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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am IRST

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seguimos construyendo los sueños de muchos y muchas de tener acceso a una vida digna, pero también la vivienda propia. of
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of i am daniel jadwe, a citizen of chile, originally from palestine, born like so many other palestinians around the world in the diaspora. chile has one of the largest communities outside the arab world. it is said that we are close to 300 thousand, but we are millions spread across the face of the earth, far from our homeland. but committed to the identity, history and struggle of our people, of our land, which is and will forever be palestine. hello everyone, the palestinians do not own palestine, they have belonged to that land for thousands of years, they have been there since before the first of invader arrived, and they will surely be there in the same place when the last one leaves. in more than 3,00 years of...
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history, there have only been about 200 years of true peace in palestine, and palestine, because of its geopolitical and geostrategical significance has always been the center of a dispute for world hegemonies. this land creates connections between africa, asia and europe. the terrorism that palestine suffers today is undoubtedly endorsed by the international. community which has completely failed in the objectives of maintaining peace and avoiding a new genocide. let's take deeper, analyze and better understand what's going on with the video below.
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for example, the security council, the preeminent forum for the peaceful resolution of international disputes is paralyzed by geostrategic divisions. during my tenure, the number of civilian casualties in gaza, and in such a short period, is unprecedented. the health system is collapsing, expect the public order to break down completely soon, and even worse situation could develop, including epidemic diseases and increasing pressure for mass displacement each. the
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situation is very serious, the situation is rapidly deteriorating in. to a catastrophe with potentially irreversible implications for the palestinians as a whole and for peace and security in the region, and i urged the security council to apply pressure to avoid humanitarian catastrophe, and i reiterated my call. the security council has unfortunately not declared the humanitarian sease fire yet. como. as the secretary general of the united nations says, what is happening today in palestine is unprecedented, not only during his mandate, but throughout the entire history of the un, the international community has completely failed, and international law, both human rights and
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international humanitarian law, have simply become a resounding ridicule in the face of the thousands of lives that are being slaughtered today. they are facing genocide by israel's policy. "the security council has not adopted any resolution in favor of truths. the text of the general assembly resolution the support the overwhelming majority of the international community. the united states is deciding the course of the lives of all
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gazons when it uses its veto power. therefore it is complicit in the crimes that israel is committing against the people of the gaza strip, using the vetto to reject the call for. ceasefire, which is asked by almost all the world countries, means condemning an entire people in general. despite the ongoing genocide against the palestinian people that began on october 7th, 2023, and the murder of thousands of civilians, most of them women and children, the security council has failed to adopt a resolution calling for a cease fire. many countries and human rights organizations have lamented the fail. of this entity, all decisions that have been made by the un security council and the united nations are under the direct influence of the united states, since washington has the final say, no one can make any decision without being approved by the united states since it
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controls the entity. many states in the international community support israel, except for few like the islamic republic of iran, venezuela, and etc. but in general, many states, including arab ones, support israel. the arab states of the persian gulf also support israel. it seems that israel is not satisfied with the demolition of gaza homes infrastructure and killing of civilians. images have recently emerged of palestinians being detained by the occupation army, being forced to strip to their underwear, kneeling on the ground, blindfolded and held in inhumane conditions. these images have the israel army does not differentiate between children, civilians and the elderry, especially in the northern area of gaza. they enter any place they want and
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arrest whoever they want, even arresting children under 15 years of age without any fault, even committing violent acts against them. this is a criminal act. there is no country in the world that has done what the regime of israel has committed. look what happened between russia and ukraine. everyone came out in protest to stop the war. the war that israel is waiting against gaza is more criminal that what the nazis did in germany. what israel does is a crime and it is not justifiable. resistance movement accused israel in a statement of kidnapping and murdering innocent civilians, describing it as a reprehensible crime and insisted on human rights organizations to intervene. despite all the crimes that israel is committing against the civilian population in the gaza strip, the international community,
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especially the west, continues to fail to react to this ongoing genocide. this shows how the united states, the main sponsor of tel aviv, has become complicit in atrocities against the nation. slaves if they could see what their descendants are capable of doing to the palestinian people today. we thank for this interesting reports and ph.d in history, a professor specialized in the contemporary and recent history of palestine at the university of germany. thank you for being with us, hug and welcome. i want to ask you two questions that everyone should be asking. isionism has said time and again that palestine belongs to them. you could first tell us
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understand that for more than millennium, for more than a thous years, palestine has been a very diverse territory in which jewish people, christian people, muslim people, people from other minorities of any kind have lived following their own religions, and it all begins not 2000 years ago, the question of palestine does not go back to 2000 years, it is not a religious issue, although we are talking about the holy land obviously, and there are different actors. god and yet they
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did believe that god has given them the earth, so this is essential, we're talking about a colonial issue, specifically settler colonialism that began at the end of the 19th century when this zionist movement, we should not represent judaism, nor was it a branch of judaism, neither zionism nor the regime of israel represented judaism, or are they branches of judaism, but they do speak in its name, but it has precisely become a zis movement, and if we review contemporary jewish history, we see that there have been and currently exist numerous people and numerous jewish groups, there are clearly anti-zionist, both from religious jewish identities and from cultural jewish identities or by family heritage, so of course in palestine, as they say, when zionism emerged at the end of the 19th century, problems between the jewish, christian and muslim communities. by the way, they all spoke arabic. they were all arabs,
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it is a criterian above all linguistic, cultural criteria, and they lived together in a territory that belonged to the ottoman empire. and of course, it was the arrival of a european settlement colonialism movement that drew on european judeophobic, racism, and that basically accept the racist anti-jewish idea that jewish people could not leave in europe, which triggered the... its center the regime of israel obtaining the maximum possible territory with movement had its center and continues to have the minimum native population with a minimum non jewish population so of course how to achieve this this is a question at the end of the 19th century there were 85 to 86% of the palestinian population
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of course, history is never written, nor is it linear, but obviously this zionist objective could hardly be achieved without massively expelling or discriminating and designist movement had a fundamental triumph but its objective of expanding over the maximum possible territory with the minimum palestinian population did not end there, but 75 years later it is still continued and it is still underway.
