, and to the best of my knowledge, some palestinians have died as..." result of
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hunger and also uh many hundreds or of thousands of palestinians in the north of gaza are eating animals food, they have been eating a tree leaves to try to survive, the situation there is very catastrophic, i have two brothers who are still based in the north of gaza, sometimes i talk to them whenever there are communications with them, mobile communications, the situation is more than catastrophic. more than a tragic and one simple reason, israel is very much using hunger and starvation as a weapon to try to drive the palestinians from the north uh back to the south, even though it's been five months since this since israel has started this military operation against the palestinians in gaza, it seems to me that israel is still insisting on evacuating the north of gaza from the palestinians and and
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drive them to the south, even though their life or their livelihood in the south is not going to be better. also, roughly 1.5 million palestinians in rafa in the south of gaza are also facing death and facing israeli pounding day after day. it it's it's a very catastrophic situation and the least i can say about that, what the international court of justice said about a month ago, what israel is doing, there is a plausable reason to believe. that israel is committing genocide against the palestinian people in gaza, that's that's the least that can be said about what is happening now. did you say that you have two brothers that are in the north of the gaza strip? yes, yes, i do have two brothers with their families are still in the north of gaza, yes. all right, we're going to get into that a little bit, because that's where the uh core of the 500 thousand palestinians who are dying of starvation is, but daniel shaw, when you take a look at what israel is doing, another um prevention are the a trucks uh... "there are roughly 2,8
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trucks that are at the crossings that are not being allowed to get into the gaza strip, and if there are eight trucks that are going into the gaza strip, um, they..." target the eight trucks where the most recent one where two occasions of massacers happened, but the one that caught the world's attention and that's now being labeled as the flower massacre. bullets were discovered uh on the ones that uh were killed. uh, what is the story with that? why would they do that? do you think? colonialism is humiliation, colonialism is complete control, it was with french colonialism in algeria. it was with the british and dutch africaneers in south africa, it was with the us attacks against iraq, afghanistan, libya, the dirty war against syria, the sanctions against iran and venezuela, and it's no different with
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israelionism against the palestinian people since 1948, it's been a long slow and now accelerated process of ethnic cleansing of a partide. fact that we have even say these words out loud in 2024, it harkens back to 1492 into 1620 when the pilgrims uh first massacred the wampa noags uh and to think that so many of our people across the united states, across the quote and quote western world still stand on the side of colonialism, white supremacy and zionism is uncautionable for for me uh the holocaust. is being televised, the genocide is being televised, there's no excuse to not look at alternative sources of information, we know that the zionists uh have done everything uh to control the narrative over this, and we make that point, they accuse us of anti-semitic
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tropes for telling the truth, but the point is that the mainstream media from cnn to fox to the new york times is completely complicit in this genes. side in history is recording this. taking a look at what the us uh role is over here, let's go back to the most recent uh active role that the us played when it comes to food mahaber abasada and that is the food drop that took place, air dropping and parachuting these parcels, 38,00 we understand uh sandwiches and dates i believe uh and you're looking at the 500 thousand that are dying of starvation with 2.4 million who are hungry. why do you think the us would do something like? that the ratio being so low in terms of the number of food parcel parcels, knowing that there's so many that are dying as a result of starvation. well, that definitely is very good question here. well, let me say that, i think the us decided
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at the end of the day to air drop food for the starving palestinians in the gaza strip for two reasons: one is that the massacer that took place on the early morning of last. thursday a week ago, which as you mentioned, you refer to it as the flower massacer or the flower carnage, that israel was responsible for, that led to the death of more than 100 palestinians and the injury of many hundreds of others, according to reports from the us that the us administration was not happy with the israeli government that is not allowing food to to to reach to the north, so the u.s. decided to air drop food, which which didn't really mean a lot for the thousands of palestinians who are hungry and starving in the north of gaza, and second, i think it's more of like a pr campaign by the us, the us internally among the american people who
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believe that this current administration led by president joe biden has done a very poor job when it comes to the palestinians and helping the palestinians who are facing. death and starvation and also i think the us is trying to improve its image among the the the region among the residents of the middle east region who basically look at the us as a partner and at least a complicit in in this war of genocide against the palestinians in gaza and i think the us decided to do that to try to make itself look much better but again as you just... "the amount of food which was dropped by the us on areas of the gaza strip doesn't satisfy the minimum need of of the hundreds or of thousands of palestinians who are hungry and if they are not dying of israeli pounding they are some of them are
