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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 9, 2024 2:30pm-3:03pm IRST

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as us is really genocide in gaza continues for 155th day, the death roll nears 31. thousand, mostly women and children. the spokes person for hamma's military wing stresses priority to the striker prisoner swap deal is to completely end the aggression. and yemen's army announces conducting two naval operations against american ships and destroyers in the red sea and gulf of aiden.
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hello everyone, it's 1 pm in the besieg gauza trip and you're watching press tv world news, now more than five months into israel's genocidal campaign on gaza regime's bombing campaign continues taking innocent lives in the bessieg palestinian territory, according to the god the health ministry, at least 82 more palestinians have been killed and 122 wounded in israeli attack since friday, number of the victims remain under rubble of bombed out buildings or are left unattended in the streets as israeli forces prevent emergency relief workers from reaching them. death holl from the onslot on gaza that began october 7th is now approaching 31,00. over 72,500 people have also been wounded. while
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thousands are still unaccounted for, 72% of the victims have been women and children. our correspondent from the central gaza city of dear abala, motiabu musabi joined us earlier with the latest on the humanitarian crisis amid israel's incessant bombing campaign of gaza. well done, actually it was horrific night for the palestinian people across all areas of gaza strip as this genocide is still persistent in different areas of gaza strip let's begin from rafa at least four israeli air strikes hit the residental tower there almas residental tower was completely destroyed by those vehiment air strikes dozens of the palestinian injuries were reported and transported to the abusive of najjar hospital in the city while in khanuni city the israel strikes continued against different parts of the city particularly the wisst parts, several palestiny residental
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buildings were destroyed and leveled to the ground over those relentless israel strikes while the israeli artillery maintained shilling uh both the western and the eastern bars of the city uh and the meantime the israeli suvisian war is still persistent against the palestine and its children, it was reported that more three palestine and children were reportedly died of hunger as they were suffering from from the malnutrition and the dehyd. and the israel of insistence on preventing those palestinian children from having any real access to their basic humanitarian needs, particularly food, milk and drinkable water, leaving them in in severe conditions regarding the dehydration and the malnutrition taking into consideration the collapse of the gaz health sector taking place amid this cruel israeli assault on gaza strip, the real problem that the palestina civilians are facing here which is about allowing thousands of the trucks and
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convoys crimed on the egyptian side to uh to enter into gaza strip the us administration and some regimes and countries are trying to overcome the main obstacle and they are trying just to bypass the main obstacle and they are the they come up with insufficient let me say solutions in order to uh to to convince the public opinion that they are doing something. military wing of hamas says the people of palestine are facing unprecedented us-israeli hostility as a gaza strip is still under bombardment and siege. spokesman for the alkasson brigades described israel as an occupying regime devoid of humanitarian values, adding nazi like massacers are being perpetrated in gaza. abu ubed noted the international law is unable to stop israel from committing crimes against palestinians. he said rules of the international community are worn out and
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ineffective, adding those rules are the service of hegemonic powers. he also touched a potential seesfire saying priority to strike a prisoner swap deal is ending the israeli aggression. completely ubeda also referred to anti-israely operation launched by palestinians back early october, he emphasized operation alxa flood was in response to decades of emity and atrocities against palestinians. the on agency for palestinian refugees onro says the israely regime tortured some of his staffters uh to falsely confess links to the... palestinian hamas resistance movement, unrest revelations came after some employees released from israeli a detention, reported having been pressured deliberately to tell lies. they were subjected to various types of torture, including waterboarding, to admit that they participated in alaxa flood operation of
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hamos. meanwhile, unra said it, it will hand over 11 page testimonies by its staff to relevant agencies specialize in documenting. human rights abuses, the regime had leveled allegations that some unra personnel were involved in the october 7th operation, prompting israel's western backers to cut off funding to the agency. unra has been a lifeline for millions of palestinian since 1949, just months after the creation of israel in occupied palestine. the military wing of palestinian islamic jihad has released a video. that shows its fighters opening fire on israeli soldiers and targeting them with improvised explosive devices. the alcuds brigades conducted an
