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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 9, 2024 8:30am-9:02am IRST

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you press the headlines death from us is really genocide in gaza is nearing 31,000. more than five months into a war on the palestinian territory. several palestinians have lost their lives after being hit by eight packages, air dropped by the united states. a nizamic resistance in iraq says is targeted an israeli intelligence base in the of occupied goal and heights.
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locations. world news, more than five months in israel's genocidal war on gaza, the regimes and discriminate attacks continue claiming more civilian lives, latest strikes hit different from northern gaza to the central and southern parts, eight people, mostly children were killed in southern city of han unis and over 12 people lost their lives in israely attacks on two homes in the town of alkarada northeast of hannunus, dozens more were wounded as a result, refugee camp in jabaldia, the cities of derabala and rafa as well as gaza city were also targeted. total death toll is now nearing 30,880 and 72,400
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people have been injured in this campaign of genocide along with washington's complicity. now let's listen to some comments by palestinian parents and medics explaining how malnutrition is affecting the children of gaza. there is no proper food for the mothers, especially in the recent period, as we noticed that since december until today, there are no babies. with normal weights, most of them are from 2 kilograms to 2 and a/2. we stopped seeing babies weighing 3 kilograms as in the recent period, the last four months since october until today, there is no nutrition for mothers, there is no meat, milk, eggs, fruits or vegetables. i'm a mom who lost our sound due to mal nutrition, due to circumstances we're going through in gaza, you can see for yourself where we live in a school inside a three. meter tent right
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in front of toilets, what are you expecting from a sick child living in such conditions? how can he get better? yazan al cafarna who passed away was displaced from the north and he originally had issues with his muscles but his health was acceptable. he used to receive proper treatment and healthy food, but with the lack of food after the war began, he got worse. starvation in the bessieg continues to... take the lives of vulnerable palestinians, three more children have lost their lives as israel blocks eight trucks trying to enter the coastal territory. gaza's health ministry says children died from lack of water and malnutrition. starvations taken 23 lives in gaza in recent days. meanwhile, five palestinis, including children have been killed and several injured after being hit by aid dropped by the us. incident occurred when parachutes attached to the eight packages failed to open. causing boxes to fall on
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crowds that had gathered to collect them. israel's blocked entry of almost all essentials into gaza, including food stuff, water, medicine, since the regime began its onslot on the territory early october. and there is no respite from violent israeli acts against palestinians, whether in gaza or elsewhere. virginia's militaries carried out fresh raids on several areas of the occupied westbank raid areas - raided areas include nursham's refugee camp near the city of tulkaram, israeli forces also clashed with palestinians during their incursion into the camp, the palestinians managed to detonate an israeli bulldozer at the camp elsewhere in the west bank regime's troops stormed a residential building in the city of calkilya. another israeli incursion took place at askar camp near the city of nabl. since october the 7th, occupied territories have been witnessing intensified raids. by regime of
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forces, hundreds of palestinians have been killed and thousands more abducted in the west bank in over 5 months. the military wing. of palestinian islamic jihad resistance movement is released a video that shows his fighters opening fire on israeli soldiers and targeting them with improvised explosive devices. yalk's brigades conducted an operation against an israely military site near a settlement called homish. an explosive divide. was detonated when regime forces arrived there causing injuries to at least seven troops. the israel military described the incident is serious and launched a man hunt for those behind the operation. meanwhile hamas hailed operation as heroic and natural response to israeli massacres in
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gaza and the west bank as well as desecration the alaxa mosk and occupied out foods. evoud the painful blows to the heart of the israeli entity and settlers will increase in the holy month of. ramadan. the islamic resistance in iraq says carried out fresh drone attacks against israel in support of palestinians in gaza. the resistance group says is targeted regimes intelligence base and occupied goal and heights and also launched a drone attack a chemical facility in the israeli port of hyfa. in recent months, islamic resistance has carried out series of attacks against israeli positions and occupied territories to also attack us military. in iraq and neighboring syria in retaliation for washington's support for israel's campaign of genocide. southern lebanese borders witness almost daily exchanges of fire between hezbulah and israeli regime since early october. in the latest such clashes, lebanese
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resistance group carried out several rounds of rocket and missile attacks against israely military targets. group says operations are in response to recent israely shelling of. civilian areas in southern lebanon, we earlier joined by beirot correspondent for your details. there were several significant tits, we're talking about uh three times that hazbullah targeted israeli soldiers in three different locations, we're talking about arahib, sumaqa and where they used specifically uh the fall of one rocket uh and said that they scored direct hits, which could probably have led to scores of early soldiers either killed or wounded and of course as is routine as well, they target the posts in the firshuba hills on the shabat farms which are jason each other, they targeted the wasat post specifically, but the most significant operation was that they targeted the artillery launching sites of the
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israelis in the settlement of dishuon with tens of kachusha rockets, the israelies themselves said that between 10 to 15 kachusha rockets fire towards that settlement and said that that specifically is in retaliation to the israeli shelling of several civilian towns and several civilian areas and the destruction of civilian houses. now the israelis of course launched heavy shelling in the towns of kin, hala, shab as well as jabal and barashit, the heaviest challenge was from last night and today was against majal. uh where there was a lot of destruction - the uh the ambulances had feared that there would be civilian casualties, fortunately there were no civilian casualties in that area. in the