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thank you very much for your question, dante. of course it is essential to understand that the zianist movement began the colonization of palestine at the end of the 19th century when palestine was. and one of its main purposes was to gain the support of a great power because of course it was movement of sal colonialism. designist movement was not directed solly by a state, nor was it a company of a state, as was the case with a british east india company or the dutch. so
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it was essential to get the support of a great power. so in the context of the first world war where the... sax pico agreement that you mentioned happened, we must take into account that the united kingdom was the most important imperial power of the time, following the outbreak of the first world war, one of its enemies was the ottoman sultanate, with regard to the strategic position that palestine had in the eastern mediterranean, almost at a crossroads between africa, asia and europe, it could be the ideal place for creating ally for future. then of course here also the second great imperial power of the time which was france was interested in the fact that if the ottoman sulton was defeated it could gain some profits from the remains of the numerous
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territories of the ottoman sulton. france and the united kingdom were seeking territorial advantages. and acquiring those territories, and in fact they were thinking how to manage to colonize those territories after the ot was defeated and so it happened, secretly in the spring of 1916, mark seis and british and french delegates respectively signed secret agreements, the cyco agreements by which they divided a large part of the church. the disintegration and end of this empire was forced, so it is essential to understand that these agreements, which were by the way, revealed by the bolshevic revolutionary forces in november 1917, a little more than
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year after their signing, and few weeks after the revolution of october 1917, of course, these agreements were fundamental for future, the distribution of the map of the eastern mediterranean of southwest asia, this is essential, and further more, they were hand in hand with the famous balfort declaration. in the ballfort declaration of november 1917, what zionism had been seeking for long happened for the first time. for the first time, the united kingdom stated in a letter that it was going to support the creation of a jewish national home. everyone understood to be a state that the zianist movement sought, and then although there were ambiguous and ambivalent formulas, effectively, this declaration came while the british troops arrived in palestine and a state there with the aim of incorporating palestine into the british empire in the following years. the british forces, which were in palestine since 1917, after the
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british mandate of palestine became effective, they abandoned palestine in 1948. and the ethnic cleansing of palestine and the creation of the state of israel began. at this time the united kingdom fully supported designist movement and in fact we still see many borders in the eastern mediterranean and southwest asia that correspond to this era right? the united kingdom was left with the administration of palestine and jordan, iraq and france with syria and lebanon, and they were british and french colonies respectively. for several decades until they achieved their independence, but the case of palestine is special, it has been different and continues to be different precisely because of this movement of colonialism. the united kingdom was the only settlement that was already there from previous decades which was zinism and achieved the creation of the regime of israel through ethnic cleansing in
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1948. i want to ask about the role of the international community in the occupation of palestinian territories. i'm interested in knowing what is the will of the spanish government to recognize the state of palestine. this causes. we have already mentioned that the support it
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received from the united kingdom from the british empire before the creation of the regime of israel was fundamental for the zionist movement. it was precisely the united kingdom that in 1947 transferred responsibility for that territory to the newly created united nations to the un which was the first. colonial problem of enormous gravity that it faced in all its complexity, from the first moments, the united nations welcomed and sponsored imbalances that favored the ziist movement, as for example in the first session of the united nations general assembly, when they allowed zinist delegates to speak four times, while the palestinian delegates were allowed to speak only two times. the division of palestine, the partition of palestine, which was approved with pressure from the united states to small countries like haiti, liberia or the
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philippines on november 29, 1947, and this was the moment that the zinist movement had been waiting for many decades to be recommended or legitimized internationally, even if it was a small territory in palestine, the then prime minister of israel, david bangurian later said, forget about partitions and a spread throughout the palestine, so of course, in this context, a great palestinian insurrection took place between 1936 and 1939, the great arab revolt. palestine was part of the british mandate at that time. the united nations proposed terminating the mandate and partitioning palestine into two independent states, so from that moment, the majority zionism, which was that of bengurian accepted this. solution as a first step, as a first tactical solution so that they can expand and occupy larger territories later. let us remember that the objective of the zinis movement is the