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operation against israely military site near a settlement called humish. an explosive device was detonated when regime forces arrived there causing injuries to at least seven troops, israel military describe the incident as serious and launch a man hunt for those behind the operation. meanwile, isamic jihad is hailed the operation as heroic action which deals a blow to the presence of the occupiers in the west bank. a group worn israeli forces should prepare themselves for what waits them awaits them, that is in the holy month of ramadan. hamas also called the operation natural response to israel's massacres in gaza and the west bank. as well as desecration of the alaxa mosque and occupied alcohols and islamic resistance in iraq says it's carried out more attacks on israel in solidarity with palestinians in gaza. the resistance group said it targeted regime's intelligence base and occupy golen
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heights. another attack targeted israel's oil facilities in the port city of haifa group says it used drones to hit the israeli sites. there are no immediate reports of casualties or damage from the strikes in recent months, the islamic resistance in iraq has carried out series of attacks against israel's positions in occupied territories. it's also attacked us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria in retaliation for washington support for israely genocide in gaza. the emmy army spokesman has acknowledged two fresh strikes. american naval targets and retaliation for us- british acts of aggression against his country. the naval forces and the air force of the yemani armed forces carried out two specific military operations. the first operation
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targeted the american ship propelled fortune in the gulf of aiden with number of suitable naval missiles. while the second operation targeted number of american destroyers at the red sea and the gulf of aden. with 37 drones and the two operations successfully achieved their goals said he reiterated the yemini armed forces will press ahead with their operations in the red and arabian seas until israelts its genocidal war against palestinians and lives to siege on gaza. he also expressed gratitude to the yemen people for their demonstrations in the capital sona and elsewhere in solidarity with palestinians. yemini. forces first launch operations against israeli or israeli bound ships in the red sea in solidarity with gazons and recently they've intensified their attacks on us and british ships and retaliation for the two countries aggression against yemen is from old books of life
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gathered in the capital sonna and other major cities and chatted slogans in the praise of the germany army's naval operations also reaffirmed their fault support for the palestinian people and pledged to continue the protests until the israeli genocide seizes the yemen government, all this members is president and the people have one position, which is to support the palestinian cause. we must thought the american, israeli and british project and stop starvation in palestine. our position is an honorable position and our broad movement indicates that the yemenis have great awareness and god-willing victories for the nation will be at hand. protesters express support for the yemani army's naval operations against western vissils stating that the palestinian cause help the ameni people overcome. the problems created by the western powers in the country, they believe the conspiracy targets
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the whole region, not just palestine or yemen, and call on all muslims to unite to thout western projects. we went out today in sanha, as you can see and in the rest of the governorates to announce to the world that our demonstrations and our position is a religious position that will not change with regimes or rulers. we will continue to insist on our position. "our brothers in gaza are victorious, receive food and medicine and the us israeli genocide against them stops. our army will also continue its operations until the aggression against our country stops. our operations are escalating and upcoming strikes will stun both friends and enemies. our demonstration here in san and other governors is to send message that we as yemenis have been able to..." overcome all the differences and problems that the enemy sought to create inside yemen. the other
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message is that we continue to support the palestinian cars and what is happening in gaza is shameful for all arabs and muslims. the operations of our army in the red sea and babal mandep are completely linked to what is happening to the people of gaza and the escalation of naval military operations is legitimate move to support the palestinian cause. recently, the yemani army intensified its naval attack. against american, british and israeli need vessels in regional waterways, resulting in the sinking for british vessel in the gulf of eden, and also attacked an american vessel which the us acclaimed led to loss of lives among the ship's crew members. yemeniss assert that the success of yemeni naval attacks, despite the presence of for sun warships in the ritian gulf of aiden demonstrates the capability and repusses by the yemani army. they believe this achievement should inspire other regional forces. to join the fight and support the palestinians in face of the common enemies. reporting for breast tv.