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midst of the war between the arab and israel, june 8th, 1967, unidentified attackers target. a us navy warship in the mediterranean. operation sinana if i had about it, i heard so. what was it? i suggest we stop the interview here. what do you say? why you want it? the attack on the liberty was part of a covert operation by the cia and musad to destroy. the power of arab military forces in the sixth day war against israel. state with press tv as we take a look at evidence from this operation and listen to eyewitness accounts. and welcome back
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everyone, you're watching press tv world news. no, rage is brewing around the world over the ongoing israel. tidal war against palestinians, the wave of anger is also rippled across a muslim community in south korea where anti-israel rallies have been held to condemn tel aviv's brutalities. we're now joined by. correspondent frank smith who's standing by with an update on the story, hello there frank, hope you're safe and doing well, what can you tell us with respect to this protest, you're at there in the south korean capital, well i'm out here in one, it's the foreigner sort of entertainment district of south korea, this demonstration started at the soul central mosque as muslims around the world are you know demonstrating in their office. to the true genocide that's taking place now uh in
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gaza with the recent massacer happening in rafa as people accued to receive humanitarian aid, this news is getting around the world and bringing people out in the street like here today in south korea, a country that really doesn't look too strongly at what's going on in the middle east, and yet people are recognizing that... yes, south korea does have some involvement with countries in the in the middle east, including rather you, now contentious relationship with israel, as it enjoys 4 billion dollars in trade with israel as well as, arms trade of of tens of millions of dollars, and this information slowly over over time is is getting out there, as countries are asked to place more pressure uh on the united states and of course. israel to drastically change its behavior, change their behavior, and frank, since the gaza war broke
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out on october 7th, has the government in soul taken a stance and said anything to either effectt in support of palestinians in condemnation of israel or said anything at all with respect to this onslot we've seen on gaza, well generally here the government is trying to to take sort of a middle course uh because again... its trade with israel and its alliance relationship with the united states, also it relies, at the same time its energy security towards saudi arabia and and the uae, so the government has been slow, both to content to condemn israel and hesitant to condemn israel because of those relationships again with saudi arabia and the uae, at the same time when it came to the un vote in the united nations. abstain, it didn't vote no, as the majority of or as just
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few countries did in terms of condemming um israel's genocide in gaza, and it didn't vote, you know uh, in favor of the resolution, like the majority of countries um at the united nations general assembly, that was, i believe back in december, things have, gotten even worse now as more and more people and observers around the world are recognizing. that really it is a genocide taking place there and calling again for their governments and other governments with relationships especially with the united states to to put more pressure on washington to put more pressure on on tel aviv again to to reverse course and perhaps institute again a ceasefire, get humanitarian aid in there and and turn things drastically around. now it's interesting, people wouldn't think to they was... that far um east in uh south
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korea, but it's also apparently not the first, there have been a few pro- palestinian rallies the insole, haven't there uh frank? yes, there have been many, this is, you know, like dozens and dozens every week they're coming out, there's a very devoted core of people, and there are a lot of, you know, there are a lot of muslim people coming out, i interviewed young pal and saudi arabia that came out to demonstrate, there are a lot of south koreans coming out of of all ages and and so it's it's not just kind of scene here among this core group, especially as as a middle eastern thing, they recognize that they are part of the international community, especially through their relationship and alliance with the united states and with those relationships and participation in the in the international community. here, at least, especially this core of people we see out here today are recognizing their
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responsibility to step forward and and speak truth to power here. all right, but stay safe. thank you for that update, press tv's frank smith, the joining us from south korean capital soul. in austria, pro-palestinan protesters have held the demonstration during international women's day uh in the capital vienna. they am to raise the public awareness the plight. of women in gaza, our correspondents interviewed some of the demonstrators, so today we uh, we gathered and we were present at... the vienna right house municipality on an open event on the occasion of international women's day, we wanted to protest uh the hypocrisy of the celebration, we wanted to remind everyone that women's right is for everyone, we wanted to give uh to uh raise awareness about the situation of palestinian women in gaza who are suffering the worst condition ever uh
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since the uh five months every single day uh 63 women are being murdered uh so far 9,000 women are um are killed by the israeli occupation forces uh there are uh 60,000 women pregnant currently at at risk of dying for lack of uh of health care so we wanted to synthesize everybody about that when we talk about women's right it's about women's right everywhere it's about women's right of everyone and we wanted to urge people to stop violence against palestinian women, so today is the global day for women, it should be a day for celebration, it should be a day and an opportunity for us to rejoice, but we cannot celebrate this day knowing the haven't only been suffering these last five months, but also the past 75 years, we have heard the most gruesome reports about women having to