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usurpation of maximum possible territory with minimum native palestinian population. zist movement was the one that created the regime of israel and it is the official ideology of the regime of israel, it is different modalities, more religious, less religious, more pr. partition of palestine which was proposed in 1947 has remained 76 years later at the center of the international political agenda dissolution was proposed in violation the charter of the united nations breaking the un constitution. this is while the opinion of the palestinian nation who are directly affected by this decision. violating its own norms and regulation to favor the
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zionist movement. this is extremely serious because we see that today, there are hundreds of resolutions passed in the united nations which have not been fulfilled yet. am right? it is also the anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights, 75 years of human rights, but when it comes to... according to a great international figures such as the former chief prosecutor of the international criminal court luis mourino campo or the great jewish academic rasiga who is an expert on these issue what we're witnessing to in palestine today is a genocide against nation and then we see the complicity of the so-called international community which in the end is often only the great powers, the complicity of the so-called great powers, which are mostly concentrated in the north atlantic is terrible. and
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finally, in the spanish case, although the current president pedro sanchez has made some criticism or more criticism than almost any other leader of the european union and the north atlantic to the israeli genocide. well, to me, it seems to be absolutely insufficient. with regard to the severity of the genocide that we're witnessing. and the war crimes and crimes against humanity, these criticisms are not enough, these crimes have actually started 75 years ago, crimes against humanity which are being committed by israel with impunity thanks to the us government complicity in this genocide, entonces no solo es una cuestión moral ilegítima, so not only is it moral and legitimate to end this current genocide in gaza and this apartite regime, but despite all different... international resolutions and standards, it is an obligation, it is a duty of the international community to put an end to these serious and systematic violations of
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human rights, and finally, i'm also very surprised that pedro sanchez, the spanish president, alluded to something that does not exist. we've been hearing it a lot in recent months. he has mentioned the right of humanity and israel's right to self-defense. international law precisely emphasizes that israel is an occupying power, especially since 1967, and occupying power has the right to defend itself over or against the occupied people. to international humanitarian law and the fourth geneva convention, which is a fundamental norm of international humanitarian law, the occupying powers such as israel are obliged to protect the occupied and colonized population, in this case palestine. obviously this is an obligation that the regime of israel is failing to fulfill, not only now, but systematically for many decades. and finally, according to the resolutions of the united nations general assembly, such as 3d70. many other subsequent
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ones, all peoples under occupation and under subjecation and colonial rule or foreign domination, a esta ocupación, colonial. thank you very much, i give you hug from here and i hope to be able to contact you again in the future. thank you so much.
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we have invited andrea giadach, chilean actress, playwrite, theatre director of palestinian origin, but also someone who has worked for a long time in the field of culture, fundamentally rescuing traditions, reconstructing her own identity, so we welcome you and i invite you to watch a video that will explain a little bit more about who andreahch is andrea yadach is a playwrite director. actress and member of the artist for palestine ngo. her works are recognized everywhere and among her peers. she has worked topics such as the loss of the homeland, identity and reconstruction among others. as the granddaughter of palestinian migrants, her story and her vocation have been crossed by the diaspora and by the link with artistic communities in the occupied territories of palestine. one of her most notable works is mi mundu patria, which is
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scenic heritage. together with alejandra diaz, an actress of jewish origin, they found that the natu collective made of chilians of palestine and jewish origin and whose main work is el circulo, which seeks to remove views regarding antagonists and the possibility of relating honestly without denialism and trying to see the other reality. hi andrea, how are you? thank you very much for coming and for accepting this invitation. i always start by asking you. the 20th century because of the turks, the indeed my family arrived at the beginning of ottoman turks who were in the entire levant area as well, we were in palestine when palestine was still palestine, because there was a multicultural space there, they took the christians as soldiers and used them as canonfoder. so many palestinians at that time
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came to chile and formed a large community, among them my grandfather, that's how they arrived here more or less. podemos hablar tantas cosas hoy día. oh no, it's okay, well this actually was because of a change that occurred in 1898 on the part of the turkish sultan, because with the emergence of national states and the loss of the religious character of... the empire of states, the prohibition on both jews and christians was lifted to participate in the war defending the empire against the west, and when this happens, they actually begin to take everyone to the army, especially the firstborn, jews and christians, and that is why there was a very strong immigration from this entire area, and that defines their diaspora in chile and throughout the world of a great christian community, in latin america, the...