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thousands of muslims have rallied outside the us embassy in the indonesian capital jakarta to condemn israel's genocidal war against palestinians and call for sease fire in gaza. israel. carrying palestinian flags and banners as well as chanting slogans, protesters marched down a major street outside the embassy, despite heavy police presence, they haull to traffic along the way. the demonstration was organized by more than dozen islamic groups which denounced us support for israel and demanded washington push tel aviv to open more aid routes into gaza as hunger worsons. similar rallies are also held in south korean capital, so in condemnation of israeli atrocities. this
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demonstration started at the soul central mosque as muslims around the world are you know demonstrating in their opposition to the true genocide that's taking place now uh in gaza with uh the... recent massager happening in in rafa as people accued to receive humanitarian aid. this news is getting around the world and bringing people out in the street like here today in south korea, a country that really doesn't look too strongly at what's going on in the middle east, and yet people are recognizing that, you know, yes, south korea does have some involvement with countries in the in the middle east, including rather now contentious relationship with israel, as it enjoys $4 billion dollars
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in trade with israel as well as you know arms trade of of tens of millions of dollars, well generally here the government is trying to to take sort of a middle course uh because again of its trade with israel and its alliance relationship with the united states, also it relies you know at the same time its energy security toward saudi arabia. and and the uae, so the government has been slow both to cont to condemn israel and hesitant to condemn israel. in france and around the world, women and men took to the streets to celebrate international women's day. gender equality is defined differently in different countries, but most agree that all societies need to improve their empowerment of women. rami mahari reports from paris. on the
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international day for women's rights, demonstrations and pro- feminism strikes were held around france by women and the men who support their fight for equality. in october 1789, the women's march on versailles apprehended king louis 16th at his luxurious palace and brought him to justice in paris, but much work remains to be done in republican france. only 37% of french parliament is female, two-thirds of france's working poor are women, in large part because women compose. 80% of france's part-time workers, a return to far right economic austerity after the covid lockdowns hurt women more than any other minority. women are more likely to work in the government and to use social services, so cuts to government. in france, one woman is killed every three
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days by their partner or ex-partner. our government must take more measures to protect the safety of our women. we also need policies which abolish the male female pay gap and which better protect women from rape. israel's attempted genocide of gaza has had a disastrous effect on women, from the starvation of 60,00 pregnant women to the forced displacement of 1 million females, to the inhuman and degrading treatment of women by israeli forces, according to the united nations, to the murder of nearly 10,000 women. israel's genocide in gaza. is issue for all feminists and for all humanistts. anyone who thinks that we are at the wrong marge are obviously just zionist imperialist and they also obviously do not understand what it means to support women with equality, respect and justice. globally, 60% of poor people are women. they are paid 23% less than
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man even when doing the same work, and they spend two and a half more hours doing domestic chors than men. we have made some progress pushing women's rights to the forefront, but we must demand many other advancements. we must also not forget about the rights of girls, many of whom suffer from sexual violence, and he must be better protected and better represented by our government. in france and much of the west, women suffer from wide spread objectification and the commodification of their bodies. france allows the use of... naked women in public advertising, which many say undermines its regular claim to be feminist model which other nations must emulate. rimin masahari, press tv, paris.
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now welcome everyone to press tv's news review program where we get in-depth. in one the day's top stories: a ship carrying humanitarian aid is expected to depart cyprus for gaza this weekend as part of a maritime corridor announced by the european union. the spanish vessel open arms is scheduled to head for undisclosed location off the coast of gaza. it will reportedly tow a barge loaded with over 200 tons of food. eu commission. president talked about opening of the sea corridor during her visit to cypriot port a friday. president. biden also on thursday announced a us plan to build a floating dock off the gaza shore, however it's unclear if there's a link between the weekend shipment and the us plan. the expected delivery comes amid warnings that a trucks must be allowed to enter gaza in order to genuinely alleviate the humanitarian crisis there. un has stress land transport is the main artery of
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delivering supplies. the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative says a plan to build a port off gaza. is aimed at diverting attention from the real issues that gazons are grappling with. and now joining us for the program is john stepling, author and commentator joining us from inderoy norway. hello john, pleasure to have you here on our news review program. now, john, lot of people feel this is too little, too late. i mean, palestinians want this nightmare to end, not eat through it at this point. right, well, yeah, this is... is remember biden has an election coming up, so anything uh connected to the us directly is part of his campaigning and he the food drop, which you know actually ended up killing five people in gaza because parachutes didn't open, that was a tiny minuscule drop in the bucket in terms of what