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now dying of hunger and starvation all right daniel shaw to dick deeper into this is very calculated move this 3800 figure i don't think this figure just came out of the blue i'm sure" some who sat and analyzed the situation and figured out number that needs to be air dropped, knowing full well that this is not going to meet the standards and the the demand that's uh on the ground, do you think that perhaps the us in consultation with israel once the starving palestinians to be used as a tool in order to convince hamas, this truce talks, cease fire talks that are happening, to convince hamas to agree to this uh temporary ceasefire, that maybe it's using that as a tool. zianism with full us backing is use any tools that they can, this... is an informational war on palestine and it has been since 1948, of course it's a military
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war, they're now using uh starvation and dehydration on day 154 against 2.3 million uh civilians and we don't hear the zionis ever recognize and they never will the humanity of palestinians, they label every single palestinian baby, child, teenager, mother, elder, family member as hamas, hamas, hamas. no one stopped to ask on the zianist side, do the palestinians have a right to defend themselves? they always talk about the israely right to violence and self-defense, what about the oppressed, what about the occupied, what about the colonized? the world is fully awake, the muslim world, the arab world, the third world, but here i'm in new york city and across the united states, there's such a dictatorship over information. over the media, they pretend to believe in democracy uh, but they don't, because
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overwhelmingly, specifically among young people, this genocide is extremely unpopular, and now they're going after tik tok, they've threaten to come after our tiktok at midwestern marks and many other organizations, so i think the hypocrisy for them to talk about freedom of speech and freedom of press, and and certainly this number of 3800 meals is extremely paltry. but i think they're doing it too so they can try to cover their backsides and one day say well look we had these uh airlifts so we were not complicit in the starvation and holocaust of the palestinian people in gaza. well the problem is whether people are buying it or not and uh let me ask you this: do you think people understand the scale of the involvements of the us when it comes to this uh genocidal war? i mean just uh the day before the report came out that the... us has quietly approved and delivered more than 100 separate for military sales amounted to
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thousands of precision guided bombs, munitions, all kinds of bunker buster bombs etc. mean this is the reason why in one way form or another there are starving gazans, okay? so the us is complicit in that regard because of this military assistance to a large degree. um, what do you think about the fact that the us has continually provided? with military assistance? well, of course the palestinian people know about the us role in this war, of course the palestinian people know that the us is more than complicit, the us in in in other ways is a partner to this israeli killing and israeli pounding with the palestinians in the gaza s, and i can tell you for number of reasons, first the us has used its v2 power three times since the start of this war on october 7th, until now the us has used its v2 or three times to block any un resolution at the at the un security council to reach immediate seizfire in the
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gaza and put into this israeli genocide and israeli killing of the palestinians second from from the beginning of this war israel deployed its war plane carriers in the mediterranean to try to deter other countries or other non-state actors to get involved in this war. between israel and and and and and the palestinian resistance and also as you just mentioned israel has the us has also supplied israel with with lot of weaponry ships and airplanes full of ammunition and weapons have been provided to israel over the past five months and in addition to that the us is repeating day after day that israel has the right to defend itself, israel has the right to defend itself. "israel has the right to do whatever it finds it, i mean lately we
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just started to hear that the us patience with netanyahu and the right wing in israel is is is is is is fading away as a result of extreme right-wing policies by netanyahu's partner in this government, but yes the palestinian people, they are aware of the fact that the us has been helping israel." politically, economically and militarily, and and it's, i mean in the age of of social media and the age of information revolution, i think you cannot really hide what the... has been doing, not not during this war, but even before the war erupted or before this war erupted in in october 7. the ceasefire talks that are taking place, which uh are hanging by a thread, daniel shaw, um, is uh, has lot of sticking points and device of issues in it, one of them is the request by
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hamas for this to be a permanent cease fire, but yet israel and the us are adamant about it being a um... uh partial ceasefire, not a permanent one, why is there such an assistance on that do you think by the us side? yeah, one is left to wonder. mean, the u.s. government has the uh highly paid intelligence experts who are monitoring 25 hours per day, eight days a week, everything that goes on, not just in palestine, but in ukraine and taiwan and gayana and always waging these uh proxy wars, why would they... wants uh an all-out genocide of an indigenous people of the middle east on on biden's record, on the us government's record, well that's because uh whether it's baiden or i think trump to lesser extent, liberalism is hegemony, in liberalism corresponds to the needs and the profits of the lockhead martins, of the general dynamics of these