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undergo cesarians without an anesthesia, we've heard of newborn children. prematurely born children, which were forced to be left in their incubators and they were found decomposing later on. we know that women no longer are nourished enough or have enough food to actually feed, breastfeed their own children, so we have very high mortality of young children under the age of two. it's just a despicable situation and it's absolutely intolerable and we refuse as women to only focus on let's say white women feminism. "it is important to improve our rights here in the west, but we really have to stand up for those people in other countries who are suffering and to are struggling to survive, and that is our obligation if we want to stand together as women worldwide. in france and around the world, women and men took to the streets to celebrate international women's day. gender
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equalities defined differently in different countries, but most agree that all societies must improve the empowerment of women. ramy mozary has your story out of paris. on the international day for women's rights, demonstrations and pro- feminism strikes were held around france by women and the men who support their fight for equality. in october 1789, the women's march on versailles apprehended king louis 16th at his luxurious palace and brought him to justice in paris. but much work remains to be done in republican france. only 37% of french parliament is female, two-thirds of france's working poor are women, in large part because women compose 80% of france's part-time workers. a return to far right economic austerity after the covid lockdowns hurt women more than any other minority. women are
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more likely to work in the government and to use social services, so cuts to government. days by their partner or ex-partner. our in france, one woman is killed every three government must take more measures to protect the safety of our women. we also need policies which abolish the male female payg and which better protect women from rape. israel's attempted genocide of gaza has had a disastrous effect on women from the starvation of 60,000 pregnant women to the forced displacement. of 1 million females, to the inhuman and degrading treatment of women by israeli forces, according to the united nations, to the murder of nearly 10,00 women. genocide, israel's genocide in gaza is issue for all feminists and for all humanists, anyone who thinks that we are at the wrong marge are obviously just zinanis imperialists, and they also obviously do not
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understand what it means to support women with equality, respect and justice. globally, 60% of poor people are women. they are paid 23% less than a man, even when doing the same work, and they spend two and a half more hours doing domestic chors than men. we have made some progress pushing women's rights to the forefront, but we must demand many other advancements. we must also not forget about the rights of girls, many of whom suffer from sexual violence. who must be better protected and better represented by our government. in france and much of the west, women suffer from widespread objectification and the commodification of their bodies. france allows the use of naked women in public advertising, which many say undermines its regular claim to be feminist model which other nations must emulate. ryan mazaherry,
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press tv, paris. a thousands of yemenis hig to the streets of sana and other cities to reaffirm their support for the palestinian people. demonstrators also praise recent operations of the yemini army against uk, us, and israeli linked vessels. press tv. hemen is from old books of life gathered in the capital sonna and other major cities and chattered slogans in a praise of the yemani army's naval operations. they also reaffirmed their fault support for the palestinian people and pledged to continue the protests until the israeli genocide cases. the yemen government, all its members. this president and the people have one position, which is to support the palestinian cause. we must thought the american, israeli and british project and stop starvation in palestine. our
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position is an honorable position and our broad movement indicates that the yemenis have great awareness and god-willing victories for the nation will be at hand. protesters express support for the yemani army's naval operations against western vissils, stating that the palestinian cause help the emmy people. overcome the problems created by the western powers in the country, they believe the conspiracy targets the whole region, not just palestine or yemen, and call on all muslims to unite to thort western projects. we went out today in sanha, as you can see and in the rest of the governorates to announce to the world that our demonstrations and our position is a religious position that will not change with regimes or rulers. we will continue to insist on our position. until our brothers in gaza are victorious, receive food and medicine, and the us israeli genocide against them stops. our army will also continue its
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operations until the aggression against our country stops. our operations are escalating and upcoming strikes will stun both friends and enemies. our demonstration here in san and other governors is to send message that we as yemenis have been. able to overcome all the differences and problems that the enemy sought to create inside yemen. the other message is that we continue to support the palestinian cause and what is happening in gaza is shameful for all arabs and muslims. the operations of our army in the red sea and babal mandep are completely linked to what is happening to the people of gaza and the escalation of naval military operations is legitimate move to support the palestinian cause. recently the yemini army intensified its naval attacks against american, british and israeli need vessels in regional waterways, resulting in the sinking for british vessel in the gulf of aiden, it also attacked an american vessel which the us
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acclaimed led to loss of lives among the ship's crew members. yemanies assert that the success of yemeni naval attacks despite the presence of the warships in the ritsian golf of aiden, demonstrates the capability and died equiopment by the yemani army. they believe this achievement should inspire other regional. iran's foreign minister has denounced as a legal and unethical decision by us social media company meta to suspend instagram accounts of the leader of iran's islamic revolution. an interview with the middle east eye abdul move violates the freedom of speech. amir abdullah han said met as actions are part of a wider campaign by american social media platforms to censor pro-palestinian voices. iran's leader to say that i hamini has condemned israel's campaign
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of genocide in gaza and us support for the onslot. and that's it for your latest press tv. everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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aquí estamos las feministas aquí estamos. ninaongozwa.
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operation sin, if i had about it, i had, so what was it, um, i suggest we stop the interview here, what do you say, why you want it?