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they need, and it's interesting that western media continues to cover this story as if um israel is is not governed by genocidal maniacs. the the report at politico or the hill or reuters, any of them... always say that critics are claiming israel is denying aid getting into gaza, but israel leaders deny this. now how can they deny it? how is that? how can the newspapers and media cover this story and take the claim the israeli denial at at face value as if it's at at all realistic or true? this has been a genocide, it's an ongoing genocide. and things like building floating docks, a technology by the way that was last used, i think in world war ii, um, you know, who knows if it's even
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connected to the, it might be connected to the, the oil field discovered off gaza, but it's not going to make an appreciable difference in terms of the people starving right this minute, open the the gates and let the trucks in, that's all there, and and then... and you now, forget the cease fire, let's just end zionism. i mean, more and more world war ii holocaust survivors are coming out and saying this is not sea like. um, critics like norman finkelstein and elon poppents that were saying this now is absolutely nazi like genocide. they are perpetrating the most horrific massacer since since world war ii with the third rich, and and 3000. people a low-ball estimate have died, half of them are children, women and children, and israeli leaders are saying that they intentionally intend to continue to
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shoot women and children, so you know these stories of an ageship really in the end serve as distraction from the actual horror that's going on, it should never have gotten to this this place, and we should not be seeing children in hospitals st. serving to death, dying of malnutrition, dehydration, and probably increasingly all the diseases of insanitation that are going to come with this, it is nightmare, and one ship, great, hope it gets through, but uh, until the west wakes up, the general public further wakes up, mean people are overwhelmingly pro palestinian globally, but they don't fully grasp that this is settler colonial um genocide and that zionism itself is settler colonialism and it's it's simply way past due
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to put an end to all of it and that's the thing john because i'm glad you mentioned you to address the real horrors going on because there's no food in gaza we understand that children are dying of starvation we understand that but it's not due to drought it's not due to a bad farming year it's due to the fact that your ally as europeans as washington is withholding you food from getting into these people, it's it's basically using food as a weapon of war, it's a serious breach, it's a war crime, serious breach of the rules of engagement, is it not shameful at this point that the only answer the europeans and americans have is setting up a makeshift pier or sending in a ship full of food when they could do so much more to address the war crime that's taking place here, but absolutely, absolutely, look, this is at best aband aid, and uh yeah, you can't, you can't, one runs out of adjectives and descriptions for the horror, the depravity of idf soldiers, the the the cruelty and sadism
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of of the settlers who block the food getting in, they are intentionally blocking food that is intended for starving children and infants, what kind of culture? and society does that, it is, it is worse than nazis in many ways, it is wantonly cruel, and and sadistic, and and it's shameful, i mean, the chinese, one of the chinese leading politicians, um, said the other day, this is a civilizational shame uh, that we all share, because this nightmare should never have gotten to this point, right, and before you let you go, it also... one thing that this signifies them trying to figure out ways to get food into gazins now and basically supposedly i don't know if it's for theatrics or not uh circumvent the israelis to do so is
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that there are accepting the fact the washington and the europeans that this thing might get protracted, that where's the sense of urgency and putting a stop to it? when you're starting to trying to figure out - setting up pier, you're going to try to feed these people while they the israelis your ally continues this campaign of genocide. yeah, it's it's nonsensical, but as i say this is this is from washington's point of view, um, you know, uh, at one moment biden talks about we have to get food, this is humanitarian crisis, we are going. going to send an air drop of you know uh ready eat meals uh and on the other hand he okays you know another huge shipment of weapons and armaments to to israel to further the genocide they could stop this washington could stop this in five minutes with a phone call they could stop it israel is utterly dependent on the united states and their largess and and subsidizing of their kind
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of... fake country uh, they could stop it right now, but but they have no intention of stopping it, they're not going to stop it, they're complicit in it, the leadership in washington, the biden's cabinet, all the think tanks, all the all the people elected to office uh, 70% are hardcore zionist supporters, so it's not going to change from the us perspective um anytime soon. all right, thank you, john, stay safe, i was a pleasure to check. with you john stepling, the're joining us from indoroia norway, and that brings us to the end of your press tv news review program, everyone thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now, in the midst of the war between the arab and israel, june 8th, 1967. unidentified
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attackers target a us navy warship in the mediterranean. operation sign up, if i had about it, if i had so, what was it? i suggest we stop the interview here. what do you say? why you want it? the attack on the liberty was part of a covert operation by the... cia and musad to destroy the power of arab military forces in the 6-day war against israel. stay with press tv as we take a look at evidence from this operation and listen to eyewitness accounts.
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en materia de apoyo a proyectos de investigación, desarrollo e innovación tecnológica.
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operation sign, if i had about it, i had, so what was it, um? i suggest we stop the interview here, what do you say, why you want it?