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massive military corporations, that's why you have 100 secret weapon sales, that's why they're trying to push forward 14. billion more um for the israeli gaz and then for the proxy war 60 million more even though it's still been caught up in the house of uh uh representatives um and to be demanding a ceasefire after 154 days of genocide, mean this is not an outlandish demand, this is really asking for for crumbs, mean humanity is asking for the palestinians to have a place to to to breathe, humanity is asking for a palestinian state. palestinian self-determination, so the fact that we can't even get ceasefire, even though we have millions of people mobilized across uh western europe, across africa, across new york city, the entire world is standing up against the us and israeli axis of of genocide and demanding justice, the fact that they are uh continue to ignore us shows you
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how unpopular uh the us government is in the world, and this is going to have a colonial boomerang of violence effect in the upcoming days, months and years, who could ever trust the israelis again? just when the israelis were thought that they could sit down with the saudis and with other uh neighbors, the israelis have shown just how unneighborly and genocidal they are. israel's economy is uh not doing well, masada just to change gears here, and uh we're looking a warning to the uh prime minister. netanyahu buy the us treasury secretary who told him, listen, you got to make sure that the economy in the west bank is going to uh flow, that it's not going to tank. um, this is a pretty uh pretty interesting because um, if it's issuing that warning to netanyahu, doesn't that mean that if the west bank falls apart and goes into the direction of the gaza strip, which at
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this point is in crisis uh levels now, with the killings and the abductions etc. uh, don't you think that that? poses an existential threat to israel when uh it's economy is not doing well and the west bank economy is teetering on that as well. well what i can tell you about that is that the us is trying to do its best to stabilize the west bank and to keep also jerusalem east jerusalem under control. the last thing that the us and israel would like to see especially during the month of ramadan which is approaching in a in a few days is uh instability in the west bank and east jerusalem, which by the way, israel is sometimes trying to provoke the palestinians through its incursions and into west bank cities like genene, nablos and and other palestinian cities, trying to provoke the palestinians into a new intifada or eruption of violence against israel, and as again as i
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mentioned that would be the last thing that the us would like to see in addition to what did to the carnage. and the genocide that is taking place in the gaza strip and i think the us has been asking israel to do two things, one is that israel has been withholding pa, palestinian authority, money taxes and and revenues for the past five months, israel claimed that part of that money goes to the palestinians in gaza or even though those palestinians in gaza are are not members of hamas, but israel is trying to punish the palestinians collectively. and second, there are more than 100,000 palestinian laborers who who are from the west bank, and since the war erupted, they are no longer working, and that is destabilizing the situation in the west bank now, thank you. unfortunately fresh out of time, thank you, professor of political science university. daniel shaw, thank you, academic and commentator from new york. with that we come to an end for this edition of the spotlight. the team is goodbye.
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in the midst of the war between the arab and israel, june 8th, 1960. 67 unidentified attackers target a us navy warship in the mediterranean. operation sinna if i heard about it, if i heard so, what was it? i suggest we stop the interview here. what do you say? why you want it? the attack on the liberty. was part of a covert operation by the cia and musad to destroy the power of arab military forces in the sixth day war against israel. stay with press tv as we take
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a look at evidence from this operation and listen to eyewitness accounts. "iran and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors, but relatives. throughout ages, they have bolstered their ties from culture economy, and science and technology, and the myriad other fields. yet, they have set the stage for bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two nations, and make the region an energy hub. iranian entrepreneurs, officials and business people have held an exhibition in the land of their relatives to
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pave the path for greater synergy. watch this documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighborly ties.
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we must not become part of south africa's problem. we must remain part of their solution. we must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions, our favorites in south africa. damn it, we have favorites in south africa. the favorites in south africa are the people who are being. more than one thous,
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1,0 innocent lives lost including at least 27 americans. these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil, i said from the beginning, the united states, make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united states stands with israel.
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sheikh talal abdurrahman sherim, a former prisoner in israeli regime prisons. dealing with the situation in palestine and talking to someone who understands and knows the zionist regime very well. freedom is priceless and must. suffers two pains, the first pain when his house is rated by the occupations army, the second suffering that the prisoner will endure begins when he is placed in the army troops vehicle. we hope that the blood that was shed in gaza was not in vain, and that they will achieve the freedom and preserve the dignity